\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{polyglossia} \setmainlanguage{english} \usepackage{listings} \lstset{basicstyle=\ttfamily} \usepackage{phonrule} \usepackage{gb4e} \title{The \texttt{phonrule} package (v1.3.2)} \author{Stefano Coretta \\ \texttt{stefano.coretta \textit{at} postgrad.manchester.ac.uk}} \reversemarginpar \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Purpose} This package provides macros for typesetting phonological rules like those in \textit{Sound Pattern of English} (Chomsky, Noam \& Morris Halle. 1968.\textit{The sound pattern of English}. New York, Evanston, and London: Harper \& Row). \section{Usage} \begin{quote} \begin{lstlisting} \phon{〈input〉}{〈output〉} \end{lstlisting} \end{quote} The command \verb+\phon+ has two arguments: the first one is the input of the rule and the second is its output. Here is an example with the code and the result it produces: \begin{exe} \ex \verb+\phon{z}{r}+ \ex \phon{z}{r} \end{exe} \begin{quote} \begin{lstlisting} \phonc{〈input〉}{〈output〉}{〈context〉} \end{lstlisting} \end{quote} \verb+\phonc+ adds a third argument for the context: \begin{exe} \ex \verb+\phonc{a}{ə}{[–stressed]}+ \ex \phonc{a}{ə}{[–stressed]} \end{exe} The commands \verb+\phonl+, \verb+\phonr+ and \verb+\phonb+ add a place holder line and put the context, respectively, on the left (l), on the right (r) and on both sides (b): \begin{exe} \ex \begin{xlist} \ex \verb+\phonl{k}{c}{i}+ \ex \phonl{k}{tʃ}{i} \end{xlist} \ex \begin{xlist} \ex \verb+\phonr{t}{ts}{u}+ \ex \phonr{t}{ts}{u} \end{xlist} \ex \begin{xlist} \ex \verb+\phonb{s}{z}{V}{V}+ \ex \phonb{s}{z}{V}{V} \end{xlist} \end{exe} The \verb+\oneof+ command provides the possibility to compile several contexts, one per line, embraced by a left curly bracket. \begin{exe} \ex \begin{lstlisting} \phonc{t}{ts}{ \oneof{ \phold i \\ \phold u} } \end{lstlisting} \ex \phonc{t}{ts}{ \oneof{ \phold i \\ \phold u} } \end{exe} The \verb+\phonfeat+ command allows you to insert feature specifications. The possible values are \texttt{[c]} for centre (the default), \texttt{[l]} for left-aligned, and \texttt{[r]} for right-aligned. \begin{exe} \ex \begin{lstlisting} \phonc{t}{ts}{\phold \phonfeat[l]{ −consonantal \\ +high \\ +front} } \end{lstlisting} \ex \phonc{t}{ts}{\phold \phonfeat[l]{ −consonantal \\ +high \\ +front} } \end{exe} \verb+\phold+ typesets a place holder line. You can nest \verb|oneof| and \verb|phonfeat| commands for complex rules. The \verb|oneof| command accepts an optional argument which tells the alignment of the context. \begin{exe} \ex \begin{lstlisting} \phonc{x}{y}{\oneof[l]{ \phold z \\ \phonfeat{ +feature x \\ −feature y } \phold }} \end{lstlisting} \ex \phonc{x}{y}{\oneof{ \phold z \\ \phonfeat{ +feature x \\ −feature y } \phold }} \end{exe} You can use \verb|\env|, \verb|\envl|, \verb|\envr|, \verb|\envb| for rules with more than one output: these commands typeset only the different outputs with their respective environments. The possible values are \texttt{[c]} for centre (the default), \texttt{[l]} for left-aligned, and \texttt{[r]} for right-aligned. The following example shows the use of the optional argument with \texttt{[l]}. The \verb|\env|, \verb|\envl|, \verb|\envr|, \verb|\envb| have a starred version to be used when an optional argument is set in \verb|\oneof|. \begin{exe} \ex \begin{lstlisting} \phon{x}{\oneof[l]{ \envr*{w}{z} \\ \envl*{v}{\phonfeat{ +feature x \\ −feature y }}}} \end{lstlisting} \ex \phon{x}{\oneof[l]{ \envr*{w}{z} \\ \envl*{v}{\phonfeat{ +feature x \\ −feature y }}}} \end{exe} \section{Change log} \subsection*{v1.3.2 - 2017-04-16} \subsubsection*{Added} \begin{itemize} \item optional argument for text alignment in \verb+\phonfeat+ command \end{itemize} \subsection*{v1.3.1 - 2017-01-02} \subsubsection*{Added} \begin{itemize} \item needs \TeX{} format \LaTeX2e \end{itemize} \subsubsection*{Removed} \begin{itemize} \item \verb+\makeatletter+ \item unused definition \end{itemize} \subsection*{v1.3.0 - 2016-12-26} \subsubsection*{Added} \begin{itemize} \item optional argument for text alignment in \verb+\oneof+ command \item starred version of the \verb+\env+ command family for use with optional argument in \verb+\oneof+ \end{itemize} \subsubsection*{Changed} \begin{itemize} \item definition of \verb+\phon+ command family \item header of \texttt{phonrule.sty} \item extension of README, now \texttt{.md} \end{itemize} \subsubsection*{Removed} \begin{itemize} \item package \texttt{ragged2e} \end{itemize} \subsection*{v1.2.0} \subsubsection*{Added} \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{ragged2e} package for \verb+\Centering+ command \end{itemize} \subsubsection*{Fixed} \begin{itemize} \item Fixed: now the content of the feature matrices is centred and not left aligned \end{itemize} \subsection*{v1.1.0} \subsubsection*{Changed} \begin{itemize} \item definition of \verb+\phonfeat+ and \verb+\oneof+ with \verb+\pbox+ (requires package \texttt{pbox}) \subsubsection*{Fixed} \item documentation typos \end{itemize} \subsection*{v1.0.0} \subsubsection*{Added} \begin{itemize} \item new commands \verb|\env| for personalised outputs \end{itemize} \subsubsection*{Changed} \begin{itemize} \item definition of commands with \verb|\ensuremath| \item environments to commands \item place holder to 1.5ex length, -1.5pt vertical position \item curly brackets to only left in \verb|\oneof| command \end{itemize} \end{document}