%% %% This is file `lastbib.sty', created by Berik I. Tuleuov, %% Karaganda, Kazakhstan, on 27/10/1999. %% modified 01/11/1999. %% modified by pastorm/ru-board to fix some bugs 29/01/2010. %% %% And the usual copying conditions apply: If you change it, you take the blame; %% if you pass it on, pass on all present condiditions; you %% are not allowed to sell it. %% %% Allow for things like |... \LastBib\ references in the work| to %% get `... 25 references in the work' \def\filename{lastbib} \def\fileversion{v2.0} \def\filedate{2012/07/17} \def\docdate {2012/07/17} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/06/01] \ProvidesPackage{lastbib}[\filedate\space\fileversion\space LaTeX2e package for refs to bibliographic references count by Berik I. Tuleuov] \def\LastBib{\ref{LastBib}}% \@definecounter{enumv} \def\bibitem{\stepcounter{enumv}\@ifnextchar[\@lbibitem\@bibitem} \def\lastbib@putlabel{% \immediate\write\@auxout{\string \newlabel{LastBib}{{\theenumv}{}{}{}{}}}% } \def\endthebibliography{\def\@noitemerr{% \@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}\lastbib@putlabel% \endlist} \endinput %% %% End of file `lastbib.sty'.