% This file is public domain \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{probsoln} % uncomment the following line to display the answers % \showanswers % The following will generate a different set of % problems each year %\PSNrandseed{\year} % Load 1 problem randomly selected from the given file % and store in database 'firstprinciples': \loadrandomproblems[firstprinciples]{1}{prob-1stprncp} % Load 5 problems randomly selected from the given file % and store in database 'easy': \loadrandomproblems[easy]{5}{prob-easy} % Load 2 problems randomly selected from the given file % and store in database 'implicit': \loadrandomproblems[implicit]{2}{prob-implicit} % Load 2 problems randomly selected from the given file % and store in database 'probspaces': \loadrandomproblems[probspaces]{2}{prob-probspaces} % Load 1 problem randomly selected from the given file % and store in database 'mchoice': \loadrandomproblems[mchoice]{1}{prob-mchoice} % Load 1 problem randomly selected from the given file % and store in database 'nosoln': \loadrandomproblems[nosoln]{1}{prob-nosoln} \begin{document} \title{Sample Problem Sheet} \author{Nicola Talbot} \maketitle \begin{enumerate} % Differentiation from first principles \foreachproblem[firstprinciples]{\item \thisproblem} \item Differentiate the following functions: \begin{enumerate} \foreachproblem[easy]{\item \thisproblem} \end{enumerate} % Implicit differentiation \foreachproblem[implicit]{\item \thisproblem} % Finite probability spaces \foreachproblem[probspaces]{\item \thisproblem} % Multiple choice question \foreachproblem[mchoice]{\item \thisproblem} % select one essay style question that doesn't come with a solution \foreachproblem[nosoln]{\item \thisproblem} \end{enumerate} \end{document}