\documentclass[onedown-examples]{subfiles} \begin{document} \vfill The package \OneDown renounces to implement so called \emph{hanging hands}. To achieve such you will have to use external means, e.g.\ the package |wrapfig|. The advantage of an external package is that 1) you can wrap anything you like and 2) you have more control over the result. Here follow some examples to show how to do that. You need a new paragraph before the |wrapfig| stuff. For details, refer to the documentation of the package |wrapfig|. \vfill \begin{HBox}{Wrapping a hand\hfill File: \FileName} \blindtext \begin{wraptable}{l}{0cm}% nat. width \hand!{AQ852}{AKQ3}{-}{AQKJ} \end{wraptable} \blindtext \end{HBox} \vfill \needspace{8\baselineskip} ~ \vfill \begin{HBox}{Wrapping a bidding table\hfill File: \FileName} \blindtext \begin{wraptable}{l}{0cm}% nat. width \begin{biddingpair} 1S & 3S \\ 4S & 5S \\ 6S & p \\ \end{biddingpair} \end{wraptable} \blindtext \end{HBox} \vfill \needspace{8\baselineskip} With a small diagram there is enough space for the wrapped text. \vfill \begin{HBox}{{Wrapping a card diagram\hfill File: \FileName}} \newgame \blindtext \begin{wraptable}{l}{0cm}% nat. width \gamefont{\sffamily\bfseries\footnotesize} \northhand{AQ92}{873}{A54}{752} \southhand{J7543}{Q42}{63}{AKQ} \showNS \end{wraptable} \blindtext \end{HBox} \vfill \needspace{8\baselineskip} With real big diagrams there is not enough space for the wrapped text. \vfill \begin{HBox}{{Show wrapping of hands, Large size\hfill File: \FileName}} Hello, here is some text without a meaning. This text should show what a printed text will look like at this place. If you read this text, you will get no information. \newgame \resetfonts \begin{wraptable}{l}{0cm}% nat. width \northhand{AQ92}{873}{A54}{752} \southhand{J7543}{Q42}{63}{AKQ} \gamefont{\sffamily\bfseries\scalefont{2.5}} \showNS \end{wraptable} \blindtext \end{HBox} \vfill \needspace{8\baselineskip} With |\raggedright| or |RaggedRight| from package |ragged2e| it looks much better. \vfill \begin{HBox}{{Same, with RaggedRight\hfill File: \FileName}} \RaggedRight Hello, here is some text without a meaning. This text should show what a printed text will look like at this place. If you read this text, you will get no information. \begin{wraptable}{l}{0cm}% nat. width \showNS \end{wraptable} \blindtext \end{HBox} \vfill \end{document} \endinput