%\iffalse % proof-at-the-end.dtx generated using makedtx version 1.2 (c) Nicola Talbot % Command line args: % -doc "../doc/proof-at-the-end_doc.tex" % -author "Léo Colisson" % -dir "/tmp/pat/proof-at-the-end/" % -src "proof-at-the-end\.sty=>proof-at-the-end.sty" % proof-at-the-end % Created on 2019/5/22 12:52 %\fi %\iffalse %<*package> %% \CharacterTable %% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z %% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z %% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 %% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# %% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& %% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) %% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, %% Minus \- Point \. 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%\tableofcontents %} %\hypertarget{introduction}{% %\section{Introduction}\label{introduction}} % %This package aims to provide a way to easily move proofs in the %appendix. You can: % %\begin{itemize} %\tightlist %\item % Move proofs in different places/sections by giving different % ``categories'' to the theorems %\item % Create links from theorem to proof, and from proof to theorem %\item % Restate the theorem in appendix (or before) %\item % Keep the proof in the main body like normal theorems by just adding % with just one keyword %\item % Duplicate the proof in appendix and in the current section, practical % to use synctex during the proof writting %\item % Add comments that would appear only in the appendix (or in both body % and appendix) %\item % Move both the theorem and the proof completely in appendix %\item % Easily change the defaults, and create your own styles/environments %\item % Include sketch of proof in the main text, and full proof in appendix %\item % Change the text of the link, for example to translate into another % language %\item % Have a nice environment-based commands in order to mimic the usual % theorem/proof structure. %\end{itemize} % %NB: This project is hosted on github at %\url{https://github.com/leo-colisson/proof-at-the-end} . Feel free to %contribute, report bugs, or read/copy-paste the documentation/examples %from there. % %Disclaimer: This package is still in beta and not considered as stable. % %This package is licensed under LPPL v1.3, and the last version of this %package on CTAN is 2019/05/21. % %\hypertarget{demo}{% %\section{Demo}\label{demo}} % %If you just want to see an example of what you can do, you can directly %open the file \texttt{demo.pdf} (also available online at %\url{https://github.com/leo-colisson/proof-at-the-end/raw/master/demo.pdf}) %to see what is possible, or generate it with % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\FunctionTok{git}\NormalTok{ clone https://github.com/leo-colisson/proof-at-the-end.git} %\ExtensionTok{pdflatex}\NormalTok{ demo.tex }\KeywordTok{&&} \ExtensionTok{pdflatex}\NormalTok{ demo.tex} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %\hypertarget{quickstart}{% %\section{Quickstart}\label{quickstart}} % %\hypertarget{install}{% %\subsection{Install}\label{install}} % %If your CTAN distribution is recent enough, you have nothing to do. %Otherwise if it's not yet in your CTAN distribution, first download the %\texttt{proof-at-the-end.sty} file and insert it in the root of your %project with the following commands on unix (you can also clone this %repository if you prefer, or just manually download or copy/paste the %files on Windows). It also requires a recent version of xparse, so for %simplicity we included the sty file of xparse in this repository as %well: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\BuiltInTok{cd} \OperatorTok{<}\NormalTok{your project}\OperatorTok{>} %\VariableTok{repopratend=}\StringTok{"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leo-colisson/proof-at-the-end"} %\FunctionTok{wget} \VariableTok{$\{repopratend\}}\NormalTok{/master/proof-at-the-end.sty} %\FunctionTok{wget} \VariableTok{$\{repopratend\}}\NormalTok{/master/xparse.sty} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %If you have an old distribution of LaTeX (before 2018 basically, which %is the case of Overleaf), you may also need a %\href{https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/489646/expl3-and-recent-xparse-on-overleaf-no-expl3-loader-detected/489649?noredirect=1\#comment1236409_489649}{more %recent expl3}. It is also very easy to install, just download the zip %file %\url{http://mirrors.ctan.org/install/macros/latex/contrib/l3kernel.tds.zip}, %unzip, and copy the content of the directory %\texttt{tex/latex/l3kernel/} into your project. On linux it's a matter %of two commands in your project: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\FunctionTok{wget}\NormalTok{ http://mirrors.ctan.org/install/macros/latex/contrib/l3kernel.tds.zip} %\FunctionTok{unzip}\NormalTok{ -d . -j l3kernel.tds.zip }\StringTok{'tex/latex/l3kernel/*'} %\FunctionTok{rm}\NormalTok{ l3kernel.tds.zip} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %If you don't want to pollute your main project with all these files, you %may be interested to put them in a subfolder and update the environment %variable \texttt{TEXINPUTS} or, if you use latexmk or overleaf, you can %write instead a \texttt{latexmkrc} file as explained %\href{https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Questions/I_have_a_lot_of_.cls,_.sty,_.bst_files,_and_I_want_to_put_them_in_a_folder_to_keep_my_project_uncluttered._But_my_project_is_not_finding_them_to_compile_correctly}{here}. % %That's all! % %\hypertarget{use-in-your-project}{% %\subsection{Use in your project}\label{use-in-your-project}} % %Now, you can load the library in your project by simply using: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\BuiltInTok{\textbackslash{}usepackage}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proof-at-the-end}\NormalTok{\}} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %Then, you can configure your theorem/lemma/\ldots{} environments as %usual, by using any counter you like\ldots{}: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\BuiltInTok{\textbackslash{}usepackage}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{amssymb, amsthm, amsmath}\NormalTok{\}} %\CommentTok{% Theorems} %\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}newtheorem}\NormalTok{\{thm\}\{Theorem\}[section]} %\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}newtheorem}\NormalTok{*\{thm*\}\{Theorem\}} %\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}providecommand}\NormalTok{*}\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}thmautorefname}\NormalTok{\{Theorem\}} %\CommentTok{% Lemmata} %\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}newtheorem}\NormalTok{\{lemma\}[thm]\{Lemma\}} %\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}newtheorem}\NormalTok{*\{lemma*\}\{Lemma\}} %\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}providecommand}\NormalTok{*}\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}lemmaautorefname}\NormalTok{\{Lemma\}} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %And inside your document, you can use the following syntax to create a %new theorem: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{theoremEnd}\NormalTok{\}[OPTIONS]\{THEOREM ENVIRONMENT\}[OPTIONAL TITLE]} %\NormalTok{ YOUR THEOREM, with eventually labels like }\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}label}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{thm:OPTIONAL LABEL}\NormalTok{\}} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{theoremEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofEnd}\NormalTok{\} }\CommentTok{%% Optional environment} %\NormalTok{ YOUR (OPTIONAL) PROOF} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %For example: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{theoremEnd}\NormalTok{\}\{thm\}[Yes I can have a title]} % \KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}label}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{thm:ilikelabels}\NormalTok{\}} %\NormalTok{ Creating a new theorem is easy} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{theoremEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\NormalTok{ You want a proof? Here is it!} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %And put in the place where you would like to display the theorem the %following code: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}printProofs} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %If you would like to display a lemma instead, just change %\texttt{\{thm\}} into \texttt{\{lemma\}}, or into any other theorem %environment you defined! You can now compile safely your document ;) % %NB: if you want to make sure all the references are linked correctly, %make sure to compile twice the document! % %Isn't it simple ? % %\hypertarget{use-cases}{% %\section{Use cases}\label{use-cases}} % %\hypertarget{configuration-and-how-to-use-and-create-styles}{% %\subsection{Configuration and how to use and create %styles}\label{configuration-and-how-to-use-and-create-styles}} % %You can very easily configure this package, and choose how each %theorem/proof must be displayed by providing a value in %\texttt{OPTIONS}. For example, if you would like to keep the proof of a %theorem in the main text like any normal theorem, use the %\texttt{normal} option: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{theoremEnd}\NormalTok{\}[normal]\{thm\}[A title]} %\NormalTok{ You can easily turn a theorem back into a normal theorem!} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{theoremEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\NormalTok{ And keep the proof with you!} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %The options are in fact a set of keys/values, thanks to %\texttt{pgfkeys}. So you can combine them with comma separated list like %that (order matters, as the right-most values may overwrite %configuration set by left-most values): % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{theoremEnd}\NormalTok{\}[proof at the end,} %\NormalTok{ no link to proof,} %\NormalTok{ text proof=\{Difficult proof\}} %\NormalTok{ ]\{thm\}[A title]} %\NormalTok{ Each theorem can have a custom configuration!} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{theoremEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\NormalTok{ Quite practical, isn't it?} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %You can easily create your own styles like that: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}pgfkeys}\NormalTok{\{/prAtEnd/my great style/.style=\{} %\NormalTok{ proot at the end,} %\NormalTok{ no link to proof,} %\NormalTok{ text proof=\{Difficult proof\},} %\NormalTok{ \}} %\NormalTok{\}} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %You can also change the default configuration when you load the package %by nesting the configuration into a \texttt{conf} key: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\BuiltInTok{\textbackslash{}usepackage}\NormalTok{[conf=\{normal, one big link\}]\{}\ExtensionTok{proof-at-the-end}\NormalTok{\}} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %Note however that for now it is \emph{not} possible to use macros %directly inside the options when you load the package, so if you need to %use more complicated configuration, you can overwrite the %\texttt{global\ custom\ defaults} style for global configuration, and %the \texttt{local\ custom\ defaults} style for local configuration %(useful for example if you want to define a category for a single %section): % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}pgfkeys}\NormalTok{\{/prAtEnd/global custom defaults/.style=\{} %\NormalTok{ one big link=\{Go to proof on page~}\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}pageref}\ErrorTok{*}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proof:prAtEnd\textbackslash{}pratendcountercurrent}\NormalTok{\}\}} %\NormalTok{ \}} %\NormalTok{\}} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %and for local configuration: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}pgfkeys}\NormalTok{\{/prAtEnd/local custom defaults/.style=\{} %\NormalTok{ category=greattheorem} %\NormalTok{ \}} %\NormalTok{\}} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %Finally, it can be practical to define custom environments to avoid %typing always \texttt{theoremEnd}: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}NewDocumentEnvironment}\NormalTok{\{thmE\}\{O\{\}O\{\}+b\}\{}\CommentTok{%} % \KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{theoremEnd}\NormalTok{\}[normal,#2]\{thm\}[#1]}\CommentTok{%} %\NormalTok{ #3}\CommentTok{%} % \KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{theoremEnd}\NormalTok{\}}\CommentTok{%} %\NormalTok{\}\{\}} %\CommentTok{% Do not forget the second parameter or you might get Missing \textbackslash{}begin\{document\} error} %\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}NewDocumentEnvironment}\NormalTok{\{proofE\}\{O\{\}+b\}\{}\CommentTok{%} % \KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofEnd}\NormalTok{\}[#1]}\CommentTok{%} %\NormalTok{ #2}\CommentTok{%} % \KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofEnd}\NormalTok{\}}\CommentTok{%} %\NormalTok{\}\{\}} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %That you could use like that: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{thmE}\NormalTok{\}[Title]} %\NormalTok{ Here is a normal theorem with the proof in the main text.} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{thmE}\NormalTok{\}} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofE}\NormalTok{\}} %\NormalTok{ The (optional) proof} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofE}\NormalTok{\}} % %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{thmE}\NormalTok{\}[Title][end]} %\NormalTok{ Here is a theorem whose proof goes to the end.} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{thmE}\NormalTok{\}} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofE}\NormalTok{\}} %\NormalTok{ The proof} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofE}\NormalTok{\}} % %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{thmE}\NormalTok{\}[Title][all end]} %\NormalTok{ Here is a theorem that goes with the proof at the end.} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{thmE}\NormalTok{\}} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofE}\NormalTok{\}} %\NormalTok{ The proof} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofE}\NormalTok{\}} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %Note also that it is also possible to give options to the %\texttt{proofEnd} environment, but it is usually useless, as it will %automatically pick the parameters from the last \texttt{theoremEnd} %environment. However, if for some reasons you want to change the options %of the proof only, you can do it, but do it as your own risks ;) % %\hypertarget{usual-styles}{% %\subsection{Usual styles}\label{usual-styles}} % %We predefined some pretty common styles/options. The full list is at the %end of this document, but here is a list of the most practical ones: % %\begin{itemize} %\tightlist %\item % \texttt{normal}: turn the theorem into a ``normal'' theorem, with the % proof in the main text and nothing in appendix %\item % \texttt{category=yourowncategory}: change the category of the theorem % (see next sub-section) %\item % \texttt{end}: put the proof in appendix %\item % \texttt{all\ end}: put both the theorem and the proof in appendix %\item % \texttt{debug}: make sure the proof is written in the main text as % well. Practical when you write the proof to be able to use synctex (if % you use synctex with the proof in appendix, your will be unfortunately % moved to a temporary file that this library is using\ldots{} so % \textbf{make sure you don't modify the files named like % \texttt{prattheenddefaultcategory.tex} or all your changes will be % lost at the next compilation}!). %\item % \texttt{one\ big\ link}: if you prefer to have a single big link % instead of two links (one