longdivision v1.1.0 ======================== Author: Hood Chatham Email: hood@mit.edu Date: 2019-03-24 Description: License: All files have the Latex Project Public License. Files: longdivision.sty longdivision_manual.tex longdivision_manual.pdf README.md Does the long division algorithm and typesets the results. The dividend must be a positive decimal number and the divisor must be a positive integer. Correctly handles repeating decimals, putting a bar over the repeated part of the decimal. Handles dividends up to 20 digits long gracefully (though the typeset result will take up about a page) and dividends between 20 and 60 digits long slightly less gracefully. Defines macros \longdivision and \intlongdivision. Each takes two arguments, a dividend and divisor. \longdivision keeps dividing until the remainder is zero, or it encounters a repeated remainder. \longdivision stops when the dividend stops (though the dividend doesn't have to be an integer). \intlongdivision behaves similarly to the \longdiv command defined in longdiv.tex, though I think \intlongdivision looks better, and it can handle much larger dividends and divisors (the dividend is only constrained by the size of the page, and the divisor can be up to 8 digits long). See the package manual for more information. Email me at hood@mit.edu to submit bug reports, request new features, etc. The current development copy is hosted at https://github.com/hoodmane/longdivision. Changelog: ========== ## [1.1.0] (2018-10-08) ### Fixed: - If the "\longdivision" command is in math mode, the numbers are typeset in math mode too (reported by Yu-Tsiang Tai). - The "\longdivision" command now can handle macros as arguments (as suggested by Mike Jenck). ### Added: - Multiple typesetting styles - Multiple styles for indicating a repeating decimal - Typesetting partial long division (as suggested by Cameron McLeman). ## [1.0.0] (2017-02-05)