%%%%% epaisseur de tracés %%%%%%%% numeric eppen; eppen=0.25; pickup pencircle scaled eppen; defaultpen := savepen; %points pour placer les différents éléments pair _coinprec;%coinbasgauche de la boite précédente pair _coincom;%coinbasdroite de la boite afin d'y mettre des commentaires pair _coinnum;%milieu côté gauche pour placer la numérotation des lignes %paramètres numeric Nblignes; Nblignes:=1; pair DebutListe; DebutListe=(0,0); boolean NumeroteLignes; NumeroteLignes=false; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% couleurs color CoulLignes; CoulLignes:=black; color ColBloc; % alias des couleurs de bloc %Version3 color BleuMouvTrois,dBleuMouvTrois,VioletAppTrois,dVioletAppTrois,OrangeConTrois,OrangeTrois,OrangeListTrois,SonTrois,DSonTrois,EvenementTrois,CapteurTrois,StyloTrois,BlocTrois,BlocDefTrois,BlocDefLigneTrois,MessageTrois,ControleTrois,CapFonceTrois,CloneTrois,FondSonTrois,OvalStyloTrois,FondOvalOp; BleuMouvTrois=(76/255,151/255,255/255); dBleuMouvTrois=(66/255,128/255,215/255); VioletAppTrois=(153/255,102/255,255/255); dVioletAppTrois=(133/255,92/255,214/255); OrangeConTrois=(255/255,171/255,25/255); OrangeTrois=(255/255,140/255,26/255); OrangeListTrois=(255/255,102/255,26/255); SonTrois=(207/255,99/255,207/255); DSonTrois=(201/255,79/255,201/255); FondSonTrois=(15/255,189/255,140/255); EvenementTrois=(255/255,191/255,0); MessageTrois=(230/255,172/255,0); CapteurTrois=(92/255,177/255,214/255); CapFonceTrois=(71/255,168/255,209/255); StyloTrois=(15/255,189/255,140/255); OvalStyloTrois=(13/255,165/255,122/255); BlocTrois=(255/255,102/255,128/255); BlocDefTrois=(255/255,77/255,106/255); BlocDefLigneTrois=(255/255,51/255,85/255); ControleTrois=(255/255,171/255,25/255); CloneTrois=(236/255,156/255,19/255); FondOvalOp=(89/255,192/255,89/255); vardef FondOvalAppMenu= save $; color $; $=dVioletAppTrois; $ enddef; %%%%Alias def Place expr o = if path o: draw o else: draw o fi enddef; %impression boolean print; print=false; numeric coefprint; coefprint:=0.95; %texte ou symbole droite gauche boolean symbole; symbole=true; %divers numeric eb;%ecart boite-texte eb:=3pt; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Création des boites ecrt:=eb/2;%largeur de la bordure de départ des boites Box, OValBox... vardef Box(text t)= save $; path $; picture ox; ox=image( if string t: string demitt; demitt=t&"\barre"; label(TEX(demitt),(0,0)); else: draw t; fi; ); $=(llcorner ox+(0,-ecrt))--(lrcorner ox+(0,-ecrt))--(urcorner ox+(0,ecrt))--(ulcorner ox+(0,ecrt))--cycle; $ enddef; vardef RecBox(text t)= save $; path $; path xo; if string t: string demit; demit=t&"\demibarre"; xo=Box(demit);%on crée la boite contenant le texte else: xo=Box(t); fi; $=(llcorner xo+(-eb,eb)){dir-90}..{dir0}(llcorner xo)--(lrcorner xo){dir0}..{dir90}(lrcorner xo+(eb,eb))--(urcorner xo+(eb,-eb)){dir90}..{dir180}(urcorner xo)--(ulcorner xo){dir180}..{dir-90}(ulcorner xo+(-eb,-eb))--cycle; $ enddef; %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%% Boites Ovales %%%%%%%% vardef OvalBox(text t)= save $; path $; path xo; if string t: string demit; demit=t&"\barre"; xo=Box(demit);%on crée la boite contenant le texte else: xo=Box(t); fi; $=(llcorner xo+(eb,0))--(lrcorner xo-(eb,0)){dir0}..{dir180}(urcorner xo+(-eb,0))--(ulcorner xo+(eb,0)){dir180}..{dir0}cycle;%on "arrondit" la boite $ enddef; vardef OvalVar(expr ar)= save Ovar; picture Ovar; save TAvar; path TAvar; string TTv; TTv="\barre\bfseries "&ar;% TAvar=OvalBox(TTv); Ovar=image( fill TAvar if print=false : withcolor OrangeTrois else : withcolor white fi; draw TAvar if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; label(TEX("\barre\bfseries "&ar),(0,0)) if print=false : withcolor white fi; ); Ovar:=Ovar shifted(-center Ovar); Ovar enddef; vardef OvalList(text listelist)= save CList; picture CList; path TAlist; picture LOCMt; LOCMt=ColleBoxNew(listelist); TAlist=OvalBox(LOCMt); CList=image( fill TAlist if print=false : withcolor OrangeListTrois else : withcolor white fi; draw LOCMt; draw TAlist if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); CList:=CList shifted(-center CList); CList enddef; vardef OvalBloc(expr ar)= save $; picture $; path tabloc; tabloc=OvalBox(ar); $=image( fill tabloc if print=false : withcolor BlocTrois else: withcolor white fi; draw tabloc if print=true : withcolor black else: withcolor BlocDefLigneTrois fi; label(TEX("\bfseries\barre "&ar),(0,0)) if print=false : withcolor blanc fi; ); $ enddef; vardef OvalMiniBox(text t)= save $; path $; path xo; if string t: string demit; demit=t&"\barre"; xo=Box(demit);%on crée la boite contenant le texte else: xo=Box(t); fi; $=(llcorner xo+(eb/2,0))--(lrcorner xo-(eb/2,0)){dir0}..{dir180}(urcorner xo+(-eb/2,0))--(ulcorner xo+(eb/2,0)){dir180}..{dir0}cycle;%on "arrondit" la boite $ enddef; vardef DiamondBox(text t)= save $; path $; path xo; xo=Box(t);%on crée la boite contenant le texte $=(llcorner xo-(eb,0))--(lrcorner xo+(eb,0))--(1/2[lrcorner xo,urcorner xo]+(4eb,0))--(urcorner xo+(eb,0))--(ulcorner xo-(eb,0))--(1/2[llcorner xo,ulcorner xo]+(-4eb,0))--cycle; $ enddef; vardef OvalNb(expr ar)= save Onb; picture Onb; path tanb; tanb=OvalBox(ar); Onb=image( fill tanb withcolor white; draw tanb if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; label(TEX("\barre "&ar),(0,0)); ); Onb enddef; vardef OvalText(expr ar)= save $; save TA; picture $; path TA; TA=OvalBox(ar); $=image(% fill TA withcolor white; draw TA if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; label(TEX("\barre "&ar),(0,0)); ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef OvalOp(text listeop)= save Oop; picture Oop; save TAao; path TAao; save LOPop; picture LOPop; LOPop=ColleBoxNew(listeop); TAao=OvalBox(LOPop); Oop=image( fill TAao if print=false : withcolor FondOvalOp else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LOPop; draw TAao if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); Oop:=Oop shifted(-center Oop); Oop enddef; vardef OvalApp(text listop)= save $; picture $; save ta; path ta; save TTap; picture TTap; TTap=ColleBoxNew(listop); ta=OvalBox(TTap); $=image( fill ta if print=false : withcolor VioletAppTrois else: withcolor white fi; draw ta if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw TTap; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef OvalSon(text listop)= save $; picture $; save ta; path ta; save TTap; picture TTap; TTap=ColleBoxNew(listop); ta=OvalBox(TTap); $=image( fill ta if print=false : withcolor SonTrois else: withcolor white fi; draw ta if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw TTap; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef OvalMusique(expr ar)= save $; save TA; picture $; if string ar: picture TT; TT=ColleBoxNew(DoubleNote,"tempo"); path TA; TA=OvalBox(TT); $=image( fill TA if print : withcolor white else : withcolor StyloTrois fi; draw TT if print=true : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); else: message("La commande --OvalStylo-- n'accepte qu'un argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef OvalMouv(expr ar)= save $; picture $; path ta; string TTm; TTm=ar&"\longbarre"; ta=OvalBox(TTm); $=image( fill ta if print=false : withcolor BleuMouvTrois else: withcolor white fi; draw ta if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; label(TEX("\longbarre "&ar),center ta) if print=false : withcolor blanc fi; ); $ enddef; vardef OvalMenuCap(expr art)=OvalCapMenu(art) enddef; vardef OvalCapMenu(expr ar)= save $; picture $; string TTm; TTm=if print:ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown" else: "{\color{white}"&ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown}"; fi; path TAMC; TAMC=OvalBox(TTm); $=image( fill TAMC if print : withcolor white else : withcolor CapFonceTrois fi; draw TAMC if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; label(TEX(TTm),center TAMC); ); $ enddef; vardef OvalCap(text listecap)= save Cap; picture Cap; save TAcap; path TAcap; save LOCMcap; picture LOCMcap; LOCMcap=ColleBoxNew(listecap); TAcap=OvalBox(LOCMcap); Cap=image( fill TAcap if print=false : withcolor CapteurTrois else : withcolor white fi; draw LOCMcap; draw TAcap if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); Cap:=Cap shifted(-center Cap); Cap enddef; vardef OvalMouvMenu(expr ar)= save $; picture $; path ta; string TTm; TTm=if print:ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown" else: "{\color{white}"&ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown}" fi; ta=OvalBox(TTm); $=image( fill ta if print=false : withcolor dBleuMouvTrois else: withcolor white fi; draw ta if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; label(TEX(TTm),center ta); ); $ enddef; vardef OvalAppMenu(expr ar)= save $; picture $; path ta; string TTm; TTm=if print:ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown" else: "{\color{white}"&ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown}"; fi; ta=OvalBox(TTm); $=image( fill ta if print=false : withcolor FondOvalAppMenu else: withcolor white fi; draw ta if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; label(TEX(TTm),center ta); ); $ enddef; vardef OvalSonMenu(expr art)=OvalMenuSon(art) enddef; vardef OvalMenuSon(expr ar)= save $; save TA; picture $; string TTm; TTm=if print:ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown" else: "{\color{white}"&ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown}"; fi; path TA; TA=OvalBox(TTm); $=image(% fill TA if print : withcolor white else : withcolor DSonTrois fi; draw TA if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; label(TEX(TTm),center TA); ); $ enddef; vardef OvalMenuControle(expr ar)= save $; save TA; picture $; string TTm; TTm=if print:ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown" else: "{\color{white}"&ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown}"; fi; path TA; TA=OvalBox(TTm); $=image( fill TA if print : withcolor white else : withcolor CloneTrois fi; draw TA if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; label(TEX(TTm), center TA); ); $ enddef; vardef OvalStylo(expr ar)= save $; save TA; picture $; string TT,TTI; if string ar: if print: TT=ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown" else: TT=ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre{\color{white}\blacktriangledown}" fi; TTI=ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\phantom{\blacktriangledown}"; path TA; TA=OvalBox(TT); $=image( fill TA if print : withcolor white else : withcolor OvalStyloTrois fi; draw TA if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; label(TEX(TT),(0,0)) if print=false : withcolor white fi; ); else: message("La commande --OvalStylo-- n'accepte qu'un argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef OvalCouleur(expr redcc,greencc,bluecc)= save $; picture $; string TTv; path tacol; TTv="\phantom{10}\barre"; tacol=OvalBox(TTv); $=image( fill tacol withcolor (redcc,greencc,bluecc); draw tacol; ); $:=$ shifted(-center tacol); $ enddef; vardef OvalMenuEvenement(expr ar)= save $; save TA; picture $; string TTm; TTm=if print:ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown" else: "{\color{white}"&ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown}"; fi; path TA; TA=OvalBox(TTm); $=image( fill TA if print : withcolor white else : withcolor MessageTrois fi; draw TA if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; label(TEX(TTm), center TA); ); $ enddef; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Rectangles vardef RecMouvMenu(expr ar)= save $; picture $; path ta; string TTm; TTm=if print:ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown" else: "{\color{white}"&ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown}" fi; ta=RecBox(TTm); $=image( fill ta if print=false : withcolor BleuMouvTrois else: withcolor white fi; draw ta if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; label(TEX(TTm),center ta); ); $ enddef; vardef RecMenuApp(expr ar)= save $; picture $; save ta; path ta; string TTm; TTm=if print:ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown" else: "{\color{white}"&ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown}"; fi; ta=RecBox(TTm); $=image( fill ta if print=false : withcolor VioletAppTrois else: withcolor white fi; draw ta