%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % File: OSAtemp.tex % % VERSION: 3.1 % % Date: May 28, 2004 % % % % LaTeX template file for use with OSA journals % % JOSA A, JOSA B, Applied Optics, and % % Optics Letters % % % % This file requires the substyle file osajnl.rtx, % % running under REVTeX 4.0 and LaTeX 2e, % % or % % the style file osajnl.sty, running under LaTeX 2e % % % % USE THE FOLLOWING REVTEX 4.0 OPTIONS: % % \documentclass[osajnl,preprint,showpacs]{revtex4} % % % % USE THE FOLLOWING LaTeX OPTIONS: % % \documentclass[11pt]{article} % % \usepackage{osajnl} % % % % % % NOTE: LaTeX 2.09 IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED % % % % (C) 2004 The Optical Society of America % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \documentclass[osajnl,preprint,showpacs]{revtex4} %% REVTeX 4.0 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Delete any REVTeX output files before running in LaTeX mode %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentclass[12pt,letterpaper]{article} %% LaTeX 2e (preferred) \usepackage{osajnl} \usepackage[draft]{hyperref} % optional \begin{document} \title{Template for manuscript submissions to \emph{Applied Optics}, JOSA A, JOSA B, and \emph{Optics Letters}} \author{John Q. Author} %% for REVTeX4, each author name can be set in a separate \author{} field \address{Publications Department, Optical Society of America, \\ 2010 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036} \email{jqaut@osa.org} \begin{abstract}The abstract should be less than 100 words. Detailed instructions on manuscript preparation are available in the document \texttt{OSAstyle.tex}, and additional information on manuscript preparation and submission is available on the home page for each OSA journal; see \mbox{\href{http://www.opticsinfobase.org}{http://www.opticsinfobase.org}}. \end{abstract} \ocis{000.0000, 999.9999.}% REPLACE WITH CORRECT OCIS CODES FOR YOUR ARTICLE % NOTE: \ocis{} IS ALIASED TO \pacs{} BUT MUST % FORMAT THE TERMS CORRECTLY FOR EACH JOURNAL \maketitle %% NULL FUNCTION WITH LATEX 2e; required for REVTeX4 \section{Introduction} Refer to \texttt{OSAstyle.tex} for guidelines on manuscript preparation, use of \mbox{Bib\TeX}, and similar. Our new style file (July 2003 version of \texttt{osajnl.sty}) has reduced line space to help save paper. To facilitate conversion, place all math in a proper math environment. For example, expression $3\times 4 = 12$ should be set this way, \texttt{\$3$\backslash$times 4=12\$}, not this way, \texttt{3 \$$\backslash$times\$4=12}. \section{Conclusion} After the manuscript is proofread, the {\tt .tex} file and figures should be archived with tar-gzip compression. Do not include subdirectories within the archive. To upload your manuscript, follow the instructions on the each journal's homepage (see \mbox{\href{http://www.opticsinfobase.org}{http://www.opticsinfobase.org}}). Authors should feel free to contact OSA staff for assistance; details are available at \href{InfoBase}{http://www.opticsinfobase.org}. %\appendix %\section*{Appendix A: Sample} %\setcounter{equation}{0} %\renewcommand{\theequation}{A{\arabic{equation}}} %\begin{equation} %a+b=c. %\end{equation} \begin{thebibliography}{99} %%Do not include separate BibTeX files; if BibTeX is used, %% paste the output (contents of .bbl file) here. \bibitem{1} ... \bibitem{2} ... \end{thebibliography} \newpage \section*{List of Figure Captions} Fig. 1. Multipanel figure assembled into one file with proper arrangement and labeling. %\noindent Fig. 2. ... %\noindent Fig. 3. ... \newpage %% sample figure environment \begin{figure}[htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=8.3cm]{OT10000F1.eps} \caption{Multipanel figure assembled into one EPS file with proper arrangement and labeling. AO10000F1.eps.} %% \label{} \end{figure} \end{document}