% !TeX root = mercatormap.tex % !TeX encoding=UTF-8 % !TeX spellcheck=en_US % include file of mercatormap.tex (manual of the LaTeX package mercatormap) \clearpage \section{Version History}% \section*{v1.00 (2020/04/20)} \begin{itemize} \item Initial public release. \end{itemize} \section*{v1.01 (2020/05/05)} \begin{itemize} \item Sorting of index key entries fixed for the documentation. \item User messages for failed Python script calls are changed from warnings to errors to fail fast and to provide more information and hints about possible reasons. \item New general marker option \refKey{/mermap/marker/generic} with corresponding macros \docAuxCommand*{mrcmarkergeneric} and \docAuxCommand*{l_mermap_marker_generic_tl}. Also, the marker uuid is made |expl3| accessible as \docAuxCommand*{l_mermap_marker_uuid_tl}. \item New hyper marker options \refKey{/mermap/marker/url}, \refKey{/mermap/marker/link}, \refKey{/mermap/marker/use urls}, \refKey{/mermap/marker/ignore urls}, \refKey{/mermap/marker/use links}, \refKey{/mermap/marker/ignore links}. \end{itemize} \section*{v1.02 (2020/08/06)} \begin{itemize} \item New options \refKey{/mermap/supply/area from marker input} and \refKey{/mermap/supply/add area from marker input} which allow to fit a map to a given external list of marker positions. \item New option \refKey{/mermap/fail on missing resource} to control compilation behavior for missing resource files. \item Openrouteservice has discontinued mapsurfer tiles since June 2020.\\ Therefore, \refKey{/mermap/supply/source}=\docValue{openrouteservice mapsurfer} is deprecated now. It is not documented any more, but for some time it is still available for old documents with cached map tiles. \item\issuetracker{2} New marker option \refKey{/mermap/marker/distance} with corresponding macro \docAuxCommand{mrcmarkerdistance}. \end{itemize}