#! /usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ PygmenTeX ~~~~~~~~~ PygmenTeX is a converter that do syntax highlighting of snippets of source code extracted from a LaTeX file. :copyright: Copyright 2014 by José Romildo Malaquias :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details """ __version__ = '0.8' __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' import sys import getopt import re from os.path import splitext from pygments import highlight from pygments.styles import get_style_by_name from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name from pygments.formatters.latex import LatexFormatter, escape_tex, _get_ttype_name from pygments.util import get_bool_opt, get_int_opt from pygments.lexer import Lexer from pygments.token import Token ################################################### # The following code is in >=pygments-2.0 ################################################### class EnhancedLatexFormatter(LatexFormatter): r""" This is an enhanced LaTeX formatter. """ name = 'EnhancedLaTeX' aliases = [] def __init__(self, **options): LatexFormatter.__init__(self, **options) self.escapeinside = options.get('escapeinside', '') if len(self.escapeinside) == 2: self.left = self.escapeinside[0] self.right = self.escapeinside[1] else: self.escapeinside = '' def format_unencoded(self, tokensource, outfile): # TODO: add support for background colors t2n = self.ttype2name cp = self.commandprefix if self.full: realoutfile = outfile outfile = StringIO() outfile.write(u'\\begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\\\\{\\}') if self.linenos: start, step = self.linenostart, self.linenostep outfile.write(u',numbers=left' + (start and u',firstnumber=%d' % start or u'') + (step and u',stepnumber=%d' % step or u'')) if self.mathescape or self.texcomments or self.escapeinside: outfile.write(u',codes={\\catcode`\\$=3\\catcode`\\^=7\\catcode`\\_=8}') if self.verboptions: outfile.write(u',' + self.verboptions) outfile.write(u']\n') for ttype, value in tokensource: if ttype in Token.Comment: if self.texcomments: # Try to guess comment starting lexeme and escape it ... start = value[0:1] for i in xrange(1, len(value)): if start[0] != value[i]: break start += value[i] value = value[len(start):] start = escape_tex(start, self.commandprefix) # ... but do not escape inside comment. value = start + value elif self.mathescape: # Only escape parts not inside a math environment. parts = value.split('$') in_math = False for i, part in enumerate(parts): if not in_math: parts[i] = escape_tex(part, self.commandprefix) in_math = not in_math value = '$'.join(parts) elif self.escapeinside: text = value value = '' while len(text) > 0: a,sep1,text = text.partition(self.left) if len(sep1) > 0: b,sep2,text = text.partition(self.right) if len(sep2) > 0: value += escape_tex(a, self.commandprefix) + b else: value += escape_tex(a + sep1 + b, self.commandprefix) else: value = value + escape_tex(a, self.commandprefix) else: value = escape_tex(value, self.commandprefix) elif ttype not in Token.Escape: value = escape_tex(value, self.commandprefix) styles = [] while ttype is not Token: try: styles.append(t2n[ttype]) except KeyError: # not in current style styles.append(_get_ttype_name(ttype)) ttype = ttype.parent styleval = '+'.join(reversed(styles)) if styleval: spl = value.split('\n') for line in spl[:-1]: if line: outfile.write("\\%s{%s}{%s}" % (cp, styleval, line)) outfile.write('\n') if spl[-1]: outfile.write("\\%s{%s}{%s}" % (cp, styleval, spl[-1])) else: outfile.write(value) outfile.write(u'\\end{Verbatim}\n') if self.full: realoutfile.write(DOC_TEMPLATE % dict(docclass = self.docclass, preamble = self.preamble, title = self.title, encoding = self.encoding or 'latin1', styledefs = self.get_style_defs(), code = outfile.getvalue())) class LatexEmbeddedLexer(Lexer): r""" This lexer takes one lexer as argument, the lexer for the language being formatted, and the left and right delimiters for escaped text. First everything is scanned using the language lexer to obtain strings and comments. All other consecutive tokens are merged and the resulting text is scanned for escaped segments, which are given the Token.Escape type. Finally text that is not escaped is scanned again with the language lexer. """ def __init__(self, left, right, lang, **options): self.left = left self.right = right self.lang = lang Lexer.