if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; label(TEX(TTm),center ta); ); $ enddef; vardef RecMenuOp(expr ar)= save $; save TA; picture $; string TTm; TTm=if print:ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown" else: "{\color{white}"&ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown}"; fi; path TA; TA=RecBox(TTm); $=image( fill TA if print : withcolor white else : withcolor FondOvalOp fi; draw TA if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; label(TEX(TTm), center TA); ); $ enddef; vardef RecMenuSon(expr ar)= save $; save TA; picture $; string TTm; TTm=if print:ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown" else: "{\color{white}"&ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown}" fi; path TA; TA=RecBox(TTm); $=image( fill TA if print : withcolor white else : withcolor SonTrois fi; draw TA if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; label(TEX(TTm), center TA); ); $ enddef; vardef RecEvenementMenu(expr ar)= save $; picture $; path ta; string TTm; TTm=if print:ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown" else: "{\color{white}"&ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown}"; fi; ta=RecBox(TTm); $=image( fill ta if print=false : withcolor EvenementTrois else: withcolor white fi; draw ta if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; label(TEX(TTm),center ta); ); $ enddef; vardef RecMenuCap(expr ar)= save $; picture $; path ta; string TTm; TTm=if print:ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown" else: "{\color{white}"&ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown}"; fi; ta=RecBox(TTm); $=image( fill ta if print=false : withcolor CapteurTrois else: withcolor white fi; draw ta if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; label(TEX(TTm),center ta); ); $ enddef; vardef RecMenuVar(expr ar)= save $; save TA; picture $; string TTm; TTm=if print:ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown" else: "{\color{white}"&ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown}"; fi; path TA; TA=RecBox(TTm); $=image( fill TA if print : withcolor white else : withcolor OrangeTrois fi; draw TA if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; label(TEX(TTm), center TA); ); $ enddef; vardef RecMenuList(expr ar)= save $; save TA; picture $; string TTm; TTm=if print:ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown" else: "{\color{white}"&ar&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown}"; fi; path TA; TA=RecBox(TTm); $=image( fill TA if print : withcolor white else : withcolor OrangeListTrois fi; draw TA if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; label(TEX(TTm), center TA); ); $ enddef; %%%%%%% Affichage Complet %%%%%%%%%%%%% vardef PuzzleBox(text t)= save $; path $; path xo; xo=Box(t);%on crée la boite contenant le texte $=(llcorner xo+(-eb,0)){dir-90}..{dir0}(llcorner xo+(0,-eb))-- (llcorner xo+(0.375cm,0)+(-eb,-eb)){dir0}.. {dir0}(llcorner xo+(0.375cm,0)+(0,-2eb))-- (llcorner xo+(0.625cm,0)+(0,-2eb)){dir0}.. {dir0}(llcorner xo+(0.625cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- (lrcorner xo+(0,-eb)){dir0}..{dir90}(lrcorner xo+(eb,0))--(urcorner xo+(eb,0)){dir90}..{dir-180}(urcorner xo+(0,eb))-- (ulcorner xo+(0.625cm,0)+(eb,eb)){dir180}.. {dir180}(ulcorner xo+(0.625cm,0))-- (ulcorner xo+(0.375cm,0)){dir180}.. {dir180}(ulcorner xo+(0.375cm,0)+(-eb,eb))-- (ulcorner xo+(0,eb)){dir-180}..{dir-90}(ulcorner xo+(-eb,0))--cycle; $ enddef; vardef BlocPuzzle(text nombloc)= save Bpuzzle; picture Bpuzzle; path TABp; picture LOCMp; LOCMp=ColleBoxNew(nombloc); TABp=PuzzleBox(LOCMp); Bpuzzle=image( fill TABp if print=false : withcolor BlocDefTrois else : withcolor white fi; draw LOCMp; draw TABp if print=true : withcolor black else: withcolor BlocDefLigneTrois fi; ); Bpuzzle:=Bpuzzle shifted(-center Bpuzzle+(0,-eb/2)); Bpuzzle enddef; vardef ColleBoxNew(text t)=%Pour coller plusieurs boites save Colle; picture Colle; Colle=nullpicture; numeric nbcolle; nbcolle:=0; save NBCOLLE; path NBCOLLE; for p_ = t: nbcolle:=nbcolle+1; endfor; picture HOLD; HOLD:=nullpicture; if unknown LONG: LONG:=0 fi; if nbcolle=1:%On dessine for p_ = t: if string p_: NBCOLLE:=Box(p_); HOLD:=image( label(TEX("\sffamily\bfseries\longbarre "&p_),(0,0)) if print=false : withcolor white fi;%->ok ); HOLD:=(HOLD shifted ((xpart((center HOLD)-(llcorner HOLD))+LONG,0))); else: HOLD:=(p_ shifted ((xpart((center p_)-(llcorner p_))+LONG,0))); fi; endfor; addto Colle also HOLD; LONG:=LONG+abs(lrcorner Colle - llcorner Colle)+eb; else:%il faut coller les boites une à une for p_ = t: addto Colle also (ColleBoxNew(p_)); endfor; fi; Colle enddef; vardef CADRE(expr texti)= save $; path $; $=(llcorner texti+(-eb,0)){dir-90}..{dir0}(llcorner texti+(0,-eb))-- (llcorner texti+(0.375cm,0)+(-eb,-eb)){dir0}.. {dir0}(llcorner texti+(0.375cm,0)+(0,-2eb))-- (llcorner texti+(0.625cm,0)+(0,-2eb)){dir0}.. {dir0}(llcorner texti+(0.625cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- (lrcorner texti+(0,-eb)){dir0}..{dir90}(lrcorner texti+(eb,0))--(urcorner texti+(eb,0)){dir90}..{dir-180}(urcorner texti+(0,eb))-- (ulcorner texti+(0.625cm,0)+(eb,eb)){dir180}.. {dir180}(ulcorner texti+(0.625cm,0))-- (ulcorner texti+(0.375cm,0)){dir180}.. {dir180}(ulcorner texti+(0.375cm,0)+(-eb,eb))-- (ulcorner texti+(0,eb)){dir-180}..{dir-90}(ulcorner texti+(-eb,0))--cycle; $ enddef; vardef AFFI(expr texta)= path cadre; cadre=CADRE(texta); picture TEXT; TEXT=image(% fill cadre withcolor if print=true :coefprint*white else: if unknown ColBloc : white else : ColBloc fi; fi; draw texta; draw cadre withcolor CoulLignes; ); TEXT enddef; vardef Affichage(expr textu)= save $; picture $; $=AFFI(textu); $:=$ shifted (if unknown _coinprec:(0,0) else :_coinprec fi - (ulcorner $)); _coinprec:=(llcorner $)+(0,eb); _coincom:=1/2[lrcorner $,urcorner $]+(eb,0); _coinnum:=(xpart(DebutListe+(-3*eb,0)),ypart(1/2[llcorner $,ulcorner $])); if NumeroteLignes=true: label(TEX("\footnotesize"&decimal(Nblignes)&""),_coinnum); Nblignes:=Nblignes+1; fi; $ enddef; %Pour les blocs de type contrôle vardef CADRECONTROLE(expr texti)= save $; path $; path tracecadre; $=(llcorner texti+(-eb,-eb))--%(llcorner texti+(0,-eb))-- (llcorner texti+(0.875cm,0)+(-eb,-eb)){dir0}.. {dir0}(llcorner texti+(0.875cm,0)+(0,-2eb))-- (llcorner texti+(1.125cm,0)+(0,-2eb)){dir0}.. {dir0}(llcorner texti+(1.125cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- (lrcorner texti+(0,-eb)){dir0}..{dir90}(lrcorner texti+(eb,0))--(urcorner texti+(eb,0)){dir90}..{dir180}(urcorner texti+(0,eb))-- (ulcorner texti+(0.625cm,0)+(eb,eb)){dir180}.. {dir180}(ulcorner texti+(0.625cm,0))-- (ulcorner texti+(0.375cm,0)){dir180}.. {dir180}(ulcorner texti+(0.375cm,0)+(-eb,eb))-- (ulcorner texti+(0,eb)){dir180}..{dir-90}(ulcorner texti+(-eb,0))--cycle; tracecadre=(llcorner texti+(0.5cm,0)+(0,-eb))--(llcorner texti+(0.875cm,0)+(-eb,-eb)){dir0}.. {dir0}(llcorner texti+(0.875cm,0)+(0,-2eb))-- (llcorner texti+(1.125cm,0)+(0,-2eb)){dir0}.. {dir0}(llcorner texti+(1.125cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- (lrcorner texti+(0,-eb)){dir0}..{dir90}(lrcorner texti+(eb,0))--(urcorner texti+(eb,0)){dir90}..{dir180}(urcorner texti+(0,eb))-- (ulcorner texti+(0.625cm,0)+(eb,eb)){dir180}.. {dir180}(ulcorner texti+(0.625cm,0))-- (ulcorner texti+(0.375cm,0)){dir180}.. {dir180}(ulcorner texti+(0.375cm,0)+(-eb,eb))-- (ulcorner texti+(0,eb)){dir180}..{dir-90}(ulcorner texti+(-eb,0))-- (llcorner texti+(-eb,-eb)); $ enddef; vardef AFFICONTROLE(expr texta)= path cadre; cadre=CADRECONTROLE(texta); picture TEXT; TEXT=image( fill cadre withcolor if print=true :coefprint*white else: if unknown ColBloc : white else : ColBloc fi; fi; draw texta; draw tracecadre withcolor CoulLignes; ); TEXT enddef; vardef AffichageControle(expr textu)= save $; picture $; $=AFFICONTROLE(textu); $:=$ shifted (if unknown _coinprec:(0,0) else :_coinprec fi - (ulcorner $)); _coinprec:=llcorner $+(0.5cm,0); _coinprec:=_coinprec+(0,eb); coindebutbloc[numblocrep]:=(llcorner $)+(0,eb); _coincom:=1/2[lrcorner $,urcorner $]+(eb,0); _coinnum:=(xpart(DebutListe+(-3*eb,0)),ypart(1/2[llcorner $,ulcorner $])); if NumeroteLignes=true: label(TEX("\footnotesize"&decimal(Nblignes)&""),_coinnum); Nblignes:=Nblignes+1; fi; $ enddef; vardef CADREED(expr texti)= save $; path $; $=(llcorner texti+(-eb,0)){dir-90}..{dir0}(llcorner texti+(0,-eb))-- (llcorner texti+(0.375cm,0)+(-eb,-eb)){dir0}.. {dir0}(llcorner texti+(0.375cm,0)+(0,-2eb))-- (llcorner texti+(0.625cm,0)+(0,-2eb)){dir0}.. {dir0}(llcorner texti+(0.625cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- (lrcorner texti+(0,-eb)){dir0}..{dir90}(lrcorner texti+(eb,0))--(urcorner texti+(eb,0)){dir90}..{dir-180}(urcorner texti+(0,eb))-- 1/2[ulcorner texti+(-eb,eb),urcorner texti+(eb,eb)]{dir150}..{dir-150}(ulcorner texti+(-eb,eb))--cycle; $ enddef; vardef AFFIED(expr texta)= path cadre; cadre=CADREED(texta); picture TEXT; TEXT=image( fill cadre withcolor if print=true :coefprint*white else: if unknown ColBloc : white else : ColBloc fi; fi; draw texta; draw cadre withcolor CoulLignes; ); TEXT enddef; vardef AffichageED(expr textu)= save $; picture $; $=AFFIED(textu); $:=$ shifted (if unknown _coinprec:(0,0) else :_coinprec fi - (ulcorner $)); _coinprec:=llcorner $; _coinprec:=_coinprec+(0,eb); _coincom:=1/2[lrcorner $,urcorner $]+(eb,0); _coinnum:=(xpart(DebutListe+(-3*eb,0)),ypart(1/2[llcorner $,ulcorner $])); if NumeroteLignes=true: label(TEX("\footnotesize"&decimal(Nblignes)&""),_coinnum); Nblignes:=Nblignes+1; fi; $ enddef; %%% section Mouvement %%%%%%%%%% vardef Avancer(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew("avancer de",OvalNb(nbpas),"pas"); else: texto=ColleBoxNew("avancer de",nbpas,"pas"); fi; ColBloc:=BleuMouvTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef Arcdroite= save $; picture $; $=image( path cc; cc=fullcircle scaled 10pt; drawarrow reverse(subpath(0,0.75*length cc) of cc) withpen pencircle scaled 2bp if print=false: withcolor white fi; ); $ enddef; vardef Arcgauche= save $; picture $; $=image( path cc; cc=fullcircle scaled 10pt; drawarrow (subpath(0.75*length cc,1.5*length cc) of cc) withpen pencircle scaled 2bp if print=false: withcolor white fi; ); $ enddef; vardef Tournerd(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; if string nbpas: if symbole=true: texto=ColleBoxNew("tourner",Arcdroite,"de",OvalNb(nbpas),"degré(s)"); else: texto=ColleBoxNew("tourner à droite de",OvalNb(nbpas),"degré(s)"); fi; else: if symbole=true: texto=ColleBoxNew("tourner",Arcdroite,"de",nbpas,"degré(s)"); else: texto=ColleBoxNew("tourner à droite de",nbpas,"degré(s)"); fi; fi; ColBloc:=BleuMouvTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef Tournerg(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; if string nbpas: if symbole=true: texto=ColleBoxNew("tourner",Arcgauche,"de",OvalNb(nbpas),"degré(s)"); else: texto=ColleBoxNew("tourner à gauche de",OvalNb(nbpas),"degré(s)"); fi; else: if symbole=true: texto=ColleBoxNew("tourner",Arcgauche,"de",nbpas,"degré(s)"); else: texto=ColleBoxNew("tourner à gauche de",nbpas,"degré(s)"); fi; fi; ColBloc:=BleuMouvTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef Orienter(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew("s'orienter à",OvalNb(nbpas)); else: texto=ColleBoxNew("s'orienter à",nbpas); fi; ColBloc:=BleuMouvTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef Orienterdirection(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew("s'orienter vers",OvalMouvMenu(nbpas)); else: texto=ColleBoxNew("s'orienter vers",nbpas); fi; ColBloc:=BleuMouvTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef OrienterVers(expr nbpass)=Orienterdirection(nbpass) enddef; vardef Aller(expr xa,ya)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("aller à x:",if string xa:OvalNb(xa) else: xa fi,"y:",if string ya:OvalNb(ya) else: ya fi); ColBloc:=BleuMouvTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef Glisser(expr na,xa,ya)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("glisser en",if string na:OvalNb(na) else: na fi,"seconde(s) à x :",if string xa:OvalNb(xa) else: xa fi,"y:",if string ya:OvalNb(ya) else: ya fi); ColBloc:=BleuMouvTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef Allera(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew("aller