# ProjLib Toolkit The bundle is dated 2022/02/27 Old modules are still dated 2021/12/16 and will *not* be modified. When all the new modules are finished, old files shall be removed from this bundle. ## **Important note** The whole project is being rewritten with `expl3`. New modules have the name with prefix "projlib-", and they are in many ways better and more powerful than their predecessors. Some basically finished new modules are included in the bundle but are not yet documented. Most importantly, they are not compatible with the old modules, so they cannot appear at the same time in the same document, which, unfortunately, means that (for now) they cannot be used in classes like `einfart` or `lebhart`, etc. The newly added modules include: - projlib-author - projlib-datetime - projlib-draft - projlib-font - projlib-language - projlib-logo - projlib-math - projlib-paper When all these modules are finished, the documentation will be updated accordingly. --- > **ProjLib** can be interpreted as "***Proj**ect **Lib**rary*" (in English), or as "***Proj**et **Lib**re*" (in French). > Personally, I prefer the later one. ## Introduction `ProjLib` is a collection of tools that help you write LaTeX document. With the package `ProjLib` loaded (note that it is case-sensitive), you no longer need to set up the theorem-like environments nor to manually configure the appropriate multilingual settings. In addition, a series of auxiliary functionalities are introduced. To get started, simply put this line in your preamble: ```latex \usepackage{ProjLib} ``` > For the options and detailed usage, please refer to the documentation. ## The components The components include: 1. `PJLauthor.sty` - Enhanced author information block - Offers `\address`, `\curraddr` and `\email` - Write in the AMS fashion (with option `amsfashion`): - Support `\dedicatory`, `\keywords` and `\subjclass` - `\thanks` can be written outside `\author`; - The `abstract` environment can be placed before `\maketitle`. 1. `PJLdate.sty` - Offers a macro `\PLdate` (or `\PJLdate`) to convert `yyyy-mm-dd` to normal datetime format, with multi-language support 1. `PJLdraft.sty` - Useful macros during the draft stage: `\dnf` and `\needgraph`, with multi-language support 1. `PJLlang.sty` - Multi-language configuration based on `babel` or `polyglossia` - Offers `\UseLanguage`, `\UseOtherLanguage` and `\AddLanguageSetting` - Currently support Chinese (simplified and traditional), English, French, German, Italien, Japanese, Portuguese (European and Brazilian), Russian and Spanish 1. `PJLlogo.sty` - Draw the ProjLib logo 1. `PJLmath.sty` - Useful math macros and shortcuts 1. `PJLpaper.sty` - Paper style configuration: yellow theme, dark theme and nord theme 1. `PJLthm.sty` - Theorem setup and configuration - Offers a macro `\CreateTheorem` for creating theorem-like environments with multi-language support - Preset environments include: `assumption`, `axiom`, `conjecture`, `convention`, `corollary`, `definition`, `definition-proposition`, `definition-theorem`, `example`, `exercise`, `fact`, `hypothesis`, `lemma`, `notation`, `observation`, `problem`, `property`, `proposition`, `question`, `remark`, `theorem`, and the corresponding unnumbered version with an asterisk `*` in the name. > Since `PJLthm.sty` (and thus `ProjLib.sty`) uses `cleveref`, it should be loaded after `varioref` and `hyperref`. ## How to get these files You can get the `.sty` files mentioned above simply by compiling `ProjLib.ins`: ``` latex ProjLib.ins ``` ## How to get the source of the documentation You can get the `.tex` source files of the documentation by compiling `ProjLib-doc.ins`: ``` latex ProjLib-doc.ins ``` ## How to compile the documentation It is recommended to use `latexmk` with option `-xelatex`: ``` latexmk -xelatex ProjLib-doc-**.tex ``` ## An example ```latex \documentclass{amsart} \usepackage[a4paper,margin=.75in]{geometry} \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} \usepackage[palatino]{ProjLib} %% You can also comment the above lines and try the following (require xelatex or lualatex): % \documentclass[a4paper,allowbf]{lebhart} % \usepackage[amsfashion]{ProjLib} %% Using \UseLanguage to select language, by default "English" is selected \UseLanguage{French} % Use French from here \begin{document} \title{Le Titre} \author{Auteur 1} \address{Adresse 1} \email{\href{Courriel 1}{Courriel 1}} \author{Auteur 1} \address{Adresse 1} \email{\href{Courriel 2}{Courriel 2}} \date{\PLdate{2022-04-01}} \subjclass{*****} \keywords{...} \begin{abstract} Ceci est un résumé. \dnf \end{abstract} \maketitle \section{Un théorème} %% Theorem-like environments can be used directly \begin{theorem}\label{thm:abc} Ceci est un théorème. \end{theorem} Référence du théorème: \cref{thm:abc} % It is recommended to use clever reference \end{document} ``` # License This work is released under the LaTeX Project Public License, v1.3c or later.