\documentclass{ReadableCV} % Set color of body text \color{black} % Set indent and paragraph formatting \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \addtolength{\parskip}{6pt} \begin{document} % Set page colour using X11names colour definitions \setPageColour{white} % Set header details being aligned to the right or left % If an image is displayed it will be shown on the % opposite side to what is set here. \setHeaderAlignment{right} % Set colour of all headings, header highlights \setHeadingColours{SlateGray3} % Set image file to be displayed in header % If left blank no image is displayed %\setImage{profilepic.jpg} % If image not being displayed then user can % move contact details to opposite side of % page to name and jobtitle. % Use either opposite or below \setContactLocation{opposite} % Set up information needed for header. % If you do not want to include certain % information use {} instead. \setYourName{Joe Bloggs} \setYourJobTitle{General Dogs - Body} \setYourMobileNo{0712 345 6789} \setYourHomeNo{0123 456 7890} \setYourEmailAddr{joebloggs@gmail.com} \setYourWebAddr{www.joebloggs.co.uk} % Display header information \showHeader % Set up whether section headings are on the left or right \setSectionAlignment{left} % Creates a new section title / heading \newHeading{Personal Profile} Write some text here that explains a bit about what you can offer, things you have achieved etc.\ This should be around 4 - 6 lines but is entirely up to the user. \newHeading{Core Skills} % Add up to nine core skills. If they are % all not needed use {} instead. \addSkills{one}{two}{three} {four}{five}{six} {seven}{eight}{nine} \newHeading{Career Summary} % Set up whether job title or company printed first % Either use JobFirst or CompanyFirst \setJobCompanyOrder{JobFirst} % This displays the whole of the role information % including dates [1], job title [2], % company name [3] and role summary [4] % If a full history is required use \newrole and \roleAchievements % If only a brief description needed then just use \newrole \newRole{2013 - present} {General Dogs - Body} {Bigcorp} {A short summary broadly detailing what the role involves.} \roleAchievements{one} {two} {three} {four} {five} \newRole{2000 - 2013} {Dishwasher} {Fleece them cafe} {A short summary broadly detailing what the role involves.} % This tends to be any training work send you on \newHeading{Professional Development} % Allows the display of a new course. Arguments are % [1] date, [2] course title, [3] awarding body and [4] grade % Leave grade blank if not required. % If JobFirst set then course title will be first % If CompanyFirst set then awarding body will be first \newCourse{2018} {Course Title} {Awarding body} {Grade} % This is training you have done in your own time \newHeading{Personal Development} \newCourse{2018} {Course Title} {Awarding body} {Grade} % School education \newHeading{Education} \newCourse{2018} {Course Title} {Awarding body} {Grade} \clearpage % Anything below creates a letter % Displays same header as on CV \showHeader % Name and address must be present but % job title is optional \setRecpName{Mr Deeds} \setRecpJobTitle{Hiring Manager} \setRecpRoad{BigCorp Road} \setRecpTown{BigCorp Town} \setRecpCity{BigCorp City} \setRecpPostcode{X12 3YZ} \makeLetter % Do not delete \recpname unless you want to call the % recipient something other than the name defined above. Dear \recpname, % Do not remove the following line \bigskip Please find enclosed my CV in application for the post advertised in the [insert place advertised] on [date advert seen]. The nature of my degree course has prepared me for this position. It involved a great deal of independent research, requiring initiative, self-motivation and a wide range of skills. For one course, [insert course], an understanding of the [insert sector] industry was essential. I found this subject very stimulating. I am a fast and accurate writer, with a keen eye for detail and I should be very grateful for the opportunity to progress to market reporting. I am able to take on the responsibility of this position immediately, and have the enthusiasm and determination to ensure that I make a success of it. Thank you for taking the time to consider this application and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. % Do not remove the following line \bigskip Yours sincerely, % if the opening is "Dear Mr(s) Doe," %Yours faithfully, % if the opening is "Dear Sir or Madam," % Insert name of image with your signature % If paper colour is not white best to use PNG % with transparency. \closeletter{sig.png} \end{document}