à",OvalMouvMenu(nbpas)); ColBloc:=BleuMouvTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message(""); message("La commande -- Allera -- n'accepte qu'un type string comme argument."); message(""); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef Glissera(expr na,xa)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; if string xa: texto=ColleBoxNew("glisser en",if string na:OvalNb(na) else: na fi,"seconde(s) à",OvalMouvMenu(xa)); ColBloc:=BleuMouvTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message(""); message("La commande -- Glissera -- n'accepte qu'un type string comme deuxième argument."); message(""); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef Ajouter(expr nba,xa)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; if string xa: texto=ColleBoxNew("ajouter",if string nba:OvalNb(nba) else: nba fi,"à",xa); ColBloc:=BleuMouvTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message(""); message("La commande -- Ajouter -- n'accepte qu'un type string comme deuxième argument."); message(""); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef Mettre(expr xa,nba)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; if string xa: texto=ColleBoxNew("mettre",xa,"à",if string nba:OvalNb(nba) else: nba fi); ColBloc:=BleuMouvTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message(""); message("La commande -- Mettre -- n'accepte qu'un type string comme premier argument."); message(""); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef Rebondir= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("rebondir si le bord est atteint"); ColBloc:=BleuMouvTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef FixerSensRotation(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew("fixer le sens de rotation",RecMouvMenu(nbpas));%RecMouvMenu(nbpas)); ColBloc:=BleuMouvTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande --FixerSensRotation-- admet un seul argument de type string"); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; %%%% fin section Mouvement %%%%%% %%%%% Section Apparence %%%%%%%%% vardef DireT(expr na,xa)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("dire",if string na:OvalText(na) else: na fi,"pendant",if string xa : OvalNb(xa) else: xa fi,"seconde(s)"); ColBloc:=VioletAppTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef Dire(expr na)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("dire",if string na:OvalText(na) else: na fi); ColBloc:=VioletAppTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef PenserT(expr na,xa)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("penser à",if string na:OvalText(na) else: na fi,"pendant",if string xa : OvalNb(xa) else: xa fi,"seconde(s)"); ColBloc:=VioletAppTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef Penser(expr na)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("penser à",if string na:OvalText(na) else: na fi); ColBloc:=VioletAppTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef Montrer= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("montrer"); ColBloc:=VioletAppTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef Cacher= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("cacher"); ColBloc:=VioletAppTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef Basculer(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew("basculer sur le costume",OvalAppMenu(nbpas)); ColBloc:=VioletAppTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande --Basculer-- n'accepte qu'un argument string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef BasculerCostume(expr nbpass)=Basculer(nbpass) enddef; vardef CostumeSuivant= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("costume suivant"); ColBloc:=VioletAppTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef ARSuivant= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("arrière-plan suivant"); ColBloc:=VioletAppTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef BasculerAR(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew("basculer sur l'arrière-plan",OvalAppMenu(nbpas)); ColBloc:=VioletAppTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande --BasculerAR-- n'accepte qu'un argument string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef BasculerARA(expr nbpas)=%quand la scène est sélectionnée... LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew("basculer sur l'arrière-plan",OvalAppMenu(nbpas)," et attendre"); ColBloc:=VioletAppTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande --BasculerARA-- n'accepte qu'un argument string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef AjouterEffet(expr nbpas,xa)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string xa: texto=ColleBoxNew("ajouter",if string nbpas: OvalNb(nbpas) else: nbpas fi," à l'effet",RecMenuApp(xa)); ColBloc:=VioletAppTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande --AjouterEffet-- n'accepte qu'un deuxième argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef MettreEffet(expr xa,nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string xa: texto=ColleBoxNew("mettre l'effet",RecMenuApp(xa),"à",if string nbpas:OvalNb(nbpas) else: nbpas fi); ColBloc:=VioletAppTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande --MettreEffet-- n'accepte qu'un premier argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef AnnulerEffet= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("annuler les effets graphiques"); ColBloc:=VioletAppTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef AnnulerEffets=AnnulerEffet enddef; vardef AjouterTaille(expr na)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("ajouter",if string na:OvalNb(na) else: na fi,"à la taille"); ColBloc:=VioletAppTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef MettreA(expr na)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("mettre la taille à",if string na:OvalNb(na) else: na fi,"\% de la taille initiale"); ColBloc:=VioletAppTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef MettreTaille(expr art)=MettreA(art) enddef; vardef AllerPlan(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew("aller à l'",RecMenuApp(nbpas),"plan"); ColBloc:=VioletAppTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande --AllerPlan-- n'accepte qu'un argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef DeplacerPlan(expr nbpas,xa)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string xa: texto=ColleBoxNew("déplacer de",if string nbpas:OvalNb(nbpas) else: nbpas fi,"plan(s) vers l'",RecMenuApp(xa)); ColBloc:=VioletAppTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande --DeplacerPlan-- n'accepte qu'un deuxième argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; %%%%fin Section Apparance%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%% Section Son%%%%%%%%%%%% vardef Jouer(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; if string nbpas : texto=ColleBoxNew("jouer le son",OvalMenuSon(nbpas)); ColBloc:=SonTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande --Jouer-- n'accepte qu'un argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef JouerT(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew("jouer le son",OvalMenuSon(nbpas)," jusqu'au bout"); ColBloc:=SonTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande --Jouer-- n'accepte qu'un argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef ArreterSon= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("arrêter tous les sons"); ColBloc:=SonTrois;; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef ArreterSons=ArreterSon enddef; vardef AjouterVol(expr xa)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("ajouter",if string xa:OvalNb(xa) else: xa fi," au volume"); ColBloc:=SonTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef MettreVol(expr xa)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("mettre le volume à",if string xa: OvalNb(xa) else: xa fi,"~\%"); ColBloc:=SonTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef AjouterEffetSon(expr nombre, effet)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; if string effet: texto=ColleBoxNew("ajouter",if string nombre : OvalNb(nombre) else: nombre fi," à l'effet",RecMenuSon(effet)); ColBloc:=SonTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- AjouterEffet -- n'accepte qu'un deuxième argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef MettreEffetSon(expr effet,nombre)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; if string effet: texto=ColleBoxNew("mettre l'effet",RecMenuSon(effet),"à",if string nombre:OvalNb(nombre) else: nombre fi); ColBloc:=SonTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- MettreEffet -- n'accepte qu'un argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef AnnulerEffetSon= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("annuler tous les effets sonores"); ColBloc:=SonTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; %Musique vardef Tambour(expr na,xa)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; if string na: texto=ColleBoxNew(DoubleNote,"jouer du tambour",OvalStylo(na),"pendant",if string xa:OvalNb(xa) else: xa fi,"temps"); ColBloc:=StyloTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande --Tambour-- n'accepte qu'un premier argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef Pause(expr na)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; texto=ColleBoxNew(DoubleNote,"faire une pause pendant",if string na: OvalNb(na) else: na fi," temps"); ColBloc:=StyloTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef JouerNote(expr na,xa)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; texto=ColleBoxNew(DoubleNote,"jouer la note",if string na:OvalNb(na) else: na fi," pendant",if string xa:OvalNb(xa) else: xa fi," temps"); ColBloc:=StyloTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef ChoisirInstrument(expr na)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $, texto; if string na: texto=ColleBoxNew(DoubleNote,"choisir l'instrument \no{}",OvalStylo(na)); ColBloc:=StyloTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- ChoisirInstrument -- n'accepte qu'un argument de type string"); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef MettreTempo(expr xa)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew(DoubleNote,"mettre le tempo à",if string xa:OvalNb(xa) else: xa fi); ColBloc:=FondSonTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef AjouterTempo(expr xa)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew(DoubleNote,"ajouter",if string xa:OvalNb(xa) else: xa fi," au tempo"); ColBloc:=FondSonTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef DoubleNote= save $; picture $; $=image( draw (((0,0)--(0,18pt)) shifted(-12,-9pt)) withpen pencircle scaled 1bp withcolor if print: coefprint*white else: StyloTrois fi; draw NoteImage shifted((-5,-2)); draw NoteImage shifted((3.5,2)); draw (((0,0)--(0,18pt)) shifted(12,-9pt)) withpen pencircle scaled 1bp withcolor if print: 0.5*coefprint*white else: (69/255,168/255,140/255) fi;%Trop clair->(14/255,187/255,139/255); ); $:=$ shifted(-3,0); $ enddef; vardef NoteImage= save $; picture $; $=image( linecap := butt; linejoin := mitered; fill (80.695297,716.262024)..controls (80.574203,716.257996) and (80.476601,716.171997)..(80.480499,716.062988) --(80.687500,704.125000)..controls (79.941399,704.570007) and (78.644501,704.637024)..(77.312500,704.223022) ..controls (75.503899,703.659973) and (74.339798,702.429993)..(74.710899,701.473022) ..controls (75.082001,700.512024) and (76.851601,700.187988)..(78.656303,700.750000) ..controls (80.425797,701.301025) and (81.574203,702.504028)..(81.273399,703.453003) --(81.125000,711.987976)..controls (82.910202,711.909973) and (86.910202,711.625000)..(84.917999,706.456970) ..controls (85.992203,707.906006) and (86.839798,709.598022)..(85.273399,711.629028) ..controls (84.378899,712.789001) and (81.617203,713.348022)..(81.062500,715.398010) --(81.054703,716.065979)..controls (81.050797,716.176025) and (80.953102,716.262024)..(80.832001,716.262024) --cycle if print=false: withcolor white fi; pickup pencircle scaled 0.797011bp; draw (80.695297,716.262024)..controls (80.574203,716.257996) and (80.476601,716.171997)..