The PM-ISOmath package, version 1.0.04 of 2018 Original author: Claudio Beccari, 2017 LaTeX Project Public Licence LPPL v.1.3c (or later) The PM-ISOmath name stands for "Poor Man ISO Math". In substance this package is a poor man solution to the task of typesetting math fulfilling the ISO regulations "for physical sciences and technology" (formerly regulations ISO 31/XI, now ISO\,80000). These regulations refer mostly to the family, series and shape of fonts to be used with symbols of various nature. This package gets inspiration from the ISOmath package by Günter Milde, but tries to get the same results without using any math [font] groups (or families). As pdfLaTeX users may recall, this typesetting program may see at maximum 16 math [font] groups (or math font families); sometimes this number results in an error that forbids the user to use the symbols s/he needs. The trick used in this package consists in employing text fonts within the \text command (defined by the amsmath package that, therefore, is a dependence to which pm-isomath is subjected) and chose text font families, series, and shapes to be used within that command argument. The commands are such as to fulfil some math requirements; for example while in the scope of the \boldmath declaration, the series is automatically set to bold without any user intervention. The font size is automatically taken care by \text, so that fonts have the correct size also while typesetting exponents or subscripts. Nevertheless, through proper advanced command options, the user remains the person principally responsible of using the right font for the right symbol in a document that must fulfil the ISO regulations. This package is usable only with pdfLaTeX; LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX can access OpenType math fonts through the package unicode-math, and with the "math-style=ISO" option they have the math switching commands agree with the ISO regulations. pdfLATeX users have available some packages to fulfil the ISO requirements; principally the ISOmath package that is subject to a number of limitations due the the particular math environment of the user, and libertinust1math that produces a complete set-up with math fonts that match very well text fonts that are darker than the standard default Computer Modern ones (including the CM-super and the Latin Modern ones). This package works very well with the Latin Modern fonts; in practice in math mode it uses the same Latin text fonts, and the corresponding families, series, and shapes of the LGR encoded CBfonts; it may work also with the CM and the CM-super fonts, but the original author never uses them, therefore he cannot guarantee any suitable result. For installation of this package, simply run the pm-isomath.dtx through pdfLaTeX (and only pdfLaTeX); move the produced sty file to the .../tex/latex/pm-isomath/ folder; if it does not exist, create it; similarly move pm-isomath.dtx to .../source/latex/pm-isomath/ and pm-isomath.pdf to .../doc/latex/pm-isomath/.