%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%% template.tex for PTPTeX.cls %%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentstyle[seceq]{ptptex} %\documentclass[letter]{ptptex} %\documentclass[seceq,supplement]{ptptex} %\documentclass[seceq,addenda]{ptptex} %\documentclass[seceq,errata]{ptptex} %\documentclass[seceq,preprint]{ptptex} %\usepackage{graphicx} %\usepackage{wrapft} %%%%% Personal Macros %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\pubinfo{Vol.~11X, No.~X, Mmmmm YYYY}%Editorial Office will fill in this. %\setcounter{page}{} %Editorial Office will fill in this. %\def\ptype{p} %Editorial Office will fill in this. %\def\ptpsubject{} %Editorial Office will fill in this. %\def\pageinfo{X-X} %Editorial Office will fill in this. %------------------------------------------------------------------------- %\nofigureboxrule %to eliminate the rule of \figurebox %\notypesetlogo %comment in if to eliminate PTPTeX %---- When [preprint] you can put preprint number at top right corner. %\preprintnumber[3cm]{%<-- [..]: optional width of preprint # column. %KUNS-1325\\PTPTeX ver.0.8\\ August, 1997} %------------------------------------------------------------------------- \markboth{% %running head for even-page (authors' name) authors' name% }{% %running head for odd-page (`short' title) `short' title% } \title{% %You can use \\ for explicit line-break. Title% } %\subtitle{Subtitle} %Use this when you want a subtitle. \author{% %Use \scshape for the family name. Firstname \textsc{Familyname}% } \inst{% %Affiliation, neglected when [addenda] or [errata]. Name and Address of your affiliation } %\publishedin{% %Write this ONLY in cases of [addenda] and [errata]. %Prog.~Theor.~Phys.\ \textbf{XX} (19YY), page.} %\recdate{Mmmmm DD, YYYY}% %Editorial Office will fill in this. \abst{% %This abstract is neglected when [addenda] or [errata]. Write your ABSTRACT here. } %\PTPindex{123, 456} %Input the subject index(es) of your paper, %neglected when [supplement], [addenda] or [errata]. % The list of Subject Index is available at % http://solution.dynacom.jp/cgi-bin/ptp/submission/subject_index.cgi \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Section Title} Start your paper from here. %\section*{Acknowledgements} %We would like to thank ........... %\appendix %\section{First Appendix} %Empty argument \section{} yields `Appendix'. % %\section{Second Appendix} \begin{thebibliography}{99} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Some macros are available for the bibliography: % o for general use % \JL : general journals \andvol : Vol (Year) Page % o for individual journal % \AJ : Astrophys. J. \NC : Nuovo Cim. % \ANN : Ann. of Phys. \NPA, \NPB : Nucl. Phys. [A,B] % \CMP : Commun. Math. Phys. \PLA, \PLB : Phys. Lett. [A,B] % \IJMP : Int. J. Mod. Phys. \PRA - \PRE : Phys. Rev. [A-E] % \JHEP : J. High Energy Phys. \PRL : Phys. Rev. Lett. % \JMP : J. Math. Phys. \PRP : Phys. Rep. % \JP : J. of Phys. \PTP : Prog. Theor. Phys. % \JPSJ : J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. \PTPS : Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. % Usage: % \PRD{45,1990,345} ==> Phys.~Rev.\ D \textbf{45} (1990), 345 % \JL{Nature,418,2002,123} ==> Nature \textbf{418} (2002), 123 % \andvol{123,1995,1020} ==> \textbf{123} (1995), 1020 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \bibitem{} \end{thebibliography} \end{document}