% \iffalse meta-comment % % Copyright (C) 2016-2019 by Richard Grewe % ------------------------------------------------------- % % This file may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in: % % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % % and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 1999/12/01 or later. % % \fi % % \iffalse %<*driver> \ProvidesFile{keyvaltable.dtx} % %\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1999/12/01] %\ProvidesPackage{keyvaltable} %<*package> [2019/05/11 v2.0 Package for filling tables using key-value lists] % % %<*driver> \documentclass[svgnames]{ltxdoc} \usepackage{rgltxdoc}[2019/05/04 v1.2] \usepackage{etoc} \usepackage{amssymb}% \checkmark \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges \usepackage{xspace} \newcommand\thispackage{\pkgname{keyvaltable}\xspace} % the following packages are additional for the examples \usepackage{xintexpr} \usepackage{makecell} \usepackage{gensymb}% for \degree \usepackage{tabularx,longtable,xltabular,tabu} \usepackage{filecontents} \usepackage{keyvaltable} \usepackage{datatool,csvsimple} \NewKeyValTable[ showhead=false,headformat={\bfseries\footnotesize}, rowbg=black!7!white..black!3!white, showrules=false, shape=tabu]{GoalApproach}{ id: align=r, default=(\alph{kvtRow}), head=\#; goal: align=X[l]; approach: align={X[2,l]}; } \newcommand\RecipePreset{% \NewKeyValTable{Recipe}{amount:align=r;ingredient:align=l;step:align=X}} % \usepackage{fontawesome} \makeatletter \newcommand\NiceText[2]{% \medskip\par\noindent \rgltxdoc@inmargin{\smash{\textcolor{#1}{\Large#2}}}{\quad}} \newcommand\NiceNote{\NiceText{DarkBlue}{\faInfoCircle}} \newcommand\NiceTipp{\NiceText{Gold}{\faLightbulbO}} % \end{macrocode} \makeatother % \begin{filecontents*}{recipes.csv} id,amount,ingredient,step snowman,3,balls of snow,staple all 3 balls snowman,1,carrot,stick into top ball snowman,2,coffee beans,put diagonally above carrot cherries,150g,ice cream,put into bowl cherries,50g,cherries,heat up and add to bowl \end{filecontents*} % \begin{document} \DocInput{keyvaltable.dtx} \PrintChanges \PrintIndex \end{document} % % \fi % % \CheckSum{0} % % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % \changes{v0.1}{2016/03/13}{Initial version} % \changes{v0.3b}{2018/11/01}{Package author's name change} % % \GetFileInfo{keyvaltable.dtx} % % \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newenvironment,\def,\gdef,\edef} % % % \title{The \thispackage package\thanks{This document % corresponds to \thispackage~\fileversion, dated \filedate. % The package is available online at % \url{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/keyvaltable} and % \url{https://github.com/Ri-Ga/keyvaltable}.}} % \author{Richard Grewe \\ \texttt{r-g+tex@posteo.net}} % % \maketitle % % \begin{abstract}\noindent % The \thispackage package's main goal is to facilitate % typesetting tables\ldots\medskip\\ % \begin{KeyValTable}{GoalApproach} % \Row{ % goal={\ldots easily and yet still looking rather nicely}, % approach={through horizontal rules and alternating row background % colors by default;}} % \Row{ % goal={\ldots in a way that separates content from presentation}, % approach={by table rows that are specified as lists of key-value % pairs, where the keys are column names and the corresponding % values are the content of the cell in this row in the respective % column;}} % \Row{ % goal={\ldots with re-usable layout for tables of the same type}, % approach={through named table types, of which each has a list of % columns as well as further properties such as the background % colors of rows; each column, in turn, has a name as well as % further properties such as the heading of the column and the % alignment of the column's content.}} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{abstract} % % \etocsetnexttocdepth{1} % \etocmulticol[2]{\section*{Contents}} % \clearpage % % \section{Basic Usage}\label{sec:basic} % % We start with a basic usage example. An explanation of the involved % macros follows afterwards.\medskip % % \begin{LTXexample}[morekeywords={NewKeyValTable,Row,KeyValTable}] % \NewKeyValTable{Recipe}{ % amount: align=r; % ingredient: align=l; % step: align=X; % } % \begin{KeyValTable}{Recipe} % \Row{amount=150g, ingredient=ice cream, % step=put into bowl} % \Row{amount= 50g, ingredient=cherries, % step=heat up and add to bowl} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % The example code first defines a new table type, |Recipe|, along with % the columns that belong to this type. There are three columns % (|amount|, |ingredient|, and |step|), whose specifications are separated % with semicolons. After the separating |:|, for each column, the macro % configures the column alignment using the |align| key. The alignments % |r| (right) and |l| (left) are the standard |tabular| alignments; the % |X| alignment is provided by the \pkgname{tabularx} package (see the % documentation there). % % After defining the table type, the example creates a table of % the newly defined type. For this, the example uses the |KeyValTable| % environment and the |\Row| macro, once for each row. The parameter % |Recipe| of the |KeyValTable| identifies the type of the table. % In the parameter of the |\Row| macro, the content of the individual % cells can be specified by key-value pairs such as |amount=150g|, which % puts ``150g'' into the |amount| column of the respective row. % % The example above already shows that producing a rather nice-looking % table -- including alternating row colors as well as horizontal rules % -- without further ado. How the \thispackage package can be % used in the general case and how its visual appearance can be % customized is subject of the remainder of this documentation. % % \NiceTipp{To quickly sketch a table type, one can even omit properties % of columns and just list their names, separated by semicolons, as the % following example shows. All columns then get the default alignment: % |l|.} % \begin{LTXexample} % \NewKeyValTable{Recipe}{amount;ingredient;step} % \begin{KeyValTable}{Recipe} % \Row{amount=150g, ingredient=ice cream, % step=put into bowl} % \Row{amount= 50g, ingredient=cherries, % step=heat up and add to bowl} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % % % \section{Defining Table Types} % % As the example in \cref{sec:basic} shows, % |\NewKeyValTable| defines a table type. % % \NiceDescribeMacro{\NewKeyValTable}{\oarg{options}\marg{tname}\marg{colspecs}\oarg{layout}} % The macro defines a table type with name \meta{tname} whose columns % are specified by \meta{colspecs}. % The \meta{colspecs} parameter must be a semicolon-separated list. % Each column specification is of the form % \begin{center} % \meta{colname}|:| \meta{property}|=|\meta{value}|,| % \meta{property}|=|\meta{value}|,|\ldots % \end{center} % In such a specification, \meta{colname} represents the name of the % column. The \meta{property}|=|\meta{value} pairs configure certain % properties of the column. The \meta{property} can be one of the % following: % % \NiceDescribeKey{align}{vals={l,c,r,p,X,\ldots}, init=l} % This property specifies the alignment of content in the % column. The \meta{value} can be set to any column alignment % understood by table environments. % % \NiceDescribeKey{default}{vals=\vmeta{content}, init=\vmeta{empty}} % This property specifies the default \meta{content} of a cell in this % column, i.e., in case that a \cmd{\Row} does not provide content for % the cell. Initially (i.e., if unset for a column), this is an % empty string. % % \NiceDescribeKey{format}{vals=\vmeta{single argument macro}, init=\cmd{\kvtStrutted}} % This property specifies a formatting macro for content of the cell. % The macro can take one argument and is provided with the content of % the cell as its argument. Initially, the format is defined to take % the content as is but puts a \cmd{\strut} before and after the % content (to yield a better vertical row spacing). % % \NiceDescribeKey{head}{vals=\vmeta{content}, init=\vmeta{colname}} % This property specifies the \meta{content} of the column's header % row. The initial value for this property is the name of the column. % % \NiceDescribeKey{hidden}{vals={true,false}, init=false, def=true} % This property specifies whether a table column shall be displayed or % not. The \meta{value} for this property can be |true| (to hide the % cell) or |false| (to display the cell). Using |hidden| without % \meta{value} is equivalent to specifying |hidden=true|. % % The following example shows all of the above column properties in % action. % % \begin{LTXexample}[morekeywords={align,default,format,head,hidden}] % \NewKeyValTable{ShoppingList}{ % what: head=article, format=\textbf; % amount: align=r, default=1; % why: hidden; % } % \begin{KeyValTable}{ShoppingList} % \Row{what=melon} % \Row{what=apples, amount=6} % \Row{what=bicycle, why=Bob's birthday} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % % The \meta{options} and \meta{layout} parameters of |\NewKeyValTable| % are described in \cref{sec:TableAppearance} and, respectively, % \cref{sec:CustomHeaders} of this documentation. % % % \section{Typesetting Tables}\label{sec:typesetting-tables} % % The \thispackage package offers three possibilities for typesetting % tables. % The first is in the traditional \hologo{LaTeX} form, in which there is % an environment that encloses the individual row specifications. % The second possibility is to specify rows throughout the document, bind % them to a name, and finally typeset a table from all rows bound to % the particular name. % The third possibility is to source the row specifications from a % file. % % \subsection{Specifying Rows in a Table Environment} % % The first possibility for typesetting a table using the % \thispackage package, is via the |KeyValTable| environment. % \cref{sec:basic} presents an example of this possibility. % % \NiceDescribeEnv{KeyValTable}{\oarg{options}\marg{tname}} % The |KeyValTable| environment creates a table of type \meta{tname}. % The type \meta{tname} must have been created using |\NewKeyValTable| % before. The environment itself already produces a table with the % columns specified for the table type, produces a header row and some % horizontal lines, and sets up background colors of rows. % The \meta{options} are described in \cref{sec:TableAppearance}. % % \NiceDescribeMacro{\Row}{\oarg{options}\marg{content}} % A table row is produced by the |\Row| macro. The % \meta{content} must be a comma-separated list of % \meta{cname}|=|\meta{text} pairs. The \meta{cname} identifies a column % that was registered for the table type \meta{tname}. The \meta{text} % specifies the content of the cell in the respective column. Each % column for which no \meta{text} is provided in \meta{content}, will % result in a cell that is filled with the column's default value. % The \meta{options} argument customizes row properties and is further % explained in \cref{sec:RowOptions}. % % % \subsection{Tables of Collected Rows}\label{sec:collected} % % The content of a table's rows might logically belong to locations that % are scattered throughout a document, e.g., to individual sections of % the document. In this situation, it can be convenient to have the rows % specified close to the locations their contents belong to, instead of % specified in the table environment. % % The following example illustrates the use of this feature for taking % and collecting notes in a document: % \begin{LTXexample}[width=0.475\hsize,morekeywords={NewCollectedTable,CollectRow,ShowCollectedTable}] % \NewKeyValTable{Notes}{type; text} % \NewCollectedTable{notes}{Notes} % % \subsection*{Notes} % \ShowCollectedTable{notes} % % \section{Introduction} % \CollectRow{notes}{type=remark, text=intro too long} % Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, \ldots % % \section{Analysis} % \CollectRow{notes}{type=task, text=proofread Analysis} % Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, \ldots % \end{LTXexample} % See \cref{sec:referencing} on how to (automatically) include % references to, e.g., section or page numbers in tables. % The key macros (highlighted in bold font) used in the example are the % following three. % % \NiceDescribeMacro{\NewCollectedTable}{\marg{cname}\marg{tname}} % This macro defines the name \meta{cname} for a new collection of % rows. The collection is associated with the table type \meta{tname}. % This macro must be used before |\CollectRow| for a \meta{cname}. % % \NiceDescribeMacro{\CollectRow}{\oarg{options}\marg{cname}\marg{content}} % This macro adds the row content \meta{content} and row options % \meta{options} to the row collection \meta{cname}. % % \NiceDescribeMacro{\ShowCollectedTable}{\oarg{options}\marg{cname}} % This macro typesets a table of the row collection \meta{cname}, with % the table options \meta{options}. % The table includes rows that are collected only afterwards in the % document. For this, \hologo{LaTeX} must be run at least two times. % % % \subsection{Sourcing Rows From a File} % % Rather than specifying the rows of a table inside a |KeyValTable| % environment, the rows can also be sourced from a file. % More concretely, this file must consist of the |\Row| macros that % specify the content of the rows. % For information on how to source rows from CSV files, see % \cref{sec:CSV}. % % \NiceDescribeMacro{\ShowKeyValTableFile}{\oarg{options}\marg{tname}\marg{filename}} % This macro produces a |KeyValTable| environment of type \meta{tname} % whose content is taken from the file \meta{filename}. % The \meta{options} specify the table options, which are directly % passed to the options argument of the |KeyValTable| environment. % % \begin{LTXexample}[morepreset=\RecipePreset,morekeywords={ShowKeyValTableFile}] % \begin{filecontents}{snowman.kvt} % \Row{amount=3, ingredient=balls of snow, % step=staple all 3 balls} % \Row{amount=1, ingredient=carrot, % step=stick into top ball} % \Row{amount=2, ingredient=coffee beans, % step=put diagonally above carrot} % \end{filecontents} % \ShowKeyValTableFile{Recipe}{snowman.kvt} % \end{LTXexample} % % % \subsection{Tables of Collected Rows (Legacy Interface)} % % This section documents legacy functionality of \thispackage, that is % now superseded by the functionality described in \cref{sec:collected}. % The legacy functionality compares to the new functionality as follows: % \begin{itemize}[noitemsep] % \item Rows must be collected \emph{before} the place in the document % where they are displayed in a table. % \item For each table type, there can be only one collection of rows. % After the collection has been typeset in a table the collection is % emptied again. % \item Row content is not written into the aux file. This might be % relevant for very large tables. % \end{itemize} % The following macros and environments implement the functionality. % % \NiceDescribeMacro{\AddKeyValRow}{\marg{tname}\oarg{options}\marg{content}} % A table row is produced by the % |\AddKeyValRow| macro. The \meta{tname} % identifies the table type and the \meta{content} provides the content % of the cells in the row. The format of the \meta{content} is the same % as for the |\Row| macro described in % Section~\ref{sec:typesetting-tables}. % % \NiceDescribeMacro{\ShowKeyValTable}{\oarg{options}\marg{tname}} % A table of all the rows defined via |\AddKeyValRow| can be displayed % by the |\ShowKeyValTable| macro. The % parameters have the same meaning as for the |KeyValTable| environment. % This macro resets the list of rows for the specified table type. % % \NiceDescribeEnv{KeyValTableContent}{\marg{tname}} % For simplifying the addition of rows, the % |KeyValTableContent| environment can be used. In this % environment, the |\Row| macro can be used just like in the % |KeyValTable| environment. The only difference is that the % |KeyValTableContent| environment does not cause the table to be % displayed. For displaying the content collected in % |KeyValTableContent| environments, the |\ShowKeyValTable| macro can be % used. % % The following example demonstrates the use, based on the previously % defined |Recipe| table type. % \begin{LTXexample}[morepreset=\RecipePreset,morekeywords={AddKeyValRow,KeyValTableContent,ShowKeyValTable}] % \AddKeyValRow{Recipe}{amount=3, % ingredient=balls of snow, % step=staple all 3 balls} % \begin{KeyValTableContent}{Recipe} % \Row{amount=1, ingredient=carrot, % step=stick into top ball} % \Row{amount=2, ingredient=coffee beans, % step=put diagonally above carrot} % \end{KeyValTableContent} % \ShowKeyValTable{Recipe} % \end{LTXexample} % % % \section{Row Numbering\,\&\,Labeling}\label{sec:row-numbering} % % The mechanism of default column values enables a