# ProjLib Toolkit > **ProjLib** can be interpreted as "***Proj**ect **Lib**rary*" in English, but I prefer the French interpretation "***Proj**et **Lib**re*". ## Introduction `ProjLib` is a collection of tools that help you write LaTeX document. With package `ProjLib` loaded (note that it is case-sensitive), you no longer need to set up the theorem-like environments nor to manually configure the appropriate multilingual settings. In addition, a series of auxiliary functionalities are introduced. The collection includes: 1. `PJLamssim.sty` - Simulate some features of `amsart` in the standard classes 1. `PJLauthor.sty` - Enhanced author information block - Offers `\address`, `\curraddr` and `\email` 1. `PJLdate.sty` - Offers a macro `\PLdate` (or `\PJLdate`) to convert `yyyy-mm-dd` to normal datetime format, with multi-language support 1. `PJLdraft.sty` - Useful macros during the draft stage: `\dnf` and `\needgraph`, with multi-language support 1. `PJLlang.sty` - Multi-language configuration based on `babel` or `polyglossia` - Offers `\UseLanguage`, `\UseOtherLanguage` and `\AddLanguageSetting` - Currently support Chinese (simplified and traditional), English, French, German, Italien, Japanese, Portuguese (European and Brazilian), Russian and Spanish 1. `PJLlogo.sty` - Draw the ProjLib logo 1. `PJLpaper.sty` - Paper style configuration: yellow theme, dark theme and nord theme 1. `PJLthm.sty` - Theorem setup and configuration - Offers a macro `\CreateTheorem` for creating theorem-like environments with multi-language support - Preset environments include: `assumption`, `axiom`, `conjecture`, `convention`, `corollary`, `definition`, `definition-proposition`, `definition-theorem`, `example`, `exercise`, `fact`, `hypothesis`, `lemma`, `notation`, `observation`, `problem`, `property`, `proposition`, `question`, `remark`, `theorem`, and the corresponding unnumbered version with an asterisk `*` in the name. 1. `PJLtoolkit.sty` (this is the internal name of the `ProjLib` package) - A collective interface of ProjLib Toolkit, loading all the packages above - Provide some pre-defined font configuration > Since `PJLthm.sty` (and thus `PJLtoolkit.sty`) uses `cleveref`, it should be loaded after `varioref` and `hyperref`. ## How to get these files You can get the `.sty` files mentioned above simply by compiling `ProjLib.ins`: ``` latex ProjLib.ins ``` ## An example ```latex \documentclass{amsart} \usepackage[a4paper,margin=.75in]{geometry} \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} \usepackage[palatino]{ProjLib} %% You can also comment the above lines and try the following (require xelatex or lualatex): % \documentclass[a4paper,allowbf]{lebhart} % \usepackage{ProjLib} %% Using \UseLanguage to select language, by default "English" is selected \UseLanguage{French} % Use French from here \begin{document} \title{Le Titre} \author{Auteur 1} \address{Adresse 1} \email{\href{Courriel 1}{Courriel 1}} \author{Auteur 1} \address{Adresse 1} \email{\href{Courriel 2}{Courriel 2}} \date{\PLdate{2022-04-01}} \subjclass{*****} \keywords{...} \begin{abstract} Ceci est un résumé. \dnf \end{abstract} \maketitle \section{Un théorème} %% Theorem-like environments can be used directly \begin{theorem}\label{thm:abc} Ceci est un théorème. \end{theorem} Référence du théorème: \cref{thm:abc} % It is recommended to use clever reference \end{document} ``` # License This work is released under the LaTeX Project Public License, v1.3c or later.