(80.480499,716.062988) --(80.687500,704.125000)..controls (79.941399,704.570007) and (78.644501,704.637024)..(77.312500,704.223022) ..controls (75.503899,703.659973) and (74.339798,702.429993)..(74.710899,701.473022) ..controls (75.082001,700.512024) and (76.851601,700.187988)..(78.656303,700.750000) ..controls (80.425797,701.301025) and (81.574203,702.504028)..(81.273399,703.453003) --(81.125000,711.987976)..controls (82.910202,711.909973) and (86.910202,711.625000)..(84.917999,706.456970) ..controls (85.992203,707.906006) and (86.839798,709.598022)..(85.273399,711.629028) ..controls (84.378899,712.789001) and (81.617203,713.348022)..(81.062500,715.398010) --(81.054703,716.065979)..controls (81.050797,716.176025) and (80.953102,716.262024)..(80.832001,716.262024) --cycle if print=false: withcolor white fi; pickup pencircle scaled eppen; ); $:=($ rotatedabout((72.000000,699),15)) scaled 0.8; $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; %%%%%% fin Section Son %%%%%%%%% %%%%%% Section Stylo %%%%%%%%% vardef ImageCrayon= save titi; picture titi; titi=image(% draw CrayonImage shifted(-12,0); draw (((0,0)--(0,18pt)) shifted(9,-9)) withpen pencircle scaled 1bp withcolor if print: 0.5*coefprint*white else: (69/255,168/255,140/255) fi;%Trop clair->(14/255,187/255,139/255); ); titi enddef; vardef Effacer= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew(ImageCrayon,"effacer tout"); ColBloc:=StyloTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef Estampiller= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew(ImageCrayon,"estampiller"); ColBloc:=StyloTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef PoserStylo= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew(ImageCrayon," stylo en position d'écriture"); ColBloc:=StyloTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef ReleverStylo= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew(ImageCrayon,"relever le stylo"); ColBloc:=StyloTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef MettreCouleur(expr redc,greenc,bluec)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew(ImageCrayon," mettre la couleur du stylo à",OvalCouleur(redc,greenc,bluec)); ColBloc:=StyloTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef AjouterCS(text t)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; numeric k; k=0; for p_=t: if k=1:string effet; effet=p_ fi; if k=0: if string p_:string nombre; nombre=p_ else: if picture p_: picture nombre; nombre=p_; fi fi fi; k:=k+1; endfor; texto=ColleBoxNew(ImageCrayon,"ajouter",if string nombre:OvalNb(nombre) else: nombre fi,"à la",OvalStylo(effet),"du stylo"); ColBloc:=StyloTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef MettreCS(text t)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; numeric k; k=0; for p_=t: if k=0:string effet; effet=p_ fi; if k=1: if string p_:string nombre; nombre=p_ else: if picture p_: picture nombre; nombre=p_; fi fi fi; k:=k+1; endfor; texto=ColleBoxNew(ImageCrayon,"mettre la",OvalStylo(effet),"du stylo à",if string nombre:OvalNb(nombre) else: nombre fi); ColBloc:=StyloTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; %taille du stylo vardef AjouterTS(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew(ImageCrayon,"ajouter",if string nbpas:OvalNb(nbpas) else: nbpas fi,"à la taille du stylo"); ColBloc:=StyloTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef MettreTS(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew(ImageCrayon,"mettre la taille du stylo à",if string nbpas:OvalNb(nbpas) else: nbpas fi); ColBloc:=StyloTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef CrayonImage= picture cray; cray=image(% drawoptions (if print=false:withcolor (0.298050,0.556850,0.917650) fi); linecap := butt; linejoin := mitered; fill (0.960938,1.390630)--(1.644530,2.996090)..controls (1.730470,3.199220) and (1.917970,3.500000)..(2.062500,3.664060)..controls (2.324220,3.968750) and (3.539060,2.753910)..(3.234380,2.488280)..controls (3.070310,2.343750) and (2.769530,2.160160)..(2.566410,2.074220)--cycle; drawoptions (withcolor (0.349030,0.368640,0.450970)); pickup pencircle scaled 0.498140bp; draw (0.960938,1.390630)--(1.644530,2.996090)..controls (1.730470,3.199220) and (1.917970,3.500000)..(2.062500,3.664060)..controls (2.324220,3.968750) and (3.539060,2.753910)..(3.234380,2.488280)..controls (3.070310,2.343750) and (2.769530,2.160160)..(2.566410,2.074220)--cycle; drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000)); %pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp; fill (1.800780,3.363280)--(2.558590,5.156250)..controls (2.601560,5.257810) and (2.699220,5.402340)..(2.777340,5.480470)--(8.281250,10.984400)..controls (8.300780,11.003900) and (8.339840,11.023400)..(8.367190,11.031300)..controls (9.757810,11.398400) and (10.968800,10.187500)..(10.601600,8.792970)..controls (10.593800,8.769530) and (10.574200,8.730470)..(10.554700,8.710940)--(6.316410,4.476560)..controls (5.539060,3.695310) and (4.089840,2.718750)..(3.074220,2.289060)--(2.980470,2.246090)..controls (2.957030,2.238280) and (2.953130,2.242190)..(2.972660,2.261720)..controls (3.539060,2.753910) and (2.324220,3.968750)..(1.800780,3.363280)--cycle; drawoptions (if print=false:withcolor (0.349030,0.368640,0.450970) fi); pickup pencircle scaled 0.498140bp; draw (1.800780,3.363280)--(2.558590,5.156250)..controls (2.601560,5.257810) and (2.699220,5.402340)..(2.777340,5.480470)--(8.281250,10.984400)..controls (8.300780,11.003900) and (8.339840,11.023400)..(8.367190,11.031300)..controls (9.757810,11.398400) and (10.968800,10.187500)..(10.601600,8.792970)..controls (10.593800,8.769530) and (10.574200,8.730470)..(10.554700,8.710940)--(6.316410,4.476560)..controls (5.539060,3.695310) and (4.089840,2.718750)..(3.074220,2.289060)--(2.980470,2.246090)..controls (2.957030,2.238280) and (2.953130,2.242190)..(2.972660,2.261720)..controls (3.539060,2.753910) and (2.324220,3.968750)..(1.800780,3.363280); drawoptions (if print=false:withcolor (0.298050,0.556850,0.917650) fi); %pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp; fill (8.316410,11.019500)--(13.031300,15.730500)..controls (13.109400,15.808600) and (13.257800,15.878900)..(13.371100,15.886700)..controls (14.308600,15.949200) and (15.519500,14.734400)..(15.457000,13.796900)..controls (15.449200,13.687500) and (15.378900,13.535200)..(15.300800,13.457000)--(10.589800,8.746090)..controls (10.968800,10.187500) and (9.757810,11.398400)..(8.316410,11.019500)--cycle; drawoptions (if print=false:withcolor (0.349030,0.368640,0.450970) fi); pickup pencircle scaled 0.498140bp; draw (8.316410,11.019500)--(13.031300,15.730500)..controls (13.109400,15.808600) and (13.257800,15.878900)..(13.371100,15.886700)..controls (14.308600,15.949200) and (15.519500,14.734400)..(15.457000,13.796900)..controls (15.449200,13.687500) and (15.378900,13.535200)..(15.300800,13.457000)--(10.589800,8.746090)..controls (10.968800,10.187500) and (9.757810,11.398400)..(8.316410,11.019500)--cycle; draw (12.562500,15.265600)..controls (7.937500,15.644500) and (9.453130,10.488300)..(6.117190,11.398400); %pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp; fill (7.199220,12.785200)..controls (6.812500,13.175800) and (6.179690,13.175800)..(5.792970,12.785200)..controls (5.402340,12.398400) and (5.402340,11.765600)..(5.792970,11.378900)..controls (6.179690,10.988300) and (6.812500,10.988300)..(7.199220,11.378900)..controls (7.589840,11.765600) and (7.589840,12.398400)..(7.199220,12.785200)--cycle; fill (6.496090,12.082000)--cycle; pickup pencircle scaled 0.498140bp; draw (7.199220,12.785200)..controls (6.812500,13.175800) and (6.179690,13.175800)..(5.792970,12.785200)..controls (5.402340,12.398400) and (5.402340,11.765600)..(5.792970,11.378900)..controls (6.179690,10.988300) and (6.812500,10.988300)..(7.199220,11.378900)..controls (7.589840,11.765600) and (7.589840,12.398400)..(7.199220,12.785200)--cycle; draw (6.496090,12.082000); drawoptions(); pickup pencircle scaled 0bp; draw (-3,0)--(-3,18) withcolor if print : coefprint*white else: StyloTrois fi; pickup pencircle scaled eppen; ); cray:=cray shifted((0,-9pt)); cray enddef; %%%%%% Fin Section Stylo %%%%%%%% %%%%%% Section Contrôle %%%%%%%%% color colControle; colControle:=OrangeConTrois; vardef AffichageStop= path cadre; cadre=(llcorner texto+(-eb,0)){dir-90}..{dir0}(llcorner texto+(0,-eb))-- (lrcorner texto+(0,-eb)){dir0}..{dir90}(lrcorner texto+(eb,0))--(urcorner texto+(eb,0)){dir90}..{dir180}(urcorner texto+(0,eb))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.625cm,0)+(eb,eb)){dir180}.. {dir180}(ulcorner texto+(0.625cm,0))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.375cm,0)){dir180}.. {dir180}(ulcorner texto+(0.375cm,0)+(-eb,eb))-- (ulcorner texto+(0,eb)){dir180}..{dir-90}(ulcorner texto+(-eb,0))--cycle; picture TEXT; TEXT=image( fill cadre withcolor if print : coefprint*white else : if unknown colControle : LightOrange else : colControle fi fi; draw texto; draw cadre withcolor CoulLignes; ); TEXT enddef; pair coindebutbloc[]; numeric numblocrep; numblocrep:=0; vardef Repeter(expr xa)= LONG:=0; save $; numblocrep:=numblocrep+1; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("répéter", if string xa : OvalNb(xa) else: xa fi,"fois"); LongRep[numblocrep]:=abs(llcorner texto-lrcorner texto);%afin de conserver la longueur du"répéter..." ColBloc:=OrangeConTrois; $=AffichageControle(texto); $ enddef; vardef RepeterI= LONG:=0; save $; numblocrep:=numblocrep+1; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("répéter indéfiniment"); LongRep[numblocrep]:=abs(llcorner texto-lrcorner texto);%afin de conserver la longueur du"répéter..." ColBloc:=OrangeConTrois; $=AffichageControle(texto); $ enddef; vardef RepeterJ(expr xa)= LONG:=0; save $; numblocrep:=numblocrep+1; picture $,texto; if picture xa: texto=ColleBoxNew("répéter jusqu'à ce que",xa); LongRep[numblocrep]:=abs(llcorner texto-lrcorner texto);%afin de conserver la longueur du"répéter..." ColBloc:=OrangeConTrois; $=AffichageControle(texto); else: message("La commande -- RepeterJ -- n'admet qu'un argument de type picture."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef FinBlocRepeter= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; _coinprec:=_coinprec-(0.5cm,0); drawoptions(); texto=image( labeloffset:=0; label.lrt(TEX("\barre\hbox to"&decimal(LongRep[numblocrep])&"pt{~~}"),if unknown _coinprec: (0,0) else:_coinprec fi); labeloffset:=3; ); path cadre; cadre=(coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.125,0.125))-- (coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.0625+0.5cm+eb,0.125)){dir180}.. {dir-90}(coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.5cm,-eb))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.5cm,eb)){dir-90}.. {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.5cm+eb,0))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.5cm+0.375cm,0)){dir0}..% {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.5cm+0.375cm,0)+(eb,-eb))--% (ulcorner texto+(0.5cm+0.625cm,0)+(eb,-eb)){dir0}..% {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.5cm+0.625cm,0)+(2eb,0))--% (urcorner texto+(-eb,0)){dir0}.. {dir-90}(urcorner texto+(0,-eb))-- (lrcorner texto+(0,eb)){dir-90}.. {dir180}(lrcorner texto+(-eb,0))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+0.625cm,0)+(2eb,0)){dir180}.. {dir180}(llcorner texto+(0.125+0.625cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+0.375cm,0)+(eb,-eb)){dir180}.. {dir180}(llcorner texto+(0.125+0.375cm,0))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125,0)+(eb,0)){dir180}.. {dir90}(llcorner texto+(0.125,0)+(0,eb))-- cycle; $=image( fill cadre withcolor if print : coefprint*white else : if unknown colControle : LightOrange else : colControle fi fi; draw cadre withcolor if print : coefprint*white else : if unknown colControle : LightOrange else : colControle fi fi; AA:=ahangle; ahangle:=90; drawarrow (lrcorner texto+(-0.625cm,0.15cm)){dir-15}..{dir90}(urcorner texto+(-0.25cm,-0.1cm)) withpen pencircle scaled2bp if print=false : withcolor white fi; ahangle:=AA; draw (coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.0625+0.5cm+eb,0.125)){dir180}.. {dir-90}(coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.5cm,-eb))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.5cm,eb)){dir-90}.. {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.5cm+eb,0))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.5cm+0.375cm,0)){dir0}..