%% %% This is file `ktv-test.tex', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% ktv-texdata.dtx (with options: `example') %% %% IMPORTANT NOTICE: %% %% For the copyright see the source file. %% %% Any modified versions of this file must be renamed %% with new filenames distinct from ktv-test.tex. %% %% For distribution of the original source see the terms %% for copying and modification in the file ktv-texdata.dtx. %% %% This generated file may be distributed as long as the %% original source files, as listed above, are part of the %% same distribution. (The sources need not necessarily be %% in the same archive or directory.) \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ktv-texdata} \usepackage{amsthm} \def\back:{$\backslash$} \begin{document} \begin{center} \Large\bf TEST :: package == {\tt ktv-texdata.sty} \end{center} \section{Create a data file} See file {\tt ktv-data.tex}. There're three part in the data file. In the first and the last part, all `\verb~bxx~' specify their own environment. In the second part, the data items omit the enrironment (use default). There're some special data items: the \verb~\bxx(yyy)2;..\exx~ is followed by a hint, the \verb~\bxx(yyy)[TT]5;..\exx~ specifies an optional argument for enrivonment \verb~yyy~. \section{Define the envrinoment} \begin{verbatim} \theoremstyle{definition} \newtheorem{xxx}{XX} \newtheorem{zzz}{ZZ} \newtheorem{yyy}{YY} \end{verbatim} \theoremstyle{definition} \newtheorem{xxx}{XX} \newtheorem{zzz}{ZZ} \newtheorem{yyy}{YY} \section{Specified default environment by \back:env(xxx)} \xenv(xxx) \begin{verbatim} \xenv(xxx) \end{verbatim} You should specify the default enrironment before any calling to \back:xget, \back:xkill, \back:xgetll, \back:xkillall, etc. Otherwise, if your data file contains some `\verb|bxx|' that doesnot specify the environment, you will receive an error! (In the source code of the test, remove the line \back:env(xxx) to see what will be going.) \section{Specified data file by \back:env(xxx)} \xlib ktv-data; \begin{verbatim} \xlib ktv-data; \end{verbatim} You also specify the the library, or data file. The above specification affects on any \back:xopenlib; that's put after this line in the source code of the test. \section{\back:xget\{2,4\}} \begin{verbatim} \xget{2,4} \xopenlib; \end{verbatim} \xget{2,4} \xopenlib; \section{Uneffect \back:xenv(zzz) after \back:xget\{1,4\}} \begin{verbatim} \xget{1,4} \xenv(zzz) \xopenlib; \end{verbatim} This example illustrate that any \back:xenv(...) that follows a \back:xget doesnot take any affect on that \back:xget. Try to figure out this illustration. \xget{1,4} \xenv(zzz) \xopenlib; \section{Now use \back:xenv(yyy)} ...to change the default environment to zzz. \begin{verbatim} \xenv(yyy) \end{verbatim} \xenv(yyy) \section{Use \back:xgetallbut(zzz)\{1,2\}} \begin{verbatim} \xgetallbut(zzz){1,2} \xopenlib; \end{verbatim} \xgetallbut(zzz){1,2} \xopenlib; \section{Use \back:xkillallbut(zzz)\{1,2\}} \begin{verbatim} \xkillallbut(zzz){1,2} \xopenlib; \end{verbatim} \xkillallbut(zzz){1,2} \xopenlib; \section{Use \back:xspec} This macro reserves the order of the `bxx' that you specify in the argument. \subsection{This is \back:xspec\{1,5,2\}} \begin{verbatim} \xspec{1,5,2} \end{verbatim} This calling uses default environment \verb~zzz~. \xspec{1,5,2} \subsection{This is \back:xspec(zzz)\{1,5,2\}} \begin{verbatim} \xspec(zzz){1,5,2} \end{verbatim} \xspec(zzz){1,5,2} \section{Turn off the details by \back:xdetailoff} \xdetailoff \begin{verbatim} \xdetailoff \end{verbatim} You now cannot see anything on the right margin. \section{Hint} \begin{verbatim} \xopenhint \end{verbatim} Some exercise should have a hint.\\ Of course, only hints of the active `bxx' will be accepted. \xopenhint \section{Now the time you try the package yourself!} Thank you for your enjoying.\\[3mm] Please send any bug, report,... to the author at \begin{verbatim} kyanh@linuxmail.org \end{verbatim} \end{document} \endinput %% %% End of file `ktv-test.tex'.