# Oberdiek bundle Version: 2023-01-10 This file describes the directory CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek/ It contains several packages: .dtx: source code .pdf: documentation ## Copyright (C) * 2007, 2009-2011 Heiko Oberdiek * 2016-2023 Oberdiek Package Support Group ## License LATEX Project Public License, version 1.3c or later. ## Installation If you want to install all packages j ust download CTAN:install/macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek.tds.zip and unzip it in your preferred TDS (texmf) tree. Other files in the CTAN directory: * README.md: This file. * oberdiek.tex, oberdiek.pdf: Table of contents of all packages in the directory. It contains the table of contents and the abstract of the packages. The name is a convenience to users of the program `texdoc'. ## Content * aliascnt: ‘alias counters’; * bmpsize: get bitmap size and resolution data; * centernot: a horizontally-centred \not symbol; * chemarr: extensible chemists’ reaction arrows; * classlist: record information about document class(es) used; * colonequals: poor man’s mathematical relation symbols; * dvipscol: dvips colour stack management; * engord: define counter-printing operations producing English ordinals; * eolgrab: collect arguments delimited by end of line; * flags: setting and clearing flags in bit fields and converting the bit field into a decimal number; * holtxdoc: extra documentation macros; * hypbmsec: bookmarks in sectioning commands; * hypcap: anjusting anchors of captions; * hypgotoe: experimental package for links to embedded files; * hyphsubst: substitute hyphenation patterns; * ifdraft: switch for option draft; * iflang: provides expandable checks for the current language; * pdfcolparallel: fixes colour problems in package parallel; * pdfcolparcolumns: fixes colour problems in package parcolumns; * pdfcrypt: setting PDF encryption; * pdfrender: control PDF rendering modes; * protecteddef: define a command that protected against expansion; * resizegather: automatically resize overly large equations; * rotchiffre: performs simple rotation cyphers; * scrindex: redefines environment ‘theindex’ of package ‘index’, if a class from KOMA-Script is loaded; * setouterhbox: set \hbox in outer horizontal mode; * settobox: getting box sizes; * stackrel: extensions of the \stackrel command; * stampinclude: selects the files for \include by inspecting the timestamp of the .aux file(s); * tabularht: tabulars with height specification; * tabularkv: key value interface for tabular parameters; * telprint: print German telephone numbers; * thepdfnumber: canonical numbers for use in PDF files and elsewhere; * twoopt: commands with two optional arguments;