% {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.5cm+0.375cm,0)+(eb,-eb))--% (ulcorner texto+(0.5cm+0.625cm,0)+(eb,-eb)){dir0}..% {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.5cm+0.625cm,0)+(2eb,0))--% (urcorner texto+(-eb,0)){dir0}.. {dir-90}(urcorner texto+(0,-eb))-- (lrcorner texto+(0,eb)){dir-90}.. {dir180}(lrcorner texto+(-eb,0))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+0.625cm,0)+(2eb,0)){dir180}.. {dir180}(llcorner texto+(0.125+0.625cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+0.375cm,0)+(eb,-eb)){dir180}.. {dir180}(llcorner texto+(0.125+0.375cm,0))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125,0)+(eb,0)){dir180}.. {dir90}(llcorner texto+(0.125,0)+(0,eb))--(coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.125,0.125)) withcolor CoulLignes; ); _coinprec:=(llcorner $); _coinprec:=_coinprec+(0,eb); numblocrep:=numblocrep-1; $ enddef; vardef FinBlocRepeterI=FinBlocRepeter enddef; vardef Si(expr xa)= LONG:=0; save $; numblocrep:=numblocrep+1; picture $,texto; if picture xa: texto=ColleBoxNew("si\hbox to1em{}",xa,"alors"); LongRep[numblocrep]:=abs(llcorner texto-lrcorner texto);%afin de conserver la longueur du"répéter..." ColBloc:=OrangeConTrois; $=AffichageControle(texto); else: message("La commande -- Si -- n'admet qu'un argument de type picture."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef FinBlocSi= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; _coinprec:=_coinprec-(0.5cm,0); drawoptions(); texto=image( labeloffset:=0; label.lrt(TEX("\hbox to"&decimal(LongRep[numblocrep])&"pt{\phantom{\barre fin du bloc}}"),if unknown _coinprec: (0,0) else:_coinprec fi); labeloffset:=3; ); path cadre; if BlocStopAvant=false: cadre=(coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.125,0.125))-- (coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.0625+0.5cm+eb,0.125)){dir180}.. {dir-90}(coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.5cm,-eb))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.5cm,eb)){dir-90}.. {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.5cm+eb,0))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.5cm+0.375cm,0)){dir0}..% {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.5cm+0.375cm,0)+(eb,-eb))--% (ulcorner texto+(0.5cm+0.625cm,0)+(eb,-eb)){dir0}..% {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.5cm+0.625cm,0)+(2eb,0))--% (urcorner texto+(-eb,0)){dir0}.. {dir-90}(urcorner texto+(0,-eb))-- (lrcorner texto+(0,eb)){dir-90}.. {dir180}(lrcorner texto+(-eb,0))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+0.625cm,0)+(2eb,0)){dir180}.. {dir180}(llcorner texto+(0.125+0.625cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+0.375cm,0)+(eb,-eb)){dir180}.. {dir180}(llcorner texto+(0.125+0.375cm,0))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125,0)+(eb,0)){dir180}.. {dir90}(llcorner texto+(0.125,0)+(0,eb))-- cycle; else: cadre=(coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.125,0.125))-- (coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.0625+0.5cm,0)+(eb,0.125)){dir180}.. {dir-90}(coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.5cm,0)+(0,-eb))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.5cm,0)+(0,eb)){dir-90}.. {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.5cm,0)+(eb,0))-- % (ulcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0)){dir0}.. % {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- % (ulcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(eb,-eb)){dir0}.. % {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(2eb,0))--%--% (urcorner texto+(-eb,0)){dir0}.. {dir-90}(urcorner texto+(0,-eb))-- (lrcorner texto+(0,eb)){dir-90}.. {dir180}(lrcorner texto+(-eb,0))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+0.625cm,0)+(2eb,0)){dir180}.. {dir180}(llcorner texto+(0.125+0.625cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+0.375cm,0)+(eb,-eb)){dir180}.. {dir180}(llcorner texto+(0.125+0.375cm,0))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125,0)+(eb,0)){dir180}.. {dir90}(llcorner texto+(0.125,0)+(0,eb))-- cycle; fi; $=image( fill cadre withcolor if print : coefprint*white else : if unknown colControle : LightOrange else : colControle fi fi; draw cadre withcolor if print : coefprint*white else : if unknown colControle : LightOrange else : colControle fi fi; if BlocStopAvant=false: draw (coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.0625+0.5cm,0)+(eb,0)){dir180}.. {dir-90}(coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.5cm,0)+(0,-eb))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.5cm,0)+(0,eb)){dir-90}.. {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.5cm,0)+(eb,0))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0)){dir0}.. {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(eb,-eb)){dir0}.. {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(2eb,0))--%--% (urcorner texto+(-eb,0)){dir0}.. {dir-90}(urcorner texto+(0,-eb))-- (lrcorner texto+(0,eb)){dir-90}.. {dir180}(lrcorner texto+(-eb,0))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+0.625cm,0)+(2eb,0)){dir180}.. {dir180}(llcorner texto+(0.125+0.625cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+0.375cm,0)+(eb,-eb)){dir180}.. {dir180}(llcorner texto+(0.125+0.375cm,0))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125,0)+(eb,0)){dir180}.. {dir90}(llcorner texto+(0.125,0)+(0,eb))-- (coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.125,0.125)) withcolor CoulLignes; else: draw (coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.0625+0.5cm,0)+(eb,0.125)){dir180}.. {dir-90}(coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.5cm,0)+(0,-eb))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.5cm,0)+(0,eb)){dir-90}.. {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.5cm,0)+(eb,0))-- %(ulcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0)){dir0}.. %{dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- %(ulcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(eb,-eb)){dir0}.. %{dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(2eb,0))--%--% (urcorner texto+(-eb,0)){dir0}.. {dir-90}(urcorner texto+(0,-eb))-- (lrcorner texto+(0,eb)){dir-90}.. {dir180}(lrcorner texto+(-eb,0))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+0.625cm,0)+(2eb,0)){dir180}.. {dir180}(llcorner texto+(0.125+0.625cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+0.375cm,0)+(eb,-eb)){dir180}.. {dir180}(llcorner texto+(0.125+0.375cm,0))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125,0)+(eb,0)){dir180}.. {dir90}(llcorner texto+(0.125,0)+(0,eb))-- (coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.125,0.125)) withcolor CoulLignes; fi; ); _coinprec:=(llcorner $); _coinprec:=_coinprec+(0,eb); numblocrep:=numblocrep-1; $ enddef; boolean BlocStopAvant; BlocStopAvant=false; vardef Sinon= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; _coinprec:=_coinprec-(0.5cm,0); drawoptions(); texto=image( labeloffset:=0; label.lrt(TEX("\, \hbox to"&decimal(LongRep[numblocrep])&"pt{\bfseries\barre sinon}"),if unknown _coinprec: (0,0) else:_coinprec fi) if print=false : withcolor blanc fi; labeloffset:=3; ); path cadre; if BlocStopAvant=false: cadre=(llcorner texto+(0.125,0))-- (coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.125,0.125))-- (coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.0625+0.5cm,0)+(eb,0.125)){dir180}.. {dir-90}(coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.5cm,0)+(0,-eb))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.5cm,0)+(0,eb)){dir-90}.. {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.5cm,0)+(eb,0))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0)){dir0}.. {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(eb,-eb)){dir0}.. {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(2eb,0))--%--% (urcorner texto+(-eb,0)){dir0}.. {dir-90}(urcorner texto+(0,-eb))-- (lrcorner texto+(0,eb)){dir-90}.. {dir180}(lrcorner texto+(-eb,0))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(2eb,0)){dir180}.. {dir180}(llcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0)+(eb,-eb)){dir180}.. {dir180}(llcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0))-- cycle; else: cadre=(llcorner texto+(0.125,0))-- (coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.125,0.125))-- (coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.0625+0.5cm,0)+(eb,0.125)){dir180}.. {dir-90}(coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.5cm,0)+(0,-eb))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.5cm,0)+(0,eb)){dir-90}.. {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.5cm,0)+(eb,0))-- % (ulcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0)){dir0}.. % {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- % (ulcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(eb,-eb)){dir0}.. % {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(2eb,0))--%--% (urcorner texto+(-eb,0)){dir0}.. {dir-90}(urcorner texto+(0,-eb))-- (lrcorner texto+(0,eb)){dir-90}.. {dir180}(lrcorner texto+(-eb,0))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(2eb,0)){dir180}.. {dir180}(llcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0)+(eb,-eb)){dir180}.. {dir180}(llcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0))-- cycle; fi; $=image( fill cadre withcolor if print=true : coefprint*white else : if unknown colControle : LightOrange else : colControle fi fi; draw cadre withcolor if print=true : coefprint*white else : if unknown colControle : LightOrange else : colControle fi fi; draw texto; if BlocStopAvant=false: draw (coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.0625+0.5cm,0)+(eb,0.125)){dir180}.. {dir-90}(coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.5cm,0)+(0,-eb))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.5cm,0)+(0,eb)){dir-90}.. {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.5cm,0)+(eb,0))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0)){dir0}.. {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(eb,-eb)){dir0}.. {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(2eb,0))--%--% (urcorner texto+(-eb,0)){dir0}.. {dir-90}(urcorner texto+(0,-eb))-- (lrcorner texto+(0,eb)){dir-90}.. {dir180}(lrcorner texto+(-eb,0))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(2eb,0)){dir180}.. {dir180}(llcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0)+(eb,-eb)){dir180}.. {dir180}(llcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+0.5cm+eb,0)) withcolor CoulLignes; else: draw (coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.0625+0.5cm,0)+(eb,0.125)){dir180}.. {dir-90}(coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.5cm,0)+(0,-eb))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.5cm,0)+(0,eb)){dir-90}.. {dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.5cm,0)+(eb,0))-- %(ulcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0)){dir0}.. %{dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- %(ulcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(eb,-eb)){dir0}.. %{dir0}(ulcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(2eb,0))--%--% (urcorner texto+(-eb,0)){dir0}.. {dir-90}(urcorner texto+(0,-eb))-- (lrcorner texto+(0,eb)){dir-90}.. {dir180}(lrcorner texto+(-eb,0))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(2eb,0)){dir180}.. {dir180}(llcorner texto+(0.125+1.125cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- (llcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0)+(eb,-eb)){dir180}.. {dir180}(llcorner texto+(0.125+0.875cm,0)) withcolor CoulLignes; fi; draw (llcorner texto+(0.125,0))--(coindebutbloc[numblocrep]+(0.125,0.125)) withcolor CoulLignes; ); _coinprec:=(llcorner $)+(0.5cm,0); _coinprec:=_coinprec+(0,eb); coindebutbloc[numblocrep]:=(llcorner $)+(0,eb+0.125); $ enddef; vardef Attendre(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("attendre",if string nbpas:OvalNb(nbpas) else: nbpas fi,"seconde(s)"); ColBloc:=OrangeConTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef AttendreJ(expr xa)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if picture xa: texto=ColleBoxNew("attendre jusqu'à ce que",xa); ColBloc:=OrangeConTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- AttendreJ -- n'admet qu'un argument de type picture."