% --------------------------------------------------- % Date: 08.10.2018 % Version: v0.1 % Autor: Felix Faltin % Repository: https://github.com/faltfe/iodhbwm % --------------------------------------------------- % --- --- --- --- -- Class options -- --- --- --- --- % --------------------------------------------------- \documentclass[ load-dhbw-templates, % Allow \dhbw* commands auto-intro-pages = custom, % Takes care about titlepage, abstract, ToC, etc. add-tocs-to-toc, % Add LoF, LoT, etc. to ToC mainlanguage = ngerman, % Set main document language debug % Provide \lipsum, \blindtext ]{iodhbwm} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \dhbwsetup{intro/print toc=true} % Change the part name depending on the selected language % You can also use \captionsenglish if use picked English. \addto\captionsngerman{\renewcommand{\partname}{Thema}} % Use a alphabetic counter instead of a numeric counter \renewcommand{\thepart}{\Alph{part}} % Change the part format to "Thema A" \renewcommand*{\partformat}{\partname~\thepart} % Define a new part style for the toc \newcommand\partentrynumberformat[1]{\partname\ #1} % Set up the new part style \RedeclareSectionCommand[ tocentrynumberformat=\partentrynumberformat, tocnumwidth=6em % Can be changed separate ]{part} \begin{document} % --------------------------------------------------- % --- --- --- --- Begin actual content -- --- --- --- % --------------------------------------------------- \part{Grundlagenwissen} \Blinddocument \part{Hintergrundwissen} \Blinddocument \end{document}