\documentclass[onedown-examples]{subfiles} %\usepackage{forloop} \gamefont{\larger\larger} \makeatletter \def\CP{\ODw@Compass} \makeatother \begin{document} \noindent Here we show the 16 possible combinations of dealership and vulnerability. We use the default |colors=2| (|black & red|) and so the vulners appear in red. The command |\CP| is to be defined in every V- or HBox. \par\vspace{1em}\noindent % \begin{VBox}{The 16 combinations of dealer/vulner\hfill File: \FileName} \newcounter{Nr} \newcounter{Tmp} \makeatletter \def\CP{\ODw@Compass} \makeatother \centering \setdefaults{compsize=1.3,compmid=\boardtext} \begin{tabular}{ll|ll} \forloop{Nr}{1}{\value{Nr} < 9}{% \boardnr{\theNr} \theNr: \dealertext\vulnertext & \CP &% \setcounter{Tmp}{8 + \theNr}% \boardnr{\theTmp} \theTmp: \dealertext\vulnertext & \CP \\ } \end{tabular} \end{VBox} \vfill \needspace{15\baselineskip} \vfill With |\setdefaults| we can influence the look of the compass in detail. The keys that control this are |compline| to set the thickness of the frame, |compshow| to hide/show the compass, |compsize| to multiply the compass size with a factor and |compturn| with which the letter 'E' and 'W' can be rotated over 90°. With the key |compass| one can set the font that is used for the letters in the compass. First we enlarge the compass 1.5$\times$. Note that this does influence neither the fontsize nor the frame thickness. Then we enlarge the fonsize. As you see, this does influence the size of the compass too. Finally we set the size factor back to 1. Notice the difference with the first compass. \vfill \begin{HBox}{controlling the compass I\hfill File: \FileName} \makeatletter \def\CP{\ODw@Compass} \makeatother \CP \setdefaults{compsize=1.5}\CP \setdefaults*{compass=\Large}\CP \setdefaults{compsize=1}\CP \end{HBox} \vfill As you see, we can make the frame very thick, very thin or let it disappear completely when we use factor 0. \vfill \begin{HBox}{controlling the compass II\hfill File: \FileName} \makeatletter \def\CP{\ODw@Compass} \makeatother \setdefaults{compsize=1.5}\CP \setdefaults{compline=3}\CP \setdefaults{compline=0.1}\CP \setdefaults{compline=0}\CP \end{HBox} \vfill If you watch the first compass carefully, you'll notice (maybe you must enlarge it to see what is meant) that the small |x| is exactly in the middle of the compass. Nevertheless the impressesion is that the |x| is closer to the '|W|'. This is because a '|W|' is wider than an '|E|'. It simply looks unbalanced. We can diminish this by enlarging the compass. Another trick is to rotate the |W| and |E| 90°, as shown in the third compass. In the second line we see a diagram with compass, but its frame is supressed. Finally we see a diagram where the total compass is suppressed. For clarity's sake we have added the \east and \west hand. \vfill \begin{HBox}{controlling the compass III\hfill File: \FileName} \makeatletter \def\CP{\ODw@Compass} \makeatother \boardnr{0} \setdefaults{compsize=1,compmid=x}\CP \setdefaults{compsize=1.5}\CP \setdefaults{compsize=1,compturn=on}\CP \setdefaults{compturn=off,compline=0} \gamefont{\footnotesize} \easthand{JT6}{764}{K43}{JT32} \westhand{Q952}{K92}{762}{AQ7} \showEW\hfill \setdefaults{compshow=off} \showEW \end{HBox} \vfill On the next page we show the compass for all available sizes. In order to get all diagrams in one color box, we combined the smallest with the largest etc. The first line gets out of the frame, but you'll get the idea all the same. Using |\scalefont| you can get even bigger diagrams. \vfill \begin{HBox}{onesuitAll for all sizes\hfill File: \FileName} \setdefaults{compshow=on} \gamefont{\sffamily\bfseries\tiny} \setdefaults{compmid=~t} \onesuitAll!{JT62}{AK53}{87}{Q94} \gamefont{\sffamily\bfseries\HUGE} \setdefaults{compmid=U} \onesuitAll!{JT62}{AK53}{87}{Q94} % \gamefont{\sffamily\bfseries\ssmall} \setdefaults{compmid=~s} \onesuitAll!{JT62}{AK53}{87}{Q94} \gamefont{\sffamily\bfseries\Huge} \setdefaults{compmid=H} \onesuitAll!{JT62}{AK53}{87}{Q94} % \gamefont{\sffamily\bfseries\scriptsize} \setdefaults{compmid=c} \onesuitAll!{JT62}{AK53}{87}{Q94} \gamefont{\sffamily\bfseries\huge} \setdefaults{compmid=h} \onesuitAll!{JT62}{AK53}{87}{Q94} % \gamefont{\sffamily\bfseries\footnotesize} \setdefaults{compmid=f} \onesuitAll!{JT62}{AK53}{87}{Q94} \gamefont{\sffamily\bfseries\LARGE} \setdefaults{compmid=A} \onesuitAll!{JT62}{AK53}{87}{Q94} % \gamefont{\sffamily\bfseries\small} \setdefaults{compmid=s} \onesuitAll!{JT62}{AK53}{87}{Q94} \gamefont{\sffamily\bfseries\Large} \setdefaults{compmid=L} \onesuitAll!{JT62}{AK53}{87}{Q94} % \gamefont{\sffamily\bfseries\normalsize} \setdefaults{compmid=n} \onesuitAll!{JT62}{AK53}{87}{Q94} \gamefont{\sffamily\bfseries\large} \setdefaults{compmid=l} \onesuitAll!{JT62}{AK53}{87}{Q94} \setdefaults{compmid=} \end{HBox} \vfill \end{document} \endinput