__init__(self, **options) def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text): buf = '' for i, t, v in self.lang.get_tokens_unprocessed(text): if t in Token.Comment or t in Token.String: if buf: for x in self.get_tokens_aux(idx, buf): yield x buf = '' yield i, t, v else: if not buf: idx = i buf += v if buf: for x in self.get_tokens_aux(idx, buf): yield x def get_tokens_aux(self, index, text): while text: a, sep1, text = text.partition(self.left) if a: for i, t, v in self.lang.get_tokens_unprocessed(a): yield index + i, t, v index += len(a) if sep1: b, sep2, text = text.partition(self.right) if sep2: yield index + len(sep1), Token.Escape, b index += len(sep1) + len(b) + len(sep2) else: yield index, Token.Error, sep1 index += len(sep1) text = b ################################################### GENERIC_DEFINITIONS_1 = r'''% -*- mode: latex -*- \makeatletter \newdimen\LineNumberWidth ''' GENERIC_DEFINITIONS_2 = r''' \makeatother ''' INLINE_SNIPPET_TEMPLATE = r''' \expandafter\def\csname pygmented@snippet@%(number)s\endcsname{%% \pygmented@snippet@inlined{%% %(body)s%% }} ''' DISPLAY_SNIPPET_TEMPLATE = r''' \expandafter\def\csname pygmented@snippet@%(number)s\endcsname{%% \begin{pygmented@snippet@framed}%% %(body)s%% \end{pygmented@snippet@framed}%% } ''' DISPLAY_LINENOS_SNIPPET_TEMPLATE = r''' \expandafter\def\csname pygmented@snippet@%(number)s\endcsname{%% \begingroup \def\pygmented@alllinenos{(%(linenumbers)s)}%% \begin{pygmented@snippet@framed}%% %(body)s%% \end{pygmented@snippet@framed}%% \endgroup } ''' def pyg(outfile, n, opts, extra_opts, text, usedstyles, inline_delim = ''): try: lexer = get_lexer_by_name(opts['lang']) except ClassNotFound as err: sys.stderr.write('Error: ') sys.stderr.write(str(err)) return "" # global _fmter _fmter = EnhancedLatexFormatter() escapeinside = opts.get('escapeinside', '') if len(escapeinside) == 2: left = escapeinside[0] right = escapeinside[1] _fmter.escapeinside = escapeinside _fmter.left = left _fmter.right = right lexer = LatexEmbeddedLexer(left, right, lexer) gobble = abs(get_int_opt(opts, 'gobble', 0)) if gobble: lexer.add_filter('gobble', n=gobble) tabsize = abs(get_int_opt(opts, 'tabsize', 0)) if tabsize: lexer.tabsize = tabsize encoding = opts['encoding'] if encoding == 'guess': try: import chardet except ImportError: try: text = text.decode('utf-8') if text.startswith(u'\ufeff'): text = text[len(u'\ufeff'):] encoding = 'utf-8' except UnicodeDecodeError: text = text.decode('latin1') encoding = 'latin1' else: encoding = chardet.detect(text)['encoding'] text = text.decode(encoding) else: text = text.decode(encoding) lexer.encoding = '' _fmter.encoding = encoding stylename = opts['sty'] _fmter.style = get_style_by_name(stylename) _fmter._create_stylesheet() _fmter.texcomments = get_bool_opt(opts, 'texcomments', False) _fmter.mathescape = get_bool_opt(opts, 'mathescape', False) if stylename not in usedstyles: styledefs = _fmter.get_style_defs() \ .replace('#', '##') \ .replace(r'\##', r'\#') \ .replace(r'\makeatletter', '') \ .replace(r'\makeatother', '') \ .replace('\n', '%\n') outfile.write( '\\def\\PYstyle{0}{{%\n{1}%\n}}%\n'.format(stylename, styledefs)) usedstyles.append(stylename) x = highlight(text, lexer, _fmter) m = re.match(r'\\begin\{Verbatim}(.*)\n([\s\S]*?)