%% pfgguide.dtx Copyright (c) 1995 Michael C. Grant and Craig Barratt %% All rights are reserved. %% %% This system is distributed in the hope that it will be %% useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the %% implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A %% PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Don't come complaining to us if you %% modify this file and it doesn't work! If this file is %% modified by anyone but the authors, those changes and %% their authors must be explicitly stated HERE. %% \documentclass[11pt]{ltxguide} \usepackage{shortvrb,psfrag,graphicx} % I prefer more to a page. \marginparsep 0pt \oddsidemargin 0pt \evensidemargin 0pt \textwidth \paperwidth \advance \textwidth by-2in \topmargin 0pt \headheight 0pt \headsep 0pt \textheight \paperheight \advance \textheight by-2in \let\pkg\textsf \let\fname\texttt \let\pscom\texttt \newcommand{\pfg}{\pkg{PSfrag}} \newcommand{\ie}{\emph{i.e.\@}} \newcommand{\eg}{\emph{e.g.\@}} \newcommand{\etc}{\emph{etc.\@}} \newcommand{\netaddress}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \MakeShortVerb{\|} \def\cs#1{% {\ttfamily\expandafter\string\csname #1\endcsname}} \providecommand\marg[1]{% {\ttfamily\char`\{}{\em#1\/}{\ttfamily\char`\}}} \providecommand\oarg[1]{% {\ttfamily[}{\em #1\/}{\ttfamily]}} \providecommand\parg[1]{% {\ttfamily(}{\em #1\/}{\ttfamily)}} \title{The \pfg\ system, version 3} \author{Michael C. Grant and David Carlisle\\ \netaddress{psfrag@rascals.stanford.edu}} \date{11 April 1998} \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \section{What is \pfg?} Many drawing and graphing packages produce output in the Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) format, but few can easily produce the equations and other scientific text of which \TeX\ is so capable. On the other hand, many \LaTeX\-based drawing packages are not as expressive or easy-to-use as these stand-alone tools. \pfg\ provides the best of both worlds by allowing the user to precisely overlay Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files with arbitrary \LaTeX\ constructions. In order to accomplish this, the user places a simple text ``tag'' in the graphics file, as a ``position marker'' of sorts. Then, using simple \LaTeX\ commands, the user instructs \pfg\ to remove that tag from the figure, and replace it with a properly sized, aligned, and rotated \LaTeX\ equation. \pfg\ also allows the user to place \LaTeX\ constructs directly into the EPS file itself. Dr.\ Craig Barratt wrote the original version of \pfg\ as a graduate student at Stanford University. The interface has changed very little since then, but the internals have been completely re-written. The current version of PSfrag is maintained by Michael Grant and David Carlisle. Many thanks go to the members of the \pfg\ mailing list, and to everyone who has submitted a bug report or suggestion. \section{\pfg\ necessities} In order to use \pfg, you will need the following tools: \begin{itemize} \item A recent version of \LaTeXe\ and the \pkg{graphics} package. \pfg\ currently requires the 1995/12/01 version or later of these packages, but it is always best to have the most recent release. \item If you wish to use the \pkg{seminar} package with \pfg, you should make sure you have the 1997/10/13 version or later (see section \ref{sec:sem-bug}). \item A compatible DVI-to-PostScript driver (see below). \pkg{dvips} is the primary choice of the \pfg\ developers, and is certainly the most widely-used. \end{itemize} The latest versions of \LaTeXe, the \pkg{graphics} package, \pfg, and \pkg{dvips} can all be found on CTAN, the Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network. The CTAN cites, and their mirrors, include: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lll} Name & IP address & Location \\ \hline |ftp.dante.de| & & Germany \\ |ftp.tex.ac.uk| & & England \\ |ftp.cdrom.com| & & USA \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \subsection{Choosing a PostScript driver} \label{sec:compat} \pfg\ relies on some sensitive PostScript tricks to accomplish its goals. Due to limited time and resources, the authors could not confirm that \pfg\ works properly