% This class file is provided 'as is' in the event that someone
% wants to compile the documentation that comes with my packages.
% It is not intended for any other purpose, although you may freely
% copy the code here to another file and modify it for your own purposes.
% There's no guarantee that it will work with other packages.
% Copyright 2017 Nicola Talbot
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license of (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
\ProvidesClass{nlctdoc}[2017/05/13 v1.06 (NLCT)]
% tex4ht stopped working with koma during TL2013.
% Use pdflatex with koma for the pdf version
% and latex with one of the base classes for the html
% version to circumvent this.
\DeclareOption{a5paper}{\@latexerr{Option not supported}%
\PassOptionsToClass {\CurrentOption}{\@nlctdoc@class}}
% doc.sty interferes with upquote.sty so patch it
\def\@verbatim{\trivlist \item[]\if@minipage\else\vskip\parskip\fi
\let\do\@makeother \dospecials}
\def\SortIndex#1#2{\index{#1\actualchar#2\encapchar hyperpage}}
\index{#1\encapchar hyperpage}\@esphack}
\chapter*{{Change History}}%
\markboth{{Change History}}{{Change History}}%
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Change History}%
Numbers written in italic refer to the page
where the corresponding entry is described;
numbers underlined refer to the
code line of the
definition; numbers in roman refer to the
code lines
where the entry is used.
\section*{{Change History}}%
\markboth{{Change History}}{{Change History}}%
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Change History}%
Numbers written in italic refer to the page
where the corresponding entry is described;
numbers underlined refer to the
code line of the
definition; numbers in roman refer to the
code lines
where the entry is used.
\protected@edef\@tempa{\noexpand\glossary{#1 (#2)\levelchar
:\levelchar #3}}%
\newcommand{\see}[2]{\emph{see} #1}
\marginpar{\raggedright\hbox to\marginparwidth{\PrintDescribeMacro{#1}}\par}%
\par\nopagebreak\vspace{0.5ex plus 0.25ex minus 0.1ex}\nopagebreak\noindent
\advance\tmpwidth by .5em\relax
\DeclareRobustCommand*{\iapp}[1]{\index{#1=\appfmt{#1}\encapchar hyperpage}}
\newcommand*{\icsopt}[2]{\index{#1 options\actualchar\cs{#1} options\levelchar#2\actualchar\textsf{#2}\encapchar hyperpage}}
% \ipkgopt[value]{option}
\index{package options:>#2=\pkgoptfmt{#2}|main}%
\index{package options:>#2=\pkgoptfmt{#2}>#1=\pkgoptfmt{#1}|main}%
\pkgoptfmt{#2}\index{package options:>#2=\pkgoptfmt{#2}|main}%
\index{package options:>#2=\pkgoptfmt{#2}>#1=\pkgoptfmt{#1}|main}%
% \pkgoptval{value}{option}
\index{package options:>#2=\pkgoptfmt{#2}>#1=\pkgoptfmt{#1}|main}%
% \iclsopt[value]{option}
\index{class options:>#2=\clsoptfmt{#2}|main}%
\index{class options:>#2=\clsoptfmt{#2}>#1=\clsoptfmt{#1}|main}%
\clsoptfmt{#2}\index{class options:>#2=\clsoptfmt{#2}|main}%
\index{class options:>#2=\clsoptfmt{#2}>#1=\clsoptfmt{#1}|main}%
% \clsoptval{value}{option}
\index{class options:>#2=\clsoptfmt{#2}>#1=\clsoptfmt{#1}|main}%
\newcommand*{\isty}[1]{\index{#1 package=\styfmt{#1}
\newcommand*{\icls}[1]{\index{#1 class=\clsfmt{#1} class|hyperpage}}
\newcommand*{\ictr}[1]{\index{#1={\protect\ttfamily#1} (counter)|hyperpage}}
\newcommand*{\ibool}[1]{\index{#1={\ttfamily#1} (boolean variable)|hyperpage}}
\newcommand*{\ibst}[1]{\index{#1 bibliography style=\bstfmt{#1}
bibliography style|hyperpage}}
\urlfootref{http://ctan.org/pkg/#1}{\sty{#1} documentation}%
\textbf{\large Example \theexample\ (#1)}%