\documentclass[letterpaper,10pt]{article} \usepackage{lipsum,mathptmx} \pagestyle{empty} \usepackage[ sourcedoc={lorem-ipsum.pdf}, % use braces if the file name contains spaces grid=true, % set to false to remove help lines when done staggered=true, % avoid overlap between notes trim={2cm}, % trim source doc pages by 2cm all around bodywidth=0.66, % use 2/3 of the page width for the source doc twocolumn=true, % have two columns of notes, left and right ]{pdfreview} \begin{document} \begin{page}{1} % mount the first page \begin{leftnotes} % write notes into the left margin \cnote{84}{It looks like Latin.} % place note centered on help line 84 \bnote{68}{Is this really Latin?} % align bottom of note to help line 68 \tnote{16}{No, not Latin} % align top of note to help line 16 \end{leftnotes} % notes after this point go into the right margin \tnote[important]{48}{Important note: You really should be writing proper Latin} \cnote{12}{Cite your references} \end{page} \begin{page}{2} \pagegrid[red][20] % draw a grid of guides on top of source doc page - comment out when done % place node on top of source doc page. Default x and y units in are scaled % to 1/100 of width and height of source doc \node[sticky,anchor=center, text width=1.5in] at (50,65) {You can draw on top of the page, too, using dimension-less units ranging from 0 to 100 for both $x$ and $y$.}; % draw an ellipse in the center of the page \draw[blue, thick](50,50) circle (20 and 10); \begin{leftnotes} \cnote{69}{With \texttt{staggered=true}, there can be only one \texttt{leftnotes} environment, and it must come either before or after all of the notes on the right} \end{leftnotes} \tnote{80}{This note should top-align to 80 and then prattle on for a little bit} \tnote{76}{This note is declared to top-align to 76, but it gets pushed downward to not overlap the previous one, because we use option \texttt{\textbackslash staggered=true}} \tnote{90}{And this note, even though declared to top-align to 90, will be pushed down below the previously declared one} \tnote{52}{With \texttt{staggered=true}, there can be only one \texttt{leftnotes} environment, and it must come either before or after all of the notes on the right. This is because \texttt{leftnotes} resets the staggering mechanism.} \begin{leftnotes} \cnote{50}{With \texttt{staggered=true}, there can be only one \texttt{leftnotes} environment, and it must come either before or after all of the notes on the right. This is because \texttt{leftnotes} resets the staggering mechanism. This note is declared in a separate \texttt{leftnotes} environment and therefore overlaps the preceding one.} \end{leftnotes} \tnote{36}{This note is separated from the preceding one by a \texttt{leftnotes} environment, and therefore overlaps it.} \end{page} \begin{insertpage} This is an example of the \texttt{insertpage} environment. \lipsum[1-3] \end{insertpage} \end{document}