# moderncv ## A modern curriculum vitae class for LaTeX **moderncv** provides a documentclass for typesetting curricula vitae in various styles. Moderncv aims to be both straightforward to use and customizable, providing five ready-made styles (classic, casual, banking, oldstyle and fancy) and allowing one to define his own by modifying colors, fonts, icons, etc. Most commands are defined in such a way that arguments are optional. Until a decent manual is written, one can always look in the `template.tex` file for an example. It can be compiled to pdf via `latexmk -pdf ./template.tex`. If using [`academicons`](https://ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/academicons) in the template, you need to use a Xe(La)TeX or Lua(La)TeX engine for them to render. Otherwise an alternative will be used automatically. ## Licence moderncv is licensed under the [LPPL-1.3c](https://spdx.org/licenses/LPPL-1.3c.html). ## Origin Original author: Xavier Danaux
Original repository: https://github.com/xdanaux/moderncv
This repository is a fork aiming to maintain moderncv inside CTAN, since upstream is dead since 2016.