# Jpnedumathsymbols Package Mathematical equation representation in Japanese education differs somewhat from the standard LaTeX writing style. This package introduces mathematical equation representation in Japanese education. ## System Requirements **This package use Japanese letters.** + TeX format: LaTeX + Prerequisite package: amsmath, amssymb, empheq and xparse + Prerequisite package without [nonocurriculum]: japanese-otf ## Installation Move jpnedumathsymbols.sty file to $TEXMF/tex/latex/jpnedumathsymbols. ## Usage ### \frac \sqrt \lim \vec When the package is loaded, the symbols for fractions, root signs, limits, and vectors are automatically changed. If you do not need that, please specify the options, [nofrac], [nosqrt], [nolim], and [novec]. The original symbol is saved with the name "original" (\originalfrac, \originalsqrt, \originallim and \originalvec). ### Roman Typeface Meaning Point It is customary to use the Roman font to denote points. To make typing easier, the same letter can be typed twice in succession to form a roman letter. For example, \AA will form the Roman letter A. Any conflicts with the original command are renamed (original \AA is \angstrom, original \SS is \capitaleszett). If you do not need that, please specify the option [nopointroman]. ### Letters for Curriculum Sometimes it is more convenient for characters used in the curriculum to be full-width characters. They are in the form \curr--. If you do not need that, please specify the option [nocurriculum] (see system requirements). + Full-width Roman numeral \currI, \currII, \currIII + Full-width capital letters \currA -- \currZ + Full-width lowercase letters \curra -- \currz + Full-width lowercase Greek letters \curralpha -- \curromega + Concurrent courses of study \currIA, \currIIB, \currIIBC, \currIIIC + Concurrent courses of study with "+" \currIA*, \currIIB*, \currIIBC*, \currIIIC* ### \phantomheight[] Places a post to enclose the box. If no optional argument is taken, \frac{1}{2} is entered. ### \comma \period Punctuation marks and reading marks are used in mathematical equations. \comma* and \period* are with margin. ### \pair{}{} \triplet{}{}{} \quadruplet*{}{}{} Order pairs. \pair* \triplet* \quadruplet* fix the size of the parentheses. ### \intersection \union Another name for \cap and \cup. ### \complement{} \cmpl{} This is a overline with height matching, even with small letters. \cmpl is another name for \complement. ### \tand \tor The Japanese "and" and "or" used in mathematical equations. ### \eand \eor The English "and" and "or" used in mathematical equations. ### \lto \lfrom \iff Another name for \Longrightarrow, \Longleftarrow and \Longleftrightarrow. It is treated as a \mathrels. ### \plto \plfrom \piff Invisible \lto/\lfrom/\iff used for immediate line breaks in an align environment. The "p" is named after phantom. ### \peq Invisible equal sign used for immediate line breaks in an align environment. The "p" is named after phantom. ### \set{}{} This is an inclusive notation for a set. The delimiter is a vertical bar, which changes to a colon when the option [setcolon] is loaded. ### \N \NZ \NP \Z \Q \R \C The symbols for whole natural numbers, whole integers greater than or equal to 0, whole integers greater than or equal to 1, whole integers, whole rational numbers, whole real numbers, and whole complex numbers. When the option [mathbb] is loaded, it changes to blackboard bold. ### \inverse{} The symbol of inverse function. ### \abs{} \abs*{} Absolute value. \abs* fixes the size. ### environment ecases \begin{ecases}[align(*)/gather(*)]{} Case classification. This is an input support for the empheq environment. Default is align*. ### environment simul \begin{simul}{align(*)/gather(*)} Simultaneous equations. This is an input support for the empheq environment. Default is gather*. ### environment signchart \begin{signchart}{} Table of increase/decrease. It takes the number of columns excluding headings as arguments. The internal environment is an array environment, so you write using & \\ \hline etc. ### \neconcave \seconcave \seconvex \neconvex Arrows are used in the increase/decrease table. This code is by [Prof. Kouji KODAMA](http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/HOME/kodama/tips-latex-bend-arrow.html) and