on every available PostScript driver. We have attempted to insure that it will \emph{eventually} work on every driver that is fully comaptible with the \pkg{graphics} package (\ie, one for which a \fname{.def} file is provided.) The drivers which have been confirmed to work with \pfg\ are: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lll} Driver & Tested by & Compatibility \\ \hline Thomas Rokicki's \pkg{dvips} & the authors & fully compatible \\ Y\&Y's \pkg{DVIPSONE} & the authors & fully compatible \end{tabular} \end{center} Please help us add entries to this list! If \pfg\ works with your driver, please let us know, so we can add it to the list. If possible, test your \pfg\ output on both Level 1 and Level 2 printers, so we can make a distinction here if necessary.If \pfg\ does \emph{not} work, please submit a bug report; consult section \ref{sec:mail} for contact information. unfortunately, we cannot promise a fix for everyone, but we would like to insure that the most popular drivers remain compatible. \section{Installing \pfg} Installing the various \pfg\ files is quite simple: \begin{enumerate} \item Run \LaTeX\ on \fname{psfrag.ins} to extract \fname{psfrag.sty} and \fname{psfrag.pro}. \item Install \fname{psfrag.sty} in a standard location for \LaTeXe\ macros. For \pkg{kpathsea}-based systems like \pkg{te\TeX}, this path is determined by the \texttt{TEXINPUTS} variable. \item Install \fname{psfrag.pro} wherever your PostScript driver looks for header files. For \pkg{kpathsea}-based systems like \pkg{te\TeX}, this is determined by the \texttt{DVIPSHEADERS} varaible. For \pkg{dvips} in particular, the most logical choice would be the same directory in which \fname{tex.pro} and \fname{special.pro} are located. \item If you have an older version of \pfg, you may delete the following files, if they exist: \fname{ps2frag.ps}, \fname{ps2frag} or \fname{ps2psfrag} (the processing scripts), and \fname{epsf.sty} (the one provided by \pfg, \emph{not} the \pkg{dvips} version!). System managers may wish to replace \fname{ps2frag} with a script which notifies users of the upgrade. \end{enumerate} \section{Usage} Here is a quick summary of the usage of \pfg: \begin{itemize} \item Use the \cs{includegraphics} command defined by the \pkg{graphics} and \pkg{graphicx} packages to add EPS figures to your new documents. If you must use the \cs{epsfbox} command from \fname{epsf.sty} for old documents, then \fname{epsf.sty} must be loaded \emph{before} \fname{psfrag.sty}. Other packages based on \fname{graphics.sty}, such as \pkg{graphicx} or \pkg{epsfig}, do not suffer this restriction. \item Load \fname{psfrag.sty} with a \cs{usepackage} command. \item Make sure that your EPS figures contain a simple ``tag'' word in each position that you would like a \LaTeX\ replacements. Use a \emph{single} word, composed of unaccented letters and numbers. Some effort has been made to allow for more arbitrary tag text, but the mechanism is not infallible; see section \ref{sec:tags}. \item For each tag word in your EPS file, add a command to your your \LaTeX\ document to specify how this tag is to replaced, as follows: \begin{quote} \cs{psfrag}\marg{tag}\oarg{posn}\oarg{psposn}% \oarg{scale}\oarg{rot}\marg{\LaTeX\ text} \end{quote} The tag will be replaced by the \LaTeX\ text. Example: in a drawing program like \pkg{xfig}, you place the text \begin{quote} |xy| \end{quote} at a particular point. To replace this with $x+y$, one possible macro would be \begin{quote} \cs{psfrag{xy}{$x+y$}} \end{quote} \end{itemize} All \cs{psfrag} calls that precede the \cs{includegraphics} (or equivalent) in the same or surrounding environments will be utilized for a given PostScript file. So, you can define global \cs{psfrag}s as well as those that are local to a figure. Any text that is not mentioned in a \cs{psfrag} command will not be replaced; hence, PostScript and \LaTeX\ text can be freely mixed. When viewing the output with a DVI previewer such as \pkg{dviwin} or \pkg{xdvi}, a vertical list of the replacements will be placed on the left side of each figure. This list allows you to check the typesetting of your replacements; it disappears in the final PostScript version. Unfortunately, DVI drivers are incapable of \emph{placing} the \pfg\ replacements on top of the figure, so for that you will need to print it out or use a PostScript previewer like GhostView. This version of \pfg\ \emph{should} run properly in the compatibility mode of \LaTeX2.09. Let us know if you find otherwise (see section \ref{sec:mail}). \section{Commands and Environments}\label{sec:pos} \begin{decl} \cs{psfrag}\marg{tag}\oarg{posn}\oarg{psposn}% \oarg{scale}\oarg{rot}\marg{replacement}\\ \cs{psfrag*}\marg{tag}\oarg{posn}\oarg{psposn}% \oarg{scale}\oarg{rot}\marg{replacement} \end{decl} The \cs{psfrag} macro defines a \LaTeX-typeset \marg{replacement} to be placed at the same position as a PostScript \marg{tag}. The command should be placed before the call to \cs{includegraphics}, or equivalent. It matches \emph{all} occurrences of \marg{tag} in the figure. A \cs{psfrag} command will remain in effect until its surrounding environment is exited. Therefore, you can define global \cs{psfrag}s which will apply to every figure, or define \cs{psfrag}s inside a a |figure| environment (for example) which apply to a single EPS file. The optional positioning arguments \oarg{posn} and \oarg{psposn} specify how the bounding box of the \LaTeX\ text and the bounding box of the PostScript text line up, respectively. Some drawing packages would refer to these as ``control points'' or ``alignment points.'' \begin{description} \item{\oarg{posn}} the \LaTeX\ text reference point. The syntax of this argument is identical to that of the \cs{makebox} command. Up to two letters may be chosen, one from the list \{|t|,|b|,|B|,|c|\}, (top, bottom, baseline, center) and another from \{|l|,|r|,|c|\} (left, right, center). If either letter is omitted, then |c| (center) is assumed. Together, these specify one of 12 anchor points. If the argument is omitted altogether, then |[Bl]|, or left baseline positioning, is assumed---but note that supplying |[]| specifies centered positioning. When running in \LaTeX\ 2.09 compatibility mode, the default alignment is |[bl]|, in order to support legacy documents. Usually this should not make a significant difference. \item{\oarg{psposn}} the PostScript text reference point. The possible arguments are identical to that of \oarg{posn}, as is the default value, |[Bl]| (|[bl]| in \LaTeX\ 2.09 compatibility mode.) \end{description} The \LaTeX\ replacement may be optionally scaled and rotated about its reference point: \begin{description} \item{\oarg{scale}} Scaling factor (default 1). It's best if you use font size changes in the \LaTeX\ text rather than scale, but you can use the scale to tweak its size. Default is |[1]|. \item{\oarg{rotn}} Extra rotation of the text around its reference point, in degrees. The nominal rotation of the \LaTeX\ text matches that of the PostScript text it replaces. The total rotation is this nominal value plus \oarg{rotn}. The default is |[0]|. \end{description} \begin{figure}[tbh] \psfragdebugon \begin{center} \psfrag{gA}[br][br]{|[br][br]|} \psfrag*{gA}[Br][b ][2]{|[Br][b][2]|} \psfrag*{gA}[ r][bl]{|[r][bl]|} \psfrag*{gA}[tr][Bl]{|[tr][Bl]|} \psfrag*{gA}[b ][B ]{|[b][B]|} \psfrag*{gA}[B ][Br]{|[B][Br]|} \psfrag*{gA}[ ][ r]{|[][r]|} \psfrag*{gA}[t ][ ][0.75][45]{|[t][][0.75][45]|} \psfrag*{gA}[bl][ l][1.5][30]{|[bl][l][1.5][30]|} \psfrag*{gA}[Bl][tl]{|[Bl][tl]|} \psfrag*{gA}[bl][Bl]{~~~~~(baseline)} \psfrag*{gA}[bl][l]{~~~~~(center line)} \psfrag*{gA}[bl][t][1][-90]{~~~~~(center line)} \psfrag*{gA}[ l][t ]{|[l][t]|} \psfrag*{gA}[tl][tr][1][180]{|[tl][tr][1][180]|} \resizebox{4in}{!}{\includegraphics[angle=30]{testfig.eps}} \end{center} \caption{An illustration of various options for the \cs{psfrag} command.