simple means for % automatic row numbering, labeling, and referencing document entities. % % \subsection{Row Numbering} % % For row numbering, one can use one of three row counters provided by % the \thispackage package: |kvtRow|, |kvtTypeRow|, and |kvtTotalRow|. % The counters are explained after the following example, which % demonstrates the use for the case of the |kvtRow| counter. % % \begin{LTXexample}[morekeywords={thekvtRow,thekvtTypeRow}] % \NewKeyValTable[headformat=\textbf]{Numbered}{ % line: align=r, head=\#, % format=\kvtStrutted[\textbf], % default=\thekvtRow; % text: align=l, head=Text} % \begin{KeyValTable}{Numbered} % \Row{text=First row} % \Row{text=Second row} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % % \NiceDescribeCounter{kvtRow}{} % The |kvtRow| counter counts the row in the \emph{current} table. The % row number excludes the header row of the table. If the table spans % multiple pages, the row number also excludes the repeated headings on % subsequent pages. % % \NiceDescribeCounter{kvtTypeRow}{} % The |kvtTypeRow| counter counts the rows in the current table and % includes the number of rows of all previous tables of the same type. % % \NiceDescribeCounter{kvtTotalRow}{} % The |kvtTotalRow| counter counts the rows in the current table and % includes the number of rows of all previous tables produced using the % \thispackage package. % % By default, all rows are counted by the aforementioned counters. % However, this default can be changed. % % \NiceDescribeKey{uncounted}{vals={true,false}, init=false, def=true} % This row option specifies whether the row shall not be counted % (|true|) or shall be counted (|false|). % If only |uncounted| is used without a value, this is equivalent to % |uncounted=true|. % The following example illustrates the option. % % \begin{LTXexample}[morekeywords={uncounted}, % morepreset={\NewKeyValTable[headformat=\textbf]{Numbered}{ % line: align=r,head=\#,format=\kvtStrutted[\textbf],default=\thekvtRow; % text: align=l,head=Text}}] % \begin{KeyValTable}{Numbered} % \Row{text=First row} % \Row[uncounted]{line={--}, text=interlude} % \Row{text=Second row} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % % % \subsection{Row Labeling} % % Row numbering can easily be combined with row labeling. % The following example shows how the |format| column property can be % used for this purpose. % \begin{LTXexample}[morekeywords={kvtLabel}] % \NewKeyValTable{Labeled}{ % label: align=r, head=\textbf{\#}, % format=\kvtLabel{kvtRow}; % text: align=l, head=\textbf{Text}} % \begin{KeyValTable}{Labeled} % \Row{text=First row, label=first} % \Row{text=After row \ref{first}} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % % \NiceDescribeMacro{\kvtLabel}{\oarg{labelopts}\marg{counter}\marg{label}} % The |\kvtLabel| macro shows the current value of the \meta{counter} -- % in particular |kvtRow|, |kvtTypeRow|, and |kvtTotalRow| -- and sets % the \meta{label} to the value of \meta{counter}. When using the macro % with the |format| property, only the first argument (\meta{counter}) % must be provided, as the above example shows. The second argument % (\meta{label}) is provided by the respective cell content. % % The |\kvtLabel| macro should work well with packages that change the % referencing, like \pkgname{cleveref} or \pkgname{varioref}. When using a % package that adds an optional argument to the |\label| command (like % \pkgname{cleveref} does), the \meta{labelopts} can be used to pass an % optional argument to |\label|. This feature is demonstrated in % \cref{sec:package-cleveref}. % % \subsection{Referencing in Collected Rows}\label{sec:referencing} % % The example in \cref{sec:collected} illustrates well a situation in % which referencing the locations in the document at which rows are % collected. The following example augments the original example to % achieve exactly this. % % \begin{LTXexample}[width=0.5\hsize,morekeywords={NewCollectedTable,CollectRow,ShowCollectedTable}] % \NewKeyValTable{Notes2}{ % id: default=\thekvtRow.; % type; text; % where: default={\S\thesection\ (p.\@\thepage)};} % \NewCollectedTable{notes2}{Notes2} % % \subsection*{Notes} % \ShowCollectedTable{notes2} % % \section{Introduction} % \CollectRow{notes2}{type=remark, text=intro too long} % Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, \ldots % % \section{Analysis} % \CollectRow{notes2}{type=task, text=proofread!} % Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, \ldots % \end{LTXexample} % % The \thispackage package is carefully designed to take the values of % counters such as the page counter and the section counter from the % point in the document where |\CollectRow| is used. % At the same time, the table row counters are taken from the point % inside the respective table. This applies to |\thekvtRow| as well as % to |\arabic{kvtRow}| and other counter formats. % For customizing this behavior, the following three macros can be used. % % \NiceDescribeMacros{2} % {\kvtDeclareTableMacros}{\marg{macro-list}} % {\kvtDeclareTableCounters}{\marg{counter-list}} % These macros take a comma-separated list of macros (respectively % counters) and declares these as "table macros" ("table counters"). % A macro or counter declared this way is expanded only inside the table % environment and not at the point where |\CollectRow| is used. % The \thispackage already declares |\thekvtRow|, |\thekvtTypeRow|, and % |\thekvtTotalRow| as table macros and declares |kvtRow|, |kvtTypeRow|, % and |kvtTotalRow| as table counters. % % \NiceDescribeMacro{\kvtDeclareCtrFormatters}{\marg{macro-list}} % This macro takes a comma-separated list of macros and declares them as % macros for formatting counter values. Examples for such macros are % |\arabic|, |\alph|, |\Alph|, |\roman|, |\Roman|, |\fnsymbol|, which % \thispackage already declares. % When other counter-formatting macros shall be used in the |default| % value of a column, such as |\ordinal| of the \pkgname{fmtcount} % package, they have to be passed to |\kvtDeclareCtrFormatters| first. % % % \section{Changing the Appearance} % % The appearance (e.g., colors, rules) of a table can be changed at % the level of the overall table as well as for individual rows, % columns, and cells. % % \subsection{Table Appearance}\label{sec:TableAppearance} % % The appearance of a table can be configured through the \meta{options} % parameters of % \begin{itemize}[nosep] % \item |KeyValTable|, |\ShowKeyValTable|, and |\ShowKeyValTableFile| % (affecting the particular table), % \item |\NewKeyValTable| (affecting all tables of the table type), and % \item |\kvtSet| (affecting all tables). % \end{itemize} % In this list, the former take precedence over the latter. That is, % table options override table type options and table type options % override global options for all tables. % % In each case, \meta{options} must be specified as a comma-separated % list of \meta{property}|=|\meta{value} pairs. % The following \meta{property} keys can be configured. % % \NiceDescribeKey{shape} % {vals={multipage,onepage,tabular,tabularx,longtable,xltabular,tabu,longtabu}, % init=multipage} % This property specifies the table's shape. For \meta{value}, the % package currently supports |multipage| and |onepage| as well as % |tabular|, |tabularx|, |longtable|, |xltabular|, |tabu|, and % |longtabu|. In case of |multipage|, the table may span multiple pages % and on each page, the column header is repeated. In case of |onepage|, % the table does not split into multiple pages. The remaining values % use the respective environment for producing the table (see % \cref{sec:AltTabEnv} for the effect). % % \NiceDescribeKey{width}{vals=\vmeta{dimension}, init=\cmd\linewidth} % This property specifies the width of the table, if the selected % |shape| supports it (see \cref{sec:AltTabEnv}). % % \NiceDescribeKey{showhead}{vals={true,false}, init=true} % This property specifies whether the header row shall be shown. The % \meta{value} must be a Boolean (i.e., |true| or |false|), where |true| % specifies that the header row is shown and |false| specifies that the % header row is not shown. % % \NiceDescribeKey{showrules}{vals={true,false}, init=true} % This property specifies whether top and bottom rules as well % as a rule below the header row are drawn (|true|) or not (|false|). % % \NiceDescribeKey{headalign}{vals={\vmeta{empty} or \vmeta{coltype}}, init=\vmeta{empty}} % This property specifies the alignment for header cells. If left % empty, each header cell receives the same alignment as the respective % column. % % \NiceDescribeKey{headbg}{vals=\vmeta{color}, init={black!14}} % This property specifies the background color of the header rows. The % \meta{color} must be a single color specification that is understood % by the \pkgname{xcolor} package. The \meta{color} is passed directly % to the \cs{rowcolor} macro. If \meta{color} is empty, then no % background color is produced for the header row. % % \NiceDescribeKey{headformat}{vals=\vmeta{single argument macro}, init=\vmeta{"identity"}} % This property specifies a format to be applied to all header cells. % The value specified for the |headformat| key is used to format each % header. The value can be a macro that takes once argument, through % which it is provided the header (as specified in the column's |head| % property). Initially, an "identity" macro is used, meaning that each % |head| is taken without change. % % \NiceDescribeKey{rowbg}{vals=\vmeta{color}, init={white..black!10}} % This property specifies the background colors of content rows. The % \meta{value} for this property must be of the format % \meta{oddcolor}|..|\meta{evencolor}. The first row after the header is % colored with \meta{oddcolor}, the second row with \meta{evencolor}, % and so forth. Both colors must be understood by the \pkgname{xcolor} % package. If \meta{color} is empty, then no background color is % produced for content rows. % % \NiceDescribeKeys{2} % {norowbg}{vals={true,false}, init=false, def=true} % {nobg}{vals={true,false}, init=false, def=true} % These properties are shorthands for |rowbg={}| (turning off % background colors for content rows) and, respectively, for % |rowbg={},headbg={}| (turning off background colors for header rows % and for content rows). Using these options without a value is % equivalent to using |true| for the value. For instance, |nobg| is % equivalent to |nobg=true|. % % \vref{fig:TableOptionExamples} demonstrates the \meta{options} in % examples. % \begin{figure} % \begin{LTXexample}[morekeywords={shape,showhead,rowbg}] % \NewKeyValTable[shape=onepage, % showhead=false, % rowbg=blue!10..blue!15, % ]{TabOptions}{ % opt: align=l, format=\texttt; % val: align=l, format=\texttt;} % \begin{table}\centering % \begin{KeyValTable}{TabOptions} % \Row{opt=shape, val=onepage} % \Row{opt=showhead, val=false} % \Row{opt=rowbg, val=blue!10..blue!15} % \end{KeyValTable} % \caption{table options demo} % \end{table} % \end{LTXexample} % \begin{LTXexample}[morekeywords={showrules,headbg,headalign,headformat,norowbg}] % \NewKeyValTable[showrules=false,headbg=blue!25, % headalign=c,headformat=\textbf,norowbg % ]{TabOptions2}{ % opt: align=l, format=\texttt; % val: align=l, format=\texttt;} % \begin{KeyValTable}{TabOptions2} % \Row{opt=showrules, val=false} % \Row{opt=headbg, val=blue!25} % \Row{opt=headalign, val=c} % \Row{opt=headformat, val=\string\textbf} % \Row{opt=norowbg, val=true} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % \caption{Examples for table options} % \label{fig:TableOptionExamples} % \end{figure} % % % \subsection{Column Appearance} % % Column appearance is configured through the parameters |align|, % |head|, |format|, and |default| of columns in |\NewKeyValTable|. % For the |format|, the following macro exists to ensure proper height % and depth of rows even if the content itself is more narrow. % % \NiceDescribeMacro{\kvtStrutted}{\oarg{inner}\marg{arg}} % This macro places a |\strut| before \meta{arg} and a |\strut| after % \meta{arg}. This has the effect that the first and last row of % \meta{arg} obtain a "natural" height and depth even if their content % is smaller. % The second |\strut| is omitted when it would cause a new line to be % produced. % See \cref{sec:row-numbering} for an example. % % % \subsection{Row Appearance}\label{sec:RowOptions} % % Through the \meta{options} argument of the % |\Row| % and the % |\KeyValRow| % macros, the appearance of rows can be configured. % As with other option arguments of the \thispackage package, the % options must be a comma-separated list of key-value pairs. % The following options are supported. % % \NiceDescribeKey{hidden}{vals={true,false}, init=false} % This property specifies whether the row shall be hidden (|true|) or % not (|false|). If only |hidden| is used without a value, this is % equivalent to |hidden=true|. % % \NiceDescribeKey{bg}{vals=\vmeta{color}, init=\vmeta{empty}} % This property specifies the background color for the particular row. % If this option is not specified (or set to an empty value % explicitly), the background color is determined by the |rowbg| % option of the table. % % \NiceDescribeKeys{3} % {above}{vals=\vmeta{dimension}, init=\vmeta{empty}} % {below}{vals=\vmeta{dimension}, init=\vmeta{empty}} % {around}{vals=\vmeta{dimension}, init=\vmeta{empty}} % These properties specify extra vertical space above and, % respectively, below the row. The |around| property is a short-hand % for setting both, |above| and |below|, to the same value. % Note that the vertical space is currently not colored with the % row's background color but with the page's background color. % The argument, if provided, is directly passed to |\vspace|. % % \NiceNote{Initial values for all row options can be set with % |\kvtSet{Row/|\meta{option}|=|\meta{value}|}| (see also % \cref{sec:kvtSet}).} % % The following example demonstrates the options. % \begin{LTXexample}[morepreset=\RecipePreset,morekeywords={hidden,above,bg}] % \begin{KeyValTable}{Recipe} % \Row{amount=150g, ingredient=ice cream, % step=put into bowl} % \Row{amount= 50g, ingredient=cherries, % step=heat up and add to bowl} % \Row[hidden]{amount=25g, ingredient=cream, % step=decorate on top} % \Row[above=1ex,bg=Gold]{ % step=serve with a smile} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % % \subsubsection{Row Styles} % % Rather than specifying properties for individual rows, \thispackage % also supports named \emph{row styles}. % % \NiceDescribeKey{style}{vals=\vmeta{list of style names}, init=\vmeta{empty}} % Through this property of rows, a list of styles can be applied to the % row. Each style must have been defined with |\kvtNewRowStyle| before. % % \NiceDescribeMacro{\kvtNewRowStyle}{\marg{name}\marg{row-options}} % This macro declares a new row style with the given \meta{name} and % defines it to be equivalent to using the given \meta{row-options}. % The \meta{name} must not already be defined. % % \NiceDescribeMacro{\kvtRenewRowStyle}{\marg{name}\marg{row-options}} % This macro re-defines an existing row style \meta{name} with new % \meta{row-options}. % % The following example produces the same output as the previous % example, but uses row styles. % % \begin{LTXexample}[morepreset=\RecipePreset,morekeywords={style,kvtNewRowStyle}] % \kvtNewRowStyle{optional}{hidden} % \kvtNewRowStyle{highlight}{above=1ex,bg=Gold} % \begin{KeyValTable}{Recipe} % \Row{amount=150g, ingredient=ice cream, % step=put into bowl} % \Row{amount= 50g, ingredient=cherries, % step=heat up and add to bowl} % \Row[style=optional]{amount=25g, % ingredient=cream, step=decorate on top} % \Row[style=highlight]{step=serve with a smile} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % % \NiceNote{The \meta{row-options} in |\kvtNewRowStyle| can be left empty. % In this case, the row style does not have any effect on the appearance % of rows. However, the style can already be used for "tagging" rows and % the final options for the style can be configured at a later point in % time.