%% %% This is file `testmlsw.tex'. %% Copyright (C) 1996-1998 Bernd Raichle; all rights reserved. %% %% See copyright statement in file `lo1enc.def'. %% %% %% - Checks hyphenation w.r.t font encoding alias. %% - Checks \DeclareTextComposite declarations. %% - Can and should be used with a standard TeX or MLTeX! %% %% CHANGES: %% 1998/11/17 0.9a %% First released version. %% 1999/03/09 0.9b %% Added lines with composite and special glyphs because %% I have missed a definition in `lo1enc.def' making the %% accent macros \d and \b fail for LO1. %% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesFile{testmlft.tex}% [1999/03/09 v0.9b Test file for MLTeX LaTeX support (br)] \documentclass{minimal} \nofiles \newcommand{\type}[1]{\typeout{^^J#1}#1} %% For non-MLTeX and/or TeX versions < 3.0 %% define dummys for \charsubdefmax and \errorcontextlines, %% these registers are not changed within this test file. \ifx\charsubdefmax\undefined \chardef\charsubdefmax=0 \fi \ifx\errorcontextlines\undefined \else \errorcontextlines=2\fi \typeout{^^J=== charsubdefmax before: \number\charsubdefmax.^^J} \usepackage[switchonly]{mltex} \typeout{^^J=== charsubdefmax after: \number\charsubdefmax.^^J} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \begin{document} \type{=== Current encoding is \csname cf@encoding\endcsname\space (\csname f@encoding\endcsname).} --- Simple Tests --- \type{=== Test using LO1 font encoding, accent macros, Latin-1 chars:} t\"ater \'el\`eve élève \showhyphens{\"ubertragen \'el\`eve élève} \expandafter\ifx\csname l@german\endcsname\relax \else {\language=\csname l@german\endcsname \type{=== Test using LO1 font encoding, german hyphenation patterns:} t\"ater \'el\`eve \showhyphens{\"ubertragen \'el\`eve} } \fi \expandafter\ifx\csname l@german\endcsname\relax \else {\language=\csname l@french\endcsname \type{=== Test using LO1 font encoding, french hyphenation patterns:} t\"ater \'el\`eve \showhyphens{\"ubertragen \'el\`eve} \showhyphens{abondamment abstinence anh\'eler d\'el\'egu\'e} \fontencoding{OT1}\selectfont \renewcommand{\encodingdefault}{OT1}%% for \showhyphens! \type{=== Test using OT1 font encoding, french hyphenation patterns:} t\"ater \'el\`eve d\'el\'egu\'e \showhyphens{\"ubertragen \'el\`eve} \showhyphens{abondamment abstinence anh\'eler d\'el\'egu\'e} } \fi \def\test{% \`A \'A \^A \~A \"A \u{A} \r{A} \`a \'a \^a \~a \"a \u{a} \r{a} \c{C} \'C \v{C} \c{c} \'c \v{c} \v{D} \u{G} \u{g} \`E \'E \^E \~E \"E \v{E} \`e \'e \^e \~e \"e \v{e} \`I \'I \^I \~I \"I \.I \`i \'i \^i \~i \"i \.i \`{\i} \'{\i} \^{\i} \~{\i} \"{\i} \.{\i} \~N \'N \v{N} \~n \'n \v{n} \`O \'O \^O \~O \"O \H{O} \`o \'o \^o \~o \"o \H{o} \'R \v{R} \'r \v{r} \'S \v{S} \c{S} \'s \v{s} \c{s} \v{T} \c{T} \c{t} \`U \'U \^U \~U \"U \H{U} \r{U} \`u \'u \^u \~u \"u \H{u} \r{u} \'Y \'y \'Z \v{Z} \.Z \'z \v{z} \.z composite glyphs: \"b \"B \'b \'B \.b \.B \=b \=B \^b \^B \`b \`B \~b \~B \H{b} \H{B} \u{b} \u{B} \v{b} \v{B} \r{b} \r{B} \b{b} \b{B} \c{b} \c{B} \d{b} \d{B} special glyphs: \AE \OE \O \ae \i \j \oe \o \ss \textemdash \textendash \textexclamdown \textquestiondown \textquotedblleft \textquotedblright \textquoteleft \textquoteright \L \l \textdollar \textsterling } --- Major Tests --- {\fontencoding{T1}\selectfont --- T1:\par \test\par} {\fontencoding{OT1}\selectfont --- OT1:\par \test\par} {\fontencoding{LO1}\selectfont --- LO1:\par \test\par} --- End of Tests --- \end{document}