%% ****************************************************** %% * This work may be distributed and/or modified under * %% * the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License * %% * http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt * %% * either version 1.3c of this license or any later * %% * version. * %% ****************************************************** \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage{pdfpages} \usepackage[level]{datetime} \usepackage{unicode-math} \usepackage{authblk} \setmainfont{Libertinus Serif} \setsansfont{Libertinus Sans} \setmonofont{NotoSansMono}[ Scale=MatchLowercase, Extension=.ttf, UprightFont=*-Light, BoldFont=*-Medium ] \makeatletter \usepackage{listings,dirtree} \lstdefinestyle{TeX}{ language = [LaTeX]TeX, texcsstyle = *\color{H7}, numbers = none, basicstyle = {\small\color{H6}\tt}, mathescape = false, breaklines = true, columns = fixed, keywordstyle = \color{H3}, commentstyle = \color{darkgray}, tabsize = 2, keywords = {mail,flyleaf,sticker,logo,notebook,chapter,newnote,newnotesss,newnotessss,emptynote,newhdunote, makeframe,course,more} } \usepackage{hyperref,xcolor,verbatim} \definecolor{pkgcolor}{Hsb}{103,.8,.5} \definecolor{moducolor}{Hsb}{290,.8,.5} \definecolor{cmdcolor}{Hsb}{188,.8,.5} \definecolor{filecolor}{Hsb}{207,.6,.7} \definecolor{H1}{Hsb}{349,.8,.8}% 海棠紅 (Hangzhou MTR L 1 ) \definecolor{H2}{Hsb}{23, .8,.8}% 丹桂橙 (Hangzhou Metro 2 ) \definecolor{H3}{Hsb}{48, .8,.8}% 柠檬黄 (Hangzhou Metro 3 ) \definecolor{H4}{Hsb}{103,.8,.8}% 香樟绿 (Hangzhou Metro 4 ) \definecolor{H5}{Hsb}{188,.8,.8}% 青藍色 (Hangzhou MTR L 5 ) \definecolor{H6}{Hsb}{207,.8,.8}% 海洋蓝 (Hangzhou Metro 6 ) \definecolor{H7}{Hsb}{290,.8,.8}% 浪漫紫 (Hangzhou Metro 7 ) \hypersetup{colorlinks,urlcolor=H1,linkcolor=H2,filecolor=filecolor,pdfstartview=FitH,pdfview=FitH,pdfcreator=XeTeX output} \renewcommand*\l@subsection{\@dottedtocline{2}{1.5em}{2.1em}} \def\@pkg#1{\texorpdfstring{\href{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/#1}% {\textcolor{pkgcolor}{\textsf{#1}}}}{“#1”}} \def\s@pkg#1{\texorpdfstring{\textcolor{pkgcolor}{\textsf{#1}}}{“#1”}} \DeclareRobustCommand\pkg{\@ifstar\s@pkg\@pkg} \def\mode#1{\texorpdfstring{\textcolor{moducolor}{\textsf{#1}}}{“#1”}} \def\cmd#1{\texorpdfstring{\textcolor{cmdcolor}{\textsf{#1}}}{“#1”}} \def\datechange#1#2{% \noindent{\makebox[\textwidth][r]{\color{H7}\rule{1.15\textwidth}{.4pt}}} \noindent\makebox[0pt][r]{\makebox[-3em][r]{\small\textbf{\textcolor{H7}{#1}}}\;\;}{\sffamily Update: \ignorespaces#2}} \makeatother \title{The \pkg{LiteTable} Template} \author[1]{Xia Mingyu, \href{https://www.hdu.edu.cn}{Hangzhou Dianzi University}} \ddmmyyyydate \date{\today} \affil[1]{\href{mailto:xiamyphys@gmail.com}{\texttt{xiamyphys@gmail.com}}} \date{\today\quad Version 2.0a\thanks{% \url{https://github.com/xiamyphys/litetable}}} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} This is the document for \pkg{LiteTable} template, which provides a beautiful design of class schedule with colorful course blocks. \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \section{Introduction} \subsection{The purpose of this template} This template provides a beautiful design of class schedule with colorful course blocks. If you meet bugs when using this template, or you have better suggestions or ideas, or you want to participate in the development of the template or other templates by me, welcome to contact via email \href{mailto:xiamyphys@gmail.com}{xiamyphys@gmail.com}. Also, you can join my \textsf\LaTeX{} Template Discussion \href{https://qm.qq.com/q/OnHzbNvVAG}{QQ Group: 760570712} to communicate with me and get the insider preview edition of the template. \subsection{Packages required} This template is based on the template \pkg{standalone}. And it requires \pkg{tikz} package to plot some graphics, \pkg{kvoptions} and \pkg{etoolbox} packages to provide global opinions, \pkg{ctex} package to supports the \textbf{Chinese, Simplified} language and \pkg{fontawesome5} package to provides a set of beautiful icons. I strongly suggest that you should use cmd to implement the commands to update all the packages to the latest version or switch to portable version instead. \begin{verbatim} tlmgr update --self tlmgr update --all \end{verbatim} If you are in some areas with awful Internet environment, you can choose proper mirror source or use other means\footnote{Please comply with local network regulations.