} % % % \subsubsection{Rules Between Rows} % % Additional horizontal rules between rows can simply be added by % placing the respective rule command between |\Row| commands. % The following example demonstrates this possibility. % \begin{LTXexample}[morepreset=\RecipePreset,morekeywords={midrule}] % \begin{KeyValTable}{Recipe} % \Row{amount=150g, ingredient=ice cream, % step=put into bowl} % \Row{amount= 50g, ingredient=cherries, % step=heat up and add to bowl} % \midrule % \Row{step=serve with a smile} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % % % \subsection{Cell Appearance} % % Individual cells can be formatted by using the respective % \hologo{LaTeX} code directly in the value of the cell. % One can disabled column's configured |format| for the cell by % using the starred column name in |\Row|. % The following example demonstrates starred column names. % % \begin{LTXexample} % \usepackage{url}\urlstyle{sf} % \NewKeyValTable{Links}{ % service; % url: format=\url } % \begin{KeyValTable}{Links} % \Row{service=CTAN, % url=ctan.org/pkg/keyvaltable} % \Row{service=github, % url=github.com/Ri-Ga/keyvaltable} % \Row{service=Google Play, url*=none} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % % \subsection{Setting Global Defaults}\label{sec:kvtSet} % % \NiceDescribeMacro{\kvtSet}{\marg{options}} % The \thispackage package allows changing the default values % globally for the parameters of tables and columns. This can be done by % using the |\kvtSet| macro. % % \begin{LTXexample}[morekeywords={kvtSet}] % \kvtSet{headbg=red,default=?,align=r} % \NewKeyValTable{Defaults}{x; y} % \begin{KeyValTable}{Defaults} % \Row{x=1} % \Row{y=4} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % % % \section{Customizing the Layout} % % The \thispackage package provides some means for altering tables % beyond those described in the previous sections. % Those means are described in the following. % % \subsection{Custom Table Headers}\label{sec:CustomHeaders} % % By default, a table type defined by |\NewKeyValTable| includes a % single header row and each column of the table type has a header cell % in this row. % Through the optional \meta{layout} parameter of |\NewKeyValTable|, % one can define multiple header rows and can define header cells that % span multiple columns. % % The following two examples illustrate how the |headers| key in the % \meta{layout} parameter can be used for specifying custom % headers.\footnote{In \thispackage v1.0, the \meta{layout} % parameter specified \emph{only} the headers and did not use a % \texttt{headers} key for this. For compatibility, this can be enabled % with the \texttt{compat=1.0} package option.} % The first example produces a single header row in which two columns % are grouped with a single header, one column has a normal header, and % in which one column is not provided with a header. % \begin{LTXexample} % \NewKeyValTable{Headers1}{ % id: align=r, default=\thekvtRow.; % amount: align=r; ingredient: align=l; % step: align=X; % }[headers={ % amount+ingredient: head=\textbf{ingredient}; % step: head=\textbf{step}, align=l; % } % ] % \begin{KeyValTable}{Headers1} % \Row{amount=150g, ingredient=ice cream, % step=put into bowl} % \Row{amount= 50g, ingredient=cherries, % step=heat up and add to bowl} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % % The second example shows how multiple header rows can be specified % and, particularly, how the normal column headers can be displayed % through the use of "|::|". % \begin{LTXexample}[width=0.475\hsize] % \NewKeyValTable{Headers2}{ % date: align=r, head=\textbf{date}; % min/Berlin: align=r, head=min; % max/Berlin: align=r, head=max; % min/Paris: align=r, head=min; % max/Paris: align=r, head=max; % }[headers={ % min/Berlin+max/Berlin+min/Paris+max/Paris: % head=\textbf{temperature}\\ % min/Paris+max/Paris: head=\textbf{Paris}; % min/Berlin+max/Berlin: head=\textbf{Berlin}\\ % ::} % ] % \begin{KeyValTable}{Headers2} % \Row{date=01.01.1970, % min/Berlin=0\degree C, max/Berlin=...} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % % The syntax for a \meta{value} of the |headers| key in the % \meta{layout} parameter is as follows: % \begin{itemize}[noitemsep] % \item \meta{value} is a list, separated by "|\\|", where each % element in the list specifies the columns of a single header % \meta{row}. % \item Each \meta{row}, in turn, is also a % list. The elements of this list are separated by "|;|" (as in the % columns specification of |\NewKeyValTable|) and each element % specifies a header \meta{cell}. % \item Each \meta{cell} is of the form % \begin{center} % \meta{col}|+|\ldots|+|\meta{col}|:| \meta{property}|=|\meta{value}|,| % \meta{property}|=|\meta{value}|,|\ldots % \end{center} % where each \meta{col} is the name of a column. % The specified header cell then spans each of the listed columns. % The columns must be displayed consecutively, though not necessarily % in the same order in which they are specified in \meta{cell}. % \end{itemize} % The \meta{property}|=|\meta{value} pairs configure properties of the % header cell. Supported \meta{property} keys are the following. % % \NiceDescribeKey{align}{vals={\vmeta{alignment-letter},\vmeta{empty}}, init=c} % This property specifies the alignment of content in the header cell. % The \meta{value} can be set to any column alignment understood by % the underlying table environment used (see \cref{sec:AltTabEnv}). % This particularly includes |l|, |c|, |r|, and |p|, as well as |X| % for some of the table environments. % The initial value can be modified with % |\kvtSet{HeadCell/align=...}|. % % \NiceDescribeKey{head}{vals=\vmeta{text}, init=\vmeta{colspec}} % This property specifies the content of the header cell. % The initial value for this property is the column specification, % i.e., "\meta{col}|+|\ldots|+|\meta{col}". % % % \subsection{Column Spanning} % % The \thispackage package supports column spanning via "column % groups". A column group is a collection of adjacent columns, has % its own name, and can be assigned a value just like "normal" columns % can be. % The following example demonstrates how column groups can be defined % and be used. % % \begin{LTXexample}[morekeywords={colgroups}] % \NewKeyValTable{AltRecipe}{ % amount: align=r, format=\textbf; % ingredient: align=l; % step: align=X; % }[colgroups={ % all: span=step+amount+ingredient % }] % \begin{KeyValTable}{AltRecipe} % \Row{amount=150g, ingredient=ice cream, % step=put into bowl} % \Row{amount= 50g, ingredient=cherries, % step=heat up and add to bowl} % \midrule % \Row{all=serve with a smile} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % % As the example shows, column groups are defined through the % |colgroups| key of the second optional argument of |\NewKeyValTable|. % This key expects a semicolon-separated list of individual column % groups definitions. % Each such definition takes the same shape as a normal column % definition -- that is, first the name of the column group, then a % colon, and then a comma-separated list of column properties. % The properties that can be set are the following. % % \NiceDescribeKey{span}{vals=\vmeta{plus-separated columns}} % This property specifies which columns the column group shall span, as % a plus-separated list of column names. Some or all of the columns can % be hidden. All the displayed columns must be adjacent in the table, % though. % % \NiceDescribeKeys{2} % {align}{vals={\vmeta{alignment-letter},\vmeta{empty}}, init=c} % {format}{vals=\vmeta{single argument macro}, init=\cmd\kvtStrutted} % These properties are analogous to the respective properties of normal % columns. The only difference is that the initial column alignment of % column groups is "|c|" while the alignment of normal columns is "|l|". % % \NiceNote{Initial values for all the |align| and |format| options can be % set with |\kvtSet|, via the |ColGroup/align| and, respectively % |ColGroup/format| keys (see also \cref{sec:kvtSet}).} % % % \subsubsection{Manual Column Spanning} % % The |\multicolumn| macro can be used for the content of a cell. % The effect of this is that a number of subsequent cells are spanned % over with the content of the cell. The following example demonstrates % the use. % \begin{LTXexample}[width=0.475\hsize,morekeywords={multicolumn}] % \NewKeyValTable{MultiCol}{ % col1: align=l; % col2: align=l; % col3: align=l;} % \begin{KeyValTable}{MultiCol} % \Row{col1=1, col2=\multicolumn{1}{r}{2}, col3=3} % \Row{col1=1, col2=\multicolumn{2}{c}{2+3}} % \Row{col1=\multicolumn{2}{c}{1+2}, col3=3} % \Row{col1=\multicolumn{3}{c}{1+2+3}} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % A word of warning: % The |\multicolumn| macro implicitly constrains the ordering of % columns. For instance, in the above example, switching columns 2 and 3 % would lead to an error in the second row (because |col2| is the % rightmost column and therefore cannot span two columns) and also in % the third row (because |col1| spans two columns but the second, |col3| % is not empty). Thus, column spanning via |\multicolumn| should be used % with care. % % % \subsection{Captions} % % There are two ways to add captions to (\pkgname{keyvaltable}-) tables: % The first way is to enclose the table in a |table| environment. This % is particularly suit for tables that do not span multiple pages, such % as those produced through the |onepage| shape (or |tabular|, % |tabularx|, and |tabu| -- see \cref{sec:AltTabEnv}). % % \begin{LTXexample}[morepreset=\RecipePreset,morekeywords={caption,label,ref}] % \begin{table} % \begin{KeyValTable}[shape=onepage]{Recipe} % \Row{amount=150g, ingredient=ice cream, % step=put into bowl} % \Row{amount= 50g, ingredient=cherries, % step=heat up and add to bowl} % \end{KeyValTable} % \caption{Cherries++} % \label{Cherries} % \end{table} % Table~\ref{Cherries} shows the recipe. % \end{LTXexample} % % The second way to add captions is through the |caption| option of % \pkgname{keyvaltable} tables. This is particularly suit for tables % that can span multiple pages, such as those produced through the % |multipage| shape (or |longtable|, |xltabular|, and |longtabu| -- see % \cref{sec:AltTabEnv}). % % \NiceDescribeKeys{2} % {caption}{vals=\vmeta{text}, init=\vmeta{none}} % {label}{vals=\vmeta{name}, init=\vmeta{none}} % These options set the caption and, respectively, label of a table. % The caption is added to the end of the table. % The following example shows the options in action. % % \begin{LTXexample}[morepreset=\RecipePreset,morekeywords={caption,label,ref}] % \begin{KeyValTable}[shape=multipage, % caption=Cherries++, label=Cherries2]{Recipe} % \Row{amount=150g, ingredient=ice cream, % step=put into bowl} % \Row{amount= 50g, ingredient=cherries, % step=heat up and add to bowl} % \end{KeyValTable} % Table~\ref{Cherries2} shows the recipe. % \end{LTXexample} % % % \subsection{Alternative Table Environments} % \label{sec:AltTabEnv} % % Originally, the \thispackage package uses the \pkgname{tabu} package % and |tabu|, resp. |longtabu| environments for typesetting the actual % tables. Through the |shape| option of tables, the table environment % used by \thispackage tables can be changed. \Vref{tab:TabEnv} compares % the possible shapes/environments with regards to whether they support % tables that span multiple pages, whether they support |X|-type % (variable-width) columns, and whether their width can be specified % (through the |width| option). Finally, the table also displays the % package(s) that must be loaded manually when the respective shapes are % used. % Examples can be found in \vref{fig:TableTypes}. % \begin{table}\centering % \newcommand\RHead[1]{\rotatebox{90}{\small\varwidth{\linewidth}#1\endvarwidth}}% % \newcommand\YesNo[1]{\ifstrequal{#1}{yes}{\checkmark}{}}% % \NewKeyValTable[shape=tabular,headformat=\sffamily\textbf]{ShapeProps}{ % shape: format=\small\texttt; % env: format=\small\texttt, head=environment; % multipage: align=c, head=\RHead{multi-\\[-3pt] page}, format=\YesNo; % caption: align=c, head=\RHead{caption}, format=\YesNo; % Xcols: align=c, head=\RHead{\texttt{X} columns}, format=\YesNo; % width: align=c, head=\RHead{width}, format=\YesNo; % packages: align=l, format=\pkgnames}% % \begin{KeyValTable}{ShapeProps} % \Row{shape=onepage, env=tabular/tabularx, multipage=no, caption=no, Xcols=yes, width=yes, packages=tabularx} % \Row{shape=multipage, env=longtabu/xltabular, multipage=yes, caption=yes, Xcols=yes, width=yes, packages={longtable, xltabular}} % \midrule % \noalign{\footnotesize with package option |compat=1.0|:} % \Row{shape=onepage, env=tabu, multipage=no, caption=no, Xcols=yes, width=yes, packages=tabu} % \Row{shape=multipage, env=longtabu, multipage=yes, caption=yes, Xcols=yes, width=yes, packages={tabu, longtable}} % \midrule % \Row{shape=tabular, env=tabular, multipage=no, caption=no, Xcols=no, width=no} % \Row{shape=tabularx, env=tabularx, multipage=no, caption=no, Xcols=yes, width=yes, packages={tabularx}} % \Row{shape=longtable, env=longtable, multipage=yes, caption=yes, Xcols=no, width=no, packages={longtable}} % \Row{shape=xltabular, env=xltabular, multipage=yes, caption=yes, Xcols=yes, width=yes, packages={xltabular}} % \Row{shape=tabu, env=tabu, multipage=no, caption=no, Xcols=yes, width=yes, packages={tabu}} % \Row{shape=longtabu, env=longtabu, multipage=yes, caption=yes, Xcols=yes, width=yes, packages={tabu,longtable}} % \end{KeyValTable} % \caption{Comparison of table shapes / environments} % \label{tab:TabEnv} % \end{table} % % \begin{figure}[p] % \begin{LTXexample}[width=0.475\hsize, % morekeywords={tabular,longtable}] % \NewKeyValTable[showrules=false]{ShapeNoX}{ % id: align=l, default=\thekvtTypeRow; % l: align=l; c: align=c; r: align=r;}[headers={ % l+c+r: head=\textbf{\kvtTableOpt{shape} shape}\\ ::}] % \begin{KeyValTable}[shape=tabular]{ShapeNoX} % \Row{l=left, c=center, r=right} % \Row{l=left-2, c=2-center-2, r=2-right} % \end{KeyValTable}\\ % \begin{KeyValTable}[shape=longtable]{ShapeNoX} % \Row{l=left, c=center, r=right} % \Row{l=left-2, c=2-center-2, r=2-right} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % \begin{LTXexample}[width=0.475\hsize, % morekeywords={tabularx,xltabular,tabu,longtabu}] % \NewKeyValTable[showrules=false]{ShapeWithX}{ % id: align=l, default=\thekvtTypeRow; % l: align=l; X: align=X; r: align=r;}[headers={ % l+X+r: head=\textbf{\kvtTableOpt{shape} shape}\\ ::}] % \begin{KeyValTable}[shape=tabularx]{ShapeWithX} % \Row{l=left, X=expandable, r=right} % \Row{l=left-2, X=expandable-2, r=2-right} % \end{KeyValTable}\medskip\\ % \begin{KeyValTable}[shape=xltabular]{ShapeWithX} % \Row{l=left, X=expandable, r=right} % \Row{l=left-2, X=expandable-2, r=2-right} % \end{KeyValTable} % \begin{KeyValTable}[shape=tabu]{ShapeWithX} % \Row{l=left, X=expandable, r=right} % \Row{l=left-2, X=expandable-2, r=2-right} % \end{KeyValTable} % \begin{KeyValTable}[shape=longtabu]{ShapeWithX} % \Row{l=left, X=expandable, r=right} % \Row{l=left-2, X=expandable-2, r=2-right} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % \caption{Examples for the shape option} % \label{fig:TableTypes} % \end{figure} % % % \section{Use with Other Packages} % % \subsection{Named References (\pkgname{cleveref})}\label{sec:package-cleveref} % % The |\kvtLabel| feature of the \thispackage package can be % used together with named references, as provided by the % \pkgname{cleveref} package. A name to a row label can be given by using % the optional first argument to the |\kvtLabel| formatting macro and % specifying the name to use using |\crefname|. The following example % uses ``row'' for the optional argument and ``line'' for the displayed % name of the reference. % \begin{LTXexample} % \usepackage{cleveref} % \crefname{row}{line}{lines} % \NewKeyValTable[headformat=\textbf]{NamedRef}{ % label: align=r, head=Line, % format=\kvtLabel[row]{kvtRow}; % text: align=l, head=Text} % \begin{KeyValTable}{NamedRef} % \Row{text=First row, label=one} % \Row{text=After \cref{one}} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % % % \subsection{Tables from CSV Files (\pkgname{datatool} and \pkgname{csvsimple})}\label{sec:CSV} % % The \thispackage package itself does not offer its own functionality % for generating tables from CSV files. However, together with existing % CSV packages, table content can be sourced from CSV files. % The remainder of this section shows how this can be achieved by % example. The following CSV file serves as the data file in the % examples. We use the same |Recipe| table type as previously. % % \lstinputlisting[caption=recipes.csv]{recipes.csv} % % \paragraph{\pkgname{datatool}} % The package provides a variety of macros for loading and also % displaying CSV database content. The following shows how the macros % |\DTLloaddb| and |\DTLforeach*| can be used, together with % |\AddKeyValRow| and |\ShowKeyValTable|. % The example also shows how a simple filter can be applied to the rows % via |\DTLforeach*|. % % \begin{LTXexample}[morepreset=\RecipePreset,morekeywords={DTLloaddb,DTLforeach,expandonce}] % \usepackage{datatool} % \DTLloaddb{recipes}{recipes.csv} % \DTLforeach*[\equal{\Id}{snowman}]{recipes} % {\Id=id, % \Amount=amount,\Ingr=ingredient,\Step=step} % {\AddKeyValRow{Recipe}[expandonce]{ % amount=\Amount,ingredient=\Ingr,step=\Step}} % \ShowKeyValTable{Recipe} % \end{LTXexample} % % Two aspects shall be noted. % Firstly, we use |\AddKeyValRow| rather than |KeyValTable|, % because |\DTLforeach*| interferes with how |KeyValTable| constructs % its rows and yields "misplaced |\noalign|" errors. We do not use % |\CollectRow| here, because it requires two runs and we do not need % the feature to show the table before the rows are specified. % Secondly, we use the row option |expandonce| to ensure that the macros % |\Amount|, |\Ingr|, and |\Step| are expanded (i.e., replaced by their % values). Without this option, all rows would only carry the three % macros and display the value that these macros have at the time of the % |\ShowKeyValTable|. % % \NiceDescribeKeys{2} % {expandonce}{vals={true,false}, init=false, def=true} % {expand}{vals={true,false}, init=false, def=true} % These row options can be used when programmatically constructing the % rows of a table, particularly with |KeyValTableContent| and % |\CollectRow|. % The |expandonce| option expands all the cell values % given to a row (default values not included) exactly once before % including it in the respective row. % The |expand| option fully expands the cell values, in |protect|'ed % mode (i.e., robust commands are not expanded). % % % \paragraph{\pkgname{csvsimple}} % For the sake of our example, using this package is very similar to % using \pkgname{datatool}. % % \begin{LTXexample}[morepreset=\RecipePreset,morekeywords={csvreader,expand}] % \usepackage{csvsimple} % \csvreader[head to column names, % filter equal={\id}{cherries}]{recipes.csv}{} % {\AddKeyValRow{Recipe}[expand]{ % amount=\amount,ingredient=\ingredient, % step=\step}} % \ShowKeyValTable{Recipe} % \end{LTXexample} % % Two differences are noteworthy here: % First, we can avoid specifying macro names for the columns through the % |head to column names|, which uses the column names as macro names. % Second, we have to use the |expand| option rather than |expandonce| % here, because \pkgname{csvsimple} apparently does not directly store % the column value in the respective macro. % % % \subsection{Computational Cells (\pkgname{xint})} % % The mechanism of cell formatting macros enables a simple means for % automatically computing formulas contained in a column. This can be % done, for instance using the \pkgname{xint} package and defining a % custom format macro (here |\Math|) that takes over the computation. % \begin{LTXexample} % \usepackage{xintexpr} % \newcommand\Math[1]{% % \xinttheexpr trunc(#1, 1)\relax} % \NewKeyValTable{Calculating}{ % type; value: align=r,format=\Math} % \begin{KeyValTable}{Calculating} % \Row{type=simple, value=10+5.5} % \Row{type=advanced, value=0.2*(9+2^8)} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % % % \subsection{Cell Formatting (\pkgname{makecell})} % % The \thispackage package can be used together with the % \pkgname{makecell} package in at least two ways: % \begin{enumerate}[noitemsep] % \item formatting header cells using the |head| property of columns; % \item formatting content cells using the |format| property of columns. % \end{enumerate} % The following example gives an impression. % \begin{LTXexample} % \usepackage{makecell} % \renewcommand\theadfont{\bfseries} % \renewcommand\theadalign{lt} % \NewKeyValTable{Header}{ % first: head=\thead{short}; % second: head=\thead{two\\ lines};} % \begin{KeyValTable}{Header} % \Row{first=just a, second=test} % \end{KeyValTable} % \end{LTXexample} % % % \clearpage % \section{Related Packages} % % I'm not aware of any \LaTeX{} packages that pursue similar goals or % provide similar functionality. The following \LaTeX{} packages provide % loosely related functionalities to the \thispackage package. % % \begin{description} % \item[\pkgname{tablestyles}:] % This package simplifies typesetting tables with common and/or more % appealing appearances than default \hologo{LaTeX} tables. % This corresponds to what \thispackage supports with the various % coloring and formatting options to |\kvtSet|, |\NewKeyValTable|, and % individual tables. % The \pkgname{tablestyles} package builds on the default % \hologo{LaTeX} environments and syntax for typesetting tables (with % column alignments specified in an argument to the table environment, % and columns separated by |&| in the body of the environment). % \item[\pkgname{ctable}:] % This package focuses on typesetting tables with captions and notes. % With this package, the specification of table content is quite % close to normal |tabular| environments, except that the package's % table creation is done via a macro, |\ctable|. % \item[\pkgname{easytable}:] % This package provides an environment |TAB| which simplifies the % creation of tables with particular horizontal and vertical cell % alignments, rules around cells, and cell width distributions. In % that sense, the package aims at simpler table creation, like % \thispackage. However, the package does not pursue % separation of content from presentation or re-use of table layouts. % \item[\pkgname{tabularkv}:] % Despite the similarity in the name, this package pursues a different % purpose. Namely, this package provides means for specifying table % options such as width and height through an optional key-value % argument to the |tabularkv| environment. This package does not use % a key-value like specification for the content of tables. % \end{description} % % \section{Future Work} % % \begin{itemize} % \item support for different headers on the first page vs.\@ on % subsequent pages of a multipage table; support configurable spacing % between and above/below header rows % \item support for more flexibility with regards to captions position % (top vs.\@ bottom) and distinct captions on first/middle/last page % of the table. % \item improved row coloring that makes sure that the alternation % re-starts on continued pages of a table that spans several pages % \item rerun detection for recorded rows (possibly via % \pkgname{rerunfilecheck}) % \item nesting of |KeyValTable| environments (this is so far not tested % by the package author and might not work or work only to a limited % extent) % \end{itemize} % % \clearpage % % \StopEventually{} %\iffalse %<*package> %\fi % % \section{Implementation} % \etocsetnexttocdepth{2} % \etoclocalmulticol[2]{\subsection*{Content}} % % \subsection{Package Dependencies} % % We use \pkgname{etoolbox} for some convenience macros that make the % code more easily maintainable and use \pkgname{xkeyval} for options % in key--value form. The \pkgname{trimspaces} package is used once for % trimming spaces before a string comparison. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{etoolbox} \RequirePackage{xkeyval} \RequirePackage{trimspaces} % \end{macrocode} % We use \pkgname{booktabs} for nice horizontal lines and % \pkgname{xcolor} for row coloring. % \begin{macrocode} \PassOptionsToPackage{table}{xcolor} \RequirePackage{xcolor} \RequirePackage{booktabs} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Auxiliary Code} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@dossvlist} % The |\kvt@dossvlist|\marg{list} macro parses a semicolon-separated % list and runs |\do|\meta{item} for every element of the list. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareListParser{\kvt@dossvlist}{;} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@forpsvlist} % The |\kvt@forpsvlist|\marg{handler}\marg{list} parses a `+'-separated list. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareListParser*{\kvt@forpsvlist}{+} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@dobrklist} % The |\kvt@dobrklist|\marg{list} parses a `|\\|'-separated list. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareListParser{\kvt@dobrklist}{\\} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@error} % \begin{macro}{\kvt@warn} % These macros produce error and warning messages. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@error[2]{\PackageError{keyvaltable}{#1}{#2}} \newcommand\kvt@warn[1]{\PackageWarning{keyvaltable}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@setkeys} % \begin{macro}{\kvt@setcmdkeys} % \begin{macro}{\kvt@setcskeys} % The |\kvt@setkeys|\marg{keys}\marg{fam} macro abbreviates % |\setkeys[kvt]|\meta{fam}\meta{keys} (note the reverse order of % arguments). % The |\kvt@setcmdkeys|\marg{keycmd}\marg{fam} and % |\kvt@setcskeys|\marg{keycs}\marg{fam} abbreviate the cases where % \meta{keys} are stored in macro \meta{keycmd} or, respectively, % stored in a macro with name \meta{keycs}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@setkeys[2]{\setkeys[kvt]{#2}{#1}} \newcommand\kvt@setcmdkeys[2]{% \expandafter\kvt@setkeys\expandafter{#1}{#2}} \newcommand\kvt@setcskeys[2]{% \expandafter\kvt@setcmdkeys\expandafter{\csname #1\endcsname}{#2}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@colsetkeys} % \begin{macro}{\kvt@colsetcmdkeys} % \begin{macro}{\kvt@colsetcskeys} % The |\kvt@colsetkeys|\marg{fam}\marg{keys} macro abbreviates % |\setkeys[KeyValTable]|\meta{fam}\meta{keys}. % The |\kvt@colsetcmdkeys|\marg{famcmd}\marg{keys} and % |\kvt@colsetcskeys|\marg{famcs}\marg{keys} abbreviate the cases where % \meta{fam} is stored in macro \meta{famcmd} or, respectively, % stored in a macro with name \meta{famcs}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@colsetkeys[2]{\setkeys[KeyValTable]{#1}{#2}} \newcommand\kvt@colsetcmdkeys[2]{% \expandafter\kvt@colsetkeys\expandafter{#1}{#2}} \newcommand\kvt@colsetcskeys[2]{% \expandafter\kvt@colsetcmdkeys\expandafter{\csname #1\endcsname}{#2}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvtStrutted} % The |\kvtStrutted|\oarg{inner}\marg{arg} macro prefixes and suffixes % the argument \meta{arg} with a |\strut|. When used for formatting % cell content, this makes sure that there is some vertical space % between the content of a cell and the top and bottom of the row. % The optional \oarg{inner} argument, if provided, should be a macro % that takes one argument. In this case, instead of \meta{arg}, % \meta{inner}|{|\meta{arg}|}| is prefixed and sufficed with |\strut|. % \changes{v0.3}{2016/06/06}{Fix for cells with vertical material} % \changes{v2.0}{2019/03/22}{Added optional argument} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvtStrutted[2][\@firstofone]{% \strut#1{#2}\ifhmode\expandafter\strut\fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \subsection{Setting Options} % % \begin{macro}{\kvtSet} % The |\kvtSet|\marg{options} set the default options, which apply % to all tables typeset with the package. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvtSet[1]{% \kvt@setkeys{#1}{global,Table,Column}% \ifdefvoid\kvt@@presetqueue{} {\kvt@@presetqueue\undef\kvt@@presetqueue}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@lazypreset} % The |\kvt@@lazypreset|\marg{family}\marg{head keys} macro collects a % request for pre-setting \meta{head keys} in family % key \meta{family}. Using this macro, one can avoid causing problems % with using \pkgname{xkeyval}'s |\presetkeys| inside the \meta{function} % defined for a key (e.g., via |\define@key|). The collected requests % can be performed by expanding the |\kvt@@presetqueue| macro. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@lazypreset[2]{% \appto\kvt@@presetqueue{\presetkeys[kvt]{#1}{#2}{}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@keysetter} % The % |\kvt@keysetter|\marg{macro}\marg{fam}\marg{key}\marg{value}\marg{func} % macro is an auxiliary macro that can be used inside the "func" % argument of |\define@...key| macros. % If \meta{macro} is not defined, |\kvt@keysetter| expands to an % instance of |\kvt@lazypreset| in order to set a global default. % Otherwise, |\kvt@keysetter| expands to \meta{func}, which is supposed % to set a key for the specific context referenced by \meta{macro}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@keysetter[5]{% \ifdefvoid{#1} {\kvt@lazypreset{#2}{#3=#4}} {#5}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvtTableOpt} % The |\kvtTableOpt|\marg{optname} macro, inside a |KeyValTable| % environment, expands to the value of the table option \meta{optname}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvtTableOpt[1]{\csname cmdkvt@Table@#1\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Table Options} % % The following code defines the possible table options. % % \changes{v0.2}{2016/05/21}{Added ``shape'' table option} % \changes{v2.0}{2019/05/11}{added table options "caption" and "label"} % \begin{macrocode} \define@cmdkey[kvt]{Table}{rowbg}{} \define@cmdkey[kvt]{Table}{headbg}{} \define@boolkey[kvt]{Table}{norowbg}[true]{% \kvt@setkeys{rowbg={}}{Table}} \define@key[kvt]{Table}{nobg}[true]{% \kvt@setkeys{rowbg={},headbg={}}{Table}} \define@cmdkey[kvt]{Table}{headalign}{} \define@cmdkey[kvt]{Table}{headformat}{} \define@cmdkey[kvt]{Table}{width}{} \define@boolkey[kvt]{Table}{showhead}{} \define@boolkey[kvt]{Table}{showrules}{} \define@cmdkey[kvt]{Table}{caption}{} \define@cmdkey[kvt]{Table}{label}{} % \end{macrocode} % When adding further |shape| options below, ensure to also add a % corresponding |\kvt@DefineStdTabEnv| counterpart further below in the % code. % \begin{macrocode} \define@choicekey[kvt]{Table}{shape} {multipage,onepage,tabular,longtable,tabularx,xltabular,tabu,longtabu} {\csdef{cmdkvt@Table@shape}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection{Column Options} % % The following code defines the possible column options. % % \changes{v1.0}{2018/12/30}{Enabled default ``true'' for ``hidden''} % \begin{macrocode} \define@key[kvt]{Column}{default}{\kvt@colkeysetter{default}{#1}} \define@key[kvt]{Column}{format}{\kvt@colkeysetter{format}{#1}} \define@key[kvt]{Column}{align}{\kvt@colkeysetter{align}{#1}} \define@key[kvt]{Column}{head}{\kvt@colkeysetter{head}{#1}} \define@boolkey[kvt]{Column}{hidden}[true]{% \kvt@colkeysetter{hidden}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@colkeysetter} % The |\kvt@colkeysetter|\marg{key}\marg{value} specializes % |\kvt@keysetter| for column options. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@colkeysetter[2]{% \kvt@keysetter{\kvt@@column}{Column}{#1}{#2}{% \csdef{kvt@col@#1@\kvt@@column}{#2}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@def@globalopt} % \begin{macro}{\kvt@def@globalopts} % The |\kvt@def@globalopt|\marg{family}{key} macro creates an option key % "\meta{family}/\meta{key}" for |\kvtSet| that set the preset value for % the \meta{key} in \meta{family}. % The |\kvt@def@globalopts|\marg{family}{keys} macro extends the former % macro to comma-separated lists of \meta{keys} within a single % \meta{family}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@def@globalopt[2]{% \define@key[kvt]{global}{#1/#2}{\kvt@lazypreset{#1}{#2={##1}}}} \newcommand\kvt@def@globalopts[2]{% \forcsvlist{\kvt@def@globalopt{#1}}{#2}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} \define@cmdkey[kvt]{ColGroup}{span}{% \csdef{kvt@colgrp@span@\kvt@@colgrp}{#1}} \define@cmdkey[kvt]{ColGroup}{align}{% \csdef{kvt@colgrp@align@\kvt@@colgrp}{#1}} \define@cmdkey[kvt]{ColGroup}{format}{% \csdef{kvt@colgrp@format@\kvt@@colgrp}{#1}} \kvt@def@globalopts{ColGroup}{align, format} % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection{Layout Customization Options} % % The following defines the options for the second optional argument to % |\NewKeyValTable|. These options intentionally do not support setting % global defaults via |\kvtSet|. % \begin{macrocode} \define@cmdkey[kvt]{Layout}{headers}{% \expandafter\kvt@parseheadrows\expandafter{\kvt@@tname}{#1}} \define@cmdkey[kvt]{Layout}{colgroups}{% \expandafter\kvt@parsecolgroups\expandafter{\kvt@@tname}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % % The following defines the options for header cells. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key[kvt]{HeadCell}{head}{% \csdef{kvt@@hdcell@head@\kvt@@hdcell}{#1}} \define@key[kvt]{HeadCell}{align}{% \csdef{kvt@@hdcell@align@\kvt@@hdcell}{#1}} \kvt@def@globalopts{HeadCell}{align} % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection{Row Options} % % The following block declares the known row options. % Note that these are not enabled for |\kvtSet|. % \changes{v2.0}{2019/05/11}{added row options "expand" and "expandonce"} % \changes{v2.0}{2019/05/11}{added row options "nobg" and "norowbg"} % \changes{v2.0}{2019/05/11}{added row option "style"} % \changes{v2.0}{2019/05/11}{added row option "uncounted"} % \begin{macrocode} \define@cmdkey[kvt]{Row}{bg}{} \define@boolkey[kvt]{Row}{hidden}[true]{} \define@cmdkey[kvt]{Row}{below}{} \define@cmdkey[kvt]{Row}{above}{} \define@key[kvt]{Row}{around}{% \kvt@setkeys{below={#1},above={#1}}{Row}} \define@key[kvt]{Row}{style}{\kvt@UseRowStyles{#1}} \define@boolkey[kvt]{Row}{uncounted}[true]{} \define@boolkey[kvt]{Row}{expand}[true]{} \define@boolkey[kvt]{Row}{expandonce}[true]{} \kvt@def@globalopts{Row}{ bg,hidden,below,above,around,style,uncounted, expand,expandonce} % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsubsection{Option Defaults} % % The following sets the default values for the options. % \begin{macrocode} \kvtSet{% rowbg=white..black!10, headbg=black!14, showhead=true, showrules=true, headformat=\@firstofone, headalign=, shape=multipage, width=\linewidth, caption={}, label={}, % \end{macrocode} % Column options % \begin{macrocode} default=, format=\kvtStrutted, align=l, head=, hidden=false, Row/bg={}, Row/hidden=false, Row/above={}, Row/below={}, Row/uncounted=false, Row/expand=false, Row/expandonce=false, ColGroup/align=c, ColGroup/format=\kvtStrutted, HeadCell/align=c, } % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{Declaring Key-Value Tables} % % \begin{macro}{\NewKeyValTable} % The % |\NewKeyValTable|\oarg{options}\marg{tname}\marg{colspecs}\oarg{layout} % declares a new key-value table type, identified by the given % \meta{tname}. The columns of the table type are specified by % \meta{colspecs}. The optional \meta{options}, if given, override the % default table options for tables of type \meta{tname}. % \changes{v0.2}{2016/05/21}{Added table-type options} % \changes{v1.0}{2019/02/03}{Added optional headers argument} % \changes{v2.0}{2019/04/28}{Changed headers argument to layout argument} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\NewKeyValTable[3][]{% \@ifnextchar[%] {\kvt@NewKeyValTable{#1}{#2}{#3}}% {\kvt@NewKeyValTable{#1}{#2}{#3}[]}} % \end{macrocode} % The % |\kvt@NewKeyValTable|\marg{options}\marg{tname}\marg{colspecs}\oarg{layout} % macro is an auxiliary macro used for parsing the fourth, optional % argument of |\NewKeyValTable|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\kvt@NewKeyValTable#1#2#3[#4]{% % \end{macrocode} % Before doing anything, check whether \meta{tname} has already been % defined. % \begin{macrocode} \ifinlist{#2}{\kvt@alltables} {\kvt@error{Table type with name '#2' already defined} {Check '#2' for typos and check other uses of \string\NewKeyValTable}}{}% % \end{macrocode} % First initialize the ``variables''. % \begin{macrocode} \csdef{kvt@options@#2}{#1}% \csdef{kvt@headings@#2}{}% % \end{macrocode} % The following adds a zero-width column to the left of every table. % This column serves the purpose of "holding" the code that % \thispackage uses for formatting a row (e.g., parsing |\Row| % arguments). This code is partly not expandable. % The reason for not putting this code into the first actual colum of % tables is that this code would prevent |\multicolumn| to be used in % the first column. % \changes{v1.0}{2019/02/03}{Added zero-width column for \cs{multicolumn}} % Fixme: Ideally, the whole extra column should be removed through % sufficient use of |\noalign| in headers and rows, such that even the % presence of |\multicolumn| does not produce errors. % \begin{macrocode} \csedef{kvt@alignments@#2}{p{0pt}\expandonce\kvt@HackIntercolSpace}% \csdef{kvt@allcolumns@#2}{}% \csdef{kvt@displaycols@#2}{}% \csdef{kvt@rowcount@#2}{0}% \csdef{kvt@rows@#2}{}% \csdef{kvt@headings@#2}{\kvt@defaultheader} \listadd\kvt@alltables{#2}% % \end{macrocode} % Now parse \meta{colspecs}, a semicolon-separated list of individual % column specifications, and add the columns to the table. Each % |\do|\marg{colspec} takes the specification for a single column. % \begin{macrocode} \def\do##1{% \kvt@parsecolspec{#2}##1::\@undefined}% \kvt@dossvlist{#3}% % \end{macrocode} % By default, a single header row is constructed. % \begin{macrocode} \csdef{kvt@headrowcount@#2}{1}% % \end{macrocode} % The following terminates the argument list of |\kvt@defaultheader|. % \begin{macrocode} \csappto{kvt@headings@#2}{{\@nil}}% % \end{macrocode} % Finally, parse \meta{layout}. % \begin{macrocode} \kvt@parselayout{#4}{#2}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@parsecolspec} % The % |\kvt@parsecolspec|\marg{tname}\meta{cname}|:|\meta{config}|:|\meta{empty}|\@undefined| % takes a configuration \meta{config} for a column \meta{cname} in table % \meta{tname} and adds the column with the configuration to the table. % \begin{macrocode} \def\kvt@parsecolspec#1#2:#3:#4\@undefined{% \def\kvt@@column{#2}% \trim@spaces@in\kvt@@column \expandafter\kvt@parsecolspec@i\expandafter{\kvt@@column}{#1}{#3}} \newcommand\kvt@parsecolspec@i[3]{\kvt@parsecolspec@ii{#2}{#1}{#3}} \newcommand\kvt@parsecolspec@ii[3]{% \def\kvt@@column{#1@#2}% % \end{macrocode} % Check and record the column name first. % \begin{macrocode} \ifinlistcs{#2}{kvt@allcolumns@#1} {\kvt@error{Column name '#2' declared more than once in table type '#1'}{Check '#2' for typos; column names declared so far:% \forlistcsloop{ }{kvt@allcolumns@#1}}}{}% \listcsadd{kvt@allcolumns@#1}{#2}% \kvt@setkeys{#3}{Column}% % \end{macrocode} % The following stores the column's properties. The column is only added % if the |hidden| option is not set to |true|. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsstring{kvt@col@hidden@#1@#2}{true}{}{% \cseappto{kvt@alignments@#1}{\csexpandonce{kvt@col@align@#1@#2}}% % \end{macrocode} % Append the column heading to \cs{kvt@headings@\meta{tname}}, which % collects arguments to |\kvt@defaultheader|. Hence, the appended tokens % are enclosed in curly braces. If no |head| is specified for the % column, \meta{cname} is used for the column header. Otherwise, the % |head| value is used. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsvoid{kvt@col@head@#1@#2}% {\csappto{kvt@headings@#1}{{#2}}}% {\cseappto{kvt@headings@#1}{{\csexpandonce{kvt@col@head@#1@#2}}}}% \listcsadd{kvt@displaycols@#1}{#2}% }% % \end{macrocode} % The following creates the column key that can be used by the row % macros to set the content of the column's content in that row. % The starred variant of the key disables the column's |format| for the % cell. % \begin{macrocode} \define@cmdkey[KeyValTable]{#1}{#2}[]{}% \define@key[KeyValTable]{#1}{#2*}{% \csdef{cmdKeyValTable@#1@#2}{##1}% \csdef{kvt@@noformat@#1@#2}{1}}% \presetkeys[KeyValTable]{#1}{#2}{}% % \end{macrocode} % The |\kvt@parsecolspec| macro is not necessarily enclosed in a group. % To avoid leaking a local |\kvt@@column| value to the outer (global) % scope, we explicitly undefine it. % \begin{macrocode} \undef\kvt@@column} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@defaultheader} % The |\kvt@defaultheader|\marg{head1}\ldots\marg{headn}|\@nil| macro, % takes $n$ header cell titles, \meta{head1} to \meta{headn} and formats % them based on the |headformat| and |headalign| options. % More precisely, when fully expanded, |\kvt@defaultheader| yields % "\meta{rowcolor}|& |\meta{fmthead1}| & |\ldots| & |\meta{fmtheadn}|\tabularnewline|". % In the above, \meta{rowcolor}=|\rowcolor{|\meta{headbg}|}|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@defaultheader{% \noexpand\kvt@rowcolorornot{\cmdkvt@Table@headbg}% \kvt@defaultheader@i} \newcommand\kvt@defaultheader@i[1]{% \kvt@ifnil{#1}{\noexpand\tabularnewline}{% \unexpanded{&}% \ifdefvoid\cmdkvt@Table@headalign {\expandonce\cmdkvt@Table@headformat{\unexpanded{#1}}} {\noexpand\multicolumn{1}{\expandonce\cmdkvt@Table@headalign} {\expandonce\cmdkvt@Table@headformat{\unexpanded{#1}}}}% \kvt@defaultheader@i}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\kvt@ifnil} % The |\kvt@ifnil|\marg{val}\marg{iftrue}\marg{iffalse} macro expands to % \meta{iftrue} if \meta{val} is |\@nil|, and expands to \meta{iffalse} % otherwise. % Fixme: The |\relax| in the following is not fully ideal as it is not % swallowed by the |\ifx| and therefore remains in the macro's % expansion. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@ifnil[1]{% \ifx\@nil#1\relax \expandafter\@firstoftwo\else \expandafter\@secondoftwo\fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@HackIntercolSpace} % The |\kvt@HackIntercolSpace| macro captures the negative space that % cancels out the spacing otherwise caused by the extra column that the % package adds. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@HackIntercolSpace{% @{\hspace{-.5\arrayrulewidth}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@alltables} % The |\kvt@alltables| is an \pkgname{etoolbox} list containing the names % of all tables declared by |\NewKeyValTable|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@alltables{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \subsection{Custom Layout Parameters} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@parselayout} % The |\kvt@parselayout|\marg{layout-opts}\marg{tname} macro parses the % layout options, \meta{layout-opts}, for table type \meta{tname}, % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@parselayout[2]{% \def\kvt@@tname{#2}% % \end{macrocode} % Now parse the \meta{layout-opts}. The keys are defined such that their % handlers already do the parsing. % \begin{macrocode} \kvt@setkeys{#1}{Layout}% \undef\kvt@@tname} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@parsecolgroups} % The |\kvt@parsecolgroups|\marg{tname}\marg{spec} macro parses the % specification, \meta{spec}, of column groups for table type % \meta{tname}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@parsecolgroups[2]{% \begingroup % \end{macrocode} % |\kvt@@result| collects the parsing outcome code that shall escape the % group started above. % \begin{macrocode} \def\kvt@@result{}% \def\do##1{\kvt@parsecolgroup{#1}##1::\@undefined}% \kvt@dossvlist{#2}% \expandafter\endgroup\kvt@@result} % \end{macrocode} % The % |\kvt@parsecolgroup|\marg{tname}\marg{cgname}\marg{cgopts}\marg{empty} % macro parses a single column group, \meta{cgname} with options % \meta{cgopts}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\kvt@parsecolgroup#1#2:#3:#4\@undefined{% \ifinlistcs{#2}{kvt@allcolumns@#1}{\kvt@error {Name `#2' cannot be used for a column group in table type `#1', as it is already used for a column} {Check the \string\NewKeyValTable{#1} for the names of known columns and check `#2' for a typo.}}{}% \ifinlistcs{#2}{kvt@grpcolkeys@#1}{\kvt@error {Name `#2' is used twice in table type `#1'} {Check the \string\NewKeyValTable{#1} for typos in the names of columns groups.}}{}% \def\kvt@@colgrp{#2}% \kvt@setkeys{#3}{ColGroup}% \kvt@checkcolgroupcs{kvt@colgrp@span@\kvt@@colgrp}{#1}{#2}% \eappto\kvt@@result{% % \end{macrocode} % The following defines the |\Row| key for \meta{cgname}, as an % abbreviation for setting the value of the first displayed column of % \meta{cgname} (|\kvt@@colgrp@first| to a |\multicolumn| that spans the % "right" number of columns. Notice the "*" after |\kvt@@colgrp@first|, % which disables the first column's default formatting to replace it by % the formatting of \meta{cgname}. % \begin{macrocode} \noexpand\define@cmdkey[KeyValTable]{#1}{#2}{% % \end{macrocode} % The following |\ifdefvoid| check ensures that if \meta{cgname} is a % hidden column group (i.e., a column group of which all spanned columns % are hidden), then setting \meta{cgname} to a value has no effect. % \begin{macrocode} \ifdefvoid\kvt@@colgrp@first{}{% \noexpand\setkeys[KeyValTable]{#1}{% \expandonce\kvt@@colgrp@first*=\noexpand\multicolumn {\expandonce\kvt@@colgrp@n}% {\csexpandonce{kvt@colgrp@align@#2}}% {\csexpandonce{kvt@colgrp@format@#2}{\unexpanded{##1}}}}% }% }% \noexpand\listcsadd{kvt@grpcolkeys@#1}{#2}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@checkcolgroup} % The |\kvt@checkcolgroup|\marg{span-psv}\marg{tname}\marg{cgname} macro % performs some checks on \meta{span-psv} as a specification of which % columns shall be spanned by a group column of name \meta{cgname}. % The checks are % \begin{itemize} % \item whether all column names are indeed columns of \meta{tname}, % \item whether each column appears at most once in the column group, % and % \item whether the (displayed) columns from \meta{span-psv} appear % consecutively in \meta{tname}. % \end{itemize} % The macro returns the number of spanned (displayed!) columns in % |\kvt@@colgrp@n| and the name of the first column in % |\kvt@@colgrp@first|. % % Fixme: There can probably be some code sharing with % |\kvt@parseheadrow| and |\kvt@parsecolgroup|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@checkcolgroup[3]{% % \end{macrocode} % First, check individual colums in \meta{span-psv} and transfer them % into a "map", |kvt@@incolgrp@| that simply records which column names % occur in \meta{span-psv}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\kvt@@psvdo##1{% \ifinlistcs{##1}{kvt@allcolumns@#2}{}{\kvt@error {Column `##1' referenced in column group `#3' not known in table type `#2'} {Check the \string\NewKeyValTable{#2} for the names of known columns and check `##1' for a typo.}}% \ifcsvoid{kvt@@incolgrp@##1}{}{\kvt@error {Column `##1' used more than once in column group `#3' of table type `#2'} {Check `##1' for a typo.}}% \csdef{kvt@@incolgrp@##1}{#2}% }\kvt@forpsvlist{\kvt@@psvdo}{#1}% % \end{macrocode} % The following two macros are the "return values". % \begin{macrocode} \def\kvt@@colgrp@n{0}% \let\kvt@@colgrp@first\relax % \end{macrocode} % Second, iterate over the displayed columns of \meta{tname} to check % whether the columns in \meta{span-psv} are consecutive. % For this, use |\kvt@@status| to track % whether no column of \meta{span-psv} has yet been visited (value 0, % the initial value), % whether the current column is part of \meta{span-psv} (value 1), and % whether columns of \meta{span-psv} have been visited but the current % column is not part of \meta{span-psv} (value 2). % \begin{macrocode} \def\kvt@@status{0}% % \end{macrocode} % |\kvt@@coldo|\marg{column} is applied to each displayed column, in % order. % \begin{macrocode} \def\kvt@@coldo##1{% \ifcsvoid{kvt@@incolgrp@##1} % \end{macrocode} % If \meta{column} is \emph{not} in \meta{span-psv}, then change % |\kvt@@status| from 1 to 2, but do not change it when it is 0 or 2. % \begin{macrocode} {\expandafter\ifcase\kvt@@status \or \def\kvt@@status{2}\fi}% % \end{macrocode} % If \meta{column} is in \meta{span-psv}, then change |\kvt@@status| % from 0 to 1 and record \meta{column} as |\kvt@@colgrp@first|; if % |\kvt@@status| is previously 2, then the columns in \meta{span-psv} % would not be consecutively displayed and, hence, an error is raised. % \begin{macrocode} {\expandafter\ifcase\kvt@@status \def\kvt@@status{1}\def\kvt@@colgrp@first{##1}% \or\or \kvt@error{Column group `\kvt@@colgrp' must consist of only consecutive columns, but it is not}% {Compare `\string\kvt@@curgrp' to the column ordering as specified in `\string\NewKeyValTable{#1}'}% \fi \edef\kvt@@colgrp@n{\the\numexpr\kvt@@colgrp@n+1\relax}}% }\forlistcsloop{\kvt@@coldo}{kvt@displaycols@#2}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@checkcolgroupcs} % The |\kvt@checkcolgroupcs|\marg{span-psv-cs}\marg{tname}\marg{cgname} % macro is the same as |\kvt@checkcolgroup| except that it takes a % control sequence name as its first argument rather than a % plus-separated list directly. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@checkcolgroupcs[3]{% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \kvt@checkcolgroup \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\csname #1\endcsname}{#2}{#3}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@parseheadrows} % The |\kvt@parseheadrows|\marg{tname}\marg{headers} % macro parses the values of the |headers| key in the \meta{layout} % argument of |\NewKeyValTable|. The values are |\\|-separated lists of % header rows, and the rows are semicolon-separated lists of header % cells. Each header cell can span zero, one, or more visible columns. % If the |headers| key is not set (or empty), then the default header % (based on the column specification alone) is used, as set by % |\kvt@NewKeyValTable|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@parseheadrows[2]{% \ifstrempty{#2}{}{\kvt@parseheadrows@i{#2}{#1}}} \newcommand\kvt@parseheadrows@i[2]{% \csdef{kvt@@custheadrows@#2}{}% \csdef{kvt@headrowcount@#2}{0}% \begingroup \def\kvt@@parseheadrows{}% % \end{macrocode} % Now loop over \meta{headers} to split \meta{headers} by |\\|. % Append each item, which specifies a single header row, to % |\kvt@@parseheadrows| for subsequent parsing by |\kvt@parseheadrow|. % If an item equals the special sequence "|::|", then the original % header for the columns is added as header row. % \begin{macrocode} \def\do##1{% \def\kvt@@tmp{##1}\trim@post@space@in\kvt@@tmp% \expandafter\ifstrequal\expandafter{\kvt@@tmp}{::} {\appto\kvt@@parseheadrows{% \cseappto{kvt@@custheadrows@#2}{% \csexpandonce{kvt@headings@#2}}}} {\appto\kvt@@parseheadrows{\kvt@parseheadrow{#2}{##1}}}% % \end{macrocode} % Increment the header row counter for each |\\|-separated item of % \meta{headers}. % \begin{macrocode} \appto\kvt@@parseheadrows{\csedef{kvt@headrowcount@#2}{% \the\numexpr\csuse{kvt@headrowcount@#2}+1\relax}}% }\kvt@dobrklist{#1}% % \end{macrocode} % Finally, escape the inner group and overwrite the headings % with the result of the parsing. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\endgroup\kvt@@parseheadrows \csletcs{kvt@headings@#2}{kvt@@custheadrows@#2}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@parseheadrow} % The |\kvt@parseheadrow|\marg{tname}\marg{colspec} macro parses a % single header row and appends the resulting table code to % \cs{kvt@@custheadrows@\meta{tname}}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@parseheadrow[2]{% \begingroup % \end{macrocode} % First parse \meta{colspec}, populating the % \cs{kvt@@hdcellof@\meta{colname}} macros that associate each column % with the header cell to which the column belongs (in this row). % \begin{macrocode} \def\do##1{\kvt@parsehdcolspec{#1}##1::\@undefined}% \kvt@dossvlist{#2}% % \end{macrocode} % Initialize variables for the subsequent loop. % The |\kvt@@tmpgrphd| macro collects the code for the cells of the % current header row. The |\kvt@@span| counter specifies how many % columns the current cell shall span. % Finally, |\kvt@@curhd| and |\kvt@@lasthd| hold the name of the % header cell in which the current column and, respectively, previous % column are in. Each of the two macros is undefined if there is no % such header cell. % \begin{macrocode} \let\kvt@@tmpgrphd\@empty \kvt@@span\z@ \undef\kvt@@curhd \undef\kvt@@lasthd % \end{macrocode} % Next, loop over all displayed (non-hidden) columns stored in % \cs{kvt@displaycols@\meta{tname}}. The following |\do|\marg{colname} % macro collects (spanned) columns as specified in \meta{colspec}, in the % ordering in which the table's columns are displayed. The spanned % columns are stored in |\kvt@@tmpgrphd|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\do##1{\letcs\kvt@@curhd{kvt@@hdcellof@##1}% \ifdefequal\kvt@@curhd\kvt@@lasthd % \end{macrocode} % If the header cell has not changed, simply increase the spanning % counter. % \begin{macrocode} {\advance\kvt@@span\@ne}% % \end{macrocode} % Otherwise, i.e., if the header cell has changed, then conclude the % previous column (if there was one) and reset the span to 1 (to count % for the column in |\kvt@@curhd|) and set |\kvt@@lasthd| to the % current one. % \begin{macrocode} {\ifnum\kvt@@span>\z@ \expandafter\kvt@concludecolumn\fi \ifdefvoid\kvt@@curhd{}{\ifcsdef{kvt@@hdcelldone@\kvt@@curhd}{% \kvt@error{Header cell `\kvt@@curhd' must consist of only consecutive columns, but it is not}% {Compare `\string\kvt@@curhd' to the column ordering as specified in `\string\NewKeyValTable{#1}'}}{}}% \kvt@@span\@ne \let\kvt@@lasthd\kvt@@curhd}% }\dolistcsloop{kvt@displaycols@#1}% \kvt@concludecolumn % \end{macrocode} % Finally, conclude the whole header row and append the row to the % overall list of rows, stored in \cs{kvt@@custheadrows@\meta{tname}}, % while ending the current \hologo{TeX} group. % \begin{macrocode} \appto\kvt@@tmpgrphd{\tabularnewline}% \edef\do{\noexpand\csappto{kvt@@custheadrows@#1}{% \unexpanded{\noexpand\kvt@rowcolorornot{\cmdkvt@Table@headbg}}% \noexpand\unexpanded{\expandonce{\kvt@@tmpgrphd}}}}% \expandafter\endgroup\do} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@rowcolorornot} % The |\kvt@rowcolorornot|\marg{color} expands to % |\rowcolor|\marg{color} if \meta{color} is nonempty and does have no % effect if \meta{color} is empty. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@rowcolorornot[1]{\ifstrempty{#1}{}{\rowcolor{#1}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@@span} % The counter |\kvt@@span| is used temporarily in macros for counting % how many columns are spanned by column groups. % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\kvt@@span % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@concludecolumn} % The |\kvt@concludecolumn| macro appends a cell, potentially spanning % multiple columns, to the row under construction (which is in % |\kvt@@tmpgrphd|). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@concludecolumn{% % \end{macrocode} % The following conditional checks whether this is the first header cell % in the header row. If this is the case, then the % |\kvt@@extraalign| macro is set to |\kvt@HackIntercolSpace|, such that % the |\multicolumn| below does not throw away this spacing. % \begin{macrocode} \ifdefequal\kvt@@tmpgrphd\@empty {\let\kvt@@extraalign\kvt@HackIntercolSpace} {\let\kvt@@extraalign\@empty}% \appto\kvt@@tmpgrphd{&}% \ifdefvoid\kvt@@lasthd{}{% \eappto\kvt@@tmpgrphd{\noexpand\multicolumn {\the\kvt@@span} {\expandonce\kvt@@extraalign \csexpandonce{kvt@@hdcell@align@\kvt@@lasthd}} {\csexpandonce{kvt@@hdcell@head@\kvt@@lasthd}}}% % \end{macrocode} % Mark the header cell as already used and concluded, such that another % use of the same header cell can be detected and raise an error. % \begin{macrocode} \cslet{kvt@@hdcelldone@\kvt@@lasthd}{\@ne}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@parsehdcolspec} % The |\kvt@parsehdcolspec|\marg{tname}\meta{cname}|:|\meta{config}|:|\meta{empty}|\@undefined| % macro parses a single header cell (resp. column group), \meta{cname}. % For a header cell, \meta{cname} can consist of multiple, % "+"-separated column names. % \begin{macrocode} \def\kvt@parsehdcolspec#1#2:#3:#4\@undefined{% % \end{macrocode} % First link the individual columns of a header cell to the cell. % In this, ensure that no column is contained in more than one header % cell. % \begin{macrocode} \def\kvt@@colreg##1{% \ifinlistcs{##1}{kvt@allcolumns@#1}{} {\kvt@error{Column `##1', referenced in header cell `#2', not known in table type `#1'}{Check the \string\NewKeyValTable{#1} for the names of known columns and check `##1' for a typo.}}% \ifcsmacro{kvt@@hdcellof@##1} {\kvt@error{Column `##1' used in more than one header cell} {Check the fourth, optional argument of \string\NewKeyValTable and eliminate multiple occurrences of column `##1'.}} {\csdef{kvt@@hdcellof@##1}{#2}}% }\kvt@forpsvlist{\kvt@@colreg}{#2}% % \end{macrocode} % Now parse the \meta{config} of the header cell. % \begin{macrocode} \def\kvt@@hdcell{#2}% \kvt@setkeys{#3}{HeadCell}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \subsection{Row Numbering and Labeling} % % The following counters simplify row numbering in key-value tables. % One can use a table-local counter (|kvtRow|), a table-type local % counter (|kvtTypeRow|), and a global counter (|kvtTotalRow|). % % \begin{macro}{kvtRow} % The |kvtRow| counter can be used by cells to get the current row % number. This row number (in contrast to |taburow|) does not count % table headers. That is, |kvtRow| provides the current \emph{content} % row number, even in tables that are spread over multiple pages. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{kvtRow} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{kvtTypeRow} % The |kvtTypeRow| counter can be used by cells to get the current row % number, including all previous rows of tables of the same type. This % counter works together with the \cs{kvt@rowcount@\meta{tname}} macro, % which keeps track of the individual row counts of the \meta{tname} % type. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{kvtTypeRow} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{kvtTotalRow} % The |kvtTotalRow| counter can be used by cells to get the current row % number, including all previous |KeyValTable| tables. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{kvtTotalRow} \setcounter{kvtTotalRow}{0} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvtLabel} % The |\kvtLabel|\oarg{labelopts}\marg{counter}\marg{label} macro sets % a label, named \meta{label}, for the current value of the \LaTeX{} % counter named \meta{counter}. % \changes{v0.2}{2016/05/22}{Added macro for row labeling} % \changes{v0.3}{2016/06/09}{Robustified for use with, e.g., \pkgname{cleveref}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvtLabel[3][]{% % \end{macrocode} % The following imitates a |\refstepcounter| in the sense of setting the % current label, but it does not touch the \meta{counter} (in case % someone added some custom hooks to them). % \begin{macrocode} \setcounter{kvt@LabelCtr}{\value{#2}}% \addtocounter{kvt@LabelCtr}{-1}% \refstepcounter{kvt@LabelCtr}% % \end{macrocode} % Next, define the \meta{label} (if provided) and show the value of % \meta{counter}. % \begin{macrocode} \ifstrempty{#3}{}{% \ifstrempty{#1}{\label{#3}}{\label[#1]{#3}}}% \csuse{the#2}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{kvt@LabelCtr} % The |kvt@LabelCtr| counter is an auxiliary counter for setting labels, % used by |\kvtLabel|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{kvt@LabelCtr} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Key-Value Table Content} % % \begin{environment}{KeyValTable} % The |KeyValTable|\oarg{options}\marg{tname} environment encloses a new % table whose type is identified by the given \meta{tname}. Table options % can be overridden by providing \meta{options}. % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{KeyValTable}[2][]{% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\Row} % The |\Row|\oarg{options}\marg{content} macro is made available locally % in the |KeyValTable| environment. % \begin{macrocode} \def\Row{\kvt@AddKeyValRow {\noalign\bgroup}{\expandafter\egroup\kvt@@row}{#2}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macrocode} \kvt@SetOptions{#2}{#1}% \csuse{kvt@StartTable@\cmdkvt@Table@shape}{#2}% }{% \csuse{kvt@EndTable@\cmdkvt@Table@shape}} % \end{macrocode} % The following saves the row counter value outside the table % environment but still in the then-local scope. % \begin{macrocode} \AfterEndEnvironment{KeyValTable}{% \csdef{kvt@rowcount@\kvt@@recenttable}{\thekvtTypeRow}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@SetOptions} % The |\kvt@SetOptions|\marg{tname}\marg{options} macro sets the % specific table options in the current environment, based on the % options for table type \meta{tname} and the specific \meta{options}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@SetOptions[2]{% \begingroup\edef\kvt@@do{\endgroup\noexpand% \kvt@setkeys{\csexpandonce{kvt@options@#1},\unexpanded{#2}}{Table}% }\kvt@@do} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Table Environment Code} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@StartTabularlike} % The % |\kvt@StartTabularlike|\marg{env}\marg{tname} % macro begins a table environment for the given table type \meta{tname}. % The \meta{env} parameter specifies the concrete environment name. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@StartTabularlike[2]{% % \end{macrocode} % The |\kvt@@recenttable| allows the |\AfterEndEnvironment| hook for % |KeyValTable| to access the most recent table type. % \changes{v1.0}{2019/02/18}{Implemented \texttt{showrules} option} % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\kvt@@recenttable{#2}% \metatblAtEnd{#1}{\kvt@@endhook}\let\kvt@@endhook\relax% \ifbool{kvt@Table@showrules} {\def\kvt@@rule##1{\csuse{##1rule}}} {\def\kvt@@rule##1{}}% \appto\kvt@@endhook{\kvt@@rule{bottom}} % \end{macrocode} % Adding caption and label, if given, to the end hook. This displays the % caption solely at the very end of the table. % \begin{macrocode} \ifdefempty\cmdkvt@Table@caption{}{% \metatblHasCaption{#1} {\appto\kvt@@endhook{\rowcolor{white}% \caption{\cmdkvt@Table@caption}}% \ifdefempty\cmdkvt@Table@label{}{% \appto\kvt@@endhook{\expandafter% \label\expandafter{\cmdkvt@Table@label}}}} {\kvt@warn{Caption lost, table environment '#1' does not support captions.}}}% % \end{macrocode} % Initializing the row counters. The global counter |kvtTotalRow| needs % no local initialization. % \begin{macrocode} \setcounter{kvtRow}{0}% \setcounter{kvtTypeRow}{\csuse{kvt@rowcount@#2}}% % \end{macrocode} % In |\kvt@@do|, the start code for the environment, including the % header rows, is gathered, with expansion to fill in all the table % settings and options. % \changes{v0.3}{2016/06/05}{Added \texttt{showhead} option} % \changes{v1.0}{2019/03/09}{Added \texttt{width} option} % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup\edef\kvt@@do{\endgroup \metatblIsTabu{#1}{}{\noexpand\kvt@dottedrowcolors {\ifbool{kvt@Table@showhead} {\the\numexpr\csuse{kvt@headrowcount@#2}+1\relax} {1}}% {\expandonce\cmdkvt@Table@rowbg}}% \expandafter\noexpand\csname #1\endcsname \metatblHasWidth{#1} {\metatblIsTabu{#1} {to \expandonce\cmdkvt@Table@width} {{\expandonce\cmdkvt@Table@width}}} {}% {\csexpandonce{kvt@alignments@#2}}% \noexpand\kvt@@rule{top}% \ifbool{kvt@Table@showhead} {\csuse{kvt@headings@#2}\noexpand\kvt@@rule{mid}} {}% \metatblIsTabu{#1} {\noexpand\kvt@taburowcolors{\expandonce\cmdkvt@Table@rowbg}}{}% \metatblIsLong{#1}{\noexpand\endhead}{}% }\kvt@@do} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@dottedrowcolors} % The |\kvt@dottedrowcolors|\marg{start-row}\marg{colors} sets up row % colors using the |\rowcolors| macro of \pkgname{xcolor}. % The \marg{colors} parameter expects arguments of the form % "\meta{color1}|..|\meta{color2}" (the syntax used for the |rowbg| % option. The row colors then alternate between \meta{color1} and % \meta{color2}, starting with \meta{color1} in \meta{start-row}. % This macro substitutes |\taburowcolors| for non-\pkgname{tabu} % environments. % If \meta{colors} is empty, then no row colors are setup. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@dottedrowcolors[2]{% \ifstrempty{#2}{}{\kvt@dottedrowcolors@i{#1}#2\@nil}} \def\kvt@dottedrowcolors@i#1#2..#3\@nil{% % \end{macrocode} % Since |\rowcolors| expects its color arguments to specify the odd and % even color, we swap arguments depending on the parity of % \meta{start-row} to ensure \meta{color1} is applied to % \meta{start-row}. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnumodd{#1} {\rowcolors{#1}{#2}{#3}} {\rowcolors{#1}{#3}{#2}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@taburowcolors} % The |\kvt@taburowcolors|\marg{colors} expands to % |\taburowcolors|\marg{colors} if \meta{colors} is nonempty and does % have no effect if \meta{color} is empty. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@taburowcolors[1]{% \ifstrempty{#1}{}{\taburowcolors{#1}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@DefineStdTabEnv} % The |\kvt@DefineStdTabEnv|\oarg{shape}\marg{env} % macro defines the macros needed for the given \meta{shape} value. % If \meta{shape} is omitted, \meta{env} (the name of the environment to % use for the shape) is used as \meta{shape} value. % % Note: In the future, the macro could automatically add \meta{option} % to the list of possible values for the |shape| option. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@DefineStdTabEnv{\@dblarg\kvt@DefineStdTabEnv@i} \newcommand\kvt@DefineStdTabEnv@i[2][]{% \expandafter\newcommand\csname kvt@StartTable@#1\endcsname[1]{% \kvt@StartTabularlike{#2}{##1}}% \csedef{kvt@EndTable@#1}{% \expandafter\noexpand\csname end#2\endcsname}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@DefineDualTabEnv} % The |\kvt@DefineDualTabEnv|\marg{shape}\marg{nonX-env}\marg{X-env} % macro defines the macros for the given \meta{shape} name. % The macros are defined in a way such that the table environment % \meta{nonX-env} is used for typesetting tables that do not use |X| % columns and that table environment \meta{X-env} is used for % typesetting tables that do use |X| columns. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@DefineDualTabEnv[3]{% \expandafter\newcommand\csname kvt@StartTable@#1\endcsname[1]{% \kvt@ifhasXcolumns{##1} {\csedef{kvt@EndTable@#1}{% \expandafter\noexpand\csname end#3\endcsname}% \kvt@StartTabularlike{#3}{##1}% }{\csedef{kvt@EndTable@#1}{% \expandafter\noexpand\csname end#2\endcsname}% \kvt@StartTabularlike{#2}{##1}}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@ifhasXcolumns} % The |\kvt@ifhasXcolumns|\marg{tname}\marg{iftrue}\marg{iffalse} % takes a table type \meta{tname} and checks whether the table type % contains an "|X|" column. If such a column is contained, the macro % expands to \meta{iftrue}. Otherwise, it expands to \meta{iffalse}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@ifhasXcolumns[1]{% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\metatbl@ifhasXcolumns \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{% \csname kvt@alignments@#1\endcsname}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The following lines define the macros for the various table shapes / % environments. % \begin{macrocode} \kvt@DefineStdTabEnv{tabular} \kvt@DefineStdTabEnv{longtable} \kvt@DefineStdTabEnv{tabularx} \kvt@DefineStdTabEnv{xltabular} \kvt@DefineStdTabEnv{tabu} \kvt@DefineStdTabEnv{longtabu} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Table Environment Properties} % % The following code maintains properties about known table % environments. This code does not depend on other code of the % \thispackage package but is only used by \thispackage. % % The following properties can be maintained about table environments. % \begin{macrocode} \define@boolkey[metatbl]{EnvProp}{isLong}{\metatbl@boolprop{isLong}{#1}} \define@boolkey[metatbl]{EnvProp}{isTabu}{\metatbl@boolprop{isTabu}{#1}} \define@boolkey[metatbl]{EnvProp}{hasWidth}{% \metatbl@boolprop{hasWidth}{#1}} \define@boolkey[metatbl]{EnvProp}{hasCaption}{% \metatbl@boolprop{hasCaption}{#1}} \define@cmdkey[metatbl]{EnvProp}{packages}{\metatbl@setprop{pkg}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % The |atEnd| property shall be set to \hologo{TeX} code with one % argument (i.e., using the positional argument |#1|) that adds its % argument to the end of the active table environment's final content. % Finding such code is not obvious for table environments that collect % the content of the environment, like |tabularx| does, for instance. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key[metatbl]{EnvProp}{atEnd}{\metatbl@setprop[1]{atEnd}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\metatblRegisterEnv} % The |\metatblRegisterEnv|\marg{env-name}\marg{properties} macro % registers a table environment with name \meta{env-name} and sets its % properties according to \meta{properties}, a comma-separated key-value % list. % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd\metatblRegisterEnv[2]{% \edef\metatbl@@envname{#1}% \setkeys[metatbl]{EnvProp}{#2}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\metatbl@setprop} % The |\metatbl@setprop|\oarg{n}\marg{key}\marg{value} % macro defines a macro with \meta{n} arguments ($0$ by default) for the % environment stored in |\metatbl@@envname| and the given % \meta{key}. This macro then expands to \meta{value}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\metatbl@setprop[3][0]{% \expandafter\newcommand \csname metatbl@EnvProp@#2@\metatbl@@envname\endcsname[#1]{#3}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\metatbl@boolprop} % The |\metatbl@boolprop|\marg{prop}\marg{value} macro stores the % Boolean value \meta{value} in a property \meta{prop} for the % environment stored in |\metatbl@@envname|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\metatbl@boolprop[2]{% \providebool{metatbl@EnvProp@#1@\metatbl@@envname}% \setbool{metatbl@EnvProp@#1@\metatbl@@envname}{#2}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\metatblIsLong} % \begin{macro}{\metatblIsTabu} % \begin{macro}{\metatblHasWidth} % \begin{macro}{\metatblHasCaption} % The macro % |\metatblIsLong|\marg{env-name}\marg{iftrue}\marg{iffalse} % expands to \meta{iftrue} if \meta{env-name} is a "long" table % environment, i.e., one that can span multiple pages. Otherwise, the % macro expands to \meta{iffalse}. % The macro % |\metatblIsTabu|\marg{env-name}\marg{iftrue}\marg{iffalse} % expands to \meta{iftrue} if \meta{env-name} is a table environment % that inherits from |tabu| and expands to \meta{iffalse} otherwise. % The macro % |\metatblHasWidth|\marg{env-name}\marg{iftrue}\marg{iffalse} % expands to \meta{iftrue} if \meta{env-name} is a table environment % that expects a width argument and expands to \meta{iffalse} otherwise. % |\metatblHasCaption|\marg{env-name}\marg{iftrue}\marg{iffalse} % expands to \meta{iftrue} if \meta{env-name} is a table environment % that supports a caption and expands to \meta{iffalse} otherwise. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\metatblIsLong[1]{\ifbool{metatbl@EnvProp@isLong@#1}} \newcommand\metatblIsTabu[1]{\ifbool{metatbl@EnvProp@isTabu@#1}} \newcommand\metatblHasWidth[1]{\ifbool{metatbl@EnvProp@hasWidth@#1}} \newcommand\metatblHasCaption[1]{\ifbool{metatbl@EnvProp@hasCaption@#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\metatblUsePackage} % \begin{macro}{\metatblRequire} % The |\metatblUsePackage|\marg{env-names} and % |\metatblRequire|\marg{env-names} macros load the packages required % for typesetting |KeyValTable| tables based on the table environments % listed in \meta{env-names}. % The former aims more at normal document use, the second at use by % package developers. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\metatblUsePackage[1]{% \def\do##1{\metatbl@csnamearg\usepackage{metatbl@EnvProp@pkg@##1}}% \docsvlist{#1}} \newcommand\metatblRequire[1]{% \def\do##1{\metatbl@csnamearg\RequirePackage{metatbl@EnvProp@pkg@##1}}% \docsvlist{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\metatblAtEnd} % The |\metatblAtEnd|\marg{env-name}\marg{code} macro registers % \meta{code} for addition at the end of tables based on the % \meta{env-name} environment. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\metatblAtEnd[2]{% #1=env-name, #2=code \csname metatbl@EnvProp@atEnd@#1\endcsname{#2}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\metatbl@csnamearg} % The auxiliary macro % |\metatbl@csnamearg|\marg{command}\marg{csname} % passes the expansion of the macro with name \meta{csname} as the first % argument to \meta{command}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\metatbl@csnamearg[2]{% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter#1% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\csname#2\endcsname}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The following are the properties of some basic table environments. % \begin{macrocode} \metatblRegisterEnv{tabular}{% isLong=false, hasWidth=false, isTabu=false, hasCaption=false, packages={}, atEnd={\preto\endtabular{#1}}, } \metatblRegisterEnv{tabularx}{% isLong=false, hasWidth=true, isTabu=false, hasCaption=false, packages=tabularx, atEnd={% % \end{macrocode} % Of the following two lines, the latter is for the case that the % \pkgname{xltabular} package is loaded, and the former is for the case % that the package is not loaded. % \begin{macrocode} \preto\TX@endtabularx{\toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@#1}}% \preto\XLT@i@TX@endtabularx{\toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@#1}}}, } \metatblRegisterEnv{longtable}{% isLong=true, hasWidth=false, isTabu=false, hasCaption=true, packages={longtable}, atEnd={\preto\endlongtable{#1}}, } \metatblRegisterEnv{xltabular}{% isLong=true, hasWidth=true, isTabu=false, hasCaption=true, packages=xltabular, atEnd={\preto\XLT@ii@TX@endtabularx{\toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@#1}}}, } \metatblRegisterEnv{tabu}{% isLong=false, hasWidth=true, isTabu=true, hasCaption=false, packages={tabu}, % \end{macrocode} % The following is not a mistake: |tabu| does % |\def\endtabu{\endtabular}| at the beginning of a |tabu| environment. % \begin{macrocode} atEnd={\preto\endtabular{#1}}, } \metatblRegisterEnv{longtabu}{% isLong=true, hasWidth=true, isTabu=true, hasCaption=true, packages={tabu,longtable}, % \end{macrocode} % The following is not a mistake: |tabu| does % |\def\endlongtabu{\endlongtable}| at the beginning of a |longtabu| % environment. % \begin{macrocode} atEnd={\preto\endlongtable{#1}}, } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\metatbl@ifhasXcolumns} % The |\metatbl@ifhasXcolumns|\marg{preamble}\marg{iftrue}\marg{iffalse} % takes a \meta{preamble} (the argument of a |tabular| environment that % specifies the columns of the table) and checks, whether this preamble % contains an "|X|" column. If such a column is contained, the macro % expands to \meta{iftrue}. Otherwise, it expands to \meta{iffalse}. % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd\metatbl@ifhasXcolumns[1]{% \begingroup % \end{macrocode} % The |\metatbl@@branch| macro is used at the end of the macro to select % \meta{iftrue} or \meta{iffalse} for expansion. Initially, the macro is % defined to select \meta{iffalse}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\metatbl@@branch{\@secondoftwo}% % \end{macrocode} % The code uses the |\@mkpream| macro of the \pkgname{array} package to % create an |\halign| preamble from the |tabular| \meta{preamble}. % The result of |\@mkpream| is in |\@preamble| afterwards, but this % result is not used, but rather discarded at the |\endgroup| below. % Rather, we hook into |\@mkpream| via |\NC@rewrite@X|, which is used % when an |X| column was encountered in \meta{preamble}.\footnote{This % hooking into \cmd{\@mkpream} is inspired by how |tabularx| replaces |X| % columns by |p| columns as part of its measuring.} % When an |X| column is encountered, |\metatbl@@branch| is redefined to % expand to \meta{iftrue} in the end. % \begin{macrocode} \def\NC@rewrite@X{\def\metatbl@@branch{\@firstoftwo}\NC@find}% \@mkpream{#1}% \expandafter\endgroup\metatbl@@branch} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \subsubsection{Environment-Independent Parts} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@AddKeyValRow} % The % |\kvt@AddKeyValRow|\marg{pre}\marg{post}\marg{tname}\oarg{options}\marg{content} % macro composes a row for the table of type \meta{tname} from the given % \meta{content} and \meta{options}. The \meta{content} is a % key-value list that specifies the content of the individual cells in % the row. The result is returned in macro |\kvt@@row|. % The arguments \meta{pre} and \meta{post} are expanded at the very % beginning, resp.\@ end of the macro. % They allow to control grouping (|\begingroup| and |\endgroup|) as well % as table placement via |\noalign|. % \changes{v1.0}{2019/03/17}{Added \oarg{options}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@AddKeyValRow[3]{% #1% % \end{macrocode} % It's essential that \meta{pre} above comes even before |\@ifnextchar| % and, therefore, cannot be moved into |\kvt@AddKeyValRow@i|: % The |\@ifnextchar| is not fully expandable and therefore any % |\noalign| (in \meta{pre}) following |\@ifnextchar| would lead to % "misplaced |\noalign|" errors. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifnextchar[%] {\kvt@AddKeyValRow@i{#2}{#3}} {\kvt@AddKeyValRow@i{#2}{#3}[]}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\kvt@AddKeyValRow@i} % The % |\kvt@AddKeyValRow@i|\marg{post}\marg{tname}\oarg{options}\marg{content} % macro parses \meta{options} and evaluates the |hidden| option. % \begin{macrocode} \def\kvt@AddKeyValRow@i#1#2[#3]#4{% \kvt@setkeys{#3}{Row}% \ifbool{kvt@Row@hidden} {\let\kvt@@row\@empty #1} {\kvt@AddKeyValRow@ii{#1}{#2}{#4}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\kvt@AddKeyValRow@ii} % The % |\kvt@AddKeyValRow@ii|\marg{post}\marg{tname}\marg{content} % macro mainly processes \meta{content} as well as \meta{options} % that have already been parsed by |\kvt@AddKeyValRow@i|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\kvt@AddKeyValRow@ii#1#2#3{% \setkeys[KeyValTable]{#2}{#3}% % \end{macrocode} % Initialize and first add the |\noalign| material to the row. % \begin{macrocode} \def\kvt@@row{}% \ifdefvoid\cmdkvt@Row@above{}{% \eappto\kvt@@row{\noexpand\noalign{\noexpand\vspace{% \expandonce\cmdkvt@Row@above}}}}% \ifdefvoid\cmdkvt@Row@bg{}{% \eappto\kvt@@row{\noexpand\rowcolor{\expandonce\cmdkvt@Row@bg}}}% \ifbool{kvt@Row@uncounted}{}{% \appto\kvt@@row{\noalign{\kvt@stepcounters}}}% % \end{macrocode} % The following loop uses |\do|\marg{cname} to append the content of % all displayed columns (in the given format and using the given default % value), where each column value is in % \cs{cmdKeyValTable@\meta{tname}@\meta{cname}}. % Note that currently the default value is formatted using the given % format macro -- a design decision. % \changes{v1.0}{2019/02/03}{Added \cs{multicolumn} support} % \begin{macrocode} \kvt@@span=0\relax \def\do##1{% % \end{macrocode} % First recover the cell content (either the specified value for the row % or, if no value is specified for the row, the cell's default value) % without formatting. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsvoid{cmdKeyValTable@#2@##1} {\letcs\kvt@@cell{kvt@col@default@#2@##1}} {\letcs\kvt@@cell{cmdKeyValTable@#2@##1}% % \end{macrocode} % Apply expansion control options, but only to manually supplied cell % values, not to default values. % \begin{macrocode} \ifbool{kvt@Row@expandonce} {\expandafter\let\expandafter\kvt@@cell\kvt@@cell}{}% \ifbool{kvt@Row@expand} {\protected@edef\kvt@@cell{\kvt@@cell}}{}}% % \end{macrocode} % Separately also already create the formatted content. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsvoid{kvt@@noformat@#2@##1} {\edef\kvt@@formatter{\expandonce{\csname kvt@col@format@#2@##1\endcsname}}}% {\def\kvt@@formatter{\@firstofone}}% \edef\kvt@@fmtcell{\expandonce\kvt@@formatter{% \expandonce\kvt@@cell}}% \csundef{kvt@@noformat@#2@##1}% % \end{macrocode} % Next, check whether a column-spanning cell is active % ($\cs{kvt@@span}>0$). If this is the case, ensure that if the raw cell % content in the current column is empty, then formatting does not make % the cell non-empty and, thereby, cause errors with the active % column-spanning cell. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnumgreater\kvt@@span{0} {\advance\kvt@@span\m@ne \ifstrempty\kvt@@cell{\def\kvt@@fmtcell{}}{}} {\appto\kvt@@row{&}}% % \end{macrocode} % Now check whether the cell itself spans multiple columns. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\kvt@CheckMulticolumn\kvt@@cell \relax\relax\relax\relax\@undefined \expandafter\appto\expandafter\kvt@@row\expandafter{\kvt@@fmtcell}% }\dolistcsloop{kvt@displaycols@#2}% % \end{macrocode} % Finally, add the concluding newline for the row as well as % the vertical space after the row, if requested. % \begin{macrocode} \appto\kvt@@row{\tabularnewline}% \ifdefvoid\cmdkvt@Row@below{}{% \eappto\kvt@@row{\noexpand\noalign{\noexpand\vspace{% \expandonce\cmdkvt@Row@below}}}}% % \end{macrocode} % At the very end of the expansion text, put \meta{post}. % \begin{macrocode} #1} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@stepcounters} % The |\kvt@stepcounters|\oarg{delta} macro increments all row counters % by \meta{delta}. If \meta{delta} is omitted, \meta{delta}=1. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@stepcounters[1][1]{% \addtocounter{kvtRow}{#1}% \addtocounter{kvtTypeRow}{#1}% \addtocounter{kvtTotalRow}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@CheckMulticolumn} % The % |\kvt@CheckMulticolumn|\marg{arg1}\marg{arg2}\marg{arg3}\marg{arg4}|\@undefined| % macro checks whether a cell's initial content (captured by \meta{arg1} % to \meta{arg4}, starts a multi-column cell. If this is the case, the % macro records the arguments to |\multicolumn| for use by % |\kvt@AddKeyValRow|. % In this case, \meta{arg1}=|\multicolumn|, \meta{arg2}=\meta{n} (number % of columns to span), \meta{arg3}=\meta{format} (column alignment), and % \meta{arg4}=\meta{item} (the content of the cell). % \begin{macrocode} \def\kvt@CheckMulticolumn#1#2#3#4\@undefined{% \ifx#1\multicolumn % \end{macrocode} % First, record \meta{n} in |\kvt@@span|. The subtraction of $-1$ is % already in preparation for the next column, in which one spanning has % already been reduced. % \begin{macrocode} \kvt@@span=#2\relax \advance\kvt@@span\m@ne % \end{macrocode} % Second, move the defined cell format to inside of the \meta{item} % argument of |\multicolumn| rather than around the |\multicolumn|. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\kvt@@fmtcell{\unexpanded{\multicolumn{#2}{#3}}% {\expandonce\kvt@@formatter{\expandonce{#4}}}}% \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Row Styles} % % \begin{macro}{\kvtNewRowStyle} % The |\kvtNewRowStyle|\marg{name}\marg{row-options} macro declares % \meta{name} as a row style and defines it to be equivalent to % specifying \meta{row-options} directly in the optional argument of % |\Row|. The macro fails if \meta{name} is already declared as a row % style. % \changes{v2.0}{2019/03/25}{Added the macro} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvtNewRowStyle[2]{% \ifcsundef{kvt@@rowstyle@#1} {\csdef{kvt@@rowstyle@#1}{#2}} {\kvt@error{Row style '#1' is already defined}{Use \string\kvtRenewRowStyle\space to change an existing style.}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvtRenewRowStyle} % The |\kvtRenewRowStyle|\marg{name}\marg{row-options} macro re-defines % an already existing row style with new \meta{row-options}. % \changes{v2.0}{2019/03/25}{Added the macro} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvtRenewRowStyle[2]{% \ifcsundef{kvt@@rowstyle@#1} {\kvt@error{Row style '#1' is not defined} {Use \string\kvtNewRowStyle\space to define a new row style.