\Title{Generation of PDF/X- and PDF/A-compliant PDFs with pdfTeX \textemdash\ pdfx.sty} \Author{\CVR\sep \Thanh\sep Ross Moore\sep Peter Selinger} \Subject{This package supports generation of PDF/X-, PDF/A- and PDF/E-compliant documents, in most of their variants, using pdfLaTeX, LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX.} \Keywords{PDF/X-, PDF/A- and PDF/E-compliance\sep Multilingual Metadata\sep installation\sep \TeX Live \thisyear} \PublicationType{manual} \Contributor{Norbert Preining: 'colorprofiles' package} \Copyright{Public domain.} \Copyrighted{False} \CopyrightURL{http://tug.org/texlive/} \CoverDisplayDate{March \thisyear} \CoverDate{\thisyear-03-10} \CreatorTool{LaTeX + pdfx.sty with option \pdfxopt, from TeX Live \thisyear} \Date{2017-05-18\sep 2017-06-23\sep 2018-11-29\sep 2018-12-22\sep 2019-02-08\sep 2019-03-10} \Advisory{An earlier version of this documentation was published as: TUGboat 36, No.2, pp.136\textendash 142 (2015)} \Advisory{v1.6: Added XMP support for PDF/UA-1. Added more Metadata fields and Language support.} \Advisory{v1.6: Default RGB and CMYK profiles now require the colorprofiles.sty package.} \Relation{Requires the colorprofiles package for RGB and CMYK default profiles.} \Advisory{v1.6: Access more profiles, incl. to pdfaPilot's color profile folders.} \Advisory{v1.6: Revised glyphtounicode.sty to use variation selectors.} \Advisory{v1.6: altered maps to PUA codepoints.} \Advisory{v1.6: added more glyphs via glyphtounicode-ntx.tex } \Advisory{v1.6: Support for 8-bit Hebrew encodings, some Arabic and Devanagari.} \Advisory{v1.6: Updated documentation, incl. for LaTeX changes.} \Advisory{v1.6.1: Fixed issue with ifthen package; improved Metadata with LuaTeX and XeTeX.} \Advisory{v.1.6.1: Flexibility with page boxes for PDF/X.} \Advisory{v.1.6.2: Fixed passing of options to xcolor, and some glyphtounicode values.} \Advisory{v.1.6.2: Fixed encoding issue. Extra warning when colorprofiles.tex is missing.} \Advisory{v.1.6.3: Properly fixed encoding issue; supports \string\pdfomitcharset\ primitive.} \Advisory{v.1.6.3: Reference to veraPDF validation software; additions to glyphtounicode-ntx.tex.} \Advisory{v.1.6.3: Patched \string\mathaccentV\ to output accents after the base character.} \pdfxEnableCommands{% \def\CVR{C.V. Radhakrishnan}\def\Thanh{H\`an Th\eee Thanh}% \def\eee{^^c3^^aa^^cc^^81 }}