} \label{fig:argexam} \end{figure} Figure~\ref{fig:argexam} illustrates various combinations of the arguments. If you're viewing this with a DVI previewer such as \pkg{xdvi}, the \pfg\ replacements should be lined up to the left of the figure; and, if your previewer can display EPS files, a large, rotated |gA|. If you have printed this out, or are viewing it with a PostScript viewer like GhostView, then the replacements should superimposed on a graphical representation of the bounding box, center lines, and baseline of the tag |gA|. (This graphical box is provided only in debug mode.) If a replacement for \marg{tag} already exists, the unstarred command \cs{psfrag} will replace it without warning. The starred version \cs{psfrag*}, however, will \emph{add} the new replacement to a list. Using the starred command, a single piece of PostScript text could trigger several replacements. I can't think of a reason why most users would use the starred version, but it was used in Figure~\ref{fig:argexam} above. \begin{decl} \cs{begin}|{psfrags}| \cs{end}|{psfrags}| \end{decl} The |psfrags| environment may be used, if necessary, to delimit the scope of the \cs{psfrag} calls. As we said before, \cs{psfrag} commands retain their effect until the most immediate surrounding environment is exited. \emph{Any} environment will do: |center|, |figure|, \etc. Therefore, it may never be necessary to use this environment, and the environment has no other effect on the document. \subsection{Embedding \pfg\ operations into EPS files} \label{sec:texcomm} \begin{decl} \cs{tex}\oarg{posn}\oarg{psposn}\oarg{scale}% \oarg{rot}\marg{\LaTeX\ text}\\ \cs{psfragscanon}~~~\cs{psfragscanoff} \end{decl} \pfg\ 3.0 supports the embedded \cs{tex} commands found in previous release of \pfg. Used properly, this is a powerful tool, but it has been deprecated somewhat because of its reliance on a pre-processing step. Unlike previous versions of \pfg, support for the \cs{tex} command must be \emph{explicitly requested}, as described below. As you can see, the syntax of the \cs{tex} command is very similar to the \cs{psfrag} command. However, instead of adding the \cs{tex} command to your \LaTeX\ file, the \cs{tex} command is \emph{embedded in the EPS file itself}. In other words, the command becomes its own replacement tag. For example, you might place the text \begin{quote} |\tex[bl][bl]{$\alpha$}| \end{quote} at a particular point in your PostScript file to have \LaTeX\ replace it with $\alpha$. Many \pfg\ users find this feature useful for the axis labels, titles, and legends of MATLAB graphs. The advantage to this approach is that changes can be made to the EPS file without having to modify any \cs{psfrag} commands in the \LaTeX\ file. (It is still necessary to \emph{re-compile} the \LaTeX\ file in such cases, however.) There are cautions and disadvantages to this approach, including: \begin{itemize} \item Changing the labels created by \cs{tex} commands requires editing the figure; if you use \cs{psfrag} instead, you need only to edit the document, which might be less cumbersome. (You must run \LaTeX\ again in both cases.) \item Because \cs{tex} commands are long strings, they can extend past the other graphics in your EPS file. As a result, they can modify the EPS bounding box in an undesired way. This problem can be mitigated by reducing the font size of the \cs{tex} string, since this does not affect the size of its \pfg\ replacement. \item The \cs{tex} command is not supported in compressed PostScript files. \item The \TeX\ engine must scan the PostScript file for these strings, which can add to the processing time of your document. (To be honest, we have yet to encounter a case where this is a significant concern.) \item \emph{Important!} Whenever a file is scanned by \pfg, it generates a file with the name \cs{jobname}\fname{.pfg}, where \cs{jobname} is the base name of the master \LaTeX\ file. It will overwrite, without warning, any file with that name. \end{itemize} This feature is no longer enabled automatically, except in \LaTeX\ 2.09 compatibility mode. So, for \LaTeXe\ documents, you must activate it in one of two ways: \begin{itemize} \item To turn on scanning for a single figure, precede the \cs{epsfbox} or \cs{includegraphics} command with a call to the command \cs{psfragscanon}. Scanning will be turned off again when the surrounding environment is exited; or, you can turn it off explicity with a call to \cs{psfragscanoff}. \item To turn on scanning for the entire document, pass the option |scanall| to \fname{psfrag.sty} in the \cs{usepackage} command. \end{itemize} The \cs{tex} scanner will continue to be supported in this form. So, if you do