% --------------------------------------------------- % Date: 12.12.2018 % Version: v0.1 % Autor: Felix Faltin % Repository: https://github.com/faltfe/iodhbwm % --------------------------------------------------- % --- --- --- --- -- Class options -- --- --- --- --- % --------------------------------------------------- \documentclass[ load-dhbw-templates, % Allow \dhbw* commands add-tocs-to-toc, % Add LoF, LoT, etc. to ToC debug, % Provide \lipsum, \blindtext language = ngerman % Set main document language ]{iodhbwm} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % --------------------------------------------------- % --- --- --- --- - Necessary setup - --- --- --- --- % --------------------------------------------------- \dhbwsetup{% author = Felix Faltin, thesis type = SA, thesis title = Einbinden eines Anhangs, student id = 12345, location = Musterstadt, institute = Musterwerke GmbH, course/id = Txxxx, supervisor = Pikachu und Enton, processing period = 27.07.2018 } % Rename appendix name \renewcommand{\listappendixname}{Anhangsverzeichnis} % --------------------------------------------------- % --- --- --- --- Begin actual content -- --- --- --- % --------------------------------------------------- % Compare this example with the file % `iodhbwm-appendix-auto.tex` and check out the % benefits using the option `auto-intro-pages`. % --------------------------------------------------- \begin{document} \dhbwtitlepage \dhbwdeclaration \tableofcontents \listoffigures \listoftables \listofappendices \Blinddocument % --------------------------------------------------- % --- --- --- --- -- Begin appendix - --- --- --- --- % --------------------------------------------------- \appendix \chapter{Hello world} \blindtext \end{document}