for the proof, one for the page) %\item % \texttt{one\ big\ link\ translated=Your\ translation}: to % change/translate the text of the link easily %\item % \texttt{text\ link\ section}: put a link looking like ``See proof in % section XX.'' %\item % \texttt{text\ link\ section\ full\ proof}: put a link looking like % ``See full proof in section XX.'' %\item % \texttt{text\ proof\ translated=Your\ translation}: to % change/translate the text of the proof at the end easily %\item % \texttt{global\ custom\ defaults}: empty style that you can modify to % change the configuration (globally) %\item % \texttt{local\ custom\ defaults}: empty style that you can modify to % change the configuration (locally). Practical to set a category for a % single section. %\end{itemize} % %\hypertarget{categories-or-how-to-move-proofs-in-different-sections}{% %\subsection{Categories, or how to move proofs in different %sections}\label{categories-or-how-to-move-proofs-in-different-sections}} % %Let's imagine that you have some proofs that are easy to do, and some %proofs that are long but interesting. You may want to put the easy %proofs in a different place that the long proofs. It is super easy to %do, you just need to give a category name to the option %\texttt{category} like here: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{theoremEnd}\NormalTok{\}[category=mylongproofs]\{thm\}[A title]} %\NormalTok{ You can easily change the place of the proofs} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{theoremEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\NormalTok{ Just use a different category name!} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %and give this category name to \texttt{\textbackslash{}printProofs} in %the section where you would like to display the proofs: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}printProofs}\NormalTok{[mylongproofs]} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %\hypertarget{comments}{% %\subsection{Comments}\label{comments}} % %You can also move some text in the appendix by using: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}textEnd}\NormalTok{\{Your text that should go in appendix\}} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %You can also give it a category as explained above, or configure it to %be displayed in both the main text and at the end of the file with: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}textEnd}\NormalTok{[both]\{I am a comment that is written in both the main text} %\NormalTok{and the appendix\}} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %You can also use the environment notation like that: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{textAtEnd}\NormalTok{\}[options]} %\NormalTok{ You can also use the environment syntax.} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{textAtEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %\hypertarget{restate-a-theorem}{% %\subsection{Restate a theorem}\label{restate-a-theorem}} % %It is easy to restate a theorem in the appendix, to have both the %theorem in the main text and in the appendix: just use the option %\texttt{restate}: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{theoremEnd}\NormalTok{\}[end, restate]\{thm\}[A title]} %\NormalTok{ This theorem will be displayed both in main text and appendix.} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{theoremEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\NormalTok{ Just use restate option.} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %You can also use the option \texttt{restate\ command=yourcustomcommand} %in order to create a macro \texttt{\textbackslash{}yourcustomcommand} %that will restate the theorem wherever you want (but after the %definition). % %If you want to (re)state a theorem \emph{before} its definition (say in %the introduction), there is also a special environment %\texttt{theoremEndRestateBefore} that requires a (unique) custom name %that you need to provide also later on in place of the real theorem with %the option \texttt{restated\ before}: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}section}\NormalTok{\{Introduction\}} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{theoremEndRestateBefore}\NormalTok{\}\{thm\}[Title]\{anamethatisusedtorestate\}} %\NormalTok{ It is possible to state the theorem before} %\NormalTok{ in the introduction, and restate it later} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{theoremEndRestateBefore}\NormalTok{\}} % %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}section}\NormalTok{\{Real definition\}} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{theoremEnd}\NormalTok{\}[restated before]\{thm\}} %\NormalTok{ anamethatisusedtorestate} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{theoremEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\NormalTok{ Proof of the theorem, put in place of the theorem the unique name} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %\hypertarget{translate-the-links}{% %\subsection{Translate the links}\label{translate-the-links}} % %The more powerful way to change the text of the links is to redefine %\texttt{text\ link} and \texttt{text\ proof} (see section List of %options for more details). However we defined also some easy way to %redefine the text using \texttt{one\ big\ link\ translated} and %\texttt{text\ proof\ translated}. For