find applications where you prefer the \cs{tex} command, do not hesitate to use it! \section{Package Options} There are only four package options for \pfg. Any other options that are not handled by \pfg\ will be forwarded to \fname{graphics.sty}. \begin{description} \item[|209mode|] (\LaTeXe\ native mode only) forces \pfg\ to operate exactly as if \LaTeX\ 2.09 compatibility mode was enabled. As a result, |bl| alignment is the default, and \cs{tex} scanning is enabled for all EPS files. This option is useful if you are trying to convert old \LaTeX\ 2.09 documents to \LaTeXe. The \LaTeX 2.09 version of \pfg\ generated an auxiliary file for each EPS figure containing important replacement information. These files are no longer used and can be deleted. \item[|2emode|] (\LaTeX\ 2.09 compatibility mode only) forces \pfg\ to remain in \LaTeXe\ mode, even in the presence of a \LaTeX\ 2.09 document; this is the direct opposite of |209mode|. When enabled, the default alignment is |Bl|, and \cs{tex} scanning is turned off by default. \item[|scanall|] turns on \cs{tex} scanning by default. Use this option if most your figures use embedded \cs{tex} commands. \item[|debug|] turns on some of the debugging features of PSfrag. It inserts extra code into the PostScript file that draw the bounding boxes of each piece of text that is replaced. It is probably not useful to anyone but the developers of \pfg. \end{description} \section{An Example}\label{sec:example} In the following example, we demonstrate how to use \pfg\ with the MATLAB package. The following MATLAB commands generate a plot of both a sine wave and a cosine wave, places both simple tags and \cs{tex} replacements into the figure, and saves the result as an EPS file \fname{example.eps}. \begin{verbatim} t = 0:.1:10; plot(t,sin(t),t,cos(t)); axis('square'); grid; title('\tex[B][B]{Plot of $\sin(t)$ and $\cos(t)$}'); xlabel('\tex[t][t]{$t$}'); ylabel('\tex[B][B]{$\sin(t)$, $\cos(t)$}'); text(t(30),sin(t(30)),'p1'); text(t(60),sin(t(60)),'p2'); text(t(90),sin(t(90)),'p2'); tt=text(t(50),cos(t(50)),'p3'); set(tt,'HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment',... 'bottom','Rotation',atan2(-sin(t(50))*10,2)*180/pi); print -deps example \end{verbatim} (In MATLAB, the 'text' command defaults to a left-center alignment, corresponding to a \oarg{psposn} argument of |[l]|.) The code below includes \fname{example.eps} into the current document, resizing it to a width of 3.5 inches. Several \cs{psfrag} commands are used to replace the tags |p1|, |p2|, and |p3| in the figure, and the command \cs{psfragscanon} command is used to notify \pfg\ that it must scan \fname{example.eps} for the \cs{tex} tags. \begin{verbatim} \begin{figure}[tbh] \unitlength=1in \begin{center} \psfragscanon \psfrag{p1}[l]{\begin{picture}(0,0) \put(0.15, 0.2){\makebox(0,0)[l]{$\sin(t)$}} \put(0.1,0.2){\vector(-1,-2){0.1}} \end{picture}} \psfrag*{p1}[][l]{$\ast$} \psfrag{p2}[][l]{$\ast$} \psfrag{p3}{$\cos(t)$} \includegraphics[width=3.5in]{example.eps} \end{center} \caption{A \textsf{psfrag} example.} \end{figure} \end{verbatim} Note the use of a |picture| environment within the replacement for |p1|. \begin{figure}[tbh] \unitlength=1in \begin{center} \psfragscanon \psfrag{p1}[l]{\begin{picture}(0,0) \put(0.15, 0.2){\makebox(0,0)[l]{$\sin(t)$}} \put(0.1,0.2){\vector(-1,-2){0.1}} \end{picture}} \psfrag*{p1}[][l]{$\ast$} \psfrag{p2}[][l]{$\ast$} \psfrag{p3}{$\cos(t)$} \includegraphics[width=3.5in]{example.eps} \end{center} \caption{A \pfg\ example.} \label{fig:example1} \end{figure} The result of these two steps is shown in Figure~\ref{fig:example1}. \subsection{Figure scaling and resizing} \label{sec:scaling} There are two ways to resize EPS figures with the \pkg{graphics} package, and each has as different effect on \pfg\ replacements. If you are used to using \fname{epsf.sty}, you will be accustomed to only one such behavior. If you use the \cs{scalebox} or \cs{resizebox} macros of \fname{graphics.sty}, then the \pfg\ replacments \emph{will} scale with the figure. This effect is illustrated in \ref{fig:example2} below. \begin{figure}[tbh]\unitlength=1in \begin{center} \psfragscanon \psfrag{p1}[l]{\begin{picture}(0,0) \put(0.15, 0.2){\makebox(0,0)[l]{$\sin(t)$}} \put(0.1,0.2){\vector(-1,-2){0.1}} \end{picture}} \psfrag*{p1}[][l]{$\ast$} \psfrag{p2}[][l]{$\ast$} \psfrag{p3}{$\cos(t)$} \resizebox{3.5in}{!