\documentclass{article} \usepackage[allowrandomize,nosolutions, forpaper,pointsonleft,noparttotals]{eqexam} \usepackage[usedbapp]{ran_toks} %\rtdebugtrue %\useLastAsSeed % To reproduce the same pseudo-random sequence, you need to supply a seed %\useThisSeed{1125676795} \examNum{1} \numVersions{4} \forVersion{d} \vA{\useThisSeed{54356}} \vB{\useThisSeed{577867}} \vC{\useThisSeed{6746788}} \vD{\useThisSeed{856785}} \uniqueXDBChoicesOn \InputUsedIDs \viewIDstrue % to view the IDs of problems used \title[T\nExam]{Test \nExam} \author{D. P. Story} \subject[MC]{My Course} \date{Spring \the\year} \keywords{Test~\nExam, Section 001} \altTitle{Section~% \if\selVersion A01\else \if\selVersion B02\else \if\selVersion C03\else 04\fi\fi\fi\space(Version~\selVersion)} %\makeInfoAWarning \university {% THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON\\ Theoretical and Applied Mathematics } \email{dpstory@uakron.edu} % Input the DB files used in the demo file \useTheseDBs{db1,db2,db3,db4} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{exam}{Part1} \begin{instructions} Solve each without error. Passing is 100\%. \medskip\noindent This part demonstrates how to not only randomly pull problems (two from each of the DB files), but to randomize the order they are listed in the exam. \end{instructions} \ranToksOff % turn off randomization of the order \ranToks{myExam} {% {\useRanTok[DB1]{1}} {\useRanTok[DB2]{1}} {\useRanTok[DB3]{1}} {\useRanTok[DB4]{1}} } \displayListRandomly{myExam} \end{exam} \end{document}