example, to create your %\texttt{french} style you can do: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}pgfkeys}\NormalTok{\{/prAtEnd/french/.style=\{} %\NormalTok{ one big link translated=\{Voir preuve page\},} %\NormalTok{ text proof translated=\{Preuve du\}} %\NormalTok{ \}} %\NormalTok{\}} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %\hypertarget{write-a-sketch-of-proof-in-the-main-text}{% %\subsection{Write a sketch of proof in the main %text}\label{write-a-sketch-of-proof-in-the-main-text}} % %You can include a sketch of proof in the main text by simply adding a %proof in between \texttt{theoremEnd} and \texttt{proofEnd}. An alias %option \texttt{see\ full\ proof} can also be used to change the link %into ``See full proof on page X.'': % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{theoremEnd}\NormalTok{\}[see full proof]\{thm\}} %\NormalTok{ I can also write a sketch of proof, and put the full proof in appendix.} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{theoremEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proof}\NormalTok{\}} %\NormalTok{ Hint: look at the alias options.} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proof}\NormalTok{\}} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}begin}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\NormalTok{ You just use ``see full proof'' as an option} %\KeywordTok{\textbackslash{}end}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{proofEnd}\NormalTok{\}} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % %\hypertarget{list-of-options}{% %\section{List of options}\label{list-of-options}} % %Here is the list of fundamental options supported. Most options have a %\texttt{no} version, with \texttt{no} written before. Note that you may %prefer to use directly the alias/styles (see next paragraph) as the %options listed here are quite fundamental and atomic. % %\begin{itemize} %\item % \texttt{category}: category of the proof (if you want to put proofs at % several places), can be anything %\item % \texttt{proof\ here}/\texttt{no\ proof\ here}: put (or not) the proof % in the main text %\item % \texttt{proof\ end}/\texttt{no\ proof\ end}: display the proof in % appendix %\item % \texttt{restate}/\texttt{no\ restate}: restate the theorem in appendix %\item % \texttt{link\ to\ proof}/\texttt{no\ link\ to\ proof}: Display a link % to the proof in the main text %\item % \texttt{opt\ all\ end}/\texttt{no\ opt\ all\ end}: put the theorem and % proof only in appendix. You may prefer the alias \texttt{all\ end}, % that also makes sure that the proof is indeed displayed in appendix. %\item % \texttt{text\ link}: text of the link to the proof, defaults to % % \texttt{\{See\ \textbackslash{}hyperref{[}proof:prAtEnd\textbackslash{}pratendcountercurrent{]}\{proof\}\ on\ page\textasciitilde{}\textbackslash{}pageref\{proof:prAtEnd\textbackslash{}pratendcountercurrent\}.\}} %\item % \texttt{text\ proof}: text displayed in place of ``Proof'' in the % appendix. Defaults to % \texttt{\{Proof\ of\ \textbackslash{}string\textbackslash{}autoref\{thm:prAtEnd\textbackslash{}pratendcountercurrent\}\}} %\item % \texttt{restate\ command}: name of a unique macro (without backslash) % that will be defined as an alias to restate the theorem wherever you % want %\item % \texttt{restated\ before}: if the theorems has been stated before % (with \texttt{\textbackslash{}theoremProofEndRestateBefore}), then we % just need to put the restate command in place of the theorem, and % enable this option %\item % \texttt{both}/\texttt{no\ both}: only for % \texttt{\textbackslash{}textInAppendix}, specifies that the text must % be present in both the main text and the appendix. %\end{itemize} % %Here are all the alias/styles (you can create you own as well), they are %practical to quickly define a behaviours, but are made of the basic %options listed above: % %\begin{itemize} %\tightlist %\item % \texttt{normal}: like a `normal' theorem, without any proof in the % appendix, and with a proof displayed in the main text. Shortcut for % \texttt{proof\ here,\ no\ all\ end,\ no\ proof\ end,\ no\ link\ to\ proof,\ no\ restate,\ no\ both}. %\item % \texttt{end}: theorems whose proof need to go in the appendix. Shorcut % for \texttt{proof\ at\ the\ end,\ link\ to\ proof}. %\item % \texttt{all\ end}: makes sure both the theorem and the proof are in % appendix. Alias of \texttt{end,\ opt\ all\ end}. %\item % \texttt{proof\ at\ the\ end}: theorems whose proof need to go in the % appendix contrary to \texttt{end} it does not make sure that there is % a link to the proof. Shorcut for % \texttt{no\ proof\ here,\ no\ all\ end,\ proof\ end,\ no\ both}. %\item % \texttt{debug}: make sure the proof is written in the main text as % well (alias of \texttt{proof\ here,\ no\ opt\ all\ end}), it is quite % practical to use when you write a proof to be able to use synctex % features to move between the pdf and the file. %\item % \texttt{no\ link\ to\ theorem}: Remove the link from the proof to the % theorem, alias of \texttt{text\ proof=\{\textbackslash{}proofname\}} %\item % \texttt{stared} (or \texttt{no\ number}): when you use the stared % version of a theorem you don't have any number, so autoref fails to % write a nice link to the theorem. This option changes the text of % ``Proof'', by keeping the link but writting only \texttt{Proof}. % Equivalent to % \texttt{text\ proof=\{\textbackslash{}string\textbackslash{}mbox\{\textbackslash{}string\textbackslash{}hyperref{[}thm:prAtEnd\textbackslash{}pratendcountercurrent{]}\{\textbackslash{}proofname\}\}\}} %\item % \texttt{see\ full\ proof}: useful when you want to write in the main % text only a sketch of proof, this alias writes a link % \texttt{See\ full\ proof\ on\ page\ X.