% This is a template for use with the MSU Thesis class % Version 3.1 2022/03/03 % % Class options: %[PhD] Doctor of Philosophy (default) %[DEd] Doctor of Education %[DMA] Doctor of Musical Arts %[DNP] Doctor of Nursing Practice %[MA] Master of Arts %[MS] Master of Science %[MAT] Master of Arts for Teachers %[MBA] Master of Business Administration %[MFA] Master of Fine Arts %[MIPS] Master of International Planning Studies %[MHRL] Master of Human Resources and Labor Relations %[MMus] Master of Music %[MPH] Master of Public Health %[MPP] Master of Public Policy %[MSW] Master of Social Work %[MURP] Master in Urban and Regional Planning %% % Default is PhD % % % This template has everything in the right order. % Just add real content and you're done! % \documentclass[]{msu-thesis} % % for a prettier, but possibly non-compliant table of contents use the [mixedtoc] option % for a plain table of contents use the [plaintoc] option % for a horrendous looking, but possibly required table of contents, use the [boldtoc] option % % If you have large tables/figures that need to be in landscape mode, add the [lscape] option % % The class accepts 12pt, 11pt or 10pt font size options. % For Times New Roman as in this example document, use 12pt (default). % % If you require per-chapter appendices add the [chapterapp] option % % If you require per-chapter bibliographies add the [chapterbib] option % % This is standard fontenc for pdflatex % If you use LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX you should replace this with the fontspec package \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % % If the thesis office requires Times, we'll give them Times % You can experiment with other font packages here if you like. % If you are using XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX load TeX Gyre Termes, Times or Times New Roman font with \setmainfont \usepackage{newtxtext,newtxmath} % % Load any extra packages here % % You must specify the title of your thesis, your name, the field of study (not department), and the year \title{The syntax and semantics of phonology} \author{Joe Linguist} \fieldofstudy{Linguistics} % This should be in sentence case \date{2021} % If you want a dedication page, specify the text of the dedication here and uncomment the next command. % %\dedication{This thesis is dedicated to someone.} % \begin{document} % All the stuff before your actual chapters is called the front matter \frontmatter % First make the title page \maketitlepage % if you have public abstract (optional) it should go here %\begin{publicabstract} % Public abstract goes here %\end{publicabstract} % Next make the regular abstract (obligatory) \begin{abstract} % Your abstract goes here. Master's 1 page max. PhD 2 page max. \end{abstract} % Force a newpage \clearpage % Make the copyright page. The Graduate School ridiculously claims that you % can't have a copyright page unless you pay ProQuest to register the copyright. % This is simply not the case, so put in your copyright page whether or not you % intend to pay Proquest to register the copyright. \makecopyrightpage % If you have a dedication page, uncomment the next command to print the dedication page % %\makededicationpage % \clearpage % Your Acknowledgements are formatted like a chapter, but with no number \chapter*{Acknowledgements} \DoubleSpacing % Acknowledgements should be double spaced Your acknowledgements here. % \clearpage % We need to turn single spacing back on for the contents/figures/tables lists \SingleSpacing \tableofcontents* % table of contents will not be listed in the TOC \clearpage \listoftables % comment this out if you have no tables \clearpage \listoffigures % comment this out if you have no figures % % If you have a list of abbreviations/symbols it would go here preceded by a \clearpage % See the class documentation and the Memoir manual for how to create other lists % % If you are using an algorithm formatting package (e.g. algorithmicx or algorithm2e) % please read the class documentation carefully on how to use these packages with the class % The class provides an {algorithm} environment and a \listofalgorithms by default % \mainmatter % % The next line removes the dots in chapter headings in the TOC % May violate thesis office rules %\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\renewcommand{\protect\cftchapterdotsep} {\cftnodots}} % ALL documents using this class must have \chapter divisions % If you are using it for an MA/MS thesis you still need to have chapters, even if they are very small. \chapter{Your first chapter} % % If you have pages that must appear in landscape mode, use the [lscape] documentclass option % and enclose the pages in a {landscape} environment. %\clearpage\pagestyle{lscape} % first clear the page and change the pagestyle %\begin{landscape} % % your landscape table(s) or figure(s) here % %\end{landscape} %\pagestyle{plain} % remember to change the pagestyle back to plain % % % If you have appendices, they would go here. % If you only have one appendix it will look like this: (comment this out if you have no appendices) \begin{appendix} \chapter{Your appendix} \end{appendix} % % % If you have more than one appendix, you need to use % \begin{appendices} % \chapter{First appendix} % \chapter{Second appendix} % \end{appendices} % % If each chapter has its own set of appendices, then load the class with the [chapterapp] option % and put your {appendix} or {appendices} environments at the end of each chapter. % % % Even though it is very unintuitive, per-chapter appendices are STILL \chapter commands % in your document! If you use \section it will not work properly. % % You should not use the \backmatter command before per-chapter material! % There should only be ONE \backmatter command in your document, % and it should separate only the thesis from the bibliography \backmatter % The next lines add the dots back into the References/Bibliography heading % of the TOC. Only uncomment this if you need to put the dots back in having removed them for Chapter headings. % %\addtocontents{toc}{% % \protect\renewcommand{\protect\cftchapterdotsep} {\cftdotsep}} % \makebibliographypage % make the bibliography cover page % % % Your bibliography command here % e.g. \bibliography{your-bib-file}) if using natbib % e.g. \printbibliography if using biblatex % % Remember that although the bibliography is single spaced, there needs to % be a blank line between entries. This is set by your bibliography package % If you are using natbib it is \bibsep; if using biblatex it's \bibitemsep % These are set automatically by the class if you are using these packages % % If you need per-chapter bibliographies, you need to use the [chapterbib] % class option and you would use \makebibliographypage before each % chapter level bibliography and then the relevant bibliography command % You should not use the \backmatter command before per-chapter material % \end{document}