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef Stop(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; string TTm;%Pour sauvegarder le nbpas car en l'utilisant dans les if, il ne permet pas la concaténation... TTm=if print:nbpas&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown" else:"{\color{white}"&nbpas&"\hbox to1em{}\barre\blacktriangledown}"; fi; texto=image( path ti; ti=Box("stop"); label(TEX("\bfseries\barre stop"),center ti) if print=false : withcolor white fi;%_>ok if picture nbpas: picture ta; ta=nbpas; drawoptions(shifted (xpart((lrcorner ti)-(llcorner ta)+(eb,0)),ypart(center ti-center ta))); draw ta; drawoptions(); else: path ta; ta=RecBox(TTm);% drawoptions(shifted (xpart((lrcorner ti)-(llcorner ta)+(eb,0)),ypart(center ti-center ta))); if print=false : fill ta withcolor ControleTrois fi; draw ta withcolor 0.95white; label(TEX(TTm),center ta); drawoptions(); fi; ); $=AffichageStop shifted (if unknown _coinprec:(0,0) else :_coinprec fi - ulcorner AffichageStop); _coinprec:=llcorner $; _coinprec:=_coinprec;%+(0,eb); _coincom:=1/2[lrcorner $,urcorner $]+(eb,0); _coinnum:=(xpart(DebutListe+(-3*eb,0)),ypart(1/2[llcorner $,ulcorner $])); if NumeroteLignes=true: label(TEX("\footnotesize"&decimal(Nblignes)&""),_coinnum); Nblignes:=Nblignes+1; fi; $ enddef; vardef CommencerClone= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("quand je commence comme un clone"); ColBloc:=ControleTrois; $=AffichageED(texto); $ enddef; vardef CreerClone(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew("créer un clone de",OvalMenuControle(nbpas)); ColBloc:=ControleTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- CreerClone -- accepte un argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef SupprimerClone= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=image( path ti; ti=Box("supprimer ce clone"); label(TEX("\bfseries\barre supprimer ce clone"),center ti) if print=false : withcolor white fi;%_>ok ); $=AffichageStop shifted (if unknown _coinprec:(0,0) else :_coinprec fi - ulcorner AffichageStop); _coinprec:=llcorner $; _coinprec:=_coinprec+(0,eb); _coincom:=1/2[lrcorner $,urcorner $]+(eb,0); _coinnum:=(xpart(DebutListe+(-3*eb,0)),ypart(1/2[llcorner $,ulcorner $])); if NumeroteLignes=true: label(TEX("\footnotesize"&decimal(Nblignes)&""),_coinnum); Nblignes:=Nblignes+1; fi; $ enddef; %%fin Section Contrôle%%% %%%%%%%% Section Evenements %%%%% vardef Drapeau= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("quand",DrapeauImage shifted(-(80,707)),"est cliqué"); ColBloc:=EvenementTrois; $=AffichageED(texto); $ enddef; vardef QPresse(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew("quand la touche",RecEvenementMenu(nbpas),"est pressée"); ColBloc:=EvenementTrois; $=AffichageED(texto); else: message("La commande -- QPresse -- accepte un argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef QLutinPresse= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("quand ce sprite est cliqué"); ColBloc:=EvenementTrois; $=AffichageED(texto); $ enddef; vardef QSpritePresse=QLutinPresse enddef; vardef QScenePressee= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("quand la scène est cliquée"); ColBloc:=EvenementTrois; $=AffichageED(texto); $ enddef; vardef QBasculeAR(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew("quand l'arrière-plan bascule sur",RecEvenementMenu(nbpas)); ColBloc:=EvenementTrois; $=AffichageED(texto); else: message("La commande -- QBasculeAR -- accepte un argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef QVolumeSup(expr nbpas,xa)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew("quand le",RecEvenementMenu(nbpas),"$>$",if string xa:OvalNb(xa) else: xa fi); ColBloc:=EvenementTrois; $=AffichageED(texto); else: message("La commande -- QVolumeSup -- accepte un premier argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef QRecevoirMessage(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew("quand je reçois",RecEvenementMenu(nbpas)); ColBloc:=EvenementTrois; $=AffichageED(texto); else: message("La commande -- QRecevoirMessage -- accepte un argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef EnvoyerMessage(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew("envoyer à tous",OvalMenuEvenement(nbpas)); ColBloc:=EvenementTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- EnvoyerMessage -- accepte un argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef EnvoyerMessageA(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew("envoyer à tous",OvalMenuEvenement(nbpas),"et attendre"); ColBloc:=EvenementTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- EnvoyerMessageA -- accepte un argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef DrapeauImage= save $; picture $; $=image( linecap := butt; linejoin := rounded; if print = false: drawoptions(withcolor(76/255,191/255,86/255)) fi; fill (72.000000,713.254028)--(72.000000,718.918030)--(72.507797,718.979980) --(72.984398,719.026978)--(73.437500,719.054993)--(73.867203,719.070007) --(74.273399,719.073975)--(74.660202,719.062988)--(75.023399,719.043030) --(75.367203,719.012024)--(75.695297,718.968994)--(76.003899,718.918030) --(76.300797,718.859009)--(76.578102,718.793030)--(76.847702,718.723022) --(77.105499,718.648010)--(77.351601,718.570007)--(77.589798,718.484009) --(77.820297,718.401978)--(78.042999,718.312988)--(78.234398,718.237976) --(78.234398,706.906006)--(78.042999,706.979980)--(77.820297,707.065979) --(77.589798,707.151978)--(77.351601,707.237976)--(77.105499,707.315979) --(76.847702,707.390991)--(76.578102,707.460999)--(76.300797,707.526978) --(76.003899,707.585999)--(75.695297,707.637024)--(75.367203,707.676025) --(75.023399,707.710999)--(74.660202,707.729980)--(74.273399,707.742004) --(73.867203,707.737976)--(73.437500,707.723022)--(72.984398,707.690979) --(72.507797,707.648010)--(72.000000,707.585999)--cycle; % drawoptions (withcolor (0,0.625,0)); fill (78.246101,712.565979)--(78.261703,718.226990)--(78.476601,718.140991) --(78.691399,718.059021)--(78.902298,717.976990)--(79.113297,717.895020) --(79.328102,717.820007)--(79.546898,717.754028)--(79.765602,717.687988) --(79.992203,717.632996)--(80.226601,717.585999)--(80.468803,717.543030) --(80.718803,717.515991)--(80.980499,717.495972)--(81.253899,717.492004) --(81.542999,717.495972)--(81.843803,717.515991)--(82.160202,717.546997) --(82.492203,717.598022)--(82.847702,717.664001)--(83.218803,717.745972) --(83.332001,717.773010)--(83.332001,706.440979)--(83.218803,706.414001) --(82.847702,706.328003)--(82.492203,706.265991)--(82.160202,706.215027) --(81.843803,706.179993)--(81.542999,706.164001)--(81.253899,706.156006) --(80.980499,706.164001)--(80.718803,706.184021)--(80.468803,706.210999) --(80.226601,706.250000)--(79.992203,706.301025)--(79.765602,706.354980) --(79.546898,706.418030)--(79.328102,706.487976)--(79.113297,706.562988) --(78.902298,706.645020)--(78.691399,706.723022)--(78.476601,706.809021) --(78.234398,706.906006)--cycle; % drawoptions (withcolor (0,0.625,0)); fill (83.332001,712.109009)--(83.332001,717.773010)--(83.613297,717.843994) --(84.031303,717.965027)--(84.468803,718.104980)--(84.933601,718.265991) --(85.425797,718.448975)--(85.945297,718.651978)--(86.492203,718.882996) --(87.070297,719.137024)--(87.679703,719.414001)--(88.324203,719.718994) --(89.000000,720.054993)--(89.000000,708.718994)--(88.324203,708.387024) --(87.679703,708.081970)--(87.070297,707.801025)--(86.492203,707.551025) --(85.945297,707.320007)--(85.425797,707.117004)--(84.933601,706.934021) --(84.468803,706.773010)--(84.031303,706.632996)--(83.613297,706.512024) --(83.332001,706.440979)--cycle; % drawoptions (withcolor (0,0.625,0)); %pickup pencircle scaled 0.199253bp; draw (72.000000,713.254028)--(72.000000,718.918030)--(72.507797,718.979980) --(72.984398,719.026978)--(73.437500,719.054993)--(73.867203,719.070007) --(74.273399,719.073975)--(74.660202,719.062988)--(75.023399,719.043030) --(75.367203,719.012024)--(75.695297,718.968994)--(76.003899,718.918030) --(76.300797,718.859009)--(76.578102,718.793030)--(76.847702,718.723022) --(77.105499,718.648010)--(77.351601,718.570007)--(77.589798,718.484009) --(77.820297,718.401978)--(78.042999,718.312988)--(78.261703,718.226990) --(78.476601,718.140991)--(78.691399,718.059021)--(78.902298,717.976990) --(79.113297,717.895020)--(79.328102,717.820007)--(79.546898,717.754028) --(79.765602,717.687988)--(79.992203,717.632996)--(80.226601,717.585999) --(80.468803,717.543030)--(80.718803,717.515991)--(80.980499,717.495972) --(81.253899,717.492004)--(81.542999,717.495972)--(81.843803,717.515991) --(82.160202,717.546997)--(82.492203,717.598022)--(82.847702,717.664001) --(83.218803,717.745972)--(83.613297,717.843994)--(84.031303,717.965027) --(84.468803,718.104980)--(84.933601,718.265991)--(85.425797,718.448975) --(85.945297,718.651978)--(86.492203,718.882996)--(87.070297,719.137024) --(87.679703,719.414001)--(88.324203,719.718994)--(89.000000,720.054993) --(89.000000,708.718994)--(88.324203,708.387024)--(87.679703,708.081970) --(87.070297,707.801025)--(86.492203,707.551025)--(85.945297,707.320007) --(85.425797,707.117004)--(84.933601,706.934021)--(84.468803,706.773010) --(84.031303,706.632996)--(83.613297,706.512024)--(83.218803,706.414001) --(82.847702,706.328003)--(82.492203,706.265991)--(82.160202,706.215027) --(81.843803,706.179993)--(81.542999,706.164001)--(81.253899,706.156006) --(80.980499,706.164001)--(80.718803,706.184021)--(80.468803,706.210999) --(80.226601,706.250000)--(79.992203,706.301025)--(79.765602,706.354980) --(79.546898,706.418030)--(79.328102,706.487976)--(79.113297,706.562988) --(78.902298,706.645020)--(78.691399,706.723022)--(78.476601,706.809021) --(78.261703,706.895020)--(78.042999,706.979980)--(77.820297,707.065979) --(77.589798,707.151978)--(77.351601,707.237976)--(77.105499,707.315979) --(76.847702,707.390991)--(76.578102,707.460999)--(76.300797,707.526978) --(76.003899,707.585999)--(75.695297,707.637024)--(75.367203,707.676025) --(75.023399,707.710999)--(74.660202,707.729980)--(74.273399,707.742004) --(73.867203,707.737976)--(73.437500,707.723022)--(72.984398,707.690979) --(72.507797,707.648010)--(72.000000,707.585999)--cycle if print=false : withcolor (0,0.625,0) fi; %pickup pencircle scaled 0.8bp; draw (72.000000,699)--(72.000000,720); drawoptions(); ); $:=$ rotatedabout((72.000000,699),-15); $ enddef; %%Fin section Evenement%%% %%%% Section Bloc %%%% vardef AffichageBlocDef= path cadre; cadre=(llcorner texto+(-eb,0)){dir-90}..{dir0}(llcorner texto+(0,-eb))-- (llcorner texto+(0.375cm,0)+(-eb,-eb)){dir0}.. {dir0}(llcorner texto+(0.375cm,0)+(0,-2eb))-- (llcorner texto+(0.625cm,0)+(0,-2eb)){dir0}.. {dir0}(llcorner texto+(0.625cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- (lrcorner texto+(0,-eb)){dir0}..{dir90}(lrcorner texto+(eb,0))-- (urcorner texto+(eb,eb)){dir90}..