}{\includegraphics{example.eps}} \end{center} \caption{The same \pfg\ example as Figure~\ref{fig:example1}, using \cs{resizebox} to set the width.} \label{fig:example2} \end{figure} Figure~\ref{fig:example2} uses the following command to scale the figure to 3.5 inches in width: \begin{verbatim} \resizebox{3.5in}{!}{\includegraphics{example.eps}} \end{verbatim} This is in direct contrast to Figure~\ref{fig:example1}, which uses the |width=| keyword from the \fname{graphicx.sty}, as follows: \begin{verbatim} \includegraphics[width=3.5in]{\includegraphics{example.eps}} \end{verbatim} Figure~\ref{fig:example1} also reflects the behavior that you would see when using the \fname{epsf.sty} macros \cs{epfxsize}, \cs{epsfysize}, \emph{etc}. In these cases, the \pfg\ text does not scale with it. to resize the figure. As you can see, the text in the second figure is decidedly smaller than the first. This is because \cs{resizebox} uses PostScript tricks to scale \emph{all} of the contents of its argument. Since the \cs{psfrag} commands are not actually typeset until \emph{within} the \cs{includegraphics} command, they are resized as well. The \fname{graphicx.sty} key-value pairs |width=|, |height=|, and |scale=| scale the figure without scaling the replacement text, as long as they are supplied \emph{before} an |angle=| rotation key. Of course, the \cs{resizebox} and \cs{scalebox} macros are still available in \fname{graphicx.sty}, so you can mix and match both behaviors as you see fit. See the \pkg{graphics} documentation for more details. If you are still unsure about these distinctions, then try both methods for scaling your figures until you find a convention that works best for you. \section{Common mistakes, known problems, and bugs} \pfg\ is bug-free. Well, of course we're kidding. \pfg\ uses some tricky PostScript hacks to achieve its goals. So it really would not surprise us if you find bugs, If you find any problems, please confirm they are not mentioned below; and, if not, report them to te \pfg\ mailing list (see below). \subsection{Using \pfg\ tags properly} \label{sec:tags} One of the more frequent problems that people encounter with \pfg\ is that it replaces \emph{some} of their tags properly, but not all of them. Whenever possible, you should design your figures \emph{with \pfg\ in mind}, by following this rule: \begin{quote} When adding a piece of text (a \emph{tag}) in a figure for \pfg\ to replace, use a \emph{single word}, containing only unaccented letters and numbers. \end{quote} This is the way that \pfg\ is intended to be used; doing so will almost guarantee that \pfg\ works as advertised. Of course, one cannot always follow this rule; and a small handful of drawing packages consistently cause problems. Invariably, these problems can be resolved by understanding how \pfg\ looks for these tags. PostScript has five commands to display text---|show|, |ashow|, |kshow|, |widthshow|, and |awidthshow|---although, in many cases, an EPS file will define abbreviations of these commands. \pfg\ actually \emph{intercepts} these commands and checks them for the tags to replace. When the string matches a known tag, \pfg\ figures out where the tag \emph{would} have been displayed, and inserts its replacement there. When it doesn't, \pfg\ lets the |*show| command proceed normally. The strings that these |*show| display are delimited with parentheses, much like the \fname{C} language uses double quotes. For example: \begin{quote} |(This is a test.) show| ~~~~~~~~~~~~displays~~~~~~~~~~~~|This is a test.