\chapter{Literature Review} \label{cha:litreview} As you can see here, the author has performed an exhaustive literature review to provide a solid foundation on which the remainder of this thesis is built. \begin{quote} This is a test of the \verb+quote+ environment. We should be in single-spaced mode and with some additional indentation to set this off from the rest of the text. \end{quote} Now we should have returned to double-spaced mode and regular indentation/margins. Let's add some more text here to fill the page and check the glue settings. We need more text on this page for testing purposes. Now let's test the \verb+quotation+ environment: \begin{quotation} This is a test of the \verb+quotation+ environment. We should be in single-spaced mode and with some additional indentation to set this off from the rest of the text. \end{quotation} Here we return% \footnote{ This is a test footnote extending over more than one line. This should be in single-spaced mode according to the MUGS Thesis Directives. } to normal text mode. \lipsum