\nofiles \documentclass{article} \newcommand*{\Test}[1]{% #1\\ \rmfamily ``The purpose of this pronunciation exercise is to remind you that \TeX{} is primarily concerned with high-quality technical manuscripts: Its emphasis is on art and technology, as in the underlying Greek word. If you merely want to produce a passably good document --- something acceptable and bascially readable but not really beautiful --- a simpler system will usually suffice. With \TeX{} the goal is to produce the \textsl{finest} quality: this requires more attention to detail, but you will not find it much harder to go the extra distance, and you'll be able to take special pride in the finished product.''\par \ttfamily ``The purpose of this pronunciation exercise is to remind you that \TeX{} is primarily concerned with high-quality technical manuscripts: Its emphasis is on art and technology, as in the underlying Greek word. If you merely want to produce a passably good document --- something acceptable and bascially readable but not really beautiful --- a simpler system will usually suffice. With \TeX{} the goal is to produce the \textsl{finest} quality: this requires more attention to detail, but you will not find it much harder to go the extra distance, and you'll be able to take special pride in the finished product.''\par \medskip } \usepackage{multicol} \setcounter{collectmore}{2} \setcounter{columnbadness}{5000} \pagestyle{empty} \usepackage[OriginalParameters]{ragged2e} \begin{document} \begin{multicols}{3} \fussy {\centering\Test{centering}} {\Centering\Test{Centering}} \newpage {\raggedleft\Test{raggedleft}} {\RaggedLeft\Test{RaggedLeft}} \newpage {\raggedright\Test{raggedright}} {\RaggedRight\Test{RaggedRight}} \newpage \begin{center}\Test{center}\end{center} \begin{Center}\Test{Center}\end{Center} \newpage \begin{flushleft}\Test{flushleft}\end{flushleft} \begin{FlushLeft}\Test{FlushLeft}\end{FlushLeft} \newpage \begin{flushright}\Test{flushright}\end{flushright} \begin{FlushRight}\Test{Flushright}\end{FlushRight} \end{multicols} \end{document}