}. To learn more, please refer to \href{https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/55437/how-do-i-update-my-tex-distribution}{How do I update my TEX distribution?} \subsection{Loading \pkg{LiteTable} and its modes} Save the file \verb|litetable.cls| to your project's root directory, and then create a \verb|.tex| file, just input the command \verb|\documentclass{litetable}| on the first line. The template provides two modes, \mode{style} and \mode{date}. Just add the options of the modes you want separately in the square bracket of the command \verb|\documentclass[options]{litetable}| in your \verb|.tex| file. \section{Modes of \pkg{LiteTable}} \begin{verbatim} \documentclass[options]{litetable} \end{verbatim} \subsection{The \mode{round} \& \mode{sharp} modes} This mode can make the course block's corners be round or sharp, and the default opinion is sharp. \subsection{The \mode{times} \& \mode{libertinus} mode} This mode can make the font to be ``Times New Roman'' or ``Libertinus'', and the default opinion is ``Libertinus''.\footnote{Please ensure that your computer has been already installed the font ``Libertinus'' when using this opinion.} \section{Environment and commands of \pkg{LiteTable}} \subsection{The \cmd{makeframe} command} \begin{verbatim} \makeframe{Timetable -- Semester 5} \end{verbatim} This command can create an empty class schedule with the title ``Timetable -- Semester 5''. \subsection{The \cmd{course} command} \begin{verbatim} \course{H5}{4}{3}{5}{AQM}{Building 6·225}{Yuan Li \& Mengnan Chen}{Week 1 -- 18} \end{verbatim} There are 8 variables in this command. \begin{itemize} \item The 1st one is the color of the class that you want, from ``H1'' to ``H5''. \item The 2nd one is the workday of the class. \item The 3rd and 4th ones is the starting number and ending number of the class. \item The 5th one is the name of the class. \item The 6th one is the address of the class. \item The 7th one is the name of the teacher(s). \item The last one is the start week and end week of the class. \end{itemize} \subsection{The \cmd{more} command} This command can add remark at the end of the class schedule. \newpage \section{Version History} I am a college student studying at \href{https://www.hdu.edu.cn}{Hangzhou Dianzi University}\footnote{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hangzhou\_Dianzi\_University} in China. An official club named \href{https://www.hduhelp.cn/}{HDUHelp} in my school has created a web page \href{https://cinnamon.hduhelp.com/navigation/schedule}{schedule}\footnote{Only those studying at or graduated from Hangzhou Dianzi University can have the permission of access.}. Every students and teachers can view their own class schedule on it. The layout is very beautiful and then I used LaTeX to imitate that style and made a class schedule template to share with everyone. \textsf{\bfseries Version 1.0} was finished on 1 September, 2023 and released on \href{https://www.latexstudio.net/index/details/index/mid/3625.html}{LaTeX Studio} (Xiaoshan, Hangzhou) and \href{http://xhslink.com/od7Ycw}{Xiaohongshu}, where won the favor of many people. \textsf{\bfseries Version 2.0a} was finished developing on 1 November, 2023 and released on \href{https://www.latexstudio.net/index/details/index/mid/3636.html}{LaTeX Studio} (Xiaoshan, Hangzhou) and \href{http://xhslink.com/od7Ycw}{Xiaohongshu}. This version used \verb|.cls| files to make the \verb|main.tex| file more concise. Also, this version have added a global option to choose whether the corners of the ``course Block" to be round or sharp. And this version support adds multiply class schedules in one \verb|.tex| file. \textsf{\bfseries Version 2.1a} was finished developing on 5 November, 2023. Supports the libertinus font. \datechange{01/09/2023}{Version 2.0a} \begin{itemize} \item Supports the course block's corners be round or sharp. \item Supports multiply class schedules in one \verb|.tex| file. \end{itemize} \datechange{05/11/2023}{Version 2.1a} \begin{itemize} \item Supports the libertinus font. \end{itemize} \newpage \appendix \section{Document Example} \lstinputlisting[style=TeX]{litetable-demo.tex} \includepdf[pages=last-1,nup=1x2,angle=90]{litetable-demo.pdf} \end{document}