}. Equivalent to % \texttt{text\ link=\{See\ \textbackslash{}hyperref{[}proof:prAtEnd\textbackslash{}pratendcountercurrent{]}\{full\ proof\}\ on\ page\textasciitilde{}\textbackslash{}pageref\{proof:prAtEnd\textbackslash{}pratendcountercurrent\}.\}} %\item % \texttt{one\ big\ link}: instead of two links, one for page, one for % proof, put just one link around everything. It can also accept an % optional argument which will be the text of the link, like % \texttt{one\ big\ link=Go\ to\ the\ proof}. The default value is % \texttt{See\ proof\ on\ page\textasciitilde{}\textbackslash{}pageref*\{proof:prAtEnd\textbackslash{}pratendcountercurrent.\}}. %\item % \texttt{one\ big\ link\ translated}: This is like % \texttt{one\ big\ link}, but automatically add the page at the end % (and a big link around). Practical to quickly define a translation % like \texttt{one\ big\ link\ translated=Voir\ preuve\ page}. See also % \texttt{text\ proof\ translated}. %\item % \texttt{text\ link\ section}: Put a link to the proof looking like % ``See proof in section X''. Defaults to % \texttt{text\ link=\{See\ \textbackslash{}hyperref{[}proof:prAtEnd\textbackslash{}pratendcountercurrent{]}\{proof\}\ in\ \textbackslash{}autoref\{proofsection:prAtEnd\textbackslash{}pratendcountercurrent\}.\}} %\item % \texttt{text\ link\ section\ full\ proof}: Put a link to the proof % looking like ``See full proof in section X''. Defaults to % \texttt{text\ link=\{See\ \textbackslash{}hyperref{[}proof:prAtEnd\textbackslash{}pratendcountercurrent{]}\{full\ proof\}\ in\ \textbackslash{}autoref\{proofsection:prAtEnd\textbackslash{}pratendcountercurrent\}.\}} %\item % \texttt{default\ text\ link}: default text for the link to the proof, % equivalent of % \texttt{text\ link=\{See\ \textbackslash{}hyperref{[}proof:prAtEnd\textbackslash{}pratendcountercurrent{]}\{proof\}\ on\ page\textasciitilde{}\textbackslash{}pageref\{proof:prAtEnd\textbackslash{}pratendcountercurrent\}.\}} %\item % \texttt{default\ text\ proof}: default text for the proof in appendix, % equivalent of % \texttt{text\ proof=\{Proof\ of\ \textbackslash{}string\textbackslash{}autoref\{thm:prAtEnd\textbackslash{}pratendcountercurrent\}\}} %\item % \texttt{text\ proof\ translated}: like \texttt{default\ text\ proof}, % but takes one argument and use it instead of \texttt{Proof\ of}. % Example: \texttt{text\ proof\ translated=\{Preuve\ du\}} %\item % \texttt{bare\ defaults}: default style that is loaded before anything % else that configure by default a link to the proof, put the proof in % appendix, use the category \texttt{defaultcategory}. It is an alias of % \texttt{end,\ link\ to\ proof,\ no\ restate,category=defaultcategory,\ default\ text\ link,default\ text\ proof,restate\ command=pratenddummymacro}. %\item % \texttt{configuration\ options}: style that contains the options used % to load the package. It is called right after \texttt{bare\ defaults}. % Note that you cannot insert macro in the options, overwrite % \texttt{global\ custom\ defaults} instead %\item % \texttt{global\ custom\ defaults}: empty style that you can overwrite % to change the global defaults %\item % \texttt{local\ custom\ defaults}: empty style that you can overwrite % to change the ``local'' defaults, like category %\item % \texttt{all\ defaults}: all the defaults, equivalent of % \texttt{bare\ defaults,\ configuration\ options,\ global\ custom\ defaults,\ local\ custom\ defaults} %\end{itemize} % %\hypertarget{contributions}{% %\section{Contributions}\label{contributions}} % %Feel free to contribute, report bugs, and send pull requests on the %github repository \url{https://github.com/leo-colisson/proof-at-the-end} %! % %NB: the documentation is generated from the Markdown file %\texttt{README.md} thanks to pandoc. These commands may help you: % %\begin{Shaded} %\begin{Highlighting}[] %\ExtensionTok{%%}\NormalTok{ Compile the demo} %\FunctionTok{make}\NormalTok{ demo} %\ExtensionTok{%%}\NormalTok{ Clean the project} %\FunctionTok{make}\NormalTok{ clean} %\ExtensionTok{%%}\NormalTok{ Generate the documentation} %\FunctionTok{make}\NormalTok{ doc} %\ExtensionTok{%%}\NormalTok{ Generate a package for CTAN} %\FunctionTok{make}\NormalTok{ package} %\end{Highlighting} %\end{Shaded} % % % %\StopEventually{} %\section{The Code} %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*proof-at-the-end.sty> % \end{macrocode} %\fi \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{proof-at-the-end}[2019/05/21 A package to move proofs in appendix] \RequirePackage{etoolbox} \RequirePackage{hyperref} \RequirePackage{thmtools} \RequirePackage{thm-restate} \RequirePackage{catchfile} \RequirePackage{pgfkeys} \RequirePackage{xparse} \RequirePackage{kvoptions} %% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/109747/put-all-package-options-into-one-command %% Forward the options list to the command \pratendOptdefconf %% in order to use: %% \usepackage[conf={normal}]{proof-at-the-end} \SetupKeyvalOptions{ family=pratendOpt, prefix=pratendOpt, } \DeclareStringOption{conf} \DeclareLocalOptions{conf}% \pratendOptdefconf contains the proof \ProcessKeyvalOptions* % \DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{proof-at-the-end}{Unknown}} % \ProcessOptions\relax \newwrite\appendwrite % The first argument is the file name % The second argument is the text to write \NewDocumentCommand\appendtofile{m+m}{% \begingroup \IfFileExists{#1}% {\CatchFileDef{\filecontent}{#1}{\catcode`\\=12 \endlinechar=`^^J\catcode\endlinechar=12\relax}}% keep existing end-of-lines {\let\filecontent\empty}% \immediate\openout\appendwrite=#1\relax \immediate\write\appendwrite{\detokenize\expandafter{\filecontent}#2}% \immediate\closeout\appendwrite \endgroup } %% This functions takes one input: the category (without .tex), %% If it's the first time we write in this %% category file, it "blanks" it. \def\prefixPrAtEndFiles{pratend} \newcommand*\eraseIfNeeded[1]{% % A macro 'pratendmacrocat{category}' is created to check % if it's the first time we write in this category file. \protected@edef\macroname{pratendmacrocat#1}% \ifcsdef{\macroname}{% The macro exists, nothing to do }{ % The macro does not exists, create it, and empty the file \global\expandafter\def\csname \macroname\endcsname{true}% \immediate\openout\appendwrite=\prefixPrAtEndFiles#1.tex% \immediate\write\appendwrite{}% \immediate\closeout\appendwrite% }% } \newif\ifproofhere \newif\ifproofend \newif\ifrestatethm \newif\iflinktoproof \newif\ifboth \newif\ifallattheend \newif\ifrestatedbefore \pgfkeys{ /prAtEnd/.cd, %% Proof at end will be the main path %% Category of the proof (if you want to put proofs %% at several places), can be anything category/.initial=defaultcategory, category/.store in=\category, category/.get=\category, %% Display the proof in the main part proof here/.is if=proofhere, no proof here/.style={proof here=false}, % alias %% Display the proof when using \printProofs proof end/.is if=proofend, no proof end/.style={proof end=false}, %% Restate the theorem when using \printProofs restate/.is if=restatethm, no restate/.style={restate=false}, %% Put a link to the proof after the theorem link to proof/.is if=linktoproof, no link to proof/.style={link to proof=false}, %% Put the theorem and proof only in appendix opt all end/.is if=allattheend, no opt all end/.style={opt all end=false}, %% Text of link text link/.code={\def\pratendtextlink{#1}}, %% Text of proof. Make sure also to "\renewcommand*{\proofname}{Name of the proof}" %% to make sure the proof for normal theorems are changed text proof/.code={\def\pratendtextproof{#1}}, %% Custom restate command restate command/.code={\protected@edef\pratendcustomrestate{#1}}, %% (Re)stated before %% If the theorems has been stated before, then we just need to put the restate command in %% place of the argument, and we set this value to true: restated before/.is if=restatedbefore, no restated before/.style={restated before=false}, %% In star version, we don't want %% Put the text (defined only for \textInAppendix) in both the %% current location and in appendix both/.is if=both, no both/.style={both=false}, %%%% Alias and styles normal/.style={ proof here, no opt all end, no proof end, no link to proof, no restate, no both, }, proof at the end/.style={ no proof here, no opt all end, proof end, no both, }, end/.style={ proof at the end, link to proof, }, all end/.style={ end, opt all end, }, debug/.style={ no opt all end, proof here }, no link to theorem/.style={ % Remove the link to the theorem text proof={\proofname}, }, stared/.style={ % Remove text proof={\string\mbox{\string\hyperref[thm:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent]{\proofname}}}, }, no number/.style={ stared }, see full proof/.style={ text link={See \hyperref[proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent]{full proof} on page~\pageref{proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent}.} }, one big link/.style={ text link={\hyperref[proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent] {#1}} }, one big link/.default={% See proof on page~\pageref*{proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent}. }, one big link translated/.style={ one big link={#1~\pageref*{proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent}.} }, text link section/.style={% text link={See \hyperref[proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent]{proof} in \autoref{proofsection:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent}.} }, text link section full proof/.style={% text link={See \hyperref[proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent]{full proof} in \autoref{proofsection:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent}.} }, default text link/.style={ text link={See \hyperref[proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent]{proof} on page~\pageref{proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent}.