}} {\csdef{kvt@@rowstyle@#1}{#2}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@UseRowStyle} % The |\kvt@UseRowStyle|\marg{style} macro sets the row keys based on % the \meta{row-options} stored for the given \meta{style}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@UseRowStyle[1]{% \ifcsundef{kvt@@rowstyle@#1} {\kvt@error{Row style '#1' is not defined} {Use \string\kvtNewRowStyle\space to define a new row style.}} {\kvt@setcskeys{kvt@@rowstyle@#1}{Row}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\kvt@UseRowStyles} % The |\kvt@UseRowStyle|\marg{styles} macro sets the row keys based on % the \meta{row-options} for all styles in the comma-separated list % \meta{styles}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@UseRowStyles[1]{% % \end{macrocode} % We use |\kvt@xkv@disablepreset| to eliminate undesired effects from % presets. When, for example, using |\Row[bg=red,style=abc]{...}|, this % causes a |\setkeys[kvt]{Row}{xyz}| (if |xyz| is how the style |abc| is % defined) inside the |\setkeys[kvt]{Row}{bg=red,style=abc}|. The former % |\setkeys| would then again employ the presets for |Row| (e.g., from a % |\kvtSet{Row/bg=blue}| and overwrite the |bg=red|. % \begin{macrocode} \kvt@xkv@disablepreset[kvt]{Row}{% \forcsvlist\kvt@UseRowStyle{#1}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@xkv@disablepreset} % \begin{macro}{\kvt@xkv@savepreset} % \begin{macro}{\kvt@xkv@restorepreset} % The |\kvt@xkv@disablepreset|\oarg{prefix}\marg{family}\marg{code} % disables presets (head and tail) for \meta{family} during the % expansion of \meta{code}. % The auxiliary macros % |\kvt@xkv@savepreset|\marg{prefix}\marg{family}\marg{h/t} % and % |\kvt@xkv@restorepreset|\marg{prefix}\marg{family}\marg{h/t} % save+unset and, respectively, restore the preset keys for % \meta{family} -- head keys for \meta{h/t}=h and tail keys otherwise. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@xkv@disablepreset[3][KV]{% \ifnumgreater{\XKV@depth}{1} {#3} {\kvt@xkv@savepreset{#1}{#2}{h}% \kvt@xkv@savepreset{#1}{#2}{t}% #3% \kvt@xkv@restorepreset{#1}{#2}{h}% \kvt@xkv@restorepreset{#1}{#2}{t}}} \newcommand\kvt@xkv@savepreset[3]{% \csletcs{kvt@@saved@preset#3}{XKV@#1@#2@preset#3}% \csundef{XKV@#1@#2@preset#3}} \newcommand\kvt@xkv@restorepreset[3]{% \csletcs{XKV@#1@#2@preset#3}{kvt@@saved@preset#3}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Collecting Key-Value Table Content} % % \begin{macro}{\NewCollectedTable} % The |\NewCollectedTable|\marg{cname}\marg{tname} macro registers a new % table for recorded rows under name \meta{cname} for table type % \meta{tname}. The macro can only be used when % \meta{cname} is not already defined. It's function is not more than % memorizing \meta{tname} for \meta{cname}. % \changes{v2.0}{2019/04/10}{Added the macro} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\NewCollectedTable[2]{% \ifcsvoid{kvt@@tnameof@#1} {\csgdef{kvt@@tnameof@#1}{#2}} {\kvt@error{Name '#1' for a row collection is already defined} {Check for other \string\NewCollectedTable{#1}.}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\CollectRow} % The |\CollectRow|\oarg{options}\marg{cname}\marg{content} writes a % |\kvt@RecordedRow| entry to the aux file. Fragile parts of % \meta{content} are protected through |\protected@write|. % \changes{v2.0}{2019/04/09}{Added the macro} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\CollectRow[3][]{% \ifcsvoid{kvt@@tnameof@#2} {\kvt@error{No row collection with name '#2' defined} {Use \string\NewCollectedTable in the preamble to define it.}} {% % \end{macrocode} % First check in a local group whether the passed \meta{content} and % \meta{options} are of a proper syntax. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup \kvt@setkeys{#1}{Row}% \kvt@colsetcskeys{kvt@@tnameof@#2}{#3}% \endgroup % \end{macrocode} % Next, write to |\@auxout|. % \begin{macrocode} \kvt@protected@write\@auxout{\string\kvt@RecordedRow{#1}{#2}{% % \end{macrocode} % In the following, the columns' default values are explicitly added to % the row. This ensures that defaults are expanded (via the |\write|) at % the point at which a row is recorded rather than when the row is % displayed. This allows using |\thepage| as the default value for a % column with the intuitively expected outcome. % \begin{macrocode} \kvt@coldefaults{#2}% #3}}% }} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@protected@write} % The |\kvt@protected@write|\marg{file}{content} macro writes % \meta{content} to \meta{file}. The write ensures that \meta{content} % is written in a particularly protected form that % \begin{enumerate}[noitemsep] % \item protects ordinarily |\protect|'ed parts via |\protected@write|; % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@protected@write[2]{\protected@write{#1} % \end{macrocode} % \item protects table macros -- like |\thekvtRow| --, which are stored % in the \pkgname{etoolbox} list |\kvt@@writeprotected@cmds|, by % defining them to expand to their own name -- delaying the actual % expansion until when the file's contents is expanded; % \begin{macrocode} {\def\do##1{\def##1{\string##1}}% \dolistloop{\kvt@@writeprotected@cmds}% % \end{macrocode} % \item protects table counters like |kvtRow| by adapting the % counter-formatting macros to treat table counters differently from % other counters. % \begin{macrocode} \forlistloop{\kvt@writeprotect@fmt}{\kvt@@numberformatters}} {#2}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{enumerate} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@writeprotect@fmt} % The |\kvt@writeprotect@fmt|\marg{fmt-csname} macro takes the name of a % counter-formatting macro (e.g., the name "arabic" for the macro|\arabic|) % and redefines it such that counters declared via % |\kvtDeclareTableCounters| are not expanded while all other counters % are treated normally. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@writeprotect@fmt[1]{% % \end{macrocode} % First, save a copy of \meta{fmt-csname} and then redefine % \meta{fmt-csname}. % \begin{macrocode} \csletcs{kvt@@fmt@#1}{#1}% \csdef{#1}##1{% % \end{macrocode} % The |kvt@@c@##1| in the following condition is a csname that is % defined by |\kvtDeclareTableCounters| if |##1| (the counter to be % formatted) has been declared as a table counter. If the macro is % defined, then \meta{fmt-csname} expands to its name with its argument. % Otherwise, the saved copy of \meta{fmt-csname} is expanded, producing % the actual counter value. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsdef{kvt@@c@##1} {\expandafter\string\csname#1\endcsname{##1}} {\csname kvt@@fmt@#1\endcsname{##1}}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvtDeclareTableMacros} % The |\kvtDeclareTableMacros|\marg{macro-list} macro declares all % the macros in \meta{macro-list} to be "table macros", i.e., % macros that should be expanded inside the |KeyValTable| environment % rather than in a |\CollectRow|. % The macro records the \meta{macro-list} by appending its elements to % |\kvt@@writeprotected@cmds|. The actual expansion control is performed % by |\kvt@protected@write|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvtDeclareTableMacros[1]{% \forcsvlist{\listadd\kvt@@writeprotected@cmds}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\kvt@@writeprotected@cmds} % Initially empty \pkgname{etoolbox} list of table macros. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@@writeprotected@cmds{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvtDeclareTableCounters} % The |\kvtDeclareTableCounters|\marg{counter-list} macro declares all % the counters in \meta{counter-list} to be "table counters", i.e., % counters that should be expanded inside the |KeyValTable| environment % rather than in a |\CollectRow|. % The macro only marks the counters by defining % \cs{kvt@@c@\meta{counter}}. The actual expansion control is performed % by |\kvt@writeprotect@fmt|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvtDeclareTableCounters[1]{% \def\do##1{\cslet{kvt@@c@##1}\@ne}% \docsvlist{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvtDeclareCtrFormatters} % The |\kvtDeclareCtrFormatters|\marg{macro-list} macro declares all the % macros in \meta{macro-list} to be counter-formatting macros, i.e., % macros that take a \hologo{LaTeX} counter as their argument and format % the counter's value, e.g., arabic, alphabetic, or as a roman number. % The macro records the \meta{macro-list} by appending the csnames of % its elements to |\kvt@@numberformatters|. The actual expansion % control for the macros in \meta{macro-list} is performed by % |\kvt@writeprotect@fmt|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvtDeclareCtrFormatters[1]{% \def\do##1{\listeadd\kvt@@numberformatters{% \expandafter\@gobble\string##1}}% \docsvlist{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\kvt@@writeprotected@cmds} % Initially empty \pkgname{etoolbox} list of counter-formatting macros. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@@numberformatters{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The following registers the row counter macros as well as the row % counters themselves as macros/counters that shall only be expanded % inside the respective table. % \begin{macrocode} \kvtDeclareTableMacros{\thekvtRow,\thekvtTypeRow,\thekvtTotalRow} \kvtDeclareTableCounters{kvtRow,kvtTypeRow,kvtTotalRow} % \end{macrocode} % The following registers macros that format counter values. This % registering is necessary such that |\kvt@writeprotect@fmt| can protect % table counters from expansion. % \begin{macrocode} \kvtDeclareCtrFormatters{\arabic,\alph,\Alph,\roman,\Roman,\fnsymbol} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@coldefault} % \begin{macro}{\kvt@coldefaults} % \begin{macro}{\kvt@coldefaults@i} % The |\kvt@coldefault|\marg{tname}\marg{cname} macro expands to % "\meta{cname}|={|\meta{default}|},|", where \meta{default} is the % default value of column \meta{cname} in table type \meta{tname}. If % \meta{default} is empty, then the macro expands to the empty string. % The |\kvt@coldefaults@i|\marg{tname} macro expands to the % comma-separated list of the |\kvt@coldefault| for all \emph{displayed} % columns of table type \meta{tname}. % Finally, the |\kvt@coldefaults|\marg{cname} macro expands to % |\kvt@coldefaults| for the table type assigned to \meta{cname} via % |\NewCollectedTable|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@coldefaults[1]{% \kvt@coldefaults@i{\csuse{kvt@@tnameof@#1}}} \newcommand\kvt@coldefaults@i[1]{% \forlistcsloop{\kvt@coldefault{#1}}{kvt@displaycols@#1}} \newcommand\kvt@coldefault[2]{\ifcsvoid{kvt@col@default@#1@#2}{}{% #2={\csuse{kvt@col@default@#1@#2}},}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@RecordedRow} % The |\kvt@RecordedRow|\marg{options}\marg{cname}\marg{content} % appends a |\Row| with \meta{options} and \meta{content} to a global % macro for \meta{cname}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@RecordedRow[3]{% \csgappto{kvt@@rowsof@#2}{\Row[{#1}]{#3}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ShowCollectedTable} % The |\ShowCollectedTable|\oarg{options}\marg{cname} % produces a |KeyValTable| table for the rows stored under the given % \meta{cname}, table options \meta{options}. % \changes{v2.0}{2019/04/09}{Added the macro} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ShowCollectedTable[2][]{% \ifcsvoid{kvt@@tnameof@#2} {\kvt@error{No row collection with name '#2' defined} {Use \string\NewCollectedTable in the preamble to define it.}} {\ifcsvoid{kvt@@rowsof@#2} {\kvt@warn{No row data available for name '#2'. A LaTeX rerun might be needed^^M for the row data to be available}% \kvt@tableofcname{#2}{#1}{???\tabularnewline}}% {\kvt@tableofcname{#2}{#1}{\csuse{kvt@@rowsof@#2}}}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@tableof} % \begin{macro}{\kvt@tableofcname} % \begin{macro}{\kvt@tableofcname@i} % The |\kvt@tableof|\marg{tname}\marg{options}\marg{content} expands to % a |KeyValTable| environment for table type \meta{tname} with % \meta{options} and environment body \meta{content}. % The |\kvt@tableofcname|\marg{cname}\marg{options}\marg{content} % expands to a |\kvt@tableof| where \meta{tname} is the table type % assigned to \meta{cname}. % Finally, |\kvt@tableofcname@i| is an auxiliary macro for expansion % control. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@tableof[3]{% \begin{KeyValTable}[{#2}]{#1}% #3% \end{KeyValTable}} \newcommand\kvt@tableofcname[1]{\expandafter \kvt@tableofcname@i\expandafter{\csname kvt@@tnameof@#1\endcsname}} \newcommand\kvt@tableofcname@i[1]{\expandafter \kvt@tableof\expandafter{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Table Content from Files} % % \begin{macro}{\ShowKeyValTableFile} % The |\ShowKeyValTableFile|\oarg{options}\marg{tname}\marg{filename} % macro typesets a |KeyValTable| environment of type \meta{tname} with % the given \meta{options}. The body of the environment (i.e., the rows % of the table) are read from the file \meta{filename}. % \changes{v2.0}{2019/03/25}{Added the macro} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ShowKeyValTableFile[3][]{% \IfFileExists{#3} {\begin{KeyValTable}[{#1}]{#2}\@@input#3 \end{KeyValTable}}% {\kvt@error{No KeyValTable file '#3'} {Check whether the file really exists or whether there is a typo in the argument '#3'}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Legacy Variant} % % \begin{macro}{\ShowKeyValTable} % The |\ShowKeyValTable|\oarg{options}\marg{tname} macro shows a table % of type \meta{tname} with given \meta{options}. The rows must have % been collected using |\Row| in |KeyValTableContent| environments or % using |\AddKeyValRow|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ShowKeyValTable[2][]{% \begin{KeyValTable}[#1]{#2}% \csuse{kvt@rows@#2}% \end{KeyValTable}% \csdef{kvt@rows@#2}{}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\AddKeyValRow} % The |\AddKeyValRow|\marg{tname}\oarg{options}\marg{content} adds a row % with a given \meta{content} to the existing content for the next table % of type \meta{tname} that is displayed with |\ShowKeyValTable|. The % \meta{content} and \meta{options} parameters are the same as with % |\kvt@AddKeyValRow|. % The resulting row (|\kvt@@row|) is globally appended to % \cs{kvt@rows@\meta{tname}}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\AddKeyValRow[1]{% \kvt@AddKeyValRow {\begingroup} {\csxappto{kvt@rows@#1}{\expandonce{\kvt@@row}}\endgroup} {#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{environment}{KeyValTableContent} % The |KeyValTableContent|\marg{tname} environment acts as a container % in which rows can be specified without automatically being displayed. % In this environment, rows can be specified via the % |\Row|\marg{content} macro, which is supposedly shorter than using % |\AddKeyValRow|\meta{tname}\meta{content}. % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{KeyValTableContent}[1]{% \def\Row{\AddKeyValRow{#1}}}{}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % % \subsection{Package Options} % % The following option allows specifying a version for (hopefully) % compatibility with the respective old version. % \changes{v2.0}{2019/05/11}{added package option "compat"} % \begin{macrocode} \define@cmdkey[kvt]{PackageOptions}[kvt@@pkg@]{compat}{} % \end{macrocode} % % Next, set default package options and process them. % \begin{macrocode} \ExecuteOptionsX[kvt]{% compat=2.0, } \ProcessOptionsX[kvt]\relax % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{Compatibility} % % \begin{macro}{\kvt@NewCompat} % The % |\kvt@IfVersion|\marg{relation}\marg{version}\marg{iftrue}\marg{iffalse} % macro expands to \meta{iftrue} if the requested package version is in % the given \meta{relation} ($<$, $<$, or $=$) to \meta{version}. % Otherwise, the macro expands to \meta{iffalse}. % Package versions are requested via the |compat| package option. If no % version is explicitly requested, the newest version is implicitly % assumed to be requested. % \meta{code} as % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kvt@IfVersion[2]{% \ifdimcomp{\kvt@@pkg@compat pt}{#1}{#2pt}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Before v2.0, \pkgname{tabu} was the default table environment. % \begin{macrocode} \kvt@IfVersion{<}{2.0}{% \metatblRequire{tabu,longtabu} \kvt@DefineStdTabEnv[onepage]{tabu} \kvt@DefineStdTabEnv[multipage]{longtabu} }{% \metatblRequire{tabularx,longtable,xltabular} \kvt@DefineDualTabEnv{onepage}{tabular}{tabularx} \kvt@DefineDualTabEnv{multipage}{longtable}{xltabular} } % \end{macrocode} % % Before v2.0, the second optional argument of |\NewKeyValTable| % specified the header rows only. Only afterwards, that argument % received a key-value syntax. % \begin{macrocode} \kvt@IfVersion{<}{2.0}{% \let\kvt@parselayout=\kvt@parseheadrows }{} % \end{macrocode} % %\iffalse % %\fi % \Finale \endinput