is released under the GNU/GPL license. I would like to thank him. ### \dint The symbol of integral which is always in display style. ### \dr \ds \dt \du \dx \dy \dz \dtheta Integral variables. ### \const Integral constant as "const.". ### \defint{}{}{} The function before the assignment of the definite integral. ### \transformvariable{}{}{}{variable2}{}{} Variable transformation of a definite integral. ### \rvec{}{} \rvec*{}{}{} 2-dimensional horizontal vector. Asterisked one is 3-dimensional horizontal vectors. When option [rvecbracket] is loaded, they are replaced by square brackets. ### \cvec{}{} \cvec*{}{}{} 2-dimensional vertical vector. Asterisked one is 3-dimensional vertical vectors. When option [cvecbracket] is loaded, they are replaced by square brackets. ### \innerproduct{}{} {}{} Inner product of vectors. When option [innerproductbracket] is loaded, it is replaced by bracket notation. \inp is another name for \innerproduct. ### \sequence{} \seq{} Mathematical sequence. \seq is another name for \sequence. ### \sum* \sum which is text style even in display mode. ### \GCD \LCM The symbol of greatest common divisor and the symbol of least common multiple. ### \degree The symbol of degree. ### \arc{} The symbol of arc. This code is by [Prof. Shingo SAITO](http://www.artsci.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~ssaito/jpn/tex/tips/misc.html#arc). I would like to thank him. ### \parallel The symbol of parallel. The original symbol is stored in \originalparallel. This code is by [Mr./Ms. Ohishi]https://oku.edu.mie-u.ac.jp/~okumura/texfaq/qa/8814.html). I would like to thank him/her. ### \similar The symbol of similar. ### \permutation{}{} \combination{}{} \repeatedpermutation{}{} \repeatedcombination{}{} \homogeneous{}{} The symbols for permutations, combinations, repeated permutations, and repeated combinations. \homogeneous is another name for \repeatedcombination. ### \expectedvalue{} The symbols for expected value. When the option [mathbb] is loaded, it changes to blackboard bold. ### \Re \Im The symbol of real axis and imaginary axis. The original symbol is stored in \originalRe and \originalIm. ### \conjugate{} ### \conj{} Complex conjugate. \conj is another name for \conjugate. ### \parentext{} \squaretext{} \whitesquaretext{} Sentences with round brackets, sentences with square brackets, and sentences with white square brackets. ### \ltext{} \lltext{} Sentences with square brackets and sentences with white square brackets. ### \ltextbegin \lltextbegin \ltextend \lltextend Opening square bracket, opening white square bracket, closing square bracket, and closing white square bracket. They are used when there is a line break in the middle of a sentence. ### \nomination{} Parentheses for using a word or phrase in an equation. ### \condition{} Parentheses are used to divide cases. \condition*{} is preceded by a space. ### \explanation{} Parentheses used to explain an expression, preceded by \because. \explanation*{} is not preceded by \because. ### \quantify Text box for mentioning quantization in the middle of an expression. ### \equationunit Parentheses for writing units in expressions. ### \texttherefore \textbecause \therefore and \because adjusted for use in the text. ### \QED Full-width halmos symbol. ## Achknowledgements \neconcave, \seconcave, \seconvex and \neconvex are by [Prof. Kouji KODAMA](http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/HOME/kodama/tips-latex-bend-arrow.html) and is released under the GNU/GPL license. I would like to thank him. \arc is by [Prof. Shingo SAITO](http://www.artsci.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~ssaito/jpn/tex/tips/misc.html#arc). I would like to thank him. \parallel is by [Mr./Ms. Ohishi]https://oku.edu.mie-u.ac.jp/~okumura/texfaq/qa/8814.html). I would like to thank him/her. This package is inspired by [emath package by Kazuhiro Okuma (a.k.a. tDB)](http://emath.s40.xrea.com/). I would like to thank him. ## License This package released under [GNU GPL v3 or newer](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html). ## Revision History + Version 1.0 2022-06-29 + The first public version. --- [Yukoh KUSAKABE](https://twitter.com/metaphysicainfo) (screen-name) at [metaphysica.info](https://www.metaphysica.info/)