}, }, text proof translated/.style={ text proof={#1 \string\autoref{thm:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent}}, }, default text proof/.style={ text proof={Proof of \string\autoref{thm:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent}}, }, %%%% Defaults bare defaults/.style={ end, link to proof, no restate, category=defaultcategory, default text link, default text proof, restate command=pratenddummymacro, }, configuration options/.style/.expand once={ % This styles will contain the configuration % given as options of the package like: % \usepackage[conf={normal, no link to proof}]{proof-at-the-end} % The package options does not accept macros and valued keys % due to some fundamental issues: % https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/489564/use-unexpanded-macro-in-package-options/489570#489570 % so if you need to write macro/valued key, edit instead the % style "/prAtEnd/global custom defaults" or % "local /prAtEnd/custom defaults" for local changes instead. \pratendOptconf% }, global custom defaults/.style={ %% you can put in this style any global defaults %% that should overwrite the usual defaults. }, local custom defaults/.style={ %% you can put in this style any overwrite of the defaults %% that should be "local" and changed over the file, like % the category for a given section. }, all defaults/.style={ %% Load all the style that sets the default values bare defaults, configuration options, global custom defaults, local custom defaults, }, } \newcounter{counterAllProofEnd} \stepcounter{counterAllProofEnd} \NewDocumentEnvironment{theoremEndRestateBefore}{mO{}m+b}{ \stepcounter{counterAllProofEnd}% \protected@edef\currcounterval{\roman{counterAllProofEnd}} \protected@edef\temprest{\noexpand\begin{restatable*}[#2]{#1}{prAtEndRestate\currcounterval}\noexpand\label{thm:prAtEnd\currcounterval}}% \expandafter\protected@xdef\csname #3\endcsname{\currcounterval}% \temprest% #4% \end{restatable*}% }{} \NewDocumentEnvironment{theoremEnd}{O{}mO{}+b}{ % The first facultative argument will be the options: type of proof you want, the file to which you want to write... % The first mandatory option is the type of the theorem (thm,lemma,...) % The second facultative argument will be the title % the second mandatory option is the theorem (will \label inside eventually) % the last mandatory option is the proof \global\def\pratendlastoptions{#1}% \pgfkeys{% /prAtEnd/.cd, all defaults, #1 }% \stepcounter{counterAllProofEnd}% %% Pre-expand the restatable environment. Need protected %% otherwise can't have $\mathtt{G}$ in the title \protected@edef\temprest{\noexpand\begin{restatable}[#3]{#2}{prAtEndRestate\roman{counterAllProofEnd}}}% %% Create the file if it's the first time \eraseIfNeeded{\category}% %% If the theorem must be written here: \unless\ifallattheend% %% Restate the theorem if it was stated before: \ifrestatedbefore% \protected@xdef\pratendcountercurrent{\csname #4\endcsname} % Store the current (alpha value of the) counter \csname prAtEndRestate\pratendcountercurrent\endcsname % Restate the theorem \fi% %% Otherwise just state the theorem in a restatable environment \unless\ifrestatedbefore% \temprest% \label{thm:prAtEnd\roman{counterAllProofEnd}}% #4% \end{restatable}% %% Store the current (alpha value of the) counter %% in \pratendcountercurrent \protected@xdef\pratendcountercurrent{\roman{counterAllProofEnd}} % \fi% %% Create a custom alias to restate the theorem \expandafter\protected@xdef\csname \pratendcustomrestate\endcsname{\noexpand\csname prAtEndRestate\pratendcountercurrent\endcsname}% %% Restate the theorem if needed in appendix \ifrestatethm \appendtofile{\prefixPrAtEndFiles\category.tex}{\string\prAtEndRestate\pratendcountercurrent*} \fi% \fi% %% If the theorem is not stated in the main text, %% write it at the end \ifallattheend% %% Store the current (alpha value of the) counter %% in \pratendcountercurrent \protected@xdef\pratendcountercurrent{\roman{counterAllProofEnd}} %% Create a custom alias to restate the theorem \expandafter\protected@xdef\csname \pratendcustomrestate\endcsname{\noexpand\csname prAtEndRestate\pratendcountercurrent\endcsname}% \appendtofile{\prefixPrAtEndFiles\category.tex}{\string\begin{restatable}[#3]{#2}{prAtEndRestate\pratendcountercurrent}\string\label{thm:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent}\detokenize{#4}\string\end{restatable}}% \fi% }{} \NewDocumentEnvironment{proofEnd}{O{}+b}{ \pgfkeys{% /prAtEnd/.cd, all defaults, prAtEndTmpStyle/.style/.expand once={\pratendlastoptions}, prAtEndTmpStyle, #1 }% \unless\ifallattheend %% Write eventually a link to the proof \iflinktoproof% \pratendtextlink{}% \fi% %% And eventually the proof \ifproofhere% \begin{proof}% #2% \end{proof}% \fi% \fi% %% Write the proof at the end \ifproofend% \appendtofile{\prefixPrAtEndFiles\category.tex}{\string\label{proofsection:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent}\string\begin{proof}[\pratendtextproof]\string\phantomsection\string\label{proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent}\detokenize{#2}\string\end{proof}}% \fi% }{} %%%%% Text in appendix \NewDocumentEnvironment{textAtEnd}{O{}+b}{ % Use it to put normal text in Appendix. \pgfkeys{ /prAtEnd/.cd, all defaults, #1 }% \ifboth% #2% \fi% \eraseIfNeeded{\category}% \appendtofile{\prefixPrAtEndFiles\category.tex}{\detokenize{#2}}% }{} \NewDocumentCommand\textEnd{O{}+m}{% \begin{textAtEnd}[#1]% #2% \end{textAtEnd}% } \NewDocumentCommand\printProofs{O{defaultcategory}}{ \input{\prefixPrAtEndFiles#1.tex} } %%% You can easily modify the defaults: % \pgfkeys{/prAtEnd/custom defaults/.style={ % category=greattheorem % } % } %%% Or create new styles to apply: % \pgfkeys{/prAtEnd/great category/.style={ % category=greattheorem % } % } \endinput %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\Finale \endinput