{dir180}(urcorner texto+(0,2eb))-- (ulcorner texto+(0,2eb)){dir180}.. {dir-90}(ulcorner texto+(-eb,eb))-- cycle; picture TEXT; TEXT=image( fill cadre withcolor if print : coefprint*white else : BlocTrois fi;%if unknown colBloc : DarkPurple else: colBloc fi fi; draw texto; draw cadre withcolor CoulLignes; ); TEXT enddef; vardef Bloc(text nomblocbloc)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=image( picture CBbloc; CBbloc=ColleBoxNew(nomblocbloc); draw CBbloc; ); ColBloc:=BlocTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef NouveauBloc(text nbpasbloc)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=image( picture CB; CB=ColleBoxNew("définir",BlocPuzzle(nbpasbloc)); draw CB; ); $=AffichageBlocDef shifted (if unknown _coinprec:(0,0) else :_coinprec fi - ulcorner AffichageBlocDef); _coinprec:=llcorner $; _coinprec:=_coinprec+(0,eb); _coincom:=1/2[lrcorner $,urcorner $]+(eb,0); _coinnum:=(xpart(DebutListe+(-3*eb,0)),ypart(1/2[llcorner $,ulcorner $])); if NumeroteLignes=true: label(TEX("\footnotesize"&decimal(Nblignes)&""),_coinnum); Nblignes:=Nblignes+1; fi; $ enddef; %%%% Fin Section Bloc%%%% %%% Section Divers%%% vardef CommandeVide(expr commande)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto,TEXT; if string commande : texto=image( label.lrt(TEX("\barre \hbox to"&commande&"cm{}"),if unknown _coinprec: (0,0) else:_coinprec fi); ); else: texto=commande; fi; ColBloc:=white; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef LigneVide= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto,TEXT; texto=image( label.lrt(TEX("\barre \hbox to2cm{}"),if unknown _coinprec: (0,0) else:_coinprec fi); ); TEXT=image( path cadre; cadre=CADRE(texto); unfill cadre; %draw (urcorner texto+(0,eb))-- % (ulcorner texto+(0.625cm,0)+(eb,eb)){dir180}.. % {dir180}(ulcorner texto+(0.625cm,0))-- % (ulcorner texto+(0.375cm,0)){dir180}.. % {dir180}(ulcorner texto+(0.375cm,0)+(-eb,eb))-- % (ulcorner texto+(0,eb)) withpen pencircle scaled 0; ); $=TEXT shifted (if unknown _coinprec:(0,0) else :_coinprec fi - ulcorner TEXT); _coinprec:=llcorner $; _coinprec:=_coinprec+(0,eb); _coincom:=1/2[lrcorner $,urcorner $]+(eb,0); _coinnum:=(xpart(DebutListe+(-3*eb,0)),ypart(1/2[llcorner $,ulcorner $])); if NumeroteLignes=true: label(TEX("\footnotesize"&decimal(Nblignes)&""),_coinnum); Nblignes:=Nblignes+1; fi; $ enddef; vardef LigneVideVar(expr commande)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto,TEXT; if string texto: texto=image( label.lrt(TEX("\barre \hbox to2cm{}"),if unknown _coinprec: (0,0) else:_coinprec fi); ); else: texto=commande; fi; TEXT=image( path cadre; cadre=(llcorner texto+(-eb,0))--(llcorner texto+(0,-eb))-- (llcorner texto+(0.375cm,0)+(-eb,-eb))-- (llcorner texto+(0.375cm,0)+(0,-2eb))-- (llcorner texto+(0.625cm,0)+(0,-2eb))-- (llcorner texto+(0.625cm,0)+(eb,-eb))-- (lrcorner texto+(0,-eb))--(lrcorner texto+(eb,0))--(urcorner texto+(eb,0))--(urcorner texto+(0,eb))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.625cm,0)+(eb,eb))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.625cm,0))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.375cm,0))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.375cm,0)+(-eb,eb))-- (ulcorner texto+(0,eb))--(ulcorner texto+(-eb,0))--cycle; fill cadre withcolor white; % draw (urcorner texto+(0,eb))-- % (ulcorner texto+(0.625cm,0)+(eb,eb))-- % (ulcorner texto+(0.625cm,0))-- % (ulcorner texto+(0.375cm,0))-- % (ulcorner texto+(0.375cm,0)+(-eb,eb))-- % (ulcorner texto+(0,eb)) withpen pencircle scaled 0.05bp; ); $=TEXT shifted (if unknown _coinprec:(0,0) else :_coinprec fi - ulcorner TEXT); _coinprec:=llcorner $; _coinprec:=_coinprec+(0,eb); _coincom:=1/2[lrcorner $,urcorner $]+(eb,0); _coinnum:=(xpart(DebutListe+(-3*eb,0)),ypart(1/2[llcorner $,ulcorner $])); if NumeroteLignes=true: label(TEX("\footnotesize"&decimal(Nblignes)&""),_coinnum); Nblignes:=Nblignes+1; fi; $ enddef; vardef LignePointilles= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto,TEXT; texto=image( label.lrt(TEX("\barre\Large \strut\ldots\hbox to1em{}"),if unknown _coinprec: (0,0) else:_coinprec fi); ); TEXT=image( path cadre; cadre=CADRE(texto); fill cadre withcolor white; draw %(urcorner texto+(0,eb))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.625cm,0)+(eb,eb)){dir180}.. {dir180}(ulcorner texto+(0.625cm,0))-- (ulcorner texto+(0.375cm,0)){dir180}.. {dir180}(ulcorner texto+(0.375cm,0)+(-eb,eb)) %--(ulcorner texto+(0,eb)) withpen pencircle scaled 0.01; draw texto; ); $=TEXT shifted (if unknown _coinprec:(0,0) else :_coinprec fi - ulcorner TEXT); _coinprec:=llcorner $; _coinprec:=_coinprec+(0,eb); _coincom:=1/2[lrcorner $,urcorner $]+(eb,0); _coinnum:=(xpart(DebutListe+(-3*eb,0)),ypart(1/2[llcorner $,ulcorner $])); if NumeroteLignes=true: label(TEX("\footnotesize"&decimal(Nblignes)&""),_coinnum); Nblignes:=Nblignes+1; fi; $ enddef; vardef Commentaires(expr commande)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto,TEXT; texto=image( label.lrt(TEX("\barre "& commande &""),if unknown _coinprec: (0,0) else:_coinprec fi) withcolor 0.5*white; ); TEXT=image( path cadre; cadre=CADRE(texto); fill cadre withcolor white; draw texto; ); $=TEXT shifted (if unknown _coinprec:(0,0) else :_coinprec fi - ulcorner TEXT); _coinprec:=llcorner $; _coinprec:=_coinprec+(0,eb); $ enddef; color colcom; colcom=0.5white; vardef CommentairesLigne(expr commande)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto,TEXT; TEXT=image( label.rt(TEX(commande), _coincom) withcolor colcom; ); $=TEXT shifted (_coincom - 1/2[llcorner TEXT,ulcorner TEXT]); $ enddef; vardef BlocGris(expr ar)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $; path ta; string TTm; TTm=ar&"\barre"; ta=OvalMiniBox(TTm); $=image( fill ta withcolor 0.975white; draw ta withcolor 0.85white; label(TEX(TTm),center ta) if print=false : withcolor blanc fi; ); $ enddef; vardef BlocGrisMulti(text argris)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $; path ta; picture TTm; TTm=ColleBoxNew(argris); ta=OvalMiniBox(TTm); $=image( fill ta withcolor 0.975white; draw ta; %label(TEX(TTm),center ta) if print=false : withcolor blanc fi; ); $ enddef; boolean BlocE; BlocE:=false; vardef BlocUser(expr colblocuser)(text textbloc)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $; save TA; path TA; picture BUTB; picture texto; picture TEXT; BUTB=ColleBoxNew(textbloc); TA=Box(BUTB); texto=image( draw BUTB; ); ColBloc:=colblocuser; if BlocE=false: $=Affichage(texto); else: $=AffichageED(texto); fi; $ enddef; vardef BlocCouleur(expr colblocuser)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto,TEXT; texto=image( label.lrt(TEX("\barre \hbox to4cm{}"),if unknown _coinprec: (0,0) else:_coinprec fi); ); ColBloc:=colblocuser; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; %% fin Section Divers %%% %% Section Capteur %%%% vardef Demander(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save Dem; picture Dem,texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew("demander",OvalNb(nbpas),"et attendre"); ColBloc:=CapteurTrois; Dem=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- Demander -- admet un argument de type string."); Dem=nullpicture; fi; Dem enddef; vardef ReinitChrono= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; texto=ColleBoxNew("réinitialiser le chronomètre"); ColBloc:=CapteurTrois; $=Affichage(texto); $ enddef; vardef MettreGlissement(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew("mettre mode de glissement à",RecMenuCap(nbpas)); ColBloc:=CapteurTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- MettreGlissement -- admet un argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; %video vardef CameraImage= LONG:=0; save $; picture $; $=image( pair A,B,C,D,E,F; A=(0,0); B-A=(10,0); C-B=(0,10); D-C=A-B; E-B=(4,1.5); F-C=(4,-1.5); numeric EB; EB=2pt; path camera; camera=(A+(EB,0))--(B+(-EB,0)){dir0}..{dir90}(B+(0,EB))--2/5[B,C]--E--F--3/5[B,C]--(C+(0,-EB)){dir90}..{dir-180}(C+(-EB,0))--(D+(EB,0)){dir180}..{dir-90}(D+(0,-EB))--(A+(0,EB)){dir-90}..{dir0}cycle; fill camera withcolor (77,77,77)/255; draw camera withcolor (77,77,77)*0.95/255; path cc; cc=fullcircle scaled 6; color coul[]; if print: coul0:=0.9white; coul1:=0.933white; coul2:=0.966white; coul3:=white; else: coul0=(75,205,169)/255; coul1=(16,230,212)/255; coul2=(224,247,241)/255; coul3=(1,1,1); fi; for k=0 upto 3: fill (cc shifted(B+(10,3*k))) withcolor coul[k]; draw (cc shifted(B+(10,3*k))) withcolor 0.95*coul[k]; endfor; draw ((-3,0)--(-3,18)) withcolor if print : coefprint*white else: StyloTrois fi; pickup pencircle scaled eppen; ); $:=$ scaled 0.8; $ enddef; vardef ImageCamera= save titi; picture titi; titi=image( draw CameraImage shifted(-12,-5); draw (((0,0)--(0,18pt)) shifted(9,-9)) withpen pencircle scaled 1bp withcolor if print: 0.5*coefprint*white else: (69/255,168/255,140/255) fi; ); titi enddef; vardef ActiverVideo(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew(ImageCamera,"vidéo",OvalStylo(nbpas)); ColBloc:=StyloTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- ActiverVideo -- admet un argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef TransparenceVideo(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew(ImageCamera,"mettre la transparence vidéo sur",OvalNb(nbpas)); ColBloc:=StyloTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- TransparenceVideo -- admet un argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef QuandMV(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string nbpas: texto=ColleBoxNew(ImageCamera,"quand mouvement vidéo $>$",OvalNb(nbpas)); ColBloc:=StyloTrois; $=AffichageED(texto); else: message("La commande -- QuandMV -- admet un argument de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef VideoSur(expr nbpas,xa)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if (string nbpas) and (string xa): texto=ColleBoxNew(ImageCamera,"vidéo",OvalStylo(nbpas),"sur",OvalStylo(xa)); %ColBloc:=StyloTrois; path ta; ta=OvalBox(texto); $=image( fill ta withcolor if print: coefprint*white else: StyloTrois fi; draw ta withcolor CoulLignes; %label(TEX(TTm),center ta) if print=false : withcolor blanc fi; draw texto; ); else: message("La commande -- VideoSur -- admet deux arguments de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; %% fin Section Capteur %%% %%% Section Variables %%% vardef MettreVar(expr nbpas,xa)= LONG:=0; save MV; picture MV,texto; if string nbpas : texto=ColleBoxNew("mettre",RecMenuVar(nbpas),"à",if string xa:OvalNb(xa) else: xa fi); ColBloc:=OrangeTrois; MV=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- MettreVar -- admet un premier paramètre de type string."); MV=nullpicture; fi; MV enddef; vardef AjouterVar(expr nbpas,xa)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string xa : texto=ColleBoxNew("ajouter",if string nbpas:OvalNb(nbpas) else: nbpas fi,"à",RecMenuVar(xa)); ColBloc:=OrangeTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- AjouterVar -- admet un deuxième paramètre de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef MontrerVar(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string nbpas : texto=ColleBoxNew("montrer la variable",RecMenuVar(nbpas)); ColBloc:=OrangeTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- MontrerVar -- admet un premier paramètre de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef CacherVar(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string nbpas : texto=ColleBoxNew("cacher la variable",RecMenuVar(nbpas)); ColBloc:=OrangeTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- CacherVar -- admet un premier paramètre de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; %Liste vardef AjouterListe(expr nbpas,xa)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string xa : texto=ColleBoxNew("ajouter",if string nbpas:OvalNb(nbpas) else: nbpas fi,"à",RecMenuList(xa)); ColBloc:=OrangeListTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- AjouterListe -- admet un deuxième paramètre de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef SupprimerListe(expr nbpas,xa)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string xa : texto=ColleBoxNew("supprimer l'élément",if string nbpas:OvalNb(nbpas) else: nbpas fi,"de",RecMenuList(xa)); ColBloc:=OrangeListTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- SupprimerListe -- admet un deuxième paramètre de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef SupprimerListeAll(expr nbpas)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string nbpas : texto=ColleBoxNew("supprimer tous les éléments de la liste",RecMenuList(nbpas)); ColBloc:=OrangeListTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- SupprimerListe -- admet un deuxième paramètre de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef InsererListe(expr xa,nbpas,ya)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string ya : texto=ColleBoxNew("insérer",if string xa:OvalNb(xa) else: xa fi,"en position",if string nbpas:OvalNb(nbpas) else: nbpas fi,"de",RecMenuList(ya)); ColBloc:=OrangeListTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- InsererListe -- admet un troisième paramètre de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef RemplacerListe(expr xa,nbpas,ya)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string nbpas : texto=ColleBoxNew("remplacer l'élément",if string xa:OvalNb(xa) else: xa fi,"de la liste",RecMenuList(nbpas),"par",if string ya:OvalNb(ya) else: ya fi); ColBloc:=OrangeListTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- RemplacerListe -- admet un deuxième paramètre