% THIS IS BOTH A MINIMAL USER-MANUAL % OF THE PACKAGE procIAGssymp.sty % AND AN EXAMPLE OF ITS USE % % File : TestPaper.tex % Author: Battista Benciolini % E-mail: % Date : January 11, 2002 % See file procIAGssymp.sty for more information % \documentclass[a4paper,twocolumn,10pt]{article} % \usepackage{procIAGssymp} \pagestyle{empty} % optional % \setcounter{page}{11} % optional \title{The package procIAGssymp.sty for the formatting of a paper with the style of the proceeding of symposia sponsored by IAG} \author{B.Benciolini\thanks{e-mail: battista.benciolini@ing.uitn.it} \and No Second Author \and No Third Author\thanks{No-Where Institute}} \date{ } \hbadness=10000 \vbadness=10000 \begin{document} \maketitle \thispagestyle{empty} % optional \paragraph{Abstract.} The package \texttt{procIAGssymp.sty} has been designed to help the formatting of a paper with the style of the proceeding of symposia sponsored by the "International Association of Geodesy (IAG)" published by "Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg NewYork". This paper itself is an example of the use of the package. It contains instructions and suggestions for the use of the package, while most of the comment included in \texttt{procIAGssymp.sty} are of a more technical nature. \linea \section{Introduction} The package \texttt{procIAGssymp.sty} provides some (re-)definitions of \LaTeX commands. The use of the package is explained in this paper. \par\noindent I have tried to provide a package that helps in the preparation of a paper that corresponds to the instructions distributed by the publisher of the proceedings of IAG-sponsored-symposia (i.e. by Springer-Verlag), but . . . please read the IMPORTANT NOTES inside the file \texttt{procIAGssymp.sty}. \par\noindent The most curious readers are invited to look directly at the source of this file and, more important, to the code in the file \texttt{procIAGssymp.sty}. \section{Suggestions for the user} \subsection{General page lay-out and page numbering} The general lay-out of the pages is controlled by some assignment made by \texttt{procIAGssymp.sty} AND by the use of the class \texttt{article} that must be loaded with the proper options, i.e. \verb+[a4paper,twocolumn,10pt]+ . \par\noindent The package itself does not modify the page numbering with respect to the \LaTeX standard. If it is necessary to avoid page numbering this can be obtained putting \verb+\pagestyle{empty}+ somewhere in the preamble of the file and \verb+\thispagestyle{empty}+ immediately after \verb+\maketitle+. If it is necessary to start page numbering from $n$, this can be obtained with \verb+\setcounter{page}{+$n$\verb+}+. \subsection{Top-matter} The title and the author(s) must be prepared with \verb+\title{ . . .}+ and \verb+\author{ . . .}+ and they will be printed by \verb+\maketitle+. The use of \verb+\thanks{. . .}+ inside the argument of \verb+\title{ . . .}+ is not appropriate because this command has been redefined. If there are several authors, their names must be separated by \verb+\and+. The authors that share the same address must be listed consecutively and must be followed by \verb+\thanks{. . .}+ (with the address as argument). To see an example you can see the code of this file. \subsection{Sectioning} The use of \verb+\section{. . . }+ and \verb+\subsection{. . . }+, can be done as in any \LaTeX paper. These commands have been redefined so that they produce the first level and second level headers in the proper format. All the other sectioning commands have been redefined with a coherent style. The command \verb+\section*{References}+ can be used to start the reference list. One of the following sections is just a test of the various sectioning commands. \section{The choice of the font} The standard Computer Modern fonts are used. I have not tried any other font. \section{Test of sectioning (1st level)} \subsection{Test of sectioning (2nd level)} \subsubsection{Test of sectioning (3rd level)} This is just an example of the use and abuse of \verb+\section+, \verb+\subsection+ and \verb+\subsubsection+. We can also test \verb+\paragraph+ and \verb+\subparagraph+. \paragraph{Paragraph} This is a paragraph, headed by \verb+\paragraph+. \subparagraph{Subparagraph} This is a sub paragraph. And the section end HERE. \section{Technicalities} \subsection{About the format of the top-matter} The main structure of the topmatter is governed by \verb+\@maketitle+ which is properly redefined. \par\noindent The command \verb+\thanks+ has been redefined to print the authors' address immediately after the authors' names. The new form of this command makes it unsuitable to put a note to the title. \subsection{Compatibility} The package has been used together with the \texttt{article} class and with several packages including: \texttt{makeidx}, \texttt{amsmath}, \texttt{amssymb}, \texttt{apalike}, \texttt{array}, \texttt{epsfig}, \texttt{graphicx} and \texttt{verbatim}. I have not found any compatibility problem. \section{Recommendation} I recommend all the user of the package \texttt{procIAGssymp.sty} to send me any comment about it. \vfill\eject \section*{APPENDIX \\ Other \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} material} This is an appendix not directly related to the main topic of this pages. Some of the \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} tools that I have prepared for personal use can be useful for others \TeX-friends. \paragraph{}\textbf{ A plain-TeX output routine for multi-column page} can be found in my personal web site \texttt{http://ing.unitn.it/\~{}bencioli}. The file is quite simple and it is internally documented. \paragraph{}\textbf{ A \LaTeX2e package that allows the re-use of the content of} \verb+\title+ \textbf{ and} \verb+\author+\textbf{ anywhere in the document} is available on CTAN at : \texttt{. . . /macro/latex/contrib/suppoted/rectopma} \paragraph{}\textbf{A \LaTeX2e class for multi-author volumes.} The class \verb+collective.cls+ is a tool designed for the preparation of a document composed by several contributions written independently by different authors and binded together in the proper format by an editor. The typical applications are the preparation of the proceedings of a meeting or of an issue of a journal. The editor can do the job preparing a file, the {\em main file} that uses the document class \verb+collective+ and that loads the various papers, the {\em contributions}, that are prepared by the authors as standard (La)TeX files. A \textbf{preliminary} release of \verb+collective.cls+ is available on request. I will send it by e-mail upon request. It works with some limitations, but I think it is already a useful tool. The "standard "distribution requires doc-strip for installation; the unpacked set, including the class file, documentation and an example, is also available. (I have recently seen an other package with a similar pourpose posted in the CTAN. ) \end{document} \endinput %% %% End of file TestPaper.tex