#!/bin/sh rm -f *.toc rm -f *.dvi rm -f *.cfg latex newlfm.ins rm -f *.cfg latex newlfm.dtx latex newlfm.dtx pdflatex newlfm.dtx dvips -o newlfm.ps -l 24 newlfm rm -f *.toc cp newlfm.dvi manual.dvi cp newlfm.ps manual.ps ps2pdf manual.ps manual.pdf cp palm.eps palmb.eps cp palm.pdf palmb.pdf dvips -o newlfm.ps newlfm rm -f *.cfg latex test1 latex test1 pdflatex test1 dvips -o test1.ps test1 rm -f *.cfg rm -f *.cfg latex test2 latex test2 pdflatex test2 dvips -o test2.ps test2 rm -f *.cfg rm -f *.cfg latex test3 latex test3 pdflatex test3 dvips -o test3.ps test3 rm -f *.cfg rm -f *.cfg latex test4 latex test4 pdflatex test4 dvips -o test4.ps test4 rm -f *.cfg rm -f *.cfg latex test5 latex test5 pdflatex test5 dvips -o test5.ps test5 rm -f *.cfg rm -f *.cfg latex test6 latex test6 pdflatex test6 dvips -o test6.ps test6 rm -f *.cfg rm -f *.cfg latex test7 latex test7 pdflatex test7 dvips -o test7.ps test7 rm -f *.cfg rm -f *.cfg latex test8 latex test8 pdflatex test8 dvips -o test8.ps test8 rm -f *.cfg rm -f *.cfg latex test9 latex test9 pdflatex test9 dvips -o test9.ps test9 rm -f *.cfg rm -f *.cfg latex test10 latex test10 pdflatex test10 dvips -o test10.ps test10 rm -f *.cfg rm -f *.cfg latex test11 latex test11 pdflatex test11 dvips -o test11.ps test11 rm -f *.cfg rm -f *.cfg echo " *" echo " *" echo "***************************************************************************" echo "***************************************************************************" echo "make_unix has finished. *" echo " *" echo "To determine success, check for existence of * " echo "newlfm.cls setdim.sty addrset.sty *" echo "manual.ps newlfm.ps test1.ps - test8.ps * " echo " *" echo "To finish, move all files *.sty *.cls to the TeX path * " echo "In addition, letrinfo.tex should go to the same place as newlfm.cls. *" echo " *" echo "They should go to the local path, not the package path *" echo " * " echo "This ensures that upgrades to the package do not delete your *" echo "tailored version. * " echo " *" echo "This file can be run as often as you wish. *" echo "***************************************************************************" echo "***************************************************************************" echo " *"