\documentclass{article} \usepackage[designiv,forcolorpaper]{web} \usepackage{exerquiz} \usepackage{mi-solns} \declSOLOut{poems.lst} %\copySolnsOff % This formatting is optional, the purpose of this file is to create % the poems.lst file, which is to be input by another file. \renewcommand\exlabel{Poet} \renewcommand\exlabelformat{{\scshape\exlabel:}} \renewcommand\exsllabelformat{\protect\textbf{\exlabelsol\ \currentpoet}} \renewcommand\exsllabelformatwp {\protect\textbf{\currentpoet: \currenttitle}} \renewcommand\exsectitle{List of \exlabel s and their Poems} \partsformat{} \def\currentPoet#1{\def\currentpoet{#1}} \def\currentTitle#1{\def\currenttitle{#1}} \partsitemsep{6pt} \begin{document} \currentPoet{Ogden Nash} \begin{exercise*} \textbf{Ogden Nash} \begin{parts} \item \currentTitle{First Limerick}\textbf{First Limerick} \insExSoln{First Limerick} \mrkForIns{First Limerick} \begin{solution}[] \begin{quote}\obeylines An old person of Troy Is so prudish and coy That it doesn't know yet If it's a girl or a boy. \end{quote} \end{solution} \item \currentTitle{The Lama}\textbf{The Lama} \insExSoln{The Lama} \mrkForIns{The Lama} \begin{solution}[] \begin{quote}\obeylines The one-l lama, He's a priest, The two-l llama, He's a beast. And I will bet A silk pajama There isn't any Three-l lllama\footnote{\raggedright The author here is referring to a three-alarm fire, called a ``three-alarmer''.} \end{quote} \end{solution} \end{parts} \end{exercise*} \currentPoet{Edward R. Sill} \begin{exercise*} \textbf{Edward R. Sill} \begin{parts} \item \currentTitle{Opportunity}\textbf{Opportunity} \insExSoln{Opportunity} \mrkForIns{Opportunity} \begin{solution}[] \begin{quote}\obeylines This I beheld, or dreamed it in a dream:--- There spread a cloud of dust along a plain; And underneath the cloud, or in it, raged A furious battle, and men yelled, and swords Shocked upon swords and shields. A prince's banner Wavered then staggered backward, hemmed by foes.\vspace{\baselineskip} A craven hung along the battle's edge, And thought, ``Had I a sword of keener steal--- That blue blade that the king's son bears---but this Blunt thing!''---he snapped and flung it from his hand. And lowering crept away and left the field.\vspace{\baselineskip} Then came the king's son, wounded, sore bestead, And weaponless, and saw the broken sword, Hilt-buried in the dry and trodden sand, And ran and snatched it, and with battle-shout, Lifted afresh he hewed his enemy down, And saved a great cause that heroic day. \end{quote} \end{solution} \end{parts} \end{exercise*} \end{document}