| \end{quote} Unmatched parentheses and certain other special characters must be preceded by a backslash in a PostScript string. For example: \begin{quote} |(x = \(0,1]) show| ~~~~~~~~~~~~displays~~~~~~~~~~~~|x = (0,1]| \end{quote} With this in mind, here is the rule about \pfg\ tags: \begin{quote} The tag supplied to the \cs{psfrag} command must be typed \emph{exactly as it appears in the EPS file's |*show| command}, without the surrounding parentheses. \end{quote} In other words, \pfg\ will work only if the string in the \cs{psfrag} command exactly duplicates what is found in the EPS file. If your strings have backslashes added to them, as in the |x = \(0,1]| example, then you will have to add that backslash to the \cs{psfrag} command as well. And \pfg\ can only replace \emph{entire} strings, not just parts of one. So if your EPS file contains \begin{quote} |(I want to replace the XXX here) show| \end{quote} then the \cs{psfrag} command will fail if you supply just the |XXX|. You can use a simple text editor to check things, if you like; EPS files are (almost always) just simple ASCII files. Unfortunately, some drawing packages display text by sending each character \emph{individually} to a |show| command. In other words, if you use the drawing tool to put the string ``test'' in your figure, it will do something like this: \begin{quote} |(t) show (e) show (s) show (t) show | \end{quote} If this is true in your case, we apologize; it makes using \pfg\ much more inconvenient---you will be limited to single-character tags. Such tools also prevent the use of the \cs{tex} command. \subsection{Problems using some \pkg{xfig} figures} \pfg\ does not work with \pkg{xfig} figures that use ``pattern fills.'' When painting/filling a polygon, \pkg{xfig} provides a number of choices: simple colors or grey levels, or a number of patterns like cross-hatches, checkers, \etc\ Unfortunately, using a pattern fill in a figure processed by \pfg\ results in PostScript files that will not print. Fortunately, there are workarounds: \begin{enumerate} \item Avoid pattern fills in your \pkg{xfig} figures; use simple colors (or greys) instead. Consult the \pkg{xfig} documentation for details. \item Open the offending \fname{.eps} file (generated by \pkg{fig2dev} or \pkg{xfig}'s ``export'' command) with your favorite text editor. Look for the definition \pscom{PATfill} command; inside this subroutine, replace \pscom{show} with \pscom{oldshow} (there is only one occurrence). \end{enumerate} For those PostScript hackers out there: both \pfg\ and \pkg{xfig} redefine the PostScript \pscom{show} command. \pscom{oldshow} is where \pkg{xfig} stores the ``old'' version of the command. If you can determine why this fix works, and convince the \pkg{xfig} maintainers to make the change; or, if you can suggest a fix for \pfg, please do. \subsection{Problems using old versions of the \pkg{seminar} package} \label{sec:sem-bug} The popular \pkg{seminar} package was, for awhile, incompatbile with PSfrag 3.0. This is due to the fact that PSfrag relies on certain features of the \LaTeXe\ output routine, while \pkg{seminar} still uses one largely borrowed from \LaTeX\ 2.09. The best solution for this problem is to make sure that you have the latest version of the \pkg{seminar} package, which can be retrieved from any CTAN site, likely from the same place you found \pfg. A web page for \pkg{seminar} can be found at \fname{http://www.tug.org/applications/Seminar/}. The 1997/10/13 version seems to have corrected the problem. If for some reason you are forced to use an older version, there is a temporary, \pkg{dvips}-specific fix: add the command |\special{header=psfrag.pro}| just before |\begin{document}| in your \LaTeX\ file. \section{The \pfg\ mailing list} \label{sec:mail} There is a Majorodomo mailing list for purposes of \pfg\ maintenance. It \emph{is not} intended to replace this manual or a small amount of educated guesswork. But, it \emph{is} the perfect place for bug reports, development ideas, and so forth. Anyone who wishes to assist in \pfg's evolution may subscribe; to do so, just send mail to \begin{quote} \netaddress{majordomo@rascals.stanford.edu} \end{quote} with the line |subscribe psfrag| in the \emph{body} of the text. Bug supports, ideas, \emph{etc.} should go to \begin{quote} \netaddress{psfrag@rascals.stanford.edu}. \end{quote} If you have found a bug to report, please provide us with the necessary files (a \LaTeX\ file, the EPS figures, \etc) so we can test it out ourselves! Try to provide us with the shortest self-contained example that demonstrates your bug. If this is not possible, drop us a line first. \end{document}