\n\\end\{Verbatim}(\s*)\Z', x) if m: linenos = get_bool_opt(opts, 'linenos', False) linenostart = abs(get_int_opt(opts, 'linenostart', 1)) linenostep = abs(get_int_opt(opts, 'linenostep', 1)) lines0 = m.group(2).split('\n') numbers = [] lines = [] counter = linenostart for line in lines0: line = re.sub(r'^ ', r'\\makebox[0pt]{\\phantom{Xy}} ', line) line = re.sub(r' ', '~', line) if linenos: if (counter - linenostart) % linenostep == 0: line = r'\pygmented@lineno@do{' + str(counter) + '}' + line numbers.append(str(counter)) counter = counter + 1 lines.append(line) if inline_delim: outfile.write(INLINE_SNIPPET_TEMPLATE % dict(number = n, style = stylename, options = extra_opts, body = '\\newline\n'.join(lines))) else: if linenos: template = DISPLAY_LINENOS_SNIPPET_TEMPLATE else: template = DISPLAY_SNIPPET_TEMPLATE outfile.write(template % dict(number = n, style = stylename, options = extra_opts, linenosep = opts['linenosep'], linenumbers = ','.join(numbers), body = '\\newline\n'.join(lines))) def parse_opts(basedic, opts): dic = basedic.copy() for opt in re.split(r'\s*,\s*', opts): x = re.split(r'\s*=\s*', opt) if len(x) == 2 and x[0] and x[1]: dic[x[0]] = x[1] elif len(x) == 1 and x[0]: dic[x[0]] = True return dic _re_display = re.compile( r'^<@@pygmented@display@(\d+)\n(.*)\n([\s\S]*?)\n>@@pygmented@display@\1$', re.MULTILINE) _re_inline = re.compile( r'^<@@pygmented@inline@(\d+)\n(.*)\n([\s\S]*?)\n>@@pygmented@inline@\1$', re.MULTILINE) _re_input = re.compile( r'^<@@pygmented@input@(\d+)\n(.*)\n([\s\S]*?)\n>@@pygmented@input@\1$', re.MULTILINE) def convert(code, outfile): """ Convert ``code`` """ outfile.write(GENERIC_DEFINITIONS_1) opts = { 'lang' : 'c', 'sty' : 'default', 'linenosep' : '0pt', 'tabsize' : '8', 'encoding' : 'guess', } usedstyles = [ ] styledefs = '' pos = 0 while pos < len(code): if code[pos].isspace(): pos = pos + 1 continue m = _re_inline.match(code, pos) if m: pyg(outfile, m.group(1), parse_opts(opts.copy(), m.group(2)), '', m.group(3), usedstyles, True) pos = m.end() continue m = _re_display.match(code, pos) if m: pyg(outfile, m.group(1), parse_opts(opts.copy(), m.group(2)), '', m.group(3), usedstyles) pos = m.end() continue m = _re_input.match(code, pos) if m: try: filecontents = open(m.group(3), 'rb').read() except Exception as err: sys.stderr.write('Error: cannot read input file: ') sys.stderr.write(str(err)) else: pyg(outfile, m.group(1), parse_opts(opts, m.group(2)), "", filecontents, usedstyles) pos = m.end() continue sys.stderr.write('Error: invalid input file contents: ignoring') break outfile.write(GENERIC_DEFINITIONS_2) USAGE = """\ Usage: %s [-o ] %s -h | -V The input file should consist of a sequence of source code snippets, as produced by the `pygmentex` LaTeX package. Each code snippet is highlighted using Pygments, and a LaTeX command that expands to the highlighted code snippet is written to the output file. It also writes to the output file a set of LaTeX macro definitions the Pygments styles that are used in the code snippets. If no output file name is given, use `.pygmented`. The -e option enables escaping to LaTex. Text delimited by the and characters is read as LaTeX code and typeset accordingly. It has no effect in string literals. It has no effect in comments if `texcomments` or `mathescape` is set. The -h option prints this help. The -V option prints the package version. """ def main(args = sys.argv): """ Main command line entry point. """ usage = USAGE % ((args[0],) * 2) try: popts, args = getopt.getopt(args[1:], 'e:o:hV') except getopt.GetoptError as err: sys.stderr.write(usage) return 2 opts = {} for opt, arg in popts: opts[opt] = arg if not opts and not args: print(usage) return 0 if opts.pop('-h', None) is not None: print(usage) return 0 if opts.pop('-V', None) is not None: print('PygmenTeX version %s, (c) 2010 by José Romildo.' % __version__) return 0 if len(args) != 1: sys.stderr.write(usage) return 2 infn = args[0] try: code = open(infn, 'rb').read() except Exception as err: sys.stderr.write('Error: cannot read input file: ') sys.stderr.write(str(err)) return 1 outfn = opts.pop('-o', None) if not outfn: root, ext = splitext(infn) outfn = root + '.pygmented' try: outfile = open(outfn, 'w') except Exception as err: sys.stderr.write('Error: cannot open output file: ') sys.stderr.write(str(err)) return 1 convert(code, outfile) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': try: sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1)