\documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage{minorrevision} \usepackage{url} \usepackage{framed} \begin{document} \title{The \textsf{minorrevision} package\thanks{This document corresponds to \textsf{minorrevision}~v1.1, dated~2013/11/15.}} \author{Matthieu Guillaumin\\ \texttt{guillaumin@vision.ee.ethz.ch}} \maketitle \tableofcontents \section{Description and usage} \verb|minorrevision| is intended for researchers who publish articles in peer-reviewed journals. In the final stages of the review process, the authors typically have to provide an additional document (such as a letter to the editors) where they want to provide a list of modifications that they made to the manuscript. It is convenient for the editors to have line numbers and quotations from the manuscript in this letter. This package helps automatizing this task for the authors. This is a two-step process. \subsection{Step 1: Editing the reference document} In the manuscript (say \verb|manuscript.tex|), you need to declare the use of the package, by putting the following line in the preamble of your LaTeX source: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{minorrevision} \end{verbatim} You should also add line numbers to your manuscript, also in the preamble: \begin{verbatim} \linenumbers \end{verbatim} Then, in the body of you manuscript, when you make a minor modification, you need to use the \verb|\revision| macro. For instance, if the following sentence was in your manuscript: \begin{verbatim} In this paper, we show that $1+1=2$. \end{verbatim} And, following reviews, you want to modify it to: \begin{verbatim} In this paper, we hypothetize that $1+1=2$. \end{verbatim} Then, instead of replacing the text directly, you should use the \verb|\revision| macro: \begin{quote} \verb|\revision| \marg{label} \marg{new text} \marg{old text} \end{quote} In your document, this looks like: \begin{verbatim} In this paper, we \revision{mymod}{hypothetize}{show} that $1+1=2$. \end{verbatim} Here, we have used the label \verb|mymod| for later reference. When compiling \verb|manuscript.tex| with LaTeX, only the new version of the text will appear. For text that is simply removed, you can use: \begin{quote} \verb|\revisionrm| \marg{label} \marg{old text} \end{quote} For text that is simply added: \begin{quote} \verb|\revisionadd| \marg{label} \marg{new text} \end{quote} A call to \verb|\revision{label}{text1}{text2}| is similar to \begin{verbatim} \revisionrm{label}{text2}\revisionadd{label}{text1} \end{verbatim} but the latter wouldn't work because the label would be defined twice. \subsection{Step 2: Editing the referring document} In the document where you want make reference to the manuscript, also add the \verb|minorrevision| package, and specify that \verb|manuscript.tex| is the reference: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{minorrevision} \mrvdocument{manuscript} \end{verbatim} Note how \verb|.tex| should \textbf{not} be included in the \verb|\mrvdocument| macro. As of v1.1, you can have multiple references: \begin{verbatim} \mrvdocument{manuscript} \mrvdocument{manuscript2} \end{verbatim} You can now refer to the line numbers of modifications in the reference documents via their label names, by using: \begin{quote} \verb|\mrvref| \marg{reference} \marg{label} \\ \verb|\mrvold| \marg{reference} \marg{label} \\ \verb|\mrvnew| \marg{reference} \marg{label} \end{quote} \verb|reference| should correspond to the argument of \verb|\mrvdocument|. \begin{verbatim} On line~\mrvref{manuscript}{mymod}, we have replaced ``\mrvold{manuscript}{mymod}'' with ``\mrvnew{manuscript}{mymod}''. \end{verbatim} It's up to you to format that as you prefer. The \verb|quote| or \verb|quotation| environments are probably better for larger modifications. For the latest declared reference document, the following simpler macros are available: \begin{quote} \verb|\revref| \marg{label}\\ \verb|\revold| \marg{label}\\ \verb|\revnew| \marg{label} \end{quote} This is particularly useful when there is no possible ambiguity, i.e when there is only one reference. \begin{verbatim} On line~\revref{mymod}, we have replaced ``\revold{mymod}'' with ``\revnew{mymod}''. \end{verbatim} \section{Implementation details} This package automatically adds the following packages: \begin{itemize} \item \textsf{xkeyval}: for passing options to the packages below \item \textsf{lineno}: to get line numbers of labels \item \textsf{xr}: to perform cross-reference between documents \end{itemize} When using the package, a new auxiliary file is created, with extention \verb|.mrv|. In the case of \verb|manuscript.tex|, the file will be \verb|manuscript.mrv|. The \verb|\revision| macro not only declares the label for \verb|lineno| and prints the new text to the document, but also writes two macro definitions in \verb|manuscript.mrv| with both the new and old text contents. The macro name depends on the name of the reference (here, \verb|manuscript|), and the label name (here, \verb|mymod|). When making the call to \verb|\mrvdocument|, those macro definitions are read (simply by inputting the file), and calls to \verb|\revref{mymod}|, \verb|\revold{mymod}| and \verb|\revnew{mymod}| (and \verb|\mrvref|, \verb|\mrvold| and \verb|\mrvnew|) become available. See \verb|minorrevision.sty| for the actual implementation with comments. \section{Bug reports} Please use the official bitbucket repository for bug reports, patch proposals and other questions: \begin{quote} \url{https://bitbucket.org/mguillau/latex-minorrevision} \end{quote} \end{document}