% arara: pdflatex % arara: pdflatex \documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{pressrelease} \usepackage[british]{babel} \usepackage{graphicx} \PRset{head=below,logo=below right,smashlogo,ruled=false} \PRlogo{\includegraphics[height=2cm]{example-image}} \PRcompany{Some Company} \PRdepartment{Some Department} \PRcontact{Ann Other} \PRlocation{Some City} \PRaddress{1 The Street\\The Town\\AB1 2YZ} \PRphone{01234 56789} \PRmobile{07123456789} \PRfax{01234 56788} \PRurl{http://www.some-company.com/} \PRemail{ann.other@some-company.com} \PRhours{9:00--17:30 Mon--Fri} \PRheadline{Some amazing news} \PRsubheadline{subheading} \begin{document} \begin{pressrelease} This is an example press release. Keep it short and use the third person. Avoid the use of exclamation marks and all-caps. Put all the pertinent details in the first paragraph. Answer who, what, when, where and why. This sample file uses: \begin{verbatim} \PRset{head=below,logo=below right,smashlogo,ruled=false} \end{verbatim} The image is from the \textsf{mwe} package. Use short paragraphs. Try not to exceed 500 words. Keep to the point and avoid jargon. \begin{about} Some Company was set up in imaginary year $i$. \end{about} \end{pressrelease} \end{document}