de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef MontrerListe(expr xa)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string xa : texto=ColleBoxNew("montrer la liste",RecMenuList(xa)); ColBloc:=OrangeListTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- MontrerListe -- admet un paramètre de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; vardef CacherListe(expr xa)= LONG:=0; save $; picture $,texto; if string xa : texto=ColleBoxNew("cacher la liste",RecMenuList(xa)); ColBloc:=OrangeListTrois; $=Affichage(texto); else: message("La commande -- CacherListe -- admet un paramètre de type string."); $=nullpicture; fi; $ enddef; %%% Section Operateur %%% vardef OpAdd(expr pasun,pasdeux)= save Oop; picture Oop; save TAao; path TAao; save LOPop; picture LOPop; LOPop=ColleBoxNew(if string pasun : OvalNb(pasun) else: pasun fi,"$+$",if string pasdeux : OvalNb(pasdeux) else: pasdeux fi); TAao=OvalBox(LOPop); Oop=image( fill TAao if print=false : withcolor FondOvalOp else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LOPop; draw TAao if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); Oop:=Oop shifted(-center Oop); Oop enddef; vardef OpSous(expr pasun,pasdeux)= save Oop; picture Oop; save TAao; path TAao; save LOPop; picture LOPop; LOPop=ColleBoxNew(if string pasun : OvalNb(pasun) else: pasun fi,"$-$",if string pasdeux : OvalNb(pasdeux) else: pasdeux fi); TAao=OvalBox(LOPop); Oop=image( fill TAao if print=false : withcolor FondOvalOp else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LOPop; draw TAao if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); Oop:=Oop shifted(-center Oop); Oop enddef; vardef OpMul(expr pasun,pasdeux)= save Oop; picture Oop; save TAao; path TAao; save LOPop; picture LOPop; LOPop=ColleBoxNew(if string pasun : OvalNb(pasun) else: pasun fi,"$\times$",if string pasdeux : OvalNb(pasdeux) else: pasdeux fi); TAao=OvalBox(LOPop); Oop=image( fill TAao if print=false : withcolor FondOvalOp else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LOPop; draw TAao if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); Oop:=Oop shifted(-center Oop); Oop enddef; vardef OpDiv(expr pasun,pasdeux)= save Oop; picture Oop; save TAao; path TAao; save LOPop; picture LOPop; LOPop=ColleBoxNew(if string pasun : OvalNb(pasun) else: pasun fi,"$\div$",if string pasdeux : OvalNb(pasdeux) else: pasdeux fi); TAao=OvalBox(LOPop); Oop=image( fill TAao if print=false : withcolor FondOvalOp else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LOPop; draw TAao if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); Oop:=Oop shifted(-center Oop); Oop enddef; vardef OpModulo(expr pasun,pasdeux)= save Oop; picture Oop; save TAao; path TAao; save LOPop; picture LOPop; LOPop=ColleBoxNew(if string pasun : OvalNb(pasun) else: pasun fi,"modulo",if string pasdeux : OvalNb(pasdeux) else: pasdeux fi); TAao=OvalBox(LOPop); Oop=image( fill TAao if print=false : withcolor FondOvalOp else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LOPop; draw TAao if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); Oop:=Oop shifted(-center Oop); Oop enddef; vardef OpAlea(expr pasun,pasdeux)= save Oop; picture Oop; save TAao; path TAao; save LOPop; picture LOPop; LOPop=ColleBoxNew("nombre aléatoire entre",if string pasun : OvalNb(pasun) else: pasun fi,"et",if string pasdeux : OvalNb(pasdeux) else: pasdeux fi); TAao=OvalBox(LOPop); Oop=image( fill TAao if print=false : withcolor FondOvalOp else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LOPop; draw TAao if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); Oop:=Oop shifted(-center Oop); Oop enddef; vardef OpRegrouper(expr pasun,pasdeux)= save Oop; picture Oop; save TAao; path TAao; save LOPop; picture LOPop; LOPop=ColleBoxNew("regrouper",if string pasun : OvalNb(pasun) else: pasun fi,"et",if string pasdeux : OvalNb(pasdeux) else: pasdeux fi); TAao=OvalBox(LOPop); Oop=image( fill TAao if print=false : withcolor FondOvalOp else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LOPop; draw TAao if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); Oop:=Oop shifted(-center Oop); Oop enddef; vardef OpLettre(expr pasun,pasdeux)= save Oop; picture Oop; save TAao; path TAao; save LOPop; picture LOPop; LOPop=ColleBoxNew("lettre",if string pasun : OvalNb(pasun) else: pasun fi,"de",if string pasdeux : OvalNb(pasdeux) else: pasdeux fi); TAao=OvalBox(LOPop); Oop=image( fill TAao if print=false : withcolor FondOvalOp else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LOPop; draw TAao if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); Oop:=Oop shifted(-center Oop); Oop enddef; vardef OpLongueur(expr pasun)= save Oop; picture Oop; save TAao; path TAao; save LOPop; picture LOPop; LOPop=ColleBoxNew("longueur de",if string pasun : OvalNb(pasun) else: pasun fi); TAao=OvalBox(LOPop); Oop=image( fill TAao if print=false : withcolor FondOvalOp else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LOPop; draw TAao if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); Oop:=Oop shifted(-center Oop); Oop enddef; vardef OpArrondi(expr pasun)= save Oop; picture Oop; save TAao; path TAao; save LOPop; picture LOPop; LOPop=ColleBoxNew("arrondi de",if string pasun : OvalNb(pasun) else: pasun fi); TAao=OvalBox(LOPop); Oop=image( fill TAao if print=false : withcolor FondOvalOp else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LOPop; draw TAao if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); Oop:=Oop shifted(-center Oop); Oop enddef; vardef OpFonction(expr pasun,pasdeux)= save Oop; picture Oop; save TAao; path TAao; save LOPop; picture LOPop; LOPop=ColleBoxNew(RecMenuOp(pasun),"de",if string pasdeux : OvalNb(pasdeux) else: pasdeux fi); TAao=OvalBox(LOPop); Oop=image( fill TAao if print=false : withcolor FondOvalOp else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LOPop; draw TAao if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); Oop:=Oop shifted(-center Oop); Oop enddef; vardef TestOpSup(expr pasun, pasdeux)= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew(if string pasun : OvalNb(pasun) else: pasun fi,"$>$",if string pasdeux : OvalNb(pasdeux) else: pasdeux fi); TAa=DiamondBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor FondOvalOp else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef TestOpInf(expr pasun, pasdeux)= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew(if string pasun : OvalNb(pasun) else: pasun fi,"$<$",if string pasdeux : OvalNb(pasdeux) else: pasdeux fi); TAa=DiamondBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor FondOvalOp else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef TestOpEgal(expr pasun, pasdeux)= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew(if string pasun : OvalNb(pasun) else: pasun fi,"$=$",if string pasdeux : OvalNb(pasdeux) else: pasdeux fi); TAa=DiamondBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor FondOvalOp else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef TestOpEt(expr pasun, pasdeux)= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew(if string pasun : OvalNb(pasun) else: pasun fi,"et",if string pasdeux : OvalNb(pasdeux) else: pasdeux fi); TAa=DiamondBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor FondOvalOp else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef TestOpOu(expr pasun, pasdeux)= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew(if string pasun : OvalNb(pasun) else: pasun fi,"ou",if string pasdeux : OvalNb(pasdeux) else: pasdeux fi); TAa=DiamondBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor FondOvalOp else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef TestOpNon(expr pasun)= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew("non",if string pasun : OvalNb(pasun) else: pasun fi); TAa=DiamondBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor FondOvalOp else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef TestOpContient(expr pasun,pasdeux)= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew(if string pasun : OvalNb(pasun) else: pasun fi,"contient",if string pasdeux : OvalNb(pasdeux) else: pasdeux fi,"?"); TAa=DiamondBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor FondOvalOp else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef AppCostume(expr pasun)= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew(RecMenuApp(pasun),"du costume"); TAa=OvalBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor VioletAppTrois else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef AppAP(expr pasun)= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew(RecMenuApp(pasun),"de l'arrière-plan"); TAa=OvalBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor VioletAppTrois else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef CapDistance(expr pasun)= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew("distance de",OvalCapMenu(pasun)); TAa=OvalBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor CapteurTrois else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef CapTemps(expr pasun)= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew(RecMenuCap(pasun),"actuelle"); TAa=OvalBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor CapteurTrois else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef CapNumero(expr pasun,pasdeux)= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew(RecMenuCap(pasun),"de",OvalCapMenu(pasdeux)); TAa=OvalBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor CapteurTrois else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef TestCapToucheObjet(expr pasun)= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew("touche le",OvalCapMenu(pasun),"?"); TAa=DiamondBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor CapteurTrois else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef TestCapCouleur(expr pasun)= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew("couleur",OvalCouleur(redpart(pasun),greenpart(pasun),bluepart(pasun)),"touchée ?"); TAa=DiamondBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor CapteurTrois else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef TestCapCouleurs(expr pasun,pasdeux)= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew("couleur",OvalCouleur(redpart(pasun),greenpart(pasun),bluepart(pasun)),"touche",OvalCouleur(redpart(pasdeux),greenpart(pasdeux),bluepart(pasdeux)),"?"); TAa=DiamondBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor CapteurTrois else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef TestCapTouche(expr pasun)= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew("touche",OvalMenuCap(pasun),"pressée ?"); TAa=DiamondBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor CapteurTrois else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef TestCapSouris= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew("souris pressée ?"); TAa=DiamondBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor CapteurTrois else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef TestListeContient(expr nbpas,nbbas)= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew(RecMenuList(nbpas),"contient",if string nbbas:OvalNb(nbbas) else: nbbas fi); TAa=DiamondBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor OrangeListTrois else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef ListeElement(expr nbpas,nbbas)= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew("élément",if string nbpas:OvalNb(nbpas) else: nbpas fi,"de",RecMenuList(nbbas)); TAa=OvalBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor OrangeListTrois else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef ListePosition(expr nbpas,nbbas)= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew("position de",if string nbpas:OvalNb(nbpas) else: nbpas fi,"de",RecMenuList(nbbas)); TAa=OvalBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor OrangeListTrois else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef; vardef ListeLongueur(expr nbpas)= save $; picture $; save TAa; path TAa; save LTa; picture LTa; LTa=ColleBoxNew("longueur de",RecMenuList(nbpas)); TAa=OvalBox(LTa); $=image( fill TAa if print=false : withcolor OrangeListTrois else : withcolor coefprint*white fi; draw LTa; draw TAa if print=false : withcolor coefprint*white fi; ); $:=$ shifted(-center $); $ enddef;