\documentclass[11pt,a4paper,english]{book} \usepackage{layout} %\documentclass[11pt,a4paper,english,draft]{book} \usepackage[debug,frames]{notes} %\usepackage[debug]{notes} %\usepackage{notes} \newdimen\pageleft \begin{document} %\layout \chapter{First Chapter} \chaptername \thechapter %\begin{notes} %EXAMPLE 1 %\end{notes} This is the first paragraph, which is not indented. This is the first paragraph, which is not indented. This is the first paragraph, which is not indented. This is the first paragraph, which is not indented. This is the first paragraph, which is not indented. This is the first paragraph, which is not indented. This is the first paragraph, which is not indented. This is the first paragraph, which is not indented. This is the first paragraph, which is not indented. This is the first paragraph, which is not indented. This is the first paragraph, which is not indented. This is the first paragraph, which is not indented. 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