# 美国数学建模 LaTeX 模板 不少用户直接 clone 或者下载我们的库文件, 使用之前请认真阅读说明文档 mcmthesis.pdf 内容. 一, 如果你要获取示例代码, 请执行 `xetex mcmthesis.dtx` 自动解包出来代码. 二, 如果你想直接获取例子代码. 可以到 [release页面](https://github.com/latexstudio-org/mcmthesis/releases) 获取 mcmthesis-demo.zip 文件即可. 针对美国建模, 这里做了视频说明: [2020 美国数学建模 LaTeX 模板更新说明](https://www.bilibili.com/video/av85259525) 我们整理了学习资料包, 关注如下公众号回复: **建模2020** 即可获取. This class is designed for the MCM/ICM. This work is released under the [LaTeX Project Public License](http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt), v1.3c or later. ## Installation ```plain This work consists of the file mcmthesis.dtx, figures/, and code/, and the derived files mcmthesis.cls, mcmthesis-demo.tex, README, LICENSE, mcmthesis.pdf and mcmthesis-demo.pdf. To install this class, you should compile mcmthesis.dtx with xetex mcmthesis.dtx, compile mcmthesis.dtx with xelatex mcmthesis.dtx twice, compile mcmthesis-demo.tex with xelatex mcmthesis-demo.tex twice, rename README.tex and LICENSE.tex respectively to README and LICENSE, move mcmthesis.cls to TEXMF/tex/latex/mcmthesis/, move mcmthesis.dtx to TEXMF/source/latex/mcmthesis/, move other files to TEXMF/doc/latex/mcmthesis/ and then run texhash. ``` ## Authors * [latexstudio][latexstudio]: 343083553@qq.com * [Liam Huang][liam-ctan]: liamhuang0205+mcmthesis@gmail.com ## Project Page If you are interested in the process of development you may observe [latexstudio]: http://www.latexstudio.net/ [liam-ctan]: http://www.ctan.org/author/huang-l