\documentclass{article} \usepackage{pdfpages,fancyvrb} \usepackage{siunitx} \title{Petiteannonce package documentation} \author{Vincent Bela\"\i che} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Introduction} This is the documentation of the petiteannonce package. The aim of this package is to make adverts that you would pin down on some notice board in a mall with your phone number repeated on strips. This practice is quite common in France as it is simple, cheap (no fee for intermediates like eBay\texttrademark), and allows you to reach people in the same neighbourhood (so no need for postal fee either). \section{Package options} There is one single class option \verb!margin!, this is used to set the margin value, by default this is \SI{1}{\milli\metre}. For instance use: \verb!\documentclass[margin=3mm]{petiteannonce}! \noindent if you want it to be \SI{3}{\milli\metre} instead of \SI{1}{\milli\metre}. \section{Commands} There are three commands the \verb!\petiteannonce! command, the \verb!\petiteannoncewidth! command, and the \verb!\petiteannonceaddtowidth! command. \subsection{The \textbackslash petiteannonce command} The \verb!\petiteannonce! command is used to create the advertisement. It takes two mandatory arguments and one optional argument. \begin{itemize} \item The 1\textsuperscript{st} mandatory argument is the phone number or email address where to reach the seller. \item The 2\textsuperscript{nd} mandatory argument is the text of the advert itself \item The optional argument is a list of comma separated \(<\textit key\/>=<\textit{value\/}>\) arguments that allows to configure a number of additional things. Absence of the key is equivalent to setting it to its default value. The supported keys are the following: \begin{list}{}{} \item [cols] positive integer with default value 1. Specifies the number of columns of the document that is used to compute the width of the advert. When the advert is repeated, a new paragraph is generated every {\em cols\/} columns. \item [count] positive integer with default value 1. Tells the number of times the advert is repeated. \item [cutvspace] dimension with default value 10pt. Tell the vertical space under to horizontal dotted line that is provided for cutting one strip. \item [skip] non negative integer with default value 0. The value shall be less than {\em cols\/}. Specifies that the first {\em skip\/} advert are not generated. This may be useful when you want to make several adverts in the same document. \item [texthspace] dimension with default value 20pt. This key allows to specify the space evenly placed before and after advert text. \item [textvspace] dimension with default value 10pt. This key allows to specify the space evenly placed above and below text. \item [telcolsep] dimension with default value 10pt. This key allows to specify the separation between two telephone strips, that is to say the horizontal space between the telephone numbers. \item [telrulewidth] dimension with default value 0.5pt. Width of the vertical rule separating two telephone strips. \item [telvspace] dimension with default value 10pt. Vertical space shared equally above and below the telephone number in the strip (this space is one the before and after the number if you look at the strip horizontally). \item [width] dimension with default value \verb!\textwidth!. Overloads the value computed with {\em cols\/}. In such a case take care to place the {\em width\/} argument after the {\em cols\/} argument. This specifies the advert total width, including the frame rule width, rule separator, and all the internal spaces. \end{list} \end{itemize} \subsection{The \textbackslash petiteannoncewidth and \textbackslash petiteannonceaddtowidth commands} The \verb!\petiteannoncewidth! command takes one argument \#1 and expands into \#1 \(\times\) the width of the advert text. This is useful when you use a tabular to make the text of the advert like in the example given in \S~\ref{sec:sample-code}. The \verb!\petiteannonceaddtowidth! command takes one argument that is some offset to add to the advert textwidth. A use of that is given in example of \S~\ref{sec:sample-code}, where the advert text is within an array, and one wants to take into account the \verb!\tabcolsep! half column separation. \subsection{Changing the outside frame} The frame around the advert is generated with a standard \verb!\framebox! command, so you can play with it by changing \verb!\fboxsep! and \verb!\fboxrule!. \section{Sample code} \label{sec:sample-code} The following sample code will expand into the advertisement page at the page this sample code. \VerbatimInput{petiteannonceexample.tex} \includepdf{petiteannonceexample} \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-PDF-mode: t %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: