% \iffalse meta-comment % % This work is hereby released into the Public Domain. To view a % copy of the public domain dedication, visit % https://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ % or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, % San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. % % Matthew Skala % mskala@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca % https://ansuz.sooke.bc.ca/ % August 30, 2008 % % \fi % % \iffalse %<*driver> \ProvidesFile{horoscop.dtx} \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{fmtcount} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[scaled=0.9]{helvet} \usepackage[textsym,unicode,wasysym,marvosym,starfont]{horoscop}[2020/07/21] \usepackage{mathpazo} \usepackage{metalogo} \usepackage{titlesec} \usepackage[letterpaper,breaklinks,bookmarks,plainpages=false, colorlinks,pagebackref,citecolor=darkgreen,linkcolor=purplish]{hyperref} \definecolor{darkgreen}{rgb}{0,0.35,0} \definecolor{purplish}{rgb}{0.4,0,0.6} \def\docornament{\docornA} \def\docornA{\SunSymbol\gdef\docornament{\docornB}} \def\docornB{\MoonSymbol\gdef\docornament{\docornC}} \def\docornC{\MercurySymbol\gdef\docornament{\docornD}} \def\docornD{\VenusSymbol\gdef\docornament{\docornE}} \def\docornE{\MarsSymbol\gdef\docornament{\docornF}} \def\docornF{\JupiterSymbol\gdef\docornament{\docornG}} \def\docornG{\SaturnSymbol\gdef\docornament{\docornH}} \def\docornH{\UranusSymbol\gdef\docornament{\docornI}} \def\docornI{\NeptuneSymbol\gdef\docornament{\docornJ}} \def\docornJ{\PlutoSymbol\gdef\docornament{\docornK}} \def\docornK{\ChironSymbol\gdef\docornament{\docornL}} \def\docornL{\LilithSymbol} \titleformat{\section}[display]% {\normalfont\large\filcenter}% {\itshape Chapter \Numberstring{section}}% {1pc}{\MakeUppercase}[\vspace{0.8pc}\LARGE\docornament] \newcommand{\sectionbreak}{\cleardoublepage} \titleformat{\subsection}[block]{\normalfont\scshape\filcenter}% {\arabic{subsection}.}{0.5em}{} \titleformat{\subsubsection}[runin]{\normalfont\bfseries}% {{\fontseries{b}\selectfont\S}\arabic{subsection}.\arabic{subsubsection}.}{0.5em}{}[.---] \titlespacing{\subsubsection}{0pt}{1.5ex plus .1ex minus .2ex}{0pt} \makeatletter \def\mybookmark#1#2{% \edef\Hy@toclevel{\csname toclevel@#1\endcsname}% \Hy@writebookmark{\csname the#1\endcsname}% {#2}% {\@currentHref}% {\Hy@toclevel}% {toc}% } \makeatother \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges \begin{document} \DocInput{horoscop.dtx} \clearpage\phantomsection\mybookmark{section}{Change History} \PrintChanges \clearpage\phantomsection\mybookmark{section}{Index} \PrintIndex \end{document} % % \fi % % \CheckSum{4317} % % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % % \changes{v0.9}{2008/05/03}{Initial (beta) version} % % \GetFileInfo{horoscop.dtx} % % \DoNotIndex{\advance,\begingroup,\count,\csname,\def,% % \dimen,\dimen@,\divide,\edef,\else,\endcsname,\endgroup,% % \expandafter,\fi,\gdef,\if,\ifdim,\let,\multiply,\p@,% % \relax,\the,\z@,\newcommand,\newenvironment} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \title{Typesetting astrology with \textsf{horoscop}} % \author{Matthew Skala} % \date{July 21, 2020} % % \thispagestyle{empty} % \phantomsection % \mybookmark{section}{Title Page} % {\centering % \vspace{0.75in} % {\Huge\scshape Typesetting} % % \vspace{2pc} % {\Huge\scshape Astrology} % % \vspace{2pc} % {\LARGE\itshape with} % % \vspace{2pc} % {\Huge\sffamily horoscop} % % \vspace{3pc} % {\Huge\docornament} % % \vspace{\fill} % {\Large{\scshape Matthew Skala}\\ % \href{mailto:mskala@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca}% % {\nolinkurl{mskala@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca}}} % % \vspace{0.5in} % {\Large\itshape Version 1.0, July 21, 2020} % \vspace{2.5pc} % \par} % % \clearpage % \changes{v1.0}{2020/07/20}{Make page after title page page 2 for clearer % numbering in PDF} % \phantomsection % \mybookmark{section}{Contents} % \tableofcontents % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \section{Introduction} % % \changes{v1.0}{2020/07/20}{General updates to intro after seven years} % This document describes the design and use of a \LaTeX\ package named % \textsf{horoscop}, which supports typesetting of astrological charts. % Features include: % % \begin{itemize} % \item A unified interface for astrological symbols/glyphs, supporting three % different astrological fonts as well as text abbreviations and Unicode % astrological symbol code points. % \item Support for invoking Astrolog or Swiss Ephemeris to calculate % charts. Positions can also be specified manually. % \item Loading and saving object and cusp positions into \TeX\ macros. % \item Typesetting of angles and positions as text. % \item Ready-made templates for basic wheel charts, dial charts % including multi-dials with up to four sets of objects, and decorative % wheel charts. % \item Optional variations of the standard templates: aspect webs, % highlighting for angular cusps, choice of what to include in object % labels, house labels inside the houses. % \item Low-level graphics functions for plotting in polar coordinates and % building new templates. % \item Labels move, and where necessary houses expand, to prevent crowding. % \end{itemize} % % This package is primarily typesetting software, not astrological software. % It is capable of interfacing to external packages to calculate things like % object positions for charts, and it performs astrological computations % like detection of aspects where that is directly needed for typesetting, % but it does not do more generally astrological tasks like counting the % objects in different elements. Things like time zones are not directly % relevant to typesetting and left to the user to deal with. % % Similarly, this documentation is about % using \textsf{horoscop} to typeset charts into documents. It is assumed % that readers have other sources for the astrological knowledge of what % charts to typeset, what they mean, and what to say about them in the % documents. Other software is probably more convenient for the earlier % stages of exploring a chart and constructing an interpretation. This % package becomes relevant after the interpretation is decided, when the time % comes to publish a chart in an attractive printed form. % % Many issues in astrology are subject to opinion, debate, and variations in % personal preference. Where possible, \textsf{horoscop} avoids enforcing % any specific line on such things. When it is necessary to choose a % default (for instance, whether to use \Capricorn\ or \varCapricorn\ for % Capricorn) the system generally follows the author's preference with as % much support for user customization as possible. The intention is to % provide reasonably usable typeset charts---at least as good as the % output of high-quality commercial charting software---right out of the % box for users with minimal \LaTeX\ skill, and also provide the capability % for advanced users to customize the system to meet their own exact needs. % % Some \LaTeX\ users have philosophical objections to the very idea of % astrology. Such issues are not addressed here. % % Basic correctness is a design priority. Some other software will do % things like typeset an object in the wrong house if there are too many % objects in the right house for them to fit nicely; \textsf{horoscop} % should never do that. The garbage in, garbage out principle applies, % however, and \textsf{horoscop} is not responsible for problems occurring % in external software; so if you ask for Placidus cusps from a birth in % the Arctic Circle, \textsf{horoscop} will make its best effort to typeset % whatever comes out of the calculation software but it will be your own % fault if that is nonsense. % % I presented this package at TUG~2016, with a one-page summary in the % conference proceedings: Skala, M. 2016. Astrological % charts with \textsf{horoscop} and \textsf{starfont}. % \emph{TUGboat,} 37(2):p.\ 182. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of % the TeX Users Group (TUG 2016), Toronto, Ontario, July 25-27, 2016. A PDF % of the summary is at \url{https://tug.org/TUGboat/tb37-2/tb116skala.pdf}; % a PDF of the slides from my talk is at % \url{https://tug.org/tug2016/slides/skala.pdf}; and there is video of most % of the presentation at % \url{http://zeeba.tv/astrological-charts-with-horoscop-and-starfont/}. % % This release, version 1.0, represents a mature version of the package. % The last release, version 0.92, was called a beta test, but it has % been in use seven years now without needing any significant bug fixing or % updates. The most serious issue in 0.92 was in the documentation of % how to enter manually-calculated object positions; the underlying macros % for it worked well. % % So this 1.0 release is primarily an update to the documentation to fix % that issue, as well as to bump the version number and recognize the fact % that the package is mature and fully usable. I have also taken the % opportunity to add the Unicode-symbols feature, to reduce % \textsf{horoscop}'s ties to classical \TeX\ and its font systems as users % increasingly move toward Unicode engines and Unicode-based font selection; % and I have updated such things as Web links and development contacts to % reflect the inevitable changes in human institutitons over the years. % % \changes{v1.0}{2020/07/20}{In memoriam Axel} % I encourage readers to think of Axel Harvey, a close friend of mine and % a professional astrologer who contributed greatly to the testing of this % software and its associated Web service. He died in 2016, and is missed. % % \changes{v1.0}{2020/07/20}{New links for my own Web sites} % There is an online chart service demonstrating \textsf{horoscop} at % \href{https://edifyingfellowship.org/astro/}{\nolinkurl https://edifying} % \href{https://edifyingfellowship.org/astro/}{\nolinkurl fellowship.org/astro/}. % I also maintain a page pointing to \LaTeX\ astrology resources, at % \url{https://ansuz.sooke.bc.ca/entry/107}. % % I no longer encourage the use of GitHub and it is unlikely that the % existing GitHub repository for \textsf{horoscop} will be updated further. % Bug reports and other correspondence related to \textsf{horoscop} should % be directed to \href{mailto:mskala@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca}% % {\nolinkurl{mskala@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca}}. % % As of 2016, I am no longer pursuing a career in academic computer science. % I have started a business selling modules of my own design for % Eurorack modular synthesizers, and kits for building them, through a Web % storefront at \url{https://northcoastsynthesis.com/}. If you are % interested in electronic music, please consider buying my products; if % not, please pass on the link to others. My ability to spend time % making free resources to share, such as the \textsf{horoscop} package, % depends on the success of my business. % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \section{Prerequisites and Warnings} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Font Support} % % Typesetting astrological symbols (often called ``glyphs'') % requires an appropriate font, packaged for \LaTeX. This package supports % three, selectable by package options: \textsf{marvosym}, % \textsf{starfont}, and \textsf{wasysym}, none of which are included in a % typical default \LaTeX\ installation. The \textsf{starfont} package is % default and recommended, because the others have many symbols either % missing or unsuitable. % Instead of using an astrological font % at all, the |textsym| option may be used to substitute abbreviations % written in \LaTeX's ordinary text font, which should work in any % \LaTeX\ environment; or the |unicode| option may % \changes{v1.0}{2020/07/20}{\texttt{unicode} option} % be used with \XeLaTeX\ or \LuaLaTeX\@. With |unicode|, \textsf{horoscop} % will use Unicode code points for the astrological symbols and leave it up to % the Unicode-supporting \TeX\ engine to typeset them in an appropriate font. % % Sources for astrological font packages: % \changes{v0.92}{2013/05/16}{Update links for font packages} % \changes{v1.0}{2020/07/20}{Upgrade links to HTTPS} % \begin{itemize} % \item \textsf{marvosym}: \url{https://ctan.org/pkg/marvosym} % \item \textsf{starfont}: \url{https://ctan.org/pkg/starfont} % \item \textsf{wasysym}: \url{https://ctan.org/pkg/wasysym} % \end{itemize} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Chart Graphics} % % \changes{v0.92}{2013/05/15}{Use \textsf{pict2e} for graphics support} % Typesetting astrological charts (which are distinct from symbols---you % could use symbols in text without any charts, or conceivably charts % without symbols) requires \textsf{pict2e} and % \textsf{trig}; these \emph{are} typically included in \LaTeX\ % installations by default. % An earlier version (predating the existence of \textsf{pict2e}) required % \textsf{eepic}, and consequently \textsf{latex}/\textsf{dvips}, not % \textsf{pdflatex}. But the long-promised \textsf{pict2e} package finally % exists, allowing large circles and arbitrary-slope lines in the |picture| % environment in many different engines, and that's a nicer solution. % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{External Programs} % % Calling an external program to compute chart information requires a % suitable external program. At present, \textsf{horoscop} supports % Astrolog and Swiss Ephemeris. It is possible to typeset charts without % using this feature, by coding all the object locations into the \LaTeX\ % source file instead of having them calculated on the fly. % % \changes{v1.0}{2020/07/20}{Upgrade links to HTTPS} % Sources for external calculation programs: % \begin{itemize} % \item Astrolog: % \url{https://www.astrolog.org/astrolog.htm} % \item Swiss Ephemeris: % \url{https://www.astro.com/swisseph/} % \end{itemize} % % {\em External calculation programs require |\write18| support in \TeX.} % That is disabled by default, and should not be enabled lightly. With % |\write18| support, \TeX\ documents can execute arbitrary commands on the % host computer system, potentially giving them the ability to cause % unlimited damage. No file containing data from an untrusted source should % be run on an interpreter with |\write18| enabled. In particular, readers % should be especially wary of using \textsf{horoscop} in automated % chart-calculation services. If you create a Web form for people to enter % birth data and automatically generate a \LaTeX\ source file to typeset a % chart, then you must carefully sanitize all the user-entered data on the % server side. % % The procedure for enabling |\write18| will vary depending on your % \TeX\ installation; for obvious security reasons, it must be done out of % band, and cannot be turned on by any commands given in the document. On a % typical installation |\write18| might be enabled by a special command-line % option to the \TeX\ interpreter. If you don't know what this stuff means % and how to deal with it, then you shouldn't attempt to turn on |\write18|. % % The external calculation programs' shell commands have only been % tested under Linux. They will probably work on any system where the % external software can be installed, but no guarantees are offered. % % Users of \textsf{horoscop} should be aware of some issues related to the % external calculation programs, although these issues are not directly % issues with \textsf{horoscop}. First, the author of Astrolog \emph{claims} % a right under copyright to forbid commercial use not only of Astrolog, but % of the factual information contained in Astrolog's output. Noting that in % many jurisdictions copyright does not apply to factual information, the % author of \textsf{horoscop} does not endorse the validity of any such % claims by third parties; and \textsf{horoscop} itself is public domain and % may be used without restriction, even commercially. However, commercial % users of \textsf{horoscop} may prefer to select the Swiss Ephemeris % support, which is default and not subject to such a claim. % % The authors of Swiss Ephemeris restrict commercial distribution of their % package, but do not claim to restrict commercial use of its output. Swiss % Ephemeris is not intended by its developers to be an end-user product. % They market it to other software developers for use as a module in the % other developers' products. To use it with \textsf{horoscop}, you must % install the library on your system as if you were preparing to write % software using it yourself, and make sure all the paths are right so that % \TeX\ can invoke the |swetest| executable and have it really work. This % process will normally require at least a minimal level of C programming % skill. % % Users are obviously at their own risk with regard to license conditions % set by the copyright holders of any and all third-party products. The % \textsf{horoscop} package itself is released to the public domain in an % effort to help stop the insanity of escalating license conditions imposed % by other authors of astrological software. % % To use the |egrep| option with the Swiss Ephemeris backend, the standard % Unix |egrep| program must be available. % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \section{Package Options} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Astrological Symbol Options} % % The options |textsym|, |unicode|, |wasysym|, |marvosym|, and % |starfont| control the % font used for astrological symbols. You may choose more than one of these % options, in which case more than one set will be available in your % document. The set in force at the start of the document will be the last % one on that list, from among the ones chosen; so |starfont| overrides % |marvosym| which overrides |wasysym| which overrides |textsym|. If none % of these options are specified, then |starfont| will be enabled by % default. % % If you have no astrological font support, or will not be using symbols and % want to avoid the resource consumption, choose |textsym| to prevent % \textsf{horoscop} from trying to load the missing packages. The % abbreviations defined by |textsym| (and the |\horotextsym| macro below) % are available regardless of package options; |textsym| is provided as an % explicit option so users can override the default loading of |starfont|. % The abbreviations are also used to replace missing symbols in the other % sets. % % \changes{v1.0}{2020/07/20}{\texttt{unicode} option} % The |unicode| option is normally only useful in \XeLaTeX\ and \LuaLaTeX; % it causes \textsf{horoscop} to use non-ASCII Unicode characters for % astrological symbols. It is up to the \TeX\ engine, or the user, to % select a font or combination of fonts in which these characters can be % typeset. Both \XeLaTeX\ and \LuaLaTeX\ offer relevant font-selection % features, and if \textsf{horoscop} detects (using the \textsf{iftex} % package) some other engine, it will fall back to a text indication of % the desired code points, which looks like $\langle$U+263D$\rangle$. % % \DescribeMacro{\horotextsym} % \DescribeMacro{\horounicode} % \DescribeMacro{\horowasysym} % \DescribeMacro{\horomarvosym} % \DescribeMacro{\horostarfont} % The macros |\horotextsym|, |\horounicode|, |\horowasysym|, % |\horomarvosym|, and |\horostarfont| switch to the corresponding set % of astrological symbols, % so that documents can mix the different sets. Any symbols not defined by % the new set remain in the state left by the old set. To use these macros % the corresponding symbol sets must have been loaded with the appropriate % package options, except that |\horotextsym| is always available. % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Calculation Backend Options} % % The \textsf{horoscop} package can get its chart information from either of % two external calculation backends, or just use positions supplied by the % user in macro definitions. The options |nocalc|, |astrolog|, and % |swetest| choose among no backend (user must supply all positions), % Astrolog, and the Swiss Ephemeris test program respectively. If more than % one is supplied, |swetest| overrides |astrolog| which overrides |nocalc|. % The default if none is specified will be |swetest|. Note that either % external calculation program requires that the corresponding software be % installed properly on the system and that |\write18| be turned on; see the % previous chapter for instructions and warnings regarding external % software. % % \changes{v0.91}{2008/07/07}{\texttt{egrep} filtering option} % When using the |swetest| backend, it is possible to request filtering of % |swetest|'s output via the |egrep| option. With this option, |swetest|'s % output will be filtered through the |egrep| program (which must also be % installed) to eliminate error and warning messages. Normally an error or % warning from |swetest| will cause typesetting to fail with an % uninformative message. This might occur for instance if the chart's date % is not covered by the installed high-accuracy ephemeris files and Swiss % Ephemeris reverts to its analytic model. Selecting |egrep| makes % \textsf{horoscop} try harder to typeset the document, working through the % error or warning with whatever numbers come out of |swetest|. % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Optional Package Components} % % If this package will be used in a non-graphical document (for instance, to % typeset text-based interpretations), it may be desirable to turn off the % graphics support and avoid loading the graphics packages. That can be % accomplished with the |nowheels| option. Similarly, the ready-made % templates can be disabled with |notemplates|, which might be useful in % documents that use user-defined templates exclusively. Selecting % |nowheels| automatically causes |notemplates| to take effect also. % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \section{General Concepts} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Objects and Variables} % % Calculating and typesetting a chart requires keeping track of a number of % pieces of information relating to luminaries, planets, asteroids, derived % points, hypothetical bodies, and similar things. The pieces of % information are referred to as ``variables'' and the things that have % associated variables are collectively called ``objects.'' The values for % variables are stored in macros named |\horo|\meta{object}\meta{variable}; % for instance, |\horoSunPos| represents the Sun's longitude. Numerical % values should be stored in the macros as plain decimal numbers (with or % without a fractional part, possibly negative where appropriate). % % \subsubsection{Objects} % Standard object names include the luminaries and traditional planets Sun, % Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, % and the asteroids Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta. The asteroid % Pallas is named that rather than common variations like ``Pallas Athena'' % because its IAU name is just Pallas. The Lunar North node, as calculated % by Astrolog, is called NorthNode; with Swiss Ephemeris the names MeanNode % and TrueNode are used instead.\footnote{Calling the osculating node % ``true'' is deprecated, but too entrenched to override. The node is % undefined except when the Moon is right on top of it, so the question is % which of several reasonable assumptions to make when inventing a value in % between those times, and there's no reason to privilege one choice over % the others.} The Astrolog version will be whichever one Astrolog is % configured to compute; on a default installation of Astrolog that is % probably the mean version. The name Lilith refers to the Lunar apogee. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoobjects} % Calculation and the chart templates use a macro called |\horoobjects|, % which lists the names (comma separated) of all the objects to compute or % typeset. The default value is all the object names defined in the % previous paragraph except that only one North node will be used: NorthNode % for Astrolog and MeanNode for Swiss Ephemeris. To exclude some objects, % or choose a different node calculation, the user can redefine % |\horoobjects| to the desired list of objects. Note that this macro, like % the variable values, is used and parsed internally and so it should not be % given a smart value; it should just be a simple list of names separated by % commas. No whitespace either, please. % % It is possible to create additional objects by defining the appropriate % macros and adding the new names to the |\horoobjects| macro. An example % of this process is given in Section~\ref{sub:adding-objects}. The Swiss % Ephemeris backend will also automatically calculate objects called % Ascendant, MC, ARMC, and Vertex; these four get calculated every time you % calculate a chart whether you request them in |\horoobjects| or not. % % \subsubsection{Cusps} % House\DescribeMacro{\horocusps} % \ cusps are treated very much like additional objects with the names % CuspI, CuspII, up to CuspXII. Like objects from |\horoobjects|, each cusp % has an associated set of variables in macros with names like % |\horoCuspIPos|. The macro |\horocusps| lists the cusps, like % |\horoobjects|, but in general it should not be modified. Cusps will be % calculated and used as appropriate; in general they should not be added to % |\horoobjects|. In most present-day house systems, CuspI, CuspIV, % CuspVII, and CuspX coincide with the ascendant, nadir, descendant, and % zenith respectively. For systems where that is not the case, Swiss % Ephemeris users may want to add Ascendant and MC to |\horoobjects| to plot % those on the chart as additional objects. % % \subsubsection{Variables} % The variable Pos, associated with every object and cusp, has already been % mentioned. It represents the longitude of the object or cusp, measured in % decimal degrees starting from 0\horodegrees\AriesSymbol=0.0. On that scale % 0\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol=30.0, 0\horodegrees\GeminiSymbol=60.0, and so on. % % The variable DPos represents ``display Pos''; that is the actual location % where the label or line representing an object or cusp will be plotted, % which might not be the same as its Pos if it had to be moved to prevent % interference with another object or cusp. % % Vel represents an object's velocity, in longitude. This should be in % degrees per day, but the system actually only looks at its sign: positive % for direct and negative for retrograde. The calculation backends % calculate it along with Pos and the chart templates check for it to % determine whether to display a \horoRetrogradeSymbol\ symbol in the label. % % Variables called MPos, MDPos, and SPos are used internally by % \textsf{horoscop} code to represent house midpoints, display positions of % internal house labels, and saved position values for checking termination % of the adjustment cycle. It should not be necessary for users to touch % these. Use of a user-defined variable called XPos is demonstrated in % Section~\ref{sub:between-two}. % % The Symbol macros (described in the next section) are much like variables, % although they have slightly different naming and do not take numeric % values. The |\horo|\meta{object}|SEOpt| macros used by the Swiss % Ephemeris calculation backend are essentially string-valued % variables too. Their use is explained in Section~\ref{sub:adding-objects}. % % \DescribeMacro{\horocopyvar} % The |\horocopyvar|\marg{objects}\marg{from}\marg{to} macro copies the % \meta{from} variable to the \meta{to} variable on all the objects in the % comma-separated list given by \meta{objects}. That operation is often % used internally, and exposed to the user because it is occasionally useful % to users also. For instance, if you set up the Pos values for your charts % manually with |\def|,\footnote{It is traditional to warn readers to use % \texttt{\textbackslash newcommand} or \texttt{\textbackslash renewcommand} % instead of \texttt{\textbackslash def}.} then you must % put the same values into DPos before invoking a chart template that % will attempt label adjustment. The command % |\horocopyvar{\horoobjects}{Pos}{DPos}| will copy all the Pos variables for % objects in |\horoobjects| to the corresponding DPos variables. % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Symbols} % % \subsubsection{Naming scheme} % % For every object there should be a symbol or glyph in a macro named % |\|\meta{object}|Symbol|. Note the absence of |horo| at the start of the % macro name; that's to save typing because these macros are probably of % interest in general text outside the context of \textsf{horoscop}'s chart % features, and to separate the Symbol variable-like thing from real % variables that have numeric values. % % There are four basic sets of symbols, based on three font packages and the % |textsym| option of using text abbreviations. See the package options % discussion above for a description of how the choice between symbol sets % is made. Some of the font packages are incomplete, and \textsf{horoscop} % will attempt to make substitutions to fill in the blanks. Users can % redefine the macros as needed, to use symbols from other fonts or for % instance if it's desired to use \varCapricorn\ instead of \Capricorn\ for % Capricorn (\textsf{starfont} provides both). % % The main use of these is for wheel charts, where you specify a list of % objects and they all get typeset into the chart. It's necessary to % provide a user-defined |\|\meta{object}|Symbol| for any new objects you % add, if those objects will be typeset into wheel charts. The symbols can % also be used by themselves in text. Note that \textsf{horoscop} will % always invoke these symbols in text mode; if the desired symbol is a % math-mode symbol, then the macro has to include the appropriate shift to % math mode. % % \subsubsection{Zodiac signs} % % \DescribeMacro{\Zodiac} % The system provides a |\Zodiac|\marg{sign} macro, whose parameter % \meta{sign} should be an integer from 1 to 12 choosing the sign from % Aries=1 to Pisces=12; this typesets the symbol for the appropriate sign. % It mimics, and replaces, the similar macro provided by \textsf{marvosym} % and \textsf{starfont}; instead of going directly to the font characters, % \textsf{horoscop}'s |\Zodiac| calls the appropriate macro from % |\AriesSymbol|\ldots|\PiscesSymbol|, allowing the user to redefine % individual sign symbols without needing to redefine all of |\Zodiac|. % Note that all use of sign symbols by \textsf{horoscop} (for instance, in % chart wheel labels) goes through |\Zodiac|, so it is possible to redefine % the entire zodiac by redefining |\Zodiac| instead of redefining individual % symbols. % % {\setlength{\tabcolsep}{0.2em} % \begin{tabular}{lccccc} % macro & |textsym| & |unicode| & |wasysym| & |marvosym| & |starfont| \\ % |\AriesSymbol| & \horotextsym\AriesSymbol % & \horounicode\AriesSymbol % & \horowasysym\AriesSymbol % & \horomarvosym\AriesSymbol % & \horostarfont\AriesSymbol \\ % |\TaurusSymbol| & \horotextsym\TaurusSymbol % & \horounicode\TaurusSymbol % & \horowasysym\TaurusSymbol % & \horomarvosym\TaurusSymbol % & \horostarfont\TaurusSymbol \\ % |\GeminiSymbol| & \horotextsym\GeminiSymbol % & \horounicode\GeminiSymbol % & \horowasysym\GeminiSymbol % & \horomarvosym\GeminiSymbol % & \horostarfont\GeminiSymbol \\ % |\CancerSymbol| & \horotextsym\CancerSymbol % & \horounicode\CancerSymbol % & \horowasysym\CancerSymbol % & \horomarvosym\CancerSymbol % & \horostarfont\CancerSymbol \\ % |\LeoSymbol| & \horotextsym\LeoSymbol % & \horounicode\LeoSymbol % & \horowasysym\LeoSymbol % & \horomarvosym\LeoSymbol % & \horostarfont\LeoSymbol \\ % |\VirgoSymbol| & \horotextsym\VirgoSymbol % & \horounicode\VirgoSymbol % & \horowasysym\VirgoSymbol % & \horomarvosym\VirgoSymbol % & \horostarfont\VirgoSymbol \\ % |\LibraSymbol| & \horotextsym\LibraSymbol % & \horounicode\LibraSymbol % & \horowasysym\LibraSymbol % & \horomarvosym\LibraSymbol % & \horostarfont\LibraSymbol \\ % |\ScorpioSymbol| & \horotextsym\ScorpioSymbol % & \horounicode\ScorpioSymbol % & \horowasysym\ScorpioSymbol % & \horomarvosym\ScorpioSymbol % & \horostarfont\ScorpioSymbol \\ % |\SagittariusSymbol| & \horotextsym\SagittariusSymbol % & \horounicode\SagittariusSymbol % & \horowasysym\SagittariusSymbol % & \horomarvosym\SagittariusSymbol % & \horostarfont\SagittariusSymbol \\ % |\CapricornSymbol| & \horotextsym\CapricornSymbol % & \horounicode\CapricornSymbol % & \horowasysym\CapricornSymbol % & \horomarvosym\CapricornSymbol % & \horostarfont\CapricornSymbol \\ % |\AquariusSymbol| & \horotextsym\AquariusSymbol % & \horounicode\AquariusSymbol % & \horowasysym\AquariusSymbol % & \horomarvosym\AquariusSymbol % & \horostarfont\AquariusSymbol \\ % |\PiscesSymbol| & \horotextsym\PiscesSymbol % & \horounicode\PiscesSymbol % & \horowasysym\PiscesSymbol % & \horomarvosym\PiscesSymbol % & \horostarfont\PiscesSymbol % \end{tabular}} % % \subsubsection{Luminaries and traditional planets} % % These are well-supported by the various fonts. % % {\setlength{\tabcolsep}{0.2em} % \begin{tabular}{lccccc} % macro & |textsym| & |unicode| & |wasysym| & |marvosym| & |starfont| \\ % |\SunSymbol| & \horotextsym\SunSymbol % & \horounicode\SunSymbol % & \horowasysym\SunSymbol % & \horomarvosym\SunSymbol % & \horostarfont\SunSymbol \\ % |\MoonSymbol| & \horotextsym\MoonSymbol % & \horounicode\MoonSymbol % & \horowasysym\MoonSymbol % & \horomarvosym\MoonSymbol % & \horostarfont\MoonSymbol \\ % |\MercurySymbol| & \horotextsym\MercurySymbol % & \horounicode\MercurySymbol % & \horowasysym\MercurySymbol % & \horomarvosym\MercurySymbol % & \horostarfont\MercurySymbol \\ % |\VenusSymbol| & \horotextsym\VenusSymbol % & \horounicode\VenusSymbol % & \horowasysym\VenusSymbol % & \horomarvosym\VenusSymbol % & \horostarfont\VenusSymbol \\ % |\MarsSymbol| & \horotextsym\MarsSymbol % & \horounicode\MarsSymbol % & \horowasysym\MarsSymbol % & \horomarvosym\MarsSymbol % & \horostarfont\MarsSymbol \\ % |\JupiterSymbol| & \horotextsym\JupiterSymbol % & \horounicode\JupiterSymbol % & \horowasysym\JupiterSymbol % & \horomarvosym\JupiterSymbol % & \horostarfont\JupiterSymbol \\ % |\SaturnSymbol| & \horotextsym\SaturnSymbol % & \horounicode\SaturnSymbol % & \horowasysym\SaturnSymbol % & \horomarvosym\SaturnSymbol % & \horostarfont\SaturnSymbol \\ % |\UranusSymbol| & \horotextsym\UranusSymbol % & \horounicode\UranusSymbol % & \horowasysym\UranusSymbol % & \horomarvosym\UranusSymbol % & \horostarfont\UranusSymbol \\ % |\NeptuneSymbol| & \horotextsym\NeptuneSymbol % & \horounicode\NeptuneSymbol % & \horowasysym\NeptuneSymbol % & \horomarvosym\NeptuneSymbol % & \horostarfont\NeptuneSymbol \\ % |\PlutoSymbol| & \horotextsym\PlutoSymbol % & \horounicode\PlutoSymbol % & \horowasysym\PlutoSymbol % & \horomarvosym\PlutoSymbol % & \horostarfont\PlutoSymbol % \end{tabular}} % % \subsubsection{Other objects, cusps, and angles} % The \textsf{starfont} package provides symbols for asteroids, derived % points, angles, and so on. Without it, these things default to the % |textsym| abbreviations. The |unicode| option also has code points for % these. Cusp symbols are listed in this table, but they % generally do not appear in the default templates and will seldom be used % in actual practice. % % {\setlength{\tabcolsep}{0.2em} % \begin{tabular}{lccc} % macro & |textsym| & |unicode| &|starfont| \\ % |\ChironSymbol| & \horotextsym\ChironSymbol % & \horounicode\ChironSymbol % & \horostarfont\ChironSymbol \\ % |\CeresSymbol| & \horotextsym\CeresSymbol % & \horounicode\CeresSymbol % & \horostarfont\CeresSymbol \\ % |\PallasSymbol| & \horotextsym\PallasSymbol % & \horounicode\PallasSymbol % & \horostarfont\PallasSymbol \\ % |\JunoSymbol| & \horotextsym\JunoSymbol % & \horounicode\JunoSymbol % & \horostarfont\JunoSymbol \\ % |\VestaSymbol| & \horotextsym\VestaSymbol % & \horounicode\VestaSymbol % & \horostarfont\VestaSymbol \\ % |\NorthNodeSymbol| & \horotextsym\NorthNodeSymbol % & \horounicode\NorthNodeSymbol % & \horostarfont\NorthNodeSymbol \\ % |\SouthNodeSymbol| & \horotextsym\SouthNodeSymbol % & \horounicode\SouthNodeSymbol % & \horostarfont\SouthNodeSymbol \\ % |\LilithSymbol| & \horotextsym\LilithSymbol % & \horounicode\LilithSymbol % & \horostarfont\LilithSymbol \\ % |\CuspISymbol| & \horotextsym\CuspISymbol % & & \horostarfont\CuspISymbol \\ % |\CuspIISymbol| & \horotextsym\CuspIISymbol & \\ % |\CuspIIISymbol| & \horotextsym\CuspIIISymbol & \\ % |\CuspIVSymbol| & \horotextsym\CuspIVSymbol % & & \horostarfont\CuspIVSymbol \\ % |\CuspVSymbol| & \horotextsym\CuspVSymbol & \\ % |\CuspVISymbol| & \horotextsym\CuspVISymbol & \\ % |\CuspVIISymbol| & \horotextsym\CuspVIISymbol % & & \horostarfont\CuspVIISymbol \\ % |\CuspVIIISymbol| & \horotextsym\CuspVIIISymbol & \\ % |\CuspIXSymbol| & \horotextsym\CuspIXSymbol & \\ % |\CuspXSymbol| & \horotextsym\CuspXSymbol % & & \horostarfont\CuspXSymbol \\ % |\CuspXISymbol| & \horotextsym\CuspXISymbol & \\ % |\CuspXIISymbol| & \horotextsym\CuspXIISymbol & \\ % |\AscendantSymbol| & \horotextsym\AscendantSymbol % & & \horostarfont\AscendantSymbol \\ % |\MCSymbol| & \horotextsym\MCSymbol % & & \horostarfont\MCSymbol \\ % |\VertexSymbol| & \horotextsym\VertexSymbol % & & \horostarfont\VertexSymbol \\ % \end{tabular}} % % Note that \textsf{wasysym} provides a symbol it calls |\ascnode|, but it's % actually identical to the symbol it calls |\leo|, and the symbol (\leo) % looks more like a Leo symbol; to prevent insanity, \textsf{horoscop} won't % use that symbol for the node unless you force the issue by redefining % |\NorthNodeSymbol|. The corresponding |\descnode| symbol is just the Leo % symbol again, turned upside-down; it is aesthetically offensive enough % that it also won't be used for South node by default. % % \DescribeMacro{\MeanNodeSymbol}\DescribeMacro{\TrueNodeSymbol} There are % no well-agreed standard symbols for ``mean'' as opposed to ``true'' % (osculating) definitions of the Lunar nodes. The macros |\MeanNodeSymbol| % and |\TrueNodeSymbol| by default typeset the current value of % |\NorthNodeSymbol| with a subscript $M$ or $T$, as \MeanNodeSymbol\ and % \TrueNodeSymbol. % % Note that the default symbols for cusps assume an angular house system % like that attributed to Placidus, in which the first house cusp is by % definition equal to the ascendant, and so on. If you use a house system % where that isn't true, and you will typeset symbols for the house cusps, % then you must manually define appropriate symbols for them distinct from % whatever symbols you are using for the actual angles. However, it's rare % to need symbols for house cusps at all. Most wheel charts don't use them. % % \subsubsection{Aspects} % When typesetting aspect webs, macros having names of the form % |\horo|\meta{aspect}|Symbol| will be used to print symbols identifying the % aspects at the middle of each aspect line. These have the |\horo| prefix % to keep them separated from the object symbols. If you define custom % aspects, you should define corresponding symbols in the same pattern. The % \textsf{marvosym} package does not define any aspect symbols (defaults to % |textsym|), and \textsf{wasysym} only defines a few. The symbols for % quintile and biquintile with \textsf{starfont}, and the one for trine with % \textsf{wasysym}, are % actually made from standard \LaTeX\ symbols rather than using the named % fonts. The table % below also shows the default angles and orbs for the aspects; see % Subsection~\ref{sub:aspect-web}. % % \noindent{\setlength{\tabcolsep}{0.1em} % \begin{tabular}{lccccc} % macro & |textsym| & |unicode| & |wasysym| & |starfont| & angle\\ % |\horoConjunctionSymbol| & \horotextsym\horoConjunctionSymbol % & \horounicode\horoConjunctionSymbol % & \horowasysym\horoConjunctionSymbol % & \horostarfont\horoConjunctionSymbol & $0\horodegrees\pm6\horodegrees$ \\ % |\horoOppositionSymbol| & \horotextsym\horoOppositionSymbol % & \horounicode\horoOppositionSymbol % & \horowasysym\horoOppositionSymbol % & \horostarfont\horoOppositionSymbol & $180\horodegrees\pm6\horodegrees$ \\ % |\horoTrineSymbol| & \horotextsym\horoTrineSymbol % & \horounicode\horoTrineSymbol % & \horowasysym\horoTrineSymbol % & \horostarfont\horoTrineSymbol & $120\horodegrees\pm5\horodegrees$ \\ % |\horoSquareSymbol| & \horotextsym\horoSquareSymbol % & \horounicode\horoSquareSymbol % & \horowasysym\horoSquareSymbol % & \horostarfont\horoSquareSymbol & $90\horodegrees\pm5\horodegrees$ \\ % |\horoQuintileSymbol| & \horotextsym\horoQuintileSymbol % & & & \horostarfont\horoQuintileSymbol & $72\horodegrees\pm2\horodegrees$ \\ % |\horoBiquintileSymbol| & \horotextsym\horoBiquintileSymbol % & & & \horostarfont\horoBiquintileSymbol & $144\horodegrees\pm2\horodegrees$ \\ % |\horoSextileSymbol| & \horotextsym\horoSextileSymbol % & \horounicode\horoSextileSymbol % & \horowasysym\horoSextileSymbol % & \horostarfont\horoSextileSymbol & $60\horodegrees\pm4\horodegrees$ \\ % |\horoQuincunxSymbol| & \horotextsym\horoQuincunxSymbol % & \horounicode\horoQuincunxSymbol % & & \horostarfont\horoQuincunxSymbol & $150\horodegrees\pm3\horodegrees$ \\ % |\horoSemisextileSymbol| & \horotextsym\horoSemisextileSymbol % & \horounicode\horoSemisextileSymbol % & & \horostarfont\horoSemisextileSymbol & $30\horodegrees\pm3\horodegrees$ \\ % |\horoSemisquareSymbol| & \horotextsym\horoSemisquareSymbol % & \horounicode\horoSemisquareSymbol % & & \horostarfont\horoSemisquareSymbol & $45\horodegrees\pm2\horodegrees$ \\ % |\horoSesquiquadrateSymbol| & \horotextsym\horoSesquiquadrateSymbol % & \horounicode\horoSesquiquadrateSymbol % & & \horostarfont\horoSesquiquadrateSymbol & $135\horodegrees\pm2\horodegrees$ % \end{tabular}} % % \subsubsection{Text angle and direction symbols} % \DescribeMacro{\horodegrees} % \DescribeMacro{\horominutes} % \DescribeMacro{\horoseconds} % Symbols for degrees, minutes, and seconds (|\horodegrees|, |\horominutes|, % and |\horoseconds|) are provided for use when an % angle will be described numerically, as in 12\horodegrees 34\horominutes % 56\horoseconds. As with other symbols, the macros can be redefined to % change \textsf{horoscop}'s behaviour. These three use standard \LaTeX\ % math symbols and do not require any special package support. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoRetrogradeSymbol} % The |\horoRetrogradeSymbol| macro is in a similar category: it will be % used to typeset ``retrograde'' for labels that display that information. % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \section{Calculating Horoscopes} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Entering Chart Data} % % Before erecting a chart we need the astrological locations of all the % objects to be included. The \textsf{horoscop} package is not primarily a % chart-computing system, but it can interface with other software to do the % computation. The external interface takes the time and location data from % macros named \DescribeMacro{\horocalcyear}|\horocalcyear|, % \DescribeMacro{\horocalcmonth}|\horocalcmonth|, % \DescribeMacro{\horocalcday}|\horocalcday|, % \DescribeMacro{\horocalctime}|\horocalctime|, % \DescribeMacro{\horocalclon}|\horocalclon|, % and \DescribeMacro{\horocalclat}|\horo|-|calclat|, which should be % defined to contain the year, month, day, time, longitude, and latitude % respectively. Each one should be a decimal number, with only whole % numbers for year and month; |\horocalctime| is the number of hours from % midnight (so that a time like 4:30pm would be 16.5); and longitude and % latitude are numbers of degrees. Use positive numbers for North and East % and negative for South and West. Times and dates must be UTC. For % example, the birth data for Uri Geller could be entered as follows. % % \begin{verbatim} % \renewcommand{\horocalcyear}{1946} % \renewcommand{\horocalcmonth}{12} % \renewcommand{\horocalcday}{20} % \renewcommand{\horocalctime}{0} % \renewcommand{\horocalclon}{34.76667} % \renewcommand{\horocalclat}{32.06667} % \end{verbatim} % % Setting all those macros one at a time is messy and inconvenient, so a % simplified interface is available through the % \DescribeMacro{\horocalcparms}|\horocalcparms| macro, which sets them all % at once and translates minutes and seconds, both of time and of arc. % \begin{verbatim} % \horocalcparms{1946}{12}{20}{0:0:0}{E34:46:0}{N32:4:0} % \end{verbatim} % Although this macro is slightly more forgiving than the lower-level ones, % one should nonetheless stick closely to the example format. In % particular, do not omit the minutes and seconds even when they are zero. % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Calculating Object Positions} % % Once the chart data is defined, call % \DescribeMacro{\horocalculate}|\horocalculate| to invoke the external % calculation program and actually compute the object positions. As already % mentioned, this requires |\write18| support in your \TeX\ interpreter, % which is not the default and should not be turned on without caution. % % The exact mechanics of chart calculation depend on the backend selected. % With Swiss Ephemeris, which is the default, the package runs the ``test'' % program |swetest| once for each object and once more for all cusps, with % the standard-output results directed into a |.hor| file which it will read % in to get the data. With Astrolog, the |astrolog| program is run once and % told to save its results directly to the |.hor| file as if to be read as % options by a later invocation of Astrolog. Then the package reads that % and parses the (undocumented) Astrolog command-line format to get the % results. % % Either way, the |\horoobjects| macro already described determines the list % of objects whose positions will be calculated, and the positions go into % the variables Pos (longitude), DPos (initially equal to longitude, but % subject to later adjustment), and Vel (velocity). Pos and DPos are % measured from 0\horodegrees\AriesSymbol. Vel is degrees per day, positive % for direct and negative for retrograde. Similar Pos and DPos % values are calculated for the cusp pseudo-objects CuspI, CuspII, and so on % (listed in |\horocusps|). In the case of Swiss Ephemeris, some extra % pseudo-objects (Ascendant, MC, ARMC, and Vertex) are always calculated % too. % % The house system used in the calculation can be set by invoking a macro % named like |\horo|\meta{system}|Houses| before calling |\horocalculate|. % The default for both backends is |\horoPlacidusHouses|. Astrolog supports % systems called Alcabitus, Campanus, Equal, EqualMC, Koch, Meridian, % Morinus, NeoPorphyry, Placidus, PolichPage, Porphyry, Regiomontanus, % Vedic, and Whole. Swiss Ephemeris supports systems called Alcabitus, % Axial, Azimuthal, Campanus, Equal, Koch, Krusinski, Morinus, Placidus, % PolichPage, Porphyry, Regiomontanus, and Vehlow. Consult the external % software's documentation for details of these systems. % % \changes{v0.91}{2008/08/30}{Documentation on equal-house systems} % Please note that despite the inclusion of non-angular house systems like % Equal among the choices for the Astrolog backend, their actual utility is % severely limited because Astrolog overloads two objects it calls ``Asc'' % and ``Mid'' to serve as both angles and house cusps; Asc can be the first % house cusp, but then Astrolog will not write out the Ascendant, or it can % be the Ascendant, but then Astrolog will not write out the first house % cusp. A future version of this package will probably solve this issue by % running Astrolog twice to get out both pieces of information. Another % possibility would be to tell Astrolog to write out the angles, and then % derive the first and tenth house cusps by calculating points opposite the % seventh and fourth house cusps (which always seem to be house cusps rather % than angles). Such a change might also be an opportunity to fix the % annoying differences between the Astrolog and Swiss Ephemeris backends, as % far as possible. In the mean time, the recommendation for Astrolog users who % want equal houses is to select Porphyry (as a system that uses the % Ascendant and Midheaven and does not break down near the poles) and then % compute house cusps internally to \textsf{horoscop} as described below, % rather than attempting to use Astrolog's calculation. Note that the % object names for the Ascendant and Midheaven will be CuspI and CuspX, not % the Swiss Ephemeris names used in the examples. % % It is possible for \textsf{horoscop} to calculate its own house cusps % internally, to provide equal-sized houses starting from any position. Use % \DescribeMacro{\horomakeequalcusps}|\horomakeequalcusps| to make twelve % cusps spaced equally (30\horodegrees\ apart) with CuspI set to the single % argument. For instance, if using |swetest|, which calculates an object % called Ascendant automatically, you can use % |\horomakeequalcusps{\horoAscendantPos}| to make equal houses starting % from the Ascendant, simulating the ``Equal'' house system that actually is % already provided anyway. That particular application may seem pointless; % but the feature can also be used with any other object to create house % systems unavailable from the backend. Someone who wanted to drop the % concept of houses entirely, as for an unknown birth time, but still use a % chart template that shows houses, might use |\horomakecusps{0}| to make % houses equivalent to signs (Aries=first, Taurus=second, and so on). % % The |\horomakeequalcusps| macro should be called after |\horocalculate| if % it is to take effect, because they overwrite each others' house cusp % results. Any house system may be used for the original |\horocalculate| % call because the results will be discarded anyway, except for the concern % that a broken house calcuation in |\horocalculate| (for instance, using % polar latitudes with Placidus and without the |egrep| option) may cause % typesetting of the whole document to fail. % % A similar macro, \DescribeMacro{\horomakesigncusps}|\horomakesigncusps|, % makes equally-spaced cusps just like |\horomakeequalcusps| (in fact, using % a call to it) but starting from the start of the sign that contains the % argument value instead of starting at the argument value itself. This is % useful for creating historical whole-sign systems. See also the use of % |\horoshiftcusps| described in section~\ref{sub:manipulation} for ways to % expand this feature to (for instance) simulate the Vehlow equal-house % system, or base the system on the location of a cusp other than the first. % % Note that in all cases \textsf{horoscop} follows the common astrological % practice of computing house cusps based on the intersections of the house % boundaries with the ecliptic and then placing objects into houses based % solely on their longitude. In effect, the assumption is that all objects % are located exactly on the ecliptic. For some house systems (with % boundaries that do not follow lines of longitude) it can be argued that it % would be better to assign house positions in a way that takes latitude % into account. See the article ``The Problems of House Division'' by % Deborah Houlding, available online at % \changes{v1.0}{2020/07/20}{Upgrade links to HTTPS} % \url{https://www.skyscript.co.uk/houprob_print.html}, for more discussion % of this issue. In some future version \textsf{horoscop} may be extended % to provide more options for handling of this kind of thing. % % Note also that in some house systems, the angles (\CuspISymbol, % \CuspVIISymbol, \CuspXSymbol, and \CuspIVSymbol) do not coincide with % house cusps, and in such cases you may wish to compute and chart them as % extra objects. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoastrologopt} % \DescribeMacro{\horosweopt} % The macros |\horoastrologopt| and |\horosweopt| define extra command-line % options for the external calculation programs (Astrolog and |swetest| % respectively). These default to empty, but may be redefined to pass % global configuration settings to these programs. % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Entering Positions Manually} % % If it is not desired to compute the positions with \textsf{horoscop}'s % external program interface, they can be entered manually instead. This % approach might be useful if you use other software to do your % calculations, or if you need to create \TeX\ source that will run on a % system without the external calculation software installed. The macros % that would be created by |\horocalculate| simply need to be created % directly, as in the example below. % % \changes{v1.0}{2020/07/20}{Correct macro names for manual position example} % \begin{verbatim} % \def\horoSunPos{267.5002492}\def\horoSunVel{1.0185515} % \def\horoMoonPos{229.2067659}\def\horoMoonVel{11.9237313} % \def\horoMercuryPos{249.2355412}\def\horoMercuryVel{1.4004420} % \def\horoVenusPos{229.6610785}\def\horoVenusVel{0.4165367} % \def\horoMarsPos{271.9242409}\def\horoMarsVel{0.7571908} % \def\horoJupiterPos{228.1368358}\def\horoJupiterVel{0.1927896} % \def\horoSaturnPos{128.1056809}\def\horoSaturnVel{-0.0516070} % \def\horoUranusPos{79.4428694}\def\horoUranusVel{-0.0421386} % \def\horoNeptunePos{190.6482218}\def\horoNeptuneVel{0.0133648} % \def\horoPlutoPos{133.0955746}\def\horoPlutoVel{-0.0150157} % \def\horoNorthNodePos{70.7814892}\def\horoNorthNodeVel{-0.0529425} % \def\horoLilithPos{265.3475147}\def\horoLilithVel{0.1108368} % \def\horoCuspPosI{207.9120843} % \def\horoCuspPosII{236.5553269} % \def\horoCuspPosIII{267.6976404} % \def\horoCuspPosIV{300.5365877} % \def\horoCuspPosV{332.9973490} % \def\horoCuspPosVI{2.5292853} % \def\horoCuspPosVII{27.9120843} % \def\horoCuspPosVIII{56.5553269} % \def\horoCuspPosIX{87.6976404} % \def\horoCuspPosX{120.5365877} % \def\horoCuspPosXI{152.9973490} % \def\horoCuspPosXII{182.5292853} % \end{verbatim} % % A few less obvious macros also need to be set for manually-entered % positions to work correctly. Load |\horoobjects| with a list of the % objects with manual positions, and set the DPos values to match the Pos % values. The |\horocopyvar| macro can help with setting DPos. Finally, set % the \DescribeMacro{\horocalculatedtrue}|\horocalculatedtrue| flag so that % other parts of the system will know there is valid data in the variables. % That flag is normally set by the calculation interface when it has read % usable data from the backend. % % \begin{verbatim} % \def\horoobjects{Sun,Moon,Mercury,Venus,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,% % Uranus,Neptune,Pluto,NorthNode,Lilith} % \horocopyvar{\horoobjects}{Pos}{DPos} % \horocopyvar{\horocusps}{Pos}{DPos} % \horocalculatedtrue % \end{verbatim} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Saving and Manipulating Positions} % \label{sub:manipulation} % % In documents that contain multiple charts it may be useful to save the % results of one calculation for use later. Something similar is also % required for single charts that contain more than one person's objects, or % for mixing the results of one calculation with another as when making % synastry charts. The package provides macros for storing results in % macros to handle these situations. % % The \DescribeMacro{\horosaveobjects}|\horosaveobjects| macro takes one % argument which is the name of a new macro to create (or to redefine, % without warning, if it already exists). All the Pos and Vel values for % objects in |\horoobjects|, and the current value of |\horoobjects| itself, % are stored in the newly defined macro. When that macro is run later, it % will restore all those values, and set DPos values to the restored Pos % values. The effect is that |\horosaveobjects| creates a macro % representing the object-related results of the last |\horocalculate|, so % we can return to the current state later. % % The \DescribeMacro{\horosavecusps}|\horosavecusps| macro does something % similar, but instead of saving the objects it saves the current values of % |\hororightcoord|, |\horocusps|, and the Pos of all cusps. This function % is split into a separate macro to make it easy to create synastry charts: % calculate one chart, save the objects, calculate the other chart, and % restore the first chart's objects, to get one chart's objects in the % other's houses. % % Some manipulations can be applied to calculated positions to alter the % appearance of the resulting chart. First, the % \DescribeMacro{\hororotatechart}|\hororotatechart|\marg{object}\marg{angle} % macro will rotate a chart to % place a specified object at a specified place. The default is for CuspVII % (the descendant) to be at the right. The angle must be specified % in degrees according to the mathematical convention: 0 is to the right and % it increases counterclockwise, so 90 is up, 180 is to the left, and % 270 is down. For instance, |\hororotatechart{Sun}{90}| would place the % Sun at the top. This macro works by manipulating an internal macro called % |\hororightcoord|, mentioned above as one of the things saved by % |\horosavecusps|. This rotation does not change the actual stored % positions of the objects and cusps, only the way in which they will be % plotted on the page. % % The \DescribeMacro{\horocalcharmonic}|\horocalcharmonic|\marg{harmonic} % macro multiplies all the Pos values of objects in |\horoobjects| by its % argument and sets the Pos and DPos values to the result. The harmonic % should be an integer, and no more than 45 (because of \TeX's limits on % number magnitude). Higher harmonics, if they are not prime numbers, can % be achieved by calling it twice; for instance, with 20 and 10 to get 200. % The internal representation of Zodiac positions is only good to % approximately $1/18$ of a second of arc in the original position; that % will be multiplied by the harmonic, limiting the precision of the result % for high harmonics. Your original input data is probably even less good % than that. The precision of positions in high-harmonic charts is % inherently limited by the nature of high-harmonic charts, and users must % understand that. Note also that this macro does not change the house cusp % positions. The most popular current practices seem to be to leave cusps % unchanged, or not to use them at all, in harmonic charts; and multiplying % them like object positions could lead to problematic situations such as % cusps ending up out of order, especially in higher harmonics. % % \changes{v0.91}{2008/08/30}{Documentation on new shift macros} % The macros \DescribeMacro{\horoshiftobjects}|\horoshiftobjects| and % \DescribeMacro{\horoshiftcusps}|\horoshiftcusps| apply an additive shift, % specified in decimal degrees as the single argument, to all the object or % cusp Pos values respectively, and sets the Pos and DPos values to the % results. These macros, unlike |\horochartrotate| above, do change the % stored values of the variables; they can be seen as moving the planets % instead of moving the chart. This kind of shift can be applied to object % positions to create solar arc charts. With cusp positions, it can be used % to create a variety of equal-house systems that may or may not also be % available directly from the calculation backends. For instance, assuming % the |swetest| backend, this code will calculate whole-sign houses such % that the midheaven is contained in the tenth house: % \begin{verbatim} % \horocalculate % \horomakesigncusps{\horoMCPos} % \horoshiftcusps{90} % \end{verbatim} % % That says: calculate the chart, including the implicit pseudo-object % ``MC''; create whole-sign houses with CuspI set to the start of % the sign containing the MC pseudo-object and CuspX three signs % (90\horodegrees) earlier than that; and then shift the cusps forwards % 90\horodegrees, so that we end up with CuspX set to the start of the sign % containing the MC object. A similar chart but with the midheaven actually % on the tenth house cusp (instead of using whole signs), duplicating % Astrolog's EqualMC system, could be obtained by substituting % |\horomakeequalcusps| for |\horomakesigncusps|. % % In charts like these where the cusps do not necessarily coincide with the % angles, one would probably also want to include MC and Ascendant in % |\horoobjects| so that they will be plotted like objects on the chart. % The angle-highlighting features of the standard templates remain % associated with the angular cusps (CuspI, CuspIV, CuspVII, and CuspX) % rather than the angle pseudo-objects like Ascendant and MC. It may be % appropriate to turn off the highlighting features for charts in which the % angular cusps are not actually the angles, but that is left to the user's % discretion. % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Printing the Results as Text} % % Instead of or in addition to printing a wheel chart, one may want to print % the numerical values of object positions as text with astrological % symbols. The \DescribeMacro{\horodsmstext}|\horodsmstext| macro prints % its argument as an astrological longitude with degree, (Zodiac) sign, % minutes, and seconds. The argument can be a macro set by |\horocalculate| % or a raw number in decimal degrees. For instance, % |\horodsmstext{\horoVenusPos}| might print \horodsmstext{229.6610785}. % % The \DescribeMacro{\horotimetext}|\horotimetext| has a similar function % for times. Its argument should be hours after midnight, and it prints the % value as hours, minutes, and seconds separated by colons. For instance, % |\horotimetext{12.58222}| prints \horotimetext{12.58222}. This might % typically be used with |\horocalctime|. % % For latitudes and longitudes, % \DescribeMacro{\horolatlontext}|\horolatlontext| takes three arguments. % The first is the number of degrees, which may be positive or negative, and % it prints the number of degrees, minutes, and seconds followed by either % the second or third argument depending on whether the angle was positive % or negative. For instance, |\horolatlontext{50}{N}{S}| % and |\horolatlontext{-40}{E}{W}| print \horolatlontext{50}{N}{S} % and \horolatlontext{-40}{E}{W}. % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \section{Ready-Made Chart Templates} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Basic Wheel Charts} % % \DescribeEnv{horoscope} % \DescribeMacro{\horowheelVancouver} % The package provides several ready-made chart templates for different % purposes. The basic wheel chart, similar to the best ones produced by % other software, is called Vancouver. It's easy to use in the simplest % case: just open a |horoscope| environment and invoke % |\horowheelVancouver|, as in the birth chart for John Lennon shown in % Figure~\ref{fig:basic-wheel}. % % \changes{v1.0}{2020/07/21}{Emphasize that template names do not determine % geographic locations of charts} % Please note that the standard templates are named after Canadian cities, % but these names are only \emph{thematic names for the visual styles of the % charts}\footnote{I was inspired to use this naming theme by Ruskey and % Weston's work on Venn diagrams; see % \url{https://www.combinatorics.org/files/Surveys/ds5/ds5v3-2005/VennEJC.html}.} % and the names of the templates have no connection with the geographic % locations the charts refer to. You can plot a chart for any location in % Vancouver style, and you can plot a chart that does happen to be for % Vancouver (any of the multiple places in the world with that name) using any % template. The geographic location for the chart must be specified by % latitude and longitude, independently of the template name. % % \begin{figure} % \horocalcparms{1940}{10}{9}{17:30:0}{W2:55:0}{N53:25:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \horowheelVancouver % \end{horoscope} % % \begin{verbatim} % \horocalcparms{1940}{10}{9}{17:30:0}{W2:55:0}{N53:25:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \horowheelVancouver % \end{horoscope} % \end{verbatim} % \caption{Basic wheel chart (John Lennon).} % \label{fig:basic-wheel} % \end{figure} % % The |horoscope| environment is a |picture| environment, 100 % unit-lengths square with the origin in the centre, so that coordinates % range from $-50\ldots 50$ on both axes. The unit length is set to % \DescribeMacro{\horounitlength}|\horounitlength|, which defaults to % 0.00952 times |\textwidth|, so that a |horoscope| environment will be % just slightly less than the full text width of the page. Change it to % change the size of horoscope wheels, though if it is changed much the text % size will need to be adjusted also. % % \subsubsection{Notes} % \DescribeMacro{\horoULnote} % \DescribeMacro{\horoURnote} % \DescribeMacro{\horoLLnote} % \DescribeMacro{\horoLRnote} % \DescribeMacro{\horoCnote} % Five macros are provided for typesetting notes in the corners or centre of % a wheel chart. They are called |\horoULnote|, |\horoURnote|, |\horoLLnote|, % |\horoLRnote|, and |\horoCnote|, for upper left, upper right, lower left, % lower right, and centre respectively; each takes a single argument % specifying the text to put there, which may include |\\| commands for line % breaks. Typesetting is flushed into the corners for corner notes and % centred for the centre note. If you're using a chart style that % puts things of its own in the space where you want to put a note, % then the note will collide with the chart, so depending on configuration % it may not always make sense to use all five of these. % Figure~\ref{fig:notes} demonstrates the use of these macros. % % \begin{figure} % \horocalcparms{1875}{10}{12}{23:30:0}{W1:31:0}{N52:18:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \horowheelVancouver % \horoULnote{Aleister Crowley\\Natal chart} % \horoURnote{Leamington Spa\\1\horodegrees31\horominutes W 52\horodegrees18\horominutes N} % \horoLLnote{The Master Therion\\$\tau o\ \mu\eta\gamma\alpha\ \theta\eta\rho\iota o\nu$} % \horoLRnote{$7=4$, $666$,\\and other nonsense} % \end{horoscope} % % \begin{verbatim} % \horocalcparms{1875}{10}{12}{23:30:0}{W1:31:0}{N52:18:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \horowheelVancouver % \horoULnote{Aleister Crowley\\Natal chart} % \horoURnote{Leamington Spa\\ % 1\horodegrees31\horominutes W 52\horodegrees18\horominutes N} % \horoLLnote{The Master Therion\\ % $\tau o\ \mu\eta\gamma\alpha\ \theta\eta\rho\iota o\nu$} % \horoLRnote{$7=4$; 666;\\and other nonsense} % \end{horoscope} % \end{verbatim} % \caption{Corner notes.} % \label{fig:notes} % \end{figure} % % \subsubsection{Aspect webs}\label{sub:aspect-web} % \DescribeMacro{\horoaspectwebtrue} % \DescribeMacro{\horoaspectwebfalse} % The pattern in the centre of the Vancouver wheel, showing which objects % are or are not in aspect to each other, is called the % \emph{aspect web}. It can be turned on and off with |\horoaspectwebtrue| % and |\horoaspectwebfalse|. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoaspectobjectsa} % \DescribeMacro{\horoaspectobjectsb} % By default, the aspect web will show aspects between any two objects from % |\horoobjects|. That may not be desirable in charts with many minor % objects; an aspect between two small asteroids may not be important enough % to be worth displaying in the web. You can override the default to show % only selected aspects by defining new values for |\horoaspectobjectsa| and % |\horoaspectobjectsb|. Each should be a comma-separated list of object % names; an aspect will be displayed if it goes between one object from one % list and one from the other. Thus, if you set one to a list of objects to % consider ``major'' while leaving the other set to all objects, you will % get an aspect web showing only aspects that involve at least one major % object, as in Figure~\ref{fig:selected-aspects}. % % \begin{figure} % \horocalcparms{1949}{9}{24}{2:50:0}{W74:17:0}{N40:16:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \renewcommand{\horoaspectobjectsa}% % {Sun,Moon,Mercury,Venus,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn} % \horowheelVancouver % \horoULnote{Bruce Springsteen} % \end{horoscope} % % \begin{verbatim} % \horocalcparms{1949}{9}{24}{2:50:0}{W74:17:0}{N40:16:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \renewcommand{\horoaspectobjectsa}% % {Sun,Moon,Mercury,Venus,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn} % \horowheelVancouver % \horoULnote{Bruce Springsteen} % \end{horoscope} % \end{verbatim} % \caption{Limiting the objects for the aspect web.} % \label{fig:selected-aspects} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\horoaspects} % The |\horoaspects| macro stores a list of aspects to include in aspect webs, % much in the manner that |\horoobjects| lists objects to include in charts. % The default is to include Opposition, Trine, Square, and Sextile. The other % predefined aspects users can add to the list are all those for which % Symbol macros were defined earlier: Conjunction, Quintile, Biquintile, % Quincunx, Semisextile, Semisquare, and Sesquiquadrate. Other % (user-defined) aspects may be added by defining % |\horo|\meta{aspect}|Symbol|, |\horo|\meta{aspect}|Angle|, and % |\horo|\meta{aspect}|Orb| macros, with the angle and orb given in decimal % degrees. % % \subsubsection{House and angle markings} % The ready-made wheel templates also support several options for marking % the houses and the angles. Exactly which options are supported depends % on the template; the Vancouver template supports them all. % % \DescribeMacro{\horointhouselabelstrue} % \DescribeMacro{\horointhouselabelsfalse} % \DescribeMacro{\horohouselabel} % Internal house labels are numbers that appear inside the houses among the % object labels, selected % with the |\horointhouselabelstrue| and |\horointhouse|-|labelsfalse| macros. % The default % is false, because they take up a fair bit of space and can lead to % crowding. By default they are uppercase Roman numerals; you can make them % be something else by redefining the |\horohouselabel| command to print the % |horohouse| \LaTeX\ counter in the desired style. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoboldanglestrue} % \DescribeMacro{\horoboldanglesfalse} % \DescribeMacro{\horoanglecuspwidth} % With |\horoboldanglestrue| and |\horoboldanglesfalse| the user can select % whether to display angular house cusps as extra-bold lines. The default % is true. The actual width to use is set by the \LaTeX\ length % |\horoanglecuspwidth|, which defaults to 1.44pt. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoanglearrowstrue} % \DescribeMacro{\horoanglearrowsfalse} % Angular cusps can also be highlighted by giving them arrowheads; this is % selected with |\horoanglearrowstrue| and |\horoanglearrowsfalse|, default % true. The size of the arrowheads is fixed as part of the template. % % Figure~\ref{fig:angle-highlight} shows all the cusp-highlighting features % set to the opposite from their defaults. % % \begin{figure} % \horocalcparms{1920}{10}{22}{14:45:0}{W72:35:0}{N42:06:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \horointhouselabelstrue % \horoboldanglesfalse % \horoanglearrowsfalse % \horowheelVancouver % \horoULnote{Timothy Leary} % \end{horoscope} % % \begin{verbatim} % \horocalcparms{1920}{10}{22}{14:45:0}{W72:35:0}{N42:06:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \horointhouselabelstrue % \horoboldanglesfalse % \horoanglearrowsfalse % \horowheelVancouver % \horoULnote{Timothy Leary} % \end{horoscope} % \end{verbatim} % \caption{Cusp-highlighting features} % \label{fig:angle-highlight} % \end{figure} % % \subsubsection{Smart labels} % By default, the Vancouver chart template will display a label for each % object containing its symbol, longitude down to the minute of arc, and % the retrograde symbol if the object is retrograde. It will automatically % adjust the sequence of the different parts of the label so that the % longitude part will read in degree-sign-minute order in as close as % possible to left-to-right, top-to-bottom order, with the object's symbol % at the outside near the rim of the wheel and the retrograde symbol on the % inside near the hub. However, this labelling scheme can be customized in % several ways. % % First, the |\horowheelVancouver| command can take an optional argument % which is a format string specifying what ``chunks'' should be typeset in % each object label. The format string should be some sequence of the % letters |d|, |m|, |s|, |z|, |y|, and |r|, which refer respectively to % Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds of longitude, Zodiac sign symbol, object % sYmbol, and possible Retrograde. If a label string like |ydzmsr| is % specified it will be read in an inward direction; that example would % typeset object symbols at the outside, then degrees, sign, minutes, % seconds, and retrograde at successively smaller radii. % % If two label strings are specified separated by a slash, then the first % one will be used for all labels typeset above an imaginary line drawn at a % 45\horodegrees\ angle from lower left to upper right, and the second % string will be used for labels below that line. The idea is that for the % first class of labels, the preferred reading direction will be inward, and % for the second class it will be outward, so by reversing the appropriate % letters between the two strings one can keep sections of the label reading % in the correct direction. The default format string is |ydzmr/ymzdr|, % which implements the default behaviour described above. % % \DescribeMacro{\horotextsize} % The Vancouver chart template automatically adjusts the size of text in its % labels according to how much detail was selected in the labels. Formally, % it counts the number of letters in the format string (the first one if two % were specified) and uses that to index into the sequence of \LaTeX\ type % size commands |\Large|, |\large|, |\normalsize|, |\small|, |\scriptsize|, % |\scriptsize| (twice---by trial and error, that seems to work best), % |\tiny|. That results in larger text for shorter labels. Similar % trickery changes the radii on which the different chunks are shown, to % keep the labels reasonable-looking even when different levels of detail % are chosen. However, this process is by no means foolproof and the result % may not be the desired size. If necessary, the |\horotextsize| macro can % be changed with |\renewcommand| to a positive or negative size adjustment. % For instance, if it is set to |2|, the labels will use text two sizes % larger than the default. % % \changes{v0.91}{2008/08/30}{Label example to use rounding} % Figure~\ref{fig:degrees-only} is an example with lower-detail labels % than default (showing longitude only down to the degree) and larger text. % Rounding options described in section~\ref{sub:rounding} are used because % the default rounding assumes the labels will show minutes. % % \begin{figure} % \horocalcparms{1950}{8}{11}{16:45:0}{W121:53:0}{N37:20:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \renewcommand{\horotextsize}{2}% % \hororoundautofalse % \hororoundtodegkeepsign % \horowheelVancouver[ydzr/yzdr] % \horoULnote{Steve Wozniak} % \end{horoscope} % % \begin{verbatim} % \horocalcparms{1950}{8}{11}{16:45:0}{W121:53:0}{N37:20:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \renewcommand{\horotextsize}{2} % \hororoundautofalse % \hororoundtodegkeepsign % \horowheelVancouver[ydzr/yzdr] % \horoULnote{Steve Wozniak} % \end{horoscope} % \end{verbatim} % \caption{Custom label string and text size adjustment.} % \label{fig:degrees-only} % \end{figure} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Dial Charts} % % The Vancouver chart template is designed for a traditional style of wheel % chart with house cusps featuring prominently. For some kinds of % interpretation, you may want to focus more on the angles between objects % without much reference to house cusps. The dial chart templates are % designed to support that kind of view; they emphasize angles and do not % include cusps. They are loosely based on the style of charts popular in % Cosmobiology; they might also be worthwhile for charts where the birth % time or location are unknown, so that house cusps cannot be meaningfully % calculated. Templates are offered for comparing up to four sets of % objects. % % All dial charts are printed with the 0\horodegrees\AriesSymbol\ mark at the % top. In the case of harmonic charts, that may coincide with other % longitudes as well---for instance, 0\horodegrees\CancerSymbol, % 0\horodegrees\LibraSymbol, and 0\horodegrees\CapricornSymbol\ on a % 90\horodegrees\ dial. % % \DescribeMacro{\horowheelIqaluit} % Figure~\ref{fig:iqaluit} shows the basic single 360\horodegrees\ dial chart % style, available through the |\horowheelIqaluit| macro. This macro, like % all the dial chart macros, has an optional first argument for a harmonic % number. The popular 90\horodegrees\ dial is available with % |\horowheelIqaluit[4]|, as shown in Figure~\ref{fig:iqaluit-ninety}. % Other harmonics may be chosen to give dials with other numbers of degrees. % % \begin{figure} % \horocalcparms{1942}{11}{2}{2:10:0}{W83:04:0}{N37:45:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \horoaspectwebfalse % \horowheelIqaluit % \horoULnote{Larry Flynt} % \end{horoscope} % % \begin{verbatim} % \horocalcparms{1942}{11}{2}{2:10:0}{W83:04:0}{N37:45:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \horoaspectwebfalse % \horowheelIqaluit % \horoULnote{Larry Flynt} % \end{horoscope} % \end{verbatim} % \caption{Single 360\horodegrees\ dial (Iqaluit).} % \label{fig:iqaluit} % \end{figure} % % \begin{figure} % \horocalcparms{1926}{4}{9}{22:20:0}{W87:39:0}{N41:52:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \horowheelIqaluit[4] % \horoULnote{Hugh Hefner} % \end{horoscope} % % \begin{verbatim} % \horocalcparms{1926}{4}{9}{22:20:0}{W87:39:0}{N41:52:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \horowheelIqaluit[4] % \horoULnote{Hugh Hefner} % \end{horoscope} % \end{verbatim} % \caption{Single 90\horodegrees\ dial (Iqaluit).} % \label{fig:iqaluit-ninety} % \end{figure} % % All the dial templates support an aspect web, turned on by default. The % aspect web will be based on whatever values are currently in the Pos % variables when the chart is drawn, which will normally be the last ones % calculated. Most users will probably prefer that those be the positions % for the innermost dial in the case of a multi-dial chart, but by careful % sequencing or use of |\horosaveobjects|, other selections are possible. % % As seen in Figure~\ref{fig:iqaluit-ninety}, the aspects refer to the object % longitudes {\em after} any harmonic transformation. For instance, % Hefner's Moon and Chiron are shown as in opposition in the aspect web % because they are close to 180\horodegrees\ apart on the chart. It is a % fourth-harmonic chart, the objects are actually about 45\horodegrees\ apart % in the sky, and so the aspect is really a semisquare. His Jupiter and % Saturn, on the other hand, really are square to each other in the sky, but % appear as conjunct on the dial. Users who choose to use an aspect web % with harmonic charts are assumed to understand these issues. If desired, % the aspect symbols may be redefined to correspond to aspects in the sky % (before harmonics) rather than on the chart (after harmonics). % % If the aspect web is turned off, the dial chart will include a small cross % at the centre of the dials, for centering the moveable pointer that some % interpreters like to use. Note that that style of interpretation is not % part of the author's background; people who do want to do it are % encouraged to comment on how the package's features could be better tuned % to their purposes. % % \DescribeMacro{\horowheelIgloolik} % The |\horowheelIgloolik| command creates a double dial, as shown in % Figure~\ref{fig:igloolik}. It has two required arguments which should be % saved object position macros created by the |\horosaveobjects| command, as % illustrated by the example code. The first will be used for the inner % dial and the second for the outer dial. An optional argument in square % brackets may be added before the required ones (in the standard % \LaTeX\ usage) for a dial of less than 360\horodegrees. % % \begin{figure} % \horocalcparms{1955}{2}{24}{15:0:0}{W122:25:0}{N37:46:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\SteveJobs} % \horocalcparms{1955}{10}{29}{6:0:0}{W122:20:0}{N47:36:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\BillGates} % \begin{horoscope} % \horowheelIgloolik{\BillGates}{\SteveJobs} % \horoULnote{Inner: Bill Gates} % \horoURnote{Outer: Steve Jobs} % \end{horoscope} % % \begin{verbatim} % \horocalcparms{1955}{2}{24}{15:0:0}{W122:25:0}{N37:46:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\SteveJobs} % \horocalcparms{1955}{10}{29}{6:0:0}{W122:20:0}{N47:36:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\BillGates} % \begin{horoscope} % \horowheelIgloolik{\BillGates}{\SteveJobs} % \horoULnote{Inner: Bill Gates} % \horoURnote{Outer: Steve Jobs} % \end{horoscope} % \end{verbatim} % \caption{Double 360\horodegrees\ dial (Igloolik).} % \label{fig:igloolik} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\horowheelRankin} % \DescribeMacro{\horowheelResolute} % Triple and quadruple dials are also available, through |\horowheelRankin| % and |\horowheelResolute| respectively. These are illustrated in % Figures~\ref{fig:resolute} and~\ref{fig:rankin}. Their operation is % fundamentally the same as |\horowheelIgloolik|, just extended to three or % four sets of objects. % % \begin{figure} % \horocalcparms{1961}{1}{26}{12:45:0}{W80:16:0}{N43:08:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\WayneGretzky} % \horocalcparms{1939}{3}{20}{12:47:0}{W68:30:0}{N49:13:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\BrianMulroney} % \horocalcparms{1938}{11}{17}{12:0:0}{W79:25:0}{N44:37:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\GordonLightfoot} % \begin{horoscope} % \horowheelResolute{\GordonLightfoot}{\BrianMulroney}{\WayneGretzky} % \horoULnote{Inner: Gordon Lightfoot} % \horoURnote{Middle: Brian Mulroney} % \horoLLnote{Outer: Wayne Gretzky} % \end{horoscope} % % \begin{verbatim} % \horocalcparms{1961}{1}{26}{12:45:0}{W80:16:0}{N43:08:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\WayneGretzky} % \horocalcparms{1939}{3}{20}{12:47:0}{W68:30:0}{N49:13:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\BrianMulroney} % \horocalcparms{1938}{11}{17}{12:0:0}{W79:25:0}{N44:37:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\GordonLightfoot} % \begin{horoscope} % \horowheelResolute{\GordonLightfoot}{\BrianMulroney}{\WayneGretzky} % \horoULnote{Inner: Gordon Lightfoot} % \horoURnote{Middle: Brian Mulroney} % \horoLLnote{Outer: Wayne Gretzky} % \end{horoscope} % \end{verbatim} % \caption{Triple 360\horodegrees\ dial (Resolute).} % \label{fig:resolute} % \end{figure} % % \begin{figure} % \horocalcparms{1934}{2}{6}{2:25:0}{W88:03:0}{N30:41:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\HankAaron} % \horocalcparms{1931}{5}{7}{4:30:0}{W86:55:0}{N33:28:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\WillieMays} % \horocalcparms{1925}{5}{12}{8:0:0}{W90:12:0}{N38:37:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\YogiBerra} % \horocalcparms{1919}{1}{31}{24:30:0}{W84:13:0}{N30:52:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\JackieRobinson} % \begin{horoscope} % \horoaspectwebfalse % \horowheelRankin{\JackieRobinson}{\YogiBerra}% % {\WillieMays}{\HankAaron} % \horoCnote{Inner to outer:\\ Jackie Robinson\\ % Yogi Berra\\ Willie Mays\\ Hank Aaron} % \end{horoscope} % % \begin{verbatim} % \horocalcparms{1934}{2}{6}{2:25:0}{W88:03:0}{N30:41:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\HankAaron} % \horocalcparms{1931}{5}{7}{4:30:0}{W86:55:0}{N33:28:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\WillieMays} % \horocalcparms{1925}{5}{12}{8:0:0}{W90:12:0}{N38:37:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\YogiBerra} % \horocalcparms{1919}{1}{31}{24:30:0}{W84:13:0}{N30:52:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\JackieRobinson} % \begin{horoscope} % \horoaspectwebfalse % \horowheelRankin{\JackieRobinson}{\YogiBerra}% % {\WillieMays}{\HankAaron} % \horoCnote{Inner to outer:\\ Jackie Robinson\\ % Yogi Berra\\ Willie Mays\\ Hank Aaron} % \end{horoscope} % \end{verbatim} % \caption{Quadruple 360\horodegrees\ dial (Rankin).} % \label{fig:rankin} % \end{figure} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Decorative Wheel Charts} % % The standard wheel chart emphasizes house cusps, and the dial % charts concentrate on longitudes without showing the houses. For other % styles of interpretation it may be desirable to put more emphasis on the % houses containing objects and less on the geometry of objects' physical % locations in the sky. The decorative wheel chart templates are designed % to support that kind of emphasis, provide visually appealing designs % similar to some historical chart styles, and demonstrate the possibilities % for customized templates. % % \DescribeMacro{\horowheelMontreal} % The |\horowheelMontreal| macro generates a chart like that shown in % Figure~\ref{fig:montreal}. It shows labels for the angular cusps down to % the minute of arc and for objects showing object symbol, degree and sign, % and possible retrograde. Most of the house cusps are drawn as curves, % creating a floral effect. This template does not support an automatic % aspect web (it wouldn't make sense because there are no object-location % ticks) nor modification of the label content. % % \begin{figure} % \horocalcparms{1942}{11}{27}{17:15:0}{W122:20:0}{N47:36:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \horowheelMontreal % \horoULnote{Jimi Hendrix} % \end{horoscope} % % \begin{verbatim} % \horocalcparms{1942}{11}{27}{17:15:0}{W122:20:0}{N47:36:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \horowheelMontreal % \horoULnote{Jimi Hendrix} % \end{horoscope} % \end{verbatim} % \caption{Decorative chart template (Montreal).} % \label{fig:montreal} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\horowheelQuebecCity} % The |\horowheelQuebecCity| macro is another take on the decorative wheel % chart concept: here eight houses are on the outside and four on the % inside, in contrast to the eight on the inside and four around the outside % of the Montreal template. As a result of the different layout it becomes % possible to draw the cusps as straight lines rather than curves. The % result is shown in Figure~\ref{fig:quebec-city}. This template style % shows degree-sign-minute labels for all twelve cusps, and % degree-sign-retrograde labels for objects. As with Montreal, the label % detail is fixed and there is no provision for an aspect web (which would % need to be stretched to fit the roughly square shape of the wheel's hub). % % \begin{figure} % \horocalcparms{1958}{8}{16}{12:05:0}{W83:54:0}{N43:36:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \horowheelQuebecCity % \horoULnote{Madonna Ciccone} % \end{horoscope} % % \begin{verbatim} % \horocalcparms{1958}{8}{16}{12:05:0}{W83:54:0}{N43:36:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \horowheelQuebecCity % \horoULnote{Madonna Ciccone} % \end{horoscope} % \end{verbatim} % \caption{Decorative chart template (QuebecCity).} % \label{fig:quebec-city} % \end{figure} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \section{Advanced Topics} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Rounding and Mixed-Base Conversion} % \label{sub:rounding} % \changes{v0.91}{2008/07/04}{Added smart rounding features} % % \subsubsection{The rounding problem} % Astrologers traditionally describe Zodiac positions with a mixed-base % number system in which a position might be written like % 2\horodegrees\AriesSymbol34\horominutes56\horoseconds. This format % descends from Babylonian sexagesimal arithmetic, representing fractions in % terms of multiples of powers of $1/60$. It is convenient for hand % calculation and human analysis because it makes it easy for humans to % recognize important boundaries (like sign cusps) and relationships % (like aspects). Humans are generally good at doing arithmetic on small % integers, which is the necessary skill for using this representation. % % The mixed-base system is less convenient for computer arithmetic, however. % Computers generally record positions in other formats, such as floating- % or fixed-point degrees, radians, or ``centiseconds'' past % the Pisces-Aries cusp; \textsf{horoscop} in particular uses degrees % stored in \TeX\ length variables with a scaling of 1\horodegrees=1pt. At % that scale the inherent precision of a \TeX\ length means that the angles % can be reproduced to an accuracy of $1\horodegrees/65536$, which is % just under $1/18$ of a second of arc. % % When an internal-format Zodiac position has to be displayed in % human-readable form, some kind of rounding must necessarily occur. Each % position needs a name. A name like % 2\horodegrees\AriesSymbol34\horominutes56\horoseconds\ strictly speaking % represents just one point on the Zodiac. There are an infinite number of % points and only a finite number of possible names (about 1.3~million if we % use whole seconds of arc as the precision level); so for any given point % on the Zodiac, in general there will be no name exactly describing its % location. How shall we assign names to points? Most astrological % software has built-in arbitrary and undocumented assumptions on how to % round positions for display; in \textsf{horoscop}, we attempt to do it % in a more principled way, and expose the decisions to interested users. % % Rounding is already a serious issue in general numerical computation, and % people have developed a variety of solutions to serve varying purposes. % Some of them are non-obvious---for instance, the ``banker's rounding'' % rule designed to reduce overall rounding error when taking the sum of a % set of rounded numbers. Rounding for astrological purposes presents % unique challenges because of the way humans will use the rounded results. % In particular, sign and degree boundaries are important in astrology and % otherwise-good rounding schemes may cause problems if they do not respect % those boundaries. % % For example, suppose some object in a horoscope has a Zodiac position % 29.9999\horodegrees\ past the Pisces-Aries cusp. It is before the % Aries-Taurus cusp, but by less than half a second of arc. If we round it % to the nearest second, we get % 0\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol0\horominutes0\horoseconds. That misrepresents % the position in an important way: the object has not yet entered Taurus, % but the rounded position says it has. A similar issue shows up around the % 10\horodegrees\ and 20\horodegrees\ boundaries if we are interested in % decans; or around \emph{all} the degree boundaries if we are interested in % Sabian symbols. % % This kind of issue also becomes worse when positions are rounded to larger % units (minutes or degrees). With rounding to the nearest degree, a % position can be represented as being in the next sign while actually being % up to half a degree before the cusp. In the case of the Sun in % particular, this kind of issue can only exacerbate existing public % misunderstandings of what Sun-sign cusps actually mean. See % Figure~\ref{fig:pure-round-deg}: the range of positions that will be % labelled as a particular sign in a pure round-to-nearest-degree scheme % actually starts half a degree before the start of the sign and ends half a % degree before the end of the sign. Pure rounding seems to be a problem if % we care about which signs things are really in. % % \begin{figure} % \begin{center} % \setlength{\unitlength}{1.2pt} % \begin{picture}(260,50)(-130,-20) % \put(-125,0){\line(1,0){250}} % \multiput(-120,-2)(10,0){25}{\line(0,1){4}} % \put(-120,-5){\line(0,1){10}} % \put(-60,-5){\line(0,1){10}} % \put(0,-5){\line(0,1){10}} % \put(60,-5){\line(0,1){10}} % \put(120,-5){\line(0,1){10}} % \put(-120,-10){\makebox(0,0){28\horodegrees\AriesSymbol}} % \put(-60,-10){\makebox(0,0){29\horodegrees\AriesSymbol}} % \put(0,-10){\makebox(0,0){0\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \put(60,-10){\makebox(0,0){1\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \put(120,-10){\makebox(0,0){2\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \put(-120,20){\makebox(0,0){28\horodegrees\AriesSymbol}} % \put(-109,20){\line(1,0){19}} % \put(-90,20){\makebox(0,0){)}} % \put(-90,10){\makebox(0,0){[}} % \put(-90,10){\line(1,0){19}} % \put(-60,10){\makebox(0,0){29\horodegrees\AriesSymbol}} % \put(-49,10){\line(1,0){19}} % \put(-30,10){\makebox(0,0){)}} % \put(-30,20){\makebox(0,0){[}} % \put(-30,20){\line(1,0){22}} % \put(0,20){\makebox(0,0){0\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \put(8,20){\line(1,0){22}} % \put(30,20){\makebox(0,0){)}} % \put(30,10){\makebox(0,0){[}} % \put(30,10){\line(1,0){22}} % \put(60,10){\makebox(0,0){1\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \put(68,10){\line(1,0){22}} % \put(90,10){\makebox(0,0){)}} % \put(90,20){\makebox(0,0){[}} % \put(90,20){\line(1,0){22}} % \put(120,20){\makebox(0,0){2\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \end{picture} % \end{center} % \caption{Pure rounding to nearest degree.} % \label{fig:pure-round-deg} % \end{figure} % % One possible solution is to use pure truncation, as shown in % Figure~\ref{fig:truncate-deg}. This approach has the advantage of being % very simple. Each name corresponds to an interval stretching from the % named point to the next named point. All the intervals are the same size. % It respects sign and degree boundaries, and smaller-unit boundaries when % generalized to higher precision. The lower-precision truncated version of % any position is always identical to the most significant few digits of the % higher-precision truncated version. However, because the labels refer to % the lower extremes of the rounding intervals, this approach maximizes the % rounding error. A position truncated to the next lower degree may be as % much as one degree away from its named position; and it may be much closer % to the next degree than to its named position. Because this scheme is % asymmetrical, truncating a batch of randomly chosen points to the degree % level will tend to shift them backwards by an average of half a degree. % % \begin{figure} % \begin{center} % \setlength{\unitlength}{1.2pt} % \begin{picture}(260,50)(-130,-20) % \put(-125,0){\line(1,0){250}} % \multiput(-120,-2)(10,0){25}{\line(0,1){4}} % \put(-120,-5){\line(0,1){10}} % \put(-60,-5){\line(0,1){10}} % \put(0,-5){\line(0,1){10}} % \put(60,-5){\line(0,1){10}} % \put(120,-5){\line(0,1){10}} % \put(-120,-10){\makebox(0,0){28\horodegrees\AriesSymbol}} % \put(-60,-10){\makebox(0,0){29\horodegrees\AriesSymbol}} % \put(0,-10){\makebox(0,0){0\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \put(60,-10){\makebox(0,0){1\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \put(120,-10){\makebox(0,0){2\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \put(-120,10){\makebox(0,0){)}} % \put(-120,20){\makebox(0,0){[}} % \put(-120,20){\line(1,0){19}} % \put(-90,20){\makebox(0,0){28\horodegrees\AriesSymbol}} % \put(-79,20){\line(1,0){19}} % \put(-60,20){\makebox(0,0){)}} % \put(-60,10){\makebox(0,0){[}} % \put(-60,10){\line(1,0){19}} % \put(-30,10){\makebox(0,0){29\horodegrees\AriesSymbol}} % \put(-19,10){\line(1,0){19}} % \put(0,10){\makebox(0,0){)}} % \put(0,20){\makebox(0,0){[}} % \put(0,20){\line(1,0){22}} % \put(30,20){\makebox(0,0){0\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \put(38,20){\line(1,0){22}} % \put(60,20){\makebox(0,0){)}} % \put(60,10){\makebox(0,0){[}} % \put(60,10){\line(1,0){22}} % \put(90,10){\makebox(0,0){1\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \put(98,10){\line(1,0){22}} % \put(120,10){\makebox(0,0){)}} % \put(120,20){\makebox(0,0){[}} % \end{picture} % \end{center} % \caption{Truncation to degree.} % \label{fig:truncate-deg} % \end{figure} % % Another option might be to do rounding to nearest at the lowest level, but % add extra rounding boundaries, and extra names, to solve the ``signs start % too early'' problem. There are many equivalent ways of stating this % scheme; one way to describe it is that we use truncation for all % mixed-base digits except the least significant and then round the least % significant digit to nearest without allowing it to carry into higher % digits. The result is shown schematically in % Figure~\ref{fig:nocarry-round-deg}. % % In the rounding without carry scheme, a position very near the end of % Aries might be named 30\horodegrees\AriesSymbol. Such a name may be % upsetting to readers who expect every sign to contain 30 degrees named % 0\horodegrees\ldots29\horodegrees. It also creates strange exceptional % degrees at either end of every sign: 0\horodegrees\ and 30\horodegrees\ % are each 30\horominutes\ long, while 1\horodegrees\ldots29\horodegrees\ % are 60\horominutes\ each. However, it has significant advantages. It % makes the sign boundaries clear; it makes positions near sign boundaries % stand out in an obvious way to informed readers; it keeps the maximum % rounding error to half a degree, improving on truncation's maximum error % of one degree; and because of its symmetry, randomly chosen points do not % tend to shift in a particular direction under this scheme. This scheme is % used by some printed ephemerides, and is preferred by the author of % \textsf{horoscop}. % % \begin{figure} % \begin{center} % \setlength{\unitlength}{1.2pt} % \begin{picture}(260,50)(-130,-20) % \put(-125,0){\line(1,0){250}} % \multiput(-120,-2)(10,0){25}{\line(0,1){4}} % \put(-120,-5){\line(0,1){10}} % \put(-60,-5){\line(0,1){10}} % \put(0,-5){\line(0,1){10}} % \put(60,-5){\line(0,1){10}} % \put(120,-5){\line(0,1){10}} % \put(-120,-10){\makebox(0,0){28\horodegrees\AriesSymbol}} % \put(-60,-10){\makebox(0,0){29\horodegrees\AriesSymbol}} % \put(0,-10){\makebox(0,0){0\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \put(60,-10){\makebox(0,0){1\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \put(120,-10){\makebox(0,0){2\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \put(-120,20){\makebox(0,0){28\horodegrees\AriesSymbol}} % \put(-109,20){\line(1,0){19}} % \put(-90,20){\makebox(0,0){)}} % \put(-90,10){\makebox(0,0){[}} % \put(-90,10){\line(1,0){19}} % \put(-60,10){\makebox(0,0){29\horodegrees\AriesSymbol}} % \put(-49,10){\line(1,0){19}} % \put(-30,10){\makebox(0,0){)}} % \put(-30,20){\makebox(0,0){[}} % \put(-30,20){\line(1,0){4}} % \put(-15,20){\makebox(0,0){30\horodegrees\AriesSymbol}} % \put(-4,20){\line(1,0){4}} % \put(0,20){\makebox(0,0){)}} % \put(0,10){\makebox(0,0){[}} % \put(0,10){\line(1,0){7}} % \put(15,10){\makebox(0,0){0\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \put(22,10){\line(1,0){8}} % \put(30,10){\makebox(0,0){)}} % \put(30,20){\makebox(0,0){[}} % \put(30,20){\line(1,0){22}} % \put(60,20){\makebox(0,0){1\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \put(68,20){\line(1,0){22}} % \put(90,20){\makebox(0,0){)}} % \put(90,10){\makebox(0,0){[}} % \put(90,10){\line(1,0){22}} % \put(120,10){\makebox(0,0){2\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \end{picture} % \end{center} % \caption{Rounding without carry.} % \label{fig:nocarry-round-deg} % \end{figure} % % Some astrological software uses another scheme, illustrated in % Figure~\ref{fig:clamped-round-deg}, where positions are in general rounded % to nearest but the rule changes to truncation at the end of each sign. % This is essentially the same as the previous rounding mode with the added % rule that any digit given an out of range value (such as 30\horodegrees) % is changed to the next lower value. Swiss Ephemeris offers this as one of % several options in the |swe_split_deg| library function, along with a % similar mode that introduces truncation at the end of every degree. These % rounding schemes obey sign (or degree) boundaries, and preserve the % advantages of rounding to nearest elsewhere. However, this technique is % asymmetrical, and it creates two different kinds of exceptional degrees % around sign boundaries: 0\horodegrees\ is 30\horominutes\ long, % 1\horodegrees\ldots28\horodegrees\ are 60\horominutes\ each, and then % 29\horodegrees\ is 90\horominutes. This technique is mentioned for % completeness and because some users may want it; it is not particularly % recommended. Its advantage over rounding without carry is that it will % never produce confusing labels like 30\horodegrees. % % \begin{figure} % \begin{center} % \setlength{\unitlength}{1.2pt} % \begin{picture}(260,50)(-130,-20) % \put(-125,0){\line(1,0){250}} % \multiput(-120,-2)(10,0){25}{\line(0,1){4}} % \put(-120,-5){\line(0,1){10}} % \put(-60,-5){\line(0,1){10}} % \put(0,-5){\line(0,1){10}} % \put(60,-5){\line(0,1){10}} % \put(120,-5){\line(0,1){10}} % \put(-120,-10){\makebox(0,0){28\horodegrees\AriesSymbol}} % \put(-60,-10){\makebox(0,0){29\horodegrees\AriesSymbol}} % \put(0,-10){\makebox(0,0){0\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \put(60,-10){\makebox(0,0){1\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \put(120,-10){\makebox(0,0){2\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \put(-120,20){\makebox(0,0){28\horodegrees\AriesSymbol}} % \put(-109,20){\line(1,0){19}} % \put(-90,20){\makebox(0,0){)}} % \put(-90,10){\makebox(0,0){[}} % \put(-90,10){\line(1,0){34}} % \put(-45,10){\makebox(0,0){29\horodegrees\AriesSymbol}} % \put(-34,10){\line(1,0){34}} % \put(0,10){\makebox(0,0){)}} % \put(0,20){\makebox(0,0){[}} % \put(0,20){\line(1,0){7}} % \put(15,20){\makebox(0,0){0\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \put(22,20){\line(1,0){8}} % \put(30,20){\makebox(0,0){)}} % \put(30,10){\makebox(0,0){[}} % \put(30,10){\line(1,0){22}} % \put(60,10){\makebox(0,0){1\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \put(68,10){\line(1,0){22}} % \put(90,10){\makebox(0,0){)}} % \put(90,20){\makebox(0,0){[}} % \put(90,20){\line(1,0){22}} % \put(120,20){\makebox(0,0){2\horodegrees\TaurusSymbol}} % \end{picture} % \end{center} % \caption{Rounding with truncation at end of sign.} % \label{fig:clamped-round-deg} % \end{figure} % % A philosophical issue exists regarding treatment of points that may happen % to be exactly on sign boundaries. Is the exact equinoctial point, for % instance, properly described as part of Aries, part of Pisces, neither, or % both? This is essentially the same question as whether the exact moment % of noon (in civil time) should be called ``12:00~AM,'' ``12:00~PM,'' or % something special of its own. In mathematical terms, the question is % whether signs are open or closed at their ends. As implied by the use of % ``['' and ``)'' in the figures in this section, \textsf{horoscop} assumes % that signs are half-open intervals closed at the beginning and open at the % end, so that the equinoctial point is part of Aries and not part of % Pisces. This approach is consistent with the convention that noon is % 12:00~PM and midnight is 12:00~AM. % % It is possible to argue using antiscion relationships that the Zodiac % ought to be symmetric under a flip between retrograde and direct. The % half-open interval scheme breaks that symmetry. Preserving it would % require that cusps must be in both signs, or in neither---like saying that % noon and midnight must always be called noon and midnight instead of AM or % PM, or that ``12:00~AM'' and ``12:00~PM'' each refer to both moments. % Such an approach has obvious problems for computer systems that try to % assign one of twelve sign symbols to every position. Because of the % limited precision both of computer arithmetic and the observations on % which astrological calculations ultimately rest, it is not clear that we % can ever really say a calculated position is \emph{exactly} on a cusp % anyway; there is always some amount of fuzz;\footnote{The eminent % Professor Doron Zeilberger has suggested an ``ultrafinitist'' % intepretation under which the real number line itself has limited % precision, so that points exactly on certain boundaries do not necessarily % exist \emph{even in theory}. He was probably joking, but so might I be. % See \emph{``Real'' Analysis is a Degenerate Case of Discrete Analysis}, % D.~Zeilberger, % \changes{v1.0}{2020/07/20}{Upgrade links to HTTPS} % \url{https://sites.math.rutgers.edu/~zeilberg/mamarim/mamarimhtml/real.html}.} % so the decision on how to represent truly exact cusps seems not to be of % much practical consequence anyway. % % \subsubsection{Automatic rounding} % The default configuration of \textsf{horoscop} is to automatically choose % a sensible rounding mode in each situation. As long as you stick to the % ready-made wheel templates, don't change the smart label strings, and % don't care about the arcane details described in the previous subsection, % you don't need to do anything about rounding and it will just work. % % \DescribeMacro{\hororoundautofalse} % \DescribeMacro{\hororoundautotrue} % In more detail: automatic rounding mode selection is on by default. It % can be turned off and on with |\hororoundautofalse| and % |\hororoundautotrue| respectively. When this mode is active, the package % will switch to |\hororoundtoseckeepmin| for text-mode typeset positions from % |\horodsmstext|, |\hororoundtruncate| for times and latitude-longitude % coordinates, |\hororoundtominkeepdeg| for labels typeset in the Vancouver % wheel template, and |\hororoundtodegkeepsign| for labels in the Montreal % and Quebec City templates. These modes are described in more detail % below. The rationale for their choice is that time and geographic % coordinates would have been entered by the user to precision of % seconds, and should always match what the user entered. For Zodiac % positions as such, the automated choice is rounding without carry, as % shown in Figure~\ref{fig:nocarry-round-deg}, generalized to the level of % precision in the particular label. % % If you design a template of your own, it would be a nice added feature to % make it automatically choose an appropriate rounding mode when automatic % rounding mode selection is in force. \DescribeMacro{\ifhororoundauto} Test % it with |\ifhororoundauto|; see the source code of the existing templates % for examples of how this test can be used. % % \subsubsection{Manual rounding modes} % When |\hororoundautofalse| is active, the user must choose rounding modes % manually. There are 11 basic modes, and six of them can be modified % by turning on clamping, for a total of 17 manually-selected rounding % modes. % % \DescribeMacro{\hororoundtruncate} % Truncation, as in Figure~\ref{fig:truncate-deg}, is selected by % |\hororoundtruncate|. This rounding mode is actually not pure truncation; % it adds an offset of $1\horodegrees/65536$ before doing the truncation in % order to compensate for precision lost in the internal representation of % angles. Without the offset, values entered in degrees or hours, minutes, % and integer seconds, converted to internal form, and then converted back, % would usually end up one second less than the input value. The offset % makes sure that exact whole-second values will survive a round trip % conversion. However, if for some reason a really strict truncation with % no offset is desired, that can be selected with % \DescribeMacro{\hororoundstricttruncate}|\hororoundstricttruncate|. It is % not necessary to specify what boundaries to truncate to, because the digit % values are the same; if you want less precision, just write out fewer of % the mixed-base digits. % % True rounding to the nearest unit, as shown for degrees in % Figure~\ref{fig:pure-round-deg}, is not recommended for the reasons % described in the previous subsection. However, it is available if % desired, via the macros % \DescribeMacro{\hororoundtosec} % \DescribeMacro{\hororoundtomin} % \DescribeMacro{\hororoundtodeg} % |\hororoundtosec|, |\hororoundtomin|, and |\hororoundtodeg|. Note that if % you select rounding to a unit larger than seconds, then rounding will put % nonsense values in the smaller-unit digits; so, for instance, if using the % Vancouver template (which displays degrees and minutes by default) with % rounding to the nearest degree, it is important to change the label string % to only display degrees. % % The remaining manual modes specify rounding to the nearest of one unit % while keeping the boundaries of a larger unit intact, in a generalization of % the scheme shown in Figure~\ref{fig:nocarry-round-deg}. The choices are % \DescribeMacro{\hororoundtoseckeepsign} % \DescribeMacro{\hororoundtoseckeepdeg} % \DescribeMacro{\hororoundtoseckeepmin} % \DescribeMacro{\hororoundtominkeepsign} % \DescribeMacro{\hororoundtominkeepdeg} % \DescribeMacro{\hororoundtodegkeepsign} % |\hororoundtoseckeepsign|, % |\hororoundtoseckeepdeg|, % |\hororoundtoseckeepmin|, % |\hororoundtominkeepsign|, % |\hororoundtominkeepdeg|, and % |\hororoundtodegkeepsign|. In general it is probably most useful to round % to the smallest unit you will be displaying and keep the boundaries of the % next larger unit (i.e.\ -|seckeepmin|, -|minkeepdeg|, or -|degkeepsign|), % but the others are provided to cover some possibilities offered by other % software. As with the pure rounding modes, these modes leave garbage in % any digits smaller than the rounding unit and you should not display any % digits less significant than the one you rounded to. % % By default the ``keep boundaries'' modes can generate out-of-range digits % like 30\horodegrees. If you want to prevent that by switching to % truncation (clamping the values) at the ends of higher-level units, as in % \DescribeMacro{\hororoundclamptrue} % Figure~\ref{fig:clamped-round-deg}, turn on |\hororoundclamptrue|. This % modification of the rounding algorithm is deprecated, but provided for % compatibility. It can also be used to modify the automatic mode selection % of |\hororoundautotrue|. Turn it off with % \DescribeMacro{\hororoundclampfalse} % |\hororoundclampfalse|. % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Adding Custom Objects} % \label{sub:adding-objects} % % The Swiss Ephemeris calculation backend can potentially compute % positions for a great many objects beyond the ones enabled by default. % This section describes how to add support for a customized object, with % the example of adding the dwarf planet 136199~Eris (formerly % 2003~UB$_{313}$, once tentatively named Xena) to the birth chart of Lucy % Lawless. % % First, define a |\horo|\meta{object}|SEOpt| macro specifying the % |swetest| command-line option(s) % for calculating the object's position. For Eris, those are |-ps| (planet % to calculate is one of the ``small'' ones to be designated by number) and % \changes{v0.92}{2013/05/15}{Use official MPC number for Eris} % |-xs136199| (planet number 136199\footnote{For current versions of % Swiss Ephemeris. Some versions published between the discovery of the % planet and the assignment of its official number referred to it as object % number 999001.}). Other asteroid-like objects would be designated % similarly; see the |swetest| documentation for how to select other kinds % of objects. % % \begin{verbatim} % \newcommand{\horoErisSEOpt}{-ps -xs136199} % \end{verbatim} % % The chart plotting system also needs a |\|\meta{object}|Symbol| macro. % The symbol macro can be as complicated as necessary; for the example we % just use a letter X. % % \begin{verbatim} % \newcommand{\ErisSymbol}{X} % \end{verbatim} % % Having defined those macros it only remains to add the new object to the % |\horoobjects| list and proceed as with any other chart. The result is % shown in Figure~\ref{fig:custom-object}. % % \begin{figure} % \horocalcparms{1968}{3}{28}{18:25:0}{E174:46:0}{S36:52:0} % \newcommand{\horoErisSEOpt}{-ps -xs136199} % \newcommand{\ErisSymbol}{X} % \renewcommand{\horoobjects}{Sun,Moon,Mercury,Venus,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune,Pluto,Eris} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \renewcommand{\horotextsize}{1} % \horowheelVancouver % \horoULnote{Lucy Lawless} % \end{horoscope} % % \begin{verbatim} % \horocalcparms{1968}{3}{28}{18:25:0}{E174:46:0}{S36:52:0} % \newcommand{\horoErisSEOpt}{-ps -xs136199} % \newcommand{\ErisSymbol}{X} % \renewcommand{\horoobjects}{Sun,Moon,Mercury,Venus,% % Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune,Pluto,Eris} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \renewcommand{\horotextsize}{1} % \horowheelVancouver % \horoULnote{Lucy Lawless} % \end{horoscope} % \end{verbatim} % \caption{Adding a custom object.} % \label{fig:custom-object} % \end{figure} % % Adding customized objects for use with the Astrolog calculation backend % may be possible, but less easy. Macros would have to be defined for % two-way translation between the names used in \textsf{horoscop} and the % abbreviations used in the Astrolog command line and output file. That is % unsupported and so the macros involved have been given @ names to mark % them as private. It is less useful in the case of Astrolog anyway % because, unlike Swiss Ephemeris, current Astrolog does not support an % arbitrarily growing set of calculable objects. % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Special Charts} % % People sometimes want to compute and display special kinds of charts, % other than the basic one representing the time and place of a native's % birth. Here are some notes on those. % % Relocation: % A relocation chart is just the chart for a different geographic % location at the native's moment of birth, so you can substitute the % appropriate coordinates into the |\horocalcparms| command and proceed as % with any other chart. % % Transits, Solar returns, horary, etc.: % These charts are also just ordinary charts for special times and % locations, so they can be calculated normally given the right data. % There is currently no % special support for automatically calculating the data to use, for % instance to get the exact time of a Solar return. % % Secondary progressions: % A progressed chart is basically a standard birth chart with the birth time % advanced (or retarded, in the case of converse progression) by a number of % days equal to the number of years since the birth. % The package can calculate these with no problem if you enter an % appropriately modified birth date and time. However, there is no special % support for computing the right data to enter. Some astrologers % also use computation methods that are not equivalent to computing a % standard chart for any real time and place---for instance, moving house % cusps by a fixed angle while moving planets according to their actual % motion in the sky. Some of these can be accomplished by computing a % standard chart and then using |\horoshiftobjects| or |\horoshiftcusps| to % move the objects or cusps by the appropriate angle, but the user must % calculate for themselves the angles they wish to use. % % Solar arc progression: % This consists of computing an angle based on the Sun's progression and % then adding it uniformly to all the object locations. The result does not % represent the sky at any real time and place. This kind of chart can be % calculated by computing the original natal chart and then using % |\horoshiftobjects| to move the objects through the appropriate angle. % There is no built-in support for computing the appropriate angle; the user % must provide that, % % Synastry: % A synastry chart normally shows one person's objects in another person's % houses. These can be typeset using the |\horosavecusps| command: compute % one chart, use |\horosavecusps| to save the cusps to a macro, then compute % the other chart and restore the cusps from the first one by calling the % created macro before typesetting the synastry chart. See the next section % for information on creating an aspect web between the objects of two % different charts; though at present, there is no template for showing two % sets of objects on a Vancouver-like traditional wheel chart. % % Midpoint composite: % No current support. Many things can go wrong with these charts in the % worst case (for instance, house cusps can end up out of sequence if the % two ascendants are near opposition), and they do not represent the actual % sky at any real time and place. If necessary, they can be typeset by % manually setting the Pos variables for the objects, then copying Pos to % DPos, before calling the template macros. % % Time-space midpoint (Davison): % This type of midpoint chart does represent the actual sky at a real time % and place (the midpoint of the birth times and locations of two people) so % it can be obtained by entering the appropriate midpoint with % |\horocalcparms| and proceeding normally. There is no built-in support % provided for calculating that midpoint, and supporting it would require a % clearer definition of geographic ``midpoint.'' Most people\footnote{For % instance, based on an inspection of the source code this seems to be what % Astrolog does.} seem to do it by % computing the numerical midpoint of the latitude and longitude, as angles, % but that is not necessarily the same as the midpoint of the great-circle % line between the two points, which might have more symbolic % validity. This kind of issue seems to be beyond the intended scope of the % current version of \textsf{horoscop}. % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Aspects Between Two Charts} % \label{sub:between-two} % % The aspect web in the standard chart templates normally shows aspects % among the objects within a single chart. By clever hacking of the % |\horoaspectobjectsa| and |\horoaspectobjectsb| macros, however, it is % possible to make it display aspects between two different sets of objects, % for instance between natal and transiting objects. See % Figure~\ref{fig:marilyn-transit} for an example.\footnote{The figure shows % the death of Marilyn Monroe, an event which happened at an uncertain time; % 3:00~AM, when her housekeeper phoned the psychiatrist after discovering % the body, was used for the calculation.} % % \begin{figure} % \horocalcparms{1962}{8}{5}{10:0:0}{W118:19:0}{N34:08:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\MarilynDeath} % \horocopyvar{\horoobjects}{Pos}{XPos} % \horocalcparms{1926}{6}{1}{17:30:0}{W118:15:0}{N34:04:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\MarilynBirth} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \renewcommand\horoaspectobjectsa{SunX,MoonX,MercuryX,VenusX,MarsX,JupiterX,SaturnX,UranusX,NeptuneX,PlutoX,MeanNodeX,LilithX,ChironX,CeresX,PallasX,JunoX,VestaX} % \horowheelIgloolik{\MarilynBirth}{\MarilynDeath} % \horoULnote{Inner: Marilyn Monroe (birth)} % \horoURnote{Outer: Marilyn Monroe (death)} % \horoLLnote{Birth to death aspects} % \end{horoscope} % % \begin{verbatim} % \horocalcparms{1962}{8}{5}{10:0:0}{W118:19:0}{N34:08:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\MarilynDeath} % \horocopyvar{\horoobjects}{Pos}{XPos} % \horocalcparms{1926}{6}{1}{17:30:0}{W118:15:0}{N34:04:0} % \horocalculate\horosaveobjects{\MarilynBirth} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \renewcommand\horoaspectobjectsa% % {SunX,MoonX,MercuryX,VenusX,MarsX,JupiterX,SaturnX,% % UranusX,NeptuneX,PlutoX,% % NorthNodeX,LilithX,ChironX,CeresX,PallasX,JunoX,VestaX} % \horowheelIgloolik{\MarilynBirth}{\MarilynDeath} % \horoULnote{Inner: Marilyn Monroe (birth)} % \horoURnote{Outer: Marilyn Monroe (death)} % \horoLLnote{Birth to death aspects} % \end{horoscope} % \end{verbatim} % \caption{Aspects between two charts.} % \label{fig:marilyn-transit} % \end{figure} % % We start by calculating both sets of objects and saving them to macros % named |\MarilynBirth| and |\MarilynDeath|. After calculating the first % set we use the |\horocopyvar| macro to copy what is currently in the Pos % variable for each object (the positions at death) into a new variable % called XPos. Since this is not a standard variable used by the rest of % the system, other macros will not touch it by default. % % Then we redefine |\horoaspectobjectsa| to be the list of default objects % with X appended to each of their names. That's the clever bit. When the % aspect web attempts to look up the Pos of an object like the Sun, it will % look in a macro called |\horoSunXPos|, which is the copied value of Pos % from the Sun at the time we did the copying. That is the death % location; meanwhile the Pos values will be for the inner chart, using the % default value of |\horoaspectobjectsb|. The inner chart is the birth % chart, so the aspect web shows aspects between birth objects and death % objects. % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Label Adjustments} % % In general, it is desirable to put object labels on the chart in % angular positions that correspond to their actual longitudes. However, % when objects are close together in longitude, that can result in labels % being printed on top of each other. The problem gets worse when other % things are added to the chart, such as house cusps and internal house % labels. One of the steps in typesetting a wheel chart involves an % adjustment process that moves the labels around to keep them from % interfering with each other and with house cusps. This process has a % number of adjustable parameters, set by redefining internal macros. In % general it should not be necessary to change these parameters while using % the ready-made templates, but designers of new templates may need to set % them, and some changes may also be needed if you modify the sizes of labels. % % See Figures~\ref{fig:lee-interfering}--\ref{fig:lee-strange} for some % examples of the effects of these options. In % Figure~\ref{fig:lee-interfering} the adjustment process has been disabled % by setting the minimum distances to zero, so labels are free to interfere. % Internal house labels are turned on to exacerbate the crowding. % In Figure~\ref{fig:lee-default}, the distances have been increased to show % how cusps will be modified to expand houses where necessary. Note the % crowded eleventh house, which the system has expanded to make room for % all the labels that must fit there. In Figure~\ref{fig:lee-strange}, % the options have been set to prevent cusps from being modified, even at % the cost of crowding a house. Note the difference between this situation % and Figure~\ref{fig:lee-interfering}, visible for instance in the eighth % and ninth houses: labels can still move, but cusps cannot. % % \begin{figure} % \horocalcparms{1940}{11}{27}{15:12:0}{W122:25:0}{N37:47:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \horointhouselabelstrue % \renewcommand{\horotextsize}{2} % \renewcommand{\horooomindist}{0} % \renewcommand{\horoocmindist}{0} % \horowheelVancouver % \horoULnote{Bruce Lee} % \end{horoscope} % % \begin{verbatim} % \horocalcparms{1940}{11}{27}{15:12:0}{W122:25:0}{N37:47:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \horointhouselabelstrue % \renewcommand{\horotextsize}{2} % \renewcommand{\horooomindist}{0} % \renewcommand{\horoocmindist}{0} % \horowheelVancouver % \horoULnote{Bruce Lee} % \end{horoscope} % \end{verbatim} % \caption{Labels printed at their longitudes without adjustment.} % \label{fig:lee-interfering} % \end{figure} % % \begin{figure} % \horocalcparms{1940}{11}{27}{15:12:0}{W122:25:0}{N37:47:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \horointhouselabelstrue % \renewcommand{\horotextsize}{2} % \renewcommand{\horooomindist}{15.0} % \renewcommand{\horoocmindist}{10.0} % \renewcommand{\horomaxrepulsion}{15.0} % \horowheelVancouver % \horoULnote{Bruce Lee} % \end{horoscope} % % \begin{verbatim} % \horocalcparms{1940}{11}{27}{15:12:0}{W122:25:0}{N37:47:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \horointhouselabelstrue % \renewcommand{\horotextsize}{2} % \renewcommand{\horooomindist}{15.0} % \renewcommand{\horoocmindist}{10.0} % \renewcommand{\horomaxrepulsion}{15.0} % \horowheelVancouver % \horoULnote{Bruce Lee} % \end{horoscope} % \end{verbatim} % \caption{Extra space between labels.} % \label{fig:lee-default} % \end{figure} % % \begin{figure} % \horocalcparms{1940}{11}{27}{15:12:0}{W122:25:0}{N37:47:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \horointhouselabelstrue % \renewcommand{\horotextsize}{2} % \renewcommand{\horocuspadjusttrigger}{1} % \horowheelVancouver % \horoULnote{Bruce Lee} % \end{horoscope} % % \begin{verbatim} % \horocalcparms{1940}{11}{27}{15:12:0}{W122:25:0}{N37:47:0} % \horocalculate % \begin{horoscope} % \horointhouselabelstrue % \renewcommand{\horotextsize}{2} % \renewcommand{\horocuspadjusttrigger}{1} % \horowheelVancouver % \horoULnote{Bruce Lee} % \end{horoscope} % \end{verbatim} % \caption{Crowded houses permitted.} % \label{fig:lee-strange} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\horooomindist} % \DescribeMacro{\horoocmindist} % The minimum distance targets in degrees are set by |\horooomindist| (note % triple |o| in name) and |\horocmindist|, for ``|\horo| object-object % minimum distance'' and ``|\horo| object-cusp minimum distance'' % respectively. The defaults are 6\horodegrees\ object to object and % 4\horodegrees\ object to cusp. Any labels that are separated by less than % this will be subject to movement. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoposattobj} % \DescribeMacro{\horoposattcusp} % \DescribeMacro{\hororepulsion} % The sizes of the adjustments (or strengths of the springs) are determined % by three divisors applied to the distances between things and where they % should be. Note that these must be integers, and they are {\em divisors}, % so larger values mean weaker attraction or repulsion. The % |\horoposattobj| macro sets the attraction between objects and their % longitudes; the |\horoposattcusp| macro is, similarly, the attraction % between cusps and their longitudes; and the |\hororepulsion| macro sets % the repulsion between things (both cusps and objects) that are closer than % their target distances. The defaults are |20|, |7|, and |3| respectively, % so cusps spring toward their longitudes about three times as strongly as % objects do (if cusps are allowed to move at all), and things that are % crowded together spring apart a little more than twice as strongly as % that. % % Note that the spring strength settings are for adjusting % the {\em relative} strengths of the different kind of adjustments. It % will not work to increase or decrease all three uniformly to make % the overall layout looser or tighter, because the system will simply make % more or fewer iterations and end up with substantially the same solution. % Overall looser-tighter control should instead be exercised by changing % the minimum distances. % % \DescribeMacro{\horosignificantadj} % Label adjustment is done by an iterative processes that approximately % simulates a system of springs. Each label is subject to tension when it % is too close to its neighbours or too far from its longitude, and the % system makes small adjustments to the label locations to reduce the % tension. The usual way for the process to terminate is if the adjustments % become so small as to make no visible difference. The % |\horosignificantadjust| macro sets the threshold in degrees for % terminating the loop; it defaults to |0.1|. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoadjcycles} % There is also a hard limit on how many cycles of adjustment the system % will do, set by |\horoadjcycles|. The default is |30|, which is almost % never reached in practice because the |\horosignificantadj| terminating % condition will normally trigger before that. However, the % |\horoadjcycles| is for each overall attempt at convergence; if cusp % adjustment, described next, happens to be triggered, then it will start % over with a fresh set of |30| (or however many) iterations. % % \DescribeMacro{\horocuspadjusttrigger} % Adjustment will first try to find a converged solution without moving any % house cusps. Once it does, it will compare the worst separation among % objects and cusps actually achieved, against the configured target % separation. If the result is less than |\horocuspadjusttrigger| as a % percentage of the target, then adjustment without moving house cusps is % considered to have failed, and the system will try again with house cusps % permitted to move. The default is |65|. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoadjust} % The ready-made templates will invoke |\horoadjust| automatically at the % right time to adjust the locations of objects, but it can also be invoked % manually in the context of user-created templates. Since most of the % chart-drawing macros use the current DPos values, it is important to % invoke |\horoadjust| at the right time: after all things that should be % drawn at the ``true'' Pos locations and before all things that should have % their locations adjusted. Consult the source code, and the next section, % for examples and information useful in deciding exactly when to run the % adjustment. % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Designing New Templates} % % Many users will be content to simply use the provided horoscope wheel % templates, but \textsf{horoscop} also provides a set of tools intended for % more advanced users to design their own wheels. Interested users are % encouraged to read the relevant parts of the source code and its % comments for details on how the existing templates work, and imitate their % approach. This section provides a brief summary of the user-visible % macros provided. % % \subsubsection{Ticks and keys} % Generally, a wheel template starts by drawing the basic furniture that % will be shared by all wheels of that type---typically one or more circles, % a key showing the twelve sign symbols, and perhaps some radial ticks that % provide an angle scale. Circles can be drawn with the ordinary |\circle| % command, bearing in mind that the |horoscope| environment is just a % |picture| of fixed dimensions. Template authors are urged to design for a % basic radius of 50 to match the existing templates. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoputticks} % The |\horoputticks|\marg{r}\marg{length}\marg{interval} macro creates a % set of ticks going around the circle starting at % 0\horodegrees\AriesSymbol\ and every \meta{interval}\horodegrees\ % thereafter, with inner radius \meta{r} and length \meta{length}, so that % the outer radius is \meta{r}+\meta{length}. All radii are in % |\horounitlength| units. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoputsignkey} % The |\horoputsignkey|\marg{r} macro creates a sign key, which consists of % all twelve Zodiac sign symbols, each placed with its centre at radius % \meta{r} and longitude 15\horodegrees\ into its own sign. One would % typically use this along with a set of ticks at 30\horodegrees\ intervals % and spanning the radius of the sign key, to mark the boundaries between % signs. % % \subsubsection{Conditionals for use in templates} % \DescribeMacro{\ifhorocalculated} % Macros that operate on the locations of things---especially % |\horoadjust|---will generally take a long time to run or produce ugly % results if they happen to run when there are no valid locations in the % variables. To avoid that scenario, the ready-made templates wrap all such % macros inside an |\ifhorocalculated|\ldots|\fi| conditional; if the % template is invoked without valid data, then the relevant parts of the % chart will simply be blank in the typeset document. Similar measures are % recommended for any newly-defined templates, because it is inevitable that % users will eventually attempt to run the template without valid object % positions. % % \DescribeMacro{\ifhorodrawcusps} % \DescribeMacro{\ifhoroboldangles} % \DescribeMacro{\ifhoroanglearrows} % \DescribeMacro{\ifhorointhouselabels} % \DescribeMacro{\ifhoroaspectweb} % Some user-settable configuration flags are available through the conditional % macros named % |\ifhorodrawcusps|, |\ifhoroboldangles|, |\ifhoroanglearrows|, % |\ifhorointhouselabels|, and |\ifhoroaspectweb|, and template authors % may wish to use these to turn on or off special features in the template. % % \subsubsection{Drawing sets of graphical elements} % Most chart designs include sets of lines drawn at angles determined by the % positions of objects or cusps. The following macros draw things at the % DPos values of sets of items. A template will typically invoke some of % these to draw things like the true-location ticks corresponding to % objects, then call |\horoadjust| to set the DPos values to keep labels % from interfering, then draw the labels and call these macro again to draw % things like the possibly-shifted house cusps that are subject to % adjustment. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoputradials} % Most templates draw radial lines at angles corresponding to object or cusp % longitudes, using |\horoputradials|\marg{objects}\marg{r}\marg{length}. % The \meta{objects} argument should be a comma-separated list of things % that will describe the longitudes for the radials. It might typically be % |\horoobjects|, |\horocusps|, or % \DescribeMacro{\horoangularcusps}|\horoangularcusps|. The inner radius is % equal to \meta{r}, and the length of each line is \meta{length}. Radials % will be drawn at the DPos values for all the listed objects. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoputarrows} % The |\horoputarrows| macro has the same syntax as % |\horoputradials|. It places arrowheads (not actually complete arrows) % pointing outward with their tips on the circle of radius \meta{r}. The % \meta{length} value sets the size of the arrowheads: they will be sized to % fit inside boxes of $3\times 2$ this length. To draw complete arrows, % draw a matching set of radial lines to connect with the arrowheads. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoputinthouselabels} % Use |\horoputinthouselabels|\marg{radius} to draw a set of internal house % labels. For % this to work, |\ifhorointhouselabels| must be true and |\horoadjust| must % have been called; otherwise, the locations for the labels will not have % been calculated. Each house label results in a call to |\horohouselabel|, % which by default typesets the |horohouse| \LaTeX\ counter in uppercase Roman % numerals. It can be redefined to get some other style. The centres of % the labels are set at radius \meta{radius}; they are attracted to the % longitudes of the midpoints of the houses, but may be shifted somewhat by % the adjustment process to avoid interfering with other labels. % % \subsubsection{Single linework objects} % For finer control, template authors can also invoke macros to draw % things on the chart one at a time at specified coordinates, instead of in % sets. Object positions are available to use as coordinates, by invoking % the relevant variable macros such as |\horoSunDPos|. It is generally % preferable to use DPos rather than Pos so as to pick up the results of any % adjustment. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoputradial} % Note this is distinct from the similarly-named |\horoputradials|. The % |\horo|-|putradial|\marg{radius}\marg{length}\marg{theta} macro draws a % radial line out from the point at radius \meta{radius} and % longitude \meta{theta} for a length of \meta{length}. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoputline} % The more general line-drawing macro, % |\horoputline|\marg{r1}\marg{theta1}\marg{r2}-\marg{theta2}, draws a line % between any two points given in polar coordinates. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoputarrowhead} % The |\horoputarrowhead|\marg{r}\marg{theta}\marg{size} macro creates an % arrowhead just like the ones made by |\horoputarrows|, at the specified % polar coordinates and with the size determined by \meta{size}; the % arrowhead fits into a box of $3\times 2$ the value of \meta{size}. It % always points outward from the origin. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoputcurve} % The |\horoputcurve|\marg{r1}\marg{theta1}\marg{r2}\marg{theta2} draws a % smooth curve connecting two points designated by their polar coordinates. % If the points happen to be at the same radius and not too far apart, the % curve will approximate a circular arc centred on the origin. If they % happen to be at the same longitude (theta coordinate) then the curve will % be a straight line. In other cases it will be somewhere in between these. % The main intended use is for the jogs drawn when a house cusp is displaced % by adjustment in charts like Vancouver, although it was later applied to % the floral shapes in Montreal as well. To draw a complete circle instead % of an arc, use the existing \LaTeX\ |\circle| macro. % % \subsubsection{For-each and things to put in it} % % \DescribeMacro{\horoforeach} % To run a macro on every object in a comma-separated list, call % |\horoforeach|\marg{list}\marg{macro}. The contents of \meta{macro} will % be invoked once for each comma-separated item in \meta{list}, with the % item (in curly braces) added to the end. For instance, % an invocation of |\horoforeach{x,y,z}{\foo{a}}| would call |\foo{a}{x}|, % |\foo{a}{y}|, and % |\foo{a}{z}|. The single-item commands below are all designed to take an % object or cusp name as their last argument, to make them easy to use with % |\horoforeach|. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoconncurve} % The |\horoconncurve|\marg{r1}\marg{r2}\marg{object} macro draws a % connecting curve showing the relationship between the Pos and DPos of % an object. This would typically be used after |\horoadjust| to connect the % label of an object, which might have been moved by adjustment, with the % radial tick showing its true longitude. The curve goes from radius % \meta{r1} and the object's Pos, to radius \meta{r2} and its DPos. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoputcusplabel} % The |\horoputcusplabel|\marg{radius}\marg{spacing}\marg{object} macro draws a % style of label designed to show the longitude of an angle or cusp. This % kind of label appears in the Montreal and QuebecCity chart templates. It % consists of the degrees, Zodiac sign, and minutes of arc of the object's Pos, % placed on the circle at radius \meta{r} with the sign symbol at the % object's DPos and the other two things arranged \meta{spacing} degrees % away from it on either side, ordered so that they will read % degrees-sign-minutes as nearly as possible to left-to-right top-to-bottom. % % \DescribeMacro{\horoputobjsymbol} % The |\horoputobjsymbol|\marg{radius}\marg{object} places an object's symbol % at its DPos and the specified radius % % There are three macros called % \DescribeMacro{\horoputobjdeglabel}|\horoputobjdeglabel|, % \DescribeMacro{\horoputobjminlabel}|\horoputobjminlabel|, and % \DescribeMacro{\horoputobjseclabel}|\horoputobjseclabel| for typesetting a % label showing an object's longitude down to the degree, minute, or second of % arc. The labels consist of two to four chunks showing the % the object's Pos in degrees, sign, and possibly minutes and seconds, % arranged radially on concentric circles and ordered to read in % degree-sign-minute-second order as nearly as possible to left-to-right % top-to-bottom. The macros each take three arguments % \marg{radius}\marg{spacing}\marg{object}, where \meta{radius} is the % radius on which to place the centre of the innermost label chunk and % \meta{spacing} is the spacing between successive chunks outward from % there. % % The % \DescribeMacro{\horoputrxlabel}|\horoputrxlabel|\marg{radius}\marg{object} % macro typesets an optional retrograde label for the object at the object's % DPos and radius \meta{radius}: if the object's Vel is negative then the % label will appear as the value of % |\horoRetrogradeSymbol| and otherwise it will be blank. A similar % function for use in text (possibly in tables showing numeric data) is % provided by \DescribeMacro{\hororxtext}|\hororxtext|\marg{object}. % % The \DescribeMacro{\horoputsmartlabel}|\horoputsmartlabel|\marg{object} % macro provides elaborately-configurable labels as seen in the Vancouver % template. The macro itself simply plots the label for an object; it must % be configured in advance using other macros. First, % \DescribeMacro{\horoscanlabels}|\horoscanlabels|\marg{string} takes % one or two label format specifiers (separated by a slash if there are two) % just as documented for the Vancouver template. After calling that to set % the format strings, use % \DescribeMacro{\horosetsmartradii}|\horosetsmartradii|% % \marg{outer}\marg{stepbase}\marg{stepadj} to set the radii for the chunks of % the label. The outermost chunk will be set with its centre at radius % \meta{outer}. Successive chunks will be set inside that at a spacing of % \meta{stepbase}$-n\times$\meta{stepadj}, where $n$ is the number of % chunks. For instance, with |\horosetsmartradii{30}{7}{1}| and four % chunks, the radii will be 30, 27, 24, and 21. The reason for this % apparently unusual design is that a simple even division of a fixed amount % of space tends to produce excessively wide spacing when there are few % chunks; with carefully chosen coefficients, this formula seems to produce % more visually appealing results across the range of typical label lengths. % % Label commands set things in the current text size. With smart labels it % may be desirable to change the text size depending on how many chunks are % in the label; \DescribeMacro{\horochoosetextsize}|\horochoosetextsize| does % that, according to the scheme documented for the Vancouver template. % % \subsubsection{Drawing the aspect web} % Low-level macros used in drawing the aspect web are exposed primarily to % make it easier to do more sophisticated aspect handling than the default, % such as varying the orb based on the objects involved or more carefully % selecting which individual aspects to show at all. % % The macro % \DescribeMacro{\horoputaspect}|\horoputaspect|% % \marg{radius}\marg{theta1}\marg{theta2}\marg{symbol} draws a single % aspect consisting of a line connecting the points at radius \meta{radius} % and longitudes \meta{theta1} and \meta{theta2}. The contents of % \meta{symbol} will be typeset on the midpoint of the line. % % To automatically find and draw aspects of a given type, use % \DescribeMacro{\horoautoaspect}|\horoautoaspect|-% % \marg{list1}\marg{list2}\marg{angle}\marg{orb}\marg{radius}\marg{symbol}. % This searches for all % pairs of one object from \meta{list1} with one object from \meta{list2} % whose Pos values are \meta{angle}\horodegrees\ apart (in either direction) % to within \meta{orb}\horodegrees. For each one it invokes |\horoputaspect| % with the specified \meta{radius} and \meta{symbol}. % % Finally, \DescribeMacro{\horoautoaspects}|\horoautoaspects|\marg{radius} % (note plural) draws a complete aspect web of the kind demonstrated by the % default templates. It loops through the aspects listed in |\horoaspects| % running |\horoautoaspect| on each one and using the angle and orb % information from the corresponding |\horo|\meta{aspect}|Angle| and % |\horo|\meta{aspect}|Orb| macros. % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \StopEventually{} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \section{Implementation} % % We start by declaring that this is the start of a \LaTeX$2\varepsilon$ % package and giving it a name. % % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1999/12/01] \ProvidesPackage{horoscop}% [2013/05/16 v0.92 Astrological chart macros by Matthew Skala] % \end{macrocode} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Initial Option Handling} % % All the options correspond to Boolean flags created by |\newif|, which % then get set appropriately by |\ProcessOptions|. The actual consequences % of the options are implemented later. % % \subsubsection{Symbol choices} % % These can all be turned on and off independently. % % \changes{v1.0}{2020/07/20}{\texttt{unicode} option} % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifhoro@textsym\horo@textsymfalse \newif\ifhoro@unicode\horo@unicodefalse \newif\ifhoro@wasysym\horo@wasysymfalse \newif\ifhoro@marvosym\horo@marvosymfalse \newif\ifhoro@starfont\horo@starfontfalse \DeclareOption{textsym}{\horo@textsymtrue} \DeclareOption{unicode}{\horo@unicodetrue} \DeclareOption{wasysym}{\horo@wasysymtrue} \DeclareOption{marvosym}{\horo@marvosymtrue} \DeclareOption{starfont}{\horo@starfonttrue} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Calculation backends} % % At most one of these may be selected, so choosing % either also turns off the other one's flag, and the % |nocalc| option turns both flags off. % % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifhoro@strolog\horo@strologfalse \newif\ifhoro@swetest\horo@swetesttrue \DeclareOption{nocalc}{\horo@strologfalse\horo@swetestfalse} \DeclareOption{astrolog}{\horo@strologtrue\horo@swetestfalse} \DeclareOption{swetest}{\horo@strologfalse\horo@swetesttrue} % \end{macrocode} % % Declare an |\if| and associated option for |egrep| filtering. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifhoro@egrep\horo@egrepfalse \DeclareOption{egrep}{\horo@egreptrue} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Higher-level features} % % Wheels (the general support for drawing wheels) and % templates (the specific ready-made wheel designs) can each be turned off. % Templates require wheels, so turning off wheels also turns off templates. % % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifhoro@wheels\horo@wheelstrue \newif\ifhoro@templates\horo@templatestrue \DeclareOption{nowheels}{\horo@wheelsfalse\horo@templatesfalse} \DeclareOption{notemplates}{\horo@templatesfalse} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Processing the options} % % Let \LaTeX\ interpret the option settings. % % \begin{macrocode} \ProcessOptions\relax % \end{macrocode} % % If none of the symbol options were set, then pretend |starfont| was set. % This is actually expected to be the most common case in actual use. % % \begin{macrocode} \ifhoro@textsym\else \ifhoro@unicode\else \ifhoro@wasysym\else \ifhoro@marvosym\else \horo@starfonttrue \fi \fi \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % % Because \textsf{iftex} defines conditionals, we must load it % unconditionally. Otherwise the parse of our style file (when it skims % over not-taken conditional bodies) fails. % % \changes{v1.0}{2020/07/02}{Require \textsf{iftex}} % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{iftex}% % \end{macrocode} % % Load other packages as needed by the selected options. Since % there are some name conflicts between macros defined by in different % packages and we want to retain access to both versions, we save each % package's versions immediately after loading the packages. % % \begin{macrocode} \ifhoro@wasysym \RequirePackage{wasysym}% \let\horow@sySquare\Square \fi \ifhoro@marvosym \RequirePackage{marvosym}% \let\horom@rvAries\Aries \let\horom@rvTaurus\Taurus \let\horom@rvGemini\Gemini \let\horom@rvCancer\Cancer \let\horom@rvLeo\Leo \let\horom@rvVirgo\Virgo \let\horom@rvLibra\Libra \let\horom@rvScorpio\Scorpio \let\horom@rvSagittarius\Sagittarius \let\horom@rvCapricorn\Capricorn \let\horom@rvAquarius\Aquarius \let\horom@rvPisces\Pisces \let\horom@rvSun\Sun \let\horom@rvMoon\Moon \let\horom@rvMercury\Mercury \let\horom@rvVenus\Venus \let\horom@rvMars\Mars \let\horom@rvJupiter\Jupiter \let\horom@rvSaturn\Saturn \let\horom@rvUranus\Uranus \let\horom@rvNeptune\Neptune \let\horom@rvPluto\Pluto \fi \ifhoro@starfont\RequirePackage{starfont}% \let\horost@rAries\Aries \let\horost@rTaurus\Taurus \let\horost@rGemini\Gemini \let\horost@rCancer\Cancer \let\horost@rLeo\Leo \let\horost@rVirgo\Virgo \let\horost@rLibra\Libra \let\horost@rScorpio\Scorpio \let\horost@rSagittarius\Sagittarius \let\horost@rCapricorn\Capricorn \let\horost@rAquarius\Aquarius \let\horost@rPisces\Pisces \let\horost@rSun\Sun \let\horost@rMoon\Moon \let\horost@rMercury\Mercury \let\horost@rVenus\Venus \let\horost@rMars\Mars \let\horost@rJupiter\Jupiter \let\horost@rSaturn\Saturn \let\horost@rUranus\Uranus \let\horost@rNeptune\Neptune \let\horost@rPluto\Pluto \let\horost@rSquare\Square \fi \ifhoro@wheels \RequirePackage{pict2e} \RequirePackage{trig} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Symbols} % % \subsubsection{General symbols} % % No special packages needed for these angle symbols; they're all based % on standard \LaTeX\ symbols. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horodegrees{\ensuremath{^\circ}} \def\horominutes{\ensuremath{'}} \def\horoseconds{\ensuremath{''}} % \end{macrocode} % %\begin{macro}{\Zodiac} % Although \textsf{marvosym} and \textsf{starfont} both provide their own % versions of this, we redefine it to use \textsf{horoscop}'s own abstraction % layer so it can be applied to all the symbol sets. % \begin{macrocode} \def\Zodiac#1{\ifcase#1 \or\AriesSymbol\or\TaurusSymbol\or\GeminiSymbol \or\CancerSymbol\or\LeoSymbol\or\VirgoSymbol \or\LibraSymbol\or\ScorpioSymbol\or\SagittariusSymbol \or\CapricornSymbol\or\AquariusSymbol\or\PiscesSymbol\fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % None of the packages define symbols specifically for mean versus true % nodes, so this gets abstracted out and will use whatever the current % setting for |\NorthNodeSymbol| might be. % \begin{macrocode} \def\MeanNodeSymbol{\NorthNodeSymbol$_M$}% \def\TrueNodeSymbol{\NorthNodeSymbol$_T$}% % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Text abbreviations} % These are used as defaults and to replace any symbols not provided by % other packages. They're all built into the |\horotextsym| command so that % users who mix symbol sets will be able to switch \emph{back} to this set % after having defined other symbols. % \begin{macro}{\horotextsym} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\horotextsym}{% % \end{macrocode} % % Signs of the Zodiac: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\AriesSymbol{Ar}% \gdef\TaurusSymbol{Ta}% \gdef\GeminiSymbol{Ge}% \gdef\CancerSymbol{Cn}% \gdef\LeoSymbol{Le}% \gdef\VirgoSymbol{Vi}% \gdef\LibraSymbol{Li}% \gdef\ScorpioSymbol{Sc}% \gdef\SagittariusSymbol{Sg}% \gdef\CapricornSymbol{Cp}% \gdef\AquariusSymbol{Aq}% \gdef\PiscesSymbol{Pi}% % \end{macrocode} % % Traditional planets and luminaries: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\SunSymbol{Su}% \gdef\MoonSymbol{Mo}% \gdef\MercurySymbol{Me}% \gdef\VenusSymbol{Ve}% \gdef\MarsSymbol{Ma}% \gdef\JupiterSymbol{Ju}% \gdef\SaturnSymbol{Sa}% \gdef\UranusSymbol{Ur}% \gdef\NeptuneSymbol{Ne}% \gdef\PlutoSymbol{Pl}% % \end{macrocode} % % Minor planets: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\ChironSymbol{Chi}% \gdef\CeresSymbol{Cer}% \gdef\PallasSymbol{Pal}% \gdef\JunoSymbol{Jun}% \gdef\VestaSymbol{Ves}% % \end{macrocode} % % Derived points: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\NorthNodeSymbol{No}% \gdef\SouthNodeSymbol{SNo}% \gdef\LilithSymbol{Lil}% % \end{macrocode} % % House cusps: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\CuspISymbol{ASC}% \gdef\CuspIISymbol{$2^{nd}$}% \gdef\CuspIIISymbol{$3^{rd}$}% \gdef\CuspIVSymbol{IC}% \gdef\CuspVSymbol{$5^{th}$}% \gdef\CuspVISymbol{$6^{th}$}% \gdef\CuspVIISymbol{DSC}% \gdef\CuspVIIISymbol{$8^{th}$}% \gdef\CuspIXSymbol{$9^{th}$}% \gdef\CuspXSymbol{MC}% \gdef\CuspXISymbol{$11^{th}$}% \gdef\CuspXIISymbol{$12^{th}$}% % \end{macrocode} % % Angles (in case these are distinct from house cusps): % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\AscendantSymbol{ASC}% \gdef\MCSymbol{MC}% \gdef\VertexSymbol{Vtx}% % \end{macrocode} % % Direction: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\horoRetrogradeSymbol{Rx}% % \end{macrocode} % % Aspects: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\horoConjunctionSymbol{Con}% \gdef\horoOppositionSymbol{Opp}% \gdef\horoTrineSymbol{Tri}% \gdef\horoSquareSymbol{Sqr}% \gdef\horoQuintileSymbol{Qnt}% \gdef\horoBiquintileSymbol{Bqi}% \gdef\horoSextileSymbol{Sex}% \gdef\horoQuincunxSymbol{Qcx}% \gdef\horoSemisextileSymbol{Ssx}% \gdef\horoSemisquareSymbol{Ssq}% \gdef\horoSesquiquadrateSymbol{Sqq}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Now invoke |\horotextsym| unconditionally to provide initial defaults. % \begin{macrocode} \horotextsym % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Unicode astrological symbols} % % \changes{v1.0}{2020/07/20}{\texttt{unicode} option} % As with |textsym|, the actual setting of the symbol macros is all inside a % |unicode|-specific macro so that we can switch back to it easily % after using other symbol sets. The macro |\horounicode@| contains the % actual code points in caret notation, which traditional \TeX\ engines % cannot process; this macro is called by |\horounicode| conditionally % on its detecting a Unicode-compatible engine. % % \begin{macro}{\horounicode@} % \begin{macrocode} \ifhoro@unicode\newcommand{\horounicode@}{% % \end{macrocode} % % Signs of the Zodiac: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\AriesSymbol{^^^^2648}% \gdef\TaurusSymbol{^^^^2649}% \gdef\GeminiSymbol{^^^^264a}% \gdef\CancerSymbol{^^^^264b}% \gdef\LeoSymbol{^^^^264c}% \gdef\VirgoSymbol{^^^^264d}% \gdef\LibraSymbol{^^^^264e}% \gdef\ScorpioSymbol{^^^^264f}% \gdef\SagittariusSymbol{^^^^2650}% \gdef\CapricornSymbol{^^^^2651}% \gdef\AquariusSymbol{^^^^2652}% \gdef\PiscesSymbol{^^^^2653}% % \end{macrocode} % % Traditional planets and luminaries: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\SunSymbol{^^^^2609}% \gdef\MoonSymbol{^^^^263d}% \gdef\MercurySymbol{^^^^263f}% \gdef\VenusSymbol{^^^^2640}% \gdef\MarsSymbol{^^^^2642}% \gdef\JupiterSymbol{^^^^2643}% \gdef\SaturnSymbol{^^^^2644}% \gdef\UranusSymbol{^^^^2645}% \gdef\NeptuneSymbol{^^^^2646}% \gdef\PlutoSymbol{^^^^2647}% % \end{macrocode} % % Minor planets: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\ChironSymbol{^^^^26b7}% \gdef\CeresSymbol{^^^^26b3}% \gdef\PallasSymbol{^^^^26b4}% \gdef\JunoSymbol{^^^^26b5}% \gdef\VestaSymbol{^^^^26b6}% % \end{macrocode} % % Derived points: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\NorthNodeSymbol{^^^^260a}% \gdef\SouthNodeSymbol{^^^^260b}% \gdef\LilithSymbol{^^^^26b8}% % \end{macrocode} % % Direction: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\horoRetrogradeSymbol{^^^^211e}% % \end{macrocode} % % Aspects: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\horoConjunctionSymbol{^^^^260c}% \gdef\horoOppositionSymbol{^^^^260d}% \gdef\horoTrineSymbol{^^^^25b3}% \gdef\horoSquareSymbol{^^^^25a1}% \gdef\horoSextileSymbol{^^^^26b9}% \gdef\horoQuincunxSymbol{^^^^26bb}% \gdef\horoSemisextileSymbol{^^^^26ba}% \gdef\horoSemisquareSymbol{^^^^2220}% \gdef\horoSesquiquadrateSymbol{^^^^26bc}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % This helper macro typesets a notation that describes a code point in text: % % \begin{macro}{\horounicode@point} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\horounicode@point}[1]{\ensuremath{\langle\mbox{U+#1}\rangle}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The |\horounicode| driver can either call |\horounicode@| to really % use Unicode, or display text-based descriptions of the Unicode code points % it wants, depending on the engine. Factoring |\horounicode@| into a % separate macro reduces repetition, since |\horounicode| wants to call it in % two different places. % % \begin{macro}{\horounicode} % \changes{v1.0}{2020/07/20}{New macro} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\horounicode}{% % \end{macrocode} % % Call |\horounicode@| if it is safe to do so: % \begin{macrocode} \ifxetex\horounicode@\else \ifluatex\horounicode@\else % \end{macrocode} % % Now define all the code points, as above, but in text notation. % % Signs of the Zodiac: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\AriesSymbol{\horounicode@point{2648}}% \gdef\TaurusSymbol{\horounicode@point{2649}}% \gdef\GeminiSymbol{\horounicode@point{264A}}% \gdef\CancerSymbol{\horounicode@point{264B}}% \gdef\LeoSymbol{\horounicode@point{264C}}% \gdef\VirgoSymbol{\horounicode@point{264D}}% \gdef\LibraSymbol{\horounicode@point{264E}}% \gdef\ScorpioSymbol{\horounicode@point{264F}}% \gdef\SagittariusSymbol{\horounicode@point{2650}}% \gdef\CapricornSymbol{\horounicode@point{2651}}% \gdef\AquariusSymbol{\horounicode@point{2652}}% \gdef\PiscesSymbol{\horounicode@point{2653}}% % \end{macrocode} % % Traditional planets and luminaries: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\SunSymbol{\horounicode@point{2609}}% \gdef\MoonSymbol{\horounicode@point{263D}}% \gdef\MercurySymbol{\horounicode@point{263F}}% \gdef\VenusSymbol{\horounicode@point{2640}}% \gdef\MarsSymbol{\horounicode@point{2642}}% \gdef\JupiterSymbol{\horounicode@point{2643}}% \gdef\SaturnSymbol{\horounicode@point{2644}}% \gdef\UranusSymbol{\horounicode@point{2645}}% \gdef\NeptuneSymbol{\horounicode@point{2646}}% \gdef\PlutoSymbol{\horounicode@point{2647}}% % \end{macrocode} % % Minor planets: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\ChironSymbol{\horounicode@point{26B7}}% \gdef\CeresSymbol{\horounicode@point{26B3}}% \gdef\PallasSymbol{\horounicode@point{26B4}}% \gdef\JunoSymbol{\horounicode@point{26B5}}% \gdef\VestaSymbol{\horounicode@point{26B6}}% % \end{macrocode} % % Derived points: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\NorthNodeSymbol{\horounicode@point{260A}}% \gdef\SouthNodeSymbol{\horounicode@point{260B}}% \gdef\LilithSymbol{\horounicode@point{26B8}}% % \end{macrocode} % % Direction: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\horoRetrogradeSymbol{\horounicode@point{211E}}% % \end{macrocode} % % Aspects: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\horoConjunctionSymbol{\horounicode@point{260C}}% \gdef\horoOppositionSymbol{\horounicode@point{260D}}% \gdef\horoTrineSymbol{\horounicode@point{25B3}}% \gdef\horoSquareSymbol{\horounicode@point{25A1}}% \gdef\horoSextileSymbol{\horounicode@point{26B9}}% \gdef\horoQuincunxSymbol{\horounicode@point{26BB}}% \gdef\horoSemisextileSymbol{\horounicode@point{26BA}}% \gdef\horoSemisquareSymbol{\horounicode@point{2220}}% \gdef\horoSesquiquadrateSymbol{\horounicode@point{26BC}}% \fi\fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Now invoke |\horounicode| to make these symbols default at the start of % the document, except for the few (house cusps, and quintiles) that % don't exist in Unicode. % \begin{macrocode} \horounicode \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Symbols from \textsf{wasysym}} % % \begin{macro}{\horowasysym} % These, too, are inside a macro specific to the package so that we can % switch among multiple symbol sets when more than one is loaded. % \begin{macrocode} \ifhoro@wasysym\newcommand{\horowasysym}{% % \end{macrocode} % % Signs of the Zodiac: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\AriesSymbol{\aries}% \gdef\TaurusSymbol{\taurus}% \gdef\GeminiSymbol{\gemini}% \gdef\CancerSymbol{\cancer}% \gdef\LeoSymbol{\leo}% \gdef\VirgoSymbol{\virgo}% \gdef\LibraSymbol{\libra}% \gdef\ScorpioSymbol{\scorpio}% \gdef\SagittariusSymbol{\sagittarius}% \gdef\CapricornSymbol{\capricornus}% \gdef\AquariusSymbol{\aquarius}% \gdef\PiscesSymbol{\pisces}% % \end{macrocode} % % Traditional planets and luminaries: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\SunSymbol{\astrosun}% \gdef\MoonSymbol{\rightmoon}% \gdef\MercurySymbol{\mercury}% \gdef\VenusSymbol{\venus}% \gdef\MarsSymbol{\mars}% \gdef\JupiterSymbol{\jupiter}% \gdef\SaturnSymbol{\saturn}% \gdef\UranusSymbol{\uranus}% \gdef\NeptuneSymbol{\neptune}% \gdef\PlutoSymbol{\pluto}% % \end{macrocode} % % Aspects: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\horoConjunctionSymbol{\conjunction}% \gdef\horoOppositionSymbol{\opposition}% \gdef\horoTrineSymbol{\ensuremath{\bigtriangleup}}% \gdef\horoSquareSymbol{\horow@sySquare}% \gdef\horoSextileSymbol{\hexstar}% } % \end{macrocode} % % Invoke |\horowasysym| to set it as default: % \begin{macrocode} \horowasysym \fi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Symbols from \textsf{marvosym}} % % \begin{macro}{\horomarvosym} % As above. Note that because of the macro name conflict between % \textsf{marvosym} and \textsf{starfont}, we use the saved copies of % \textsf{marvosym}'s symbols instead of the contested names. % \begin{macrocode} \ifhoro@marvosym\newcommand{\horomarvosym}{% % \end{macrocode} % % Signs of the Zodiac: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\AriesSymbol{\horom@rvAries}% \gdef\TaurusSymbol{\horom@rvTaurus}% \gdef\GeminiSymbol{\horom@rvGemini}% \gdef\CancerSymbol{\horom@rvCancer}% \gdef\LeoSymbol{\horom@rvLeo}% \gdef\VirgoSymbol{\horom@rvVirgo}% \gdef\LibraSymbol{\horom@rvLibra}% \gdef\ScorpioSymbol{\horom@rvScorpio}% \gdef\SagittariusSymbol{\horom@rvSagittarius}% \gdef\CapricornSymbol{\horom@rvCapricorn}% \gdef\AquariusSymbol{\horom@rvAquarius}% \gdef\PiscesSymbol{\horom@rvPisces}% % \end{macrocode} % % Traditional planets and luminaries: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\SunSymbol{\horom@rvSun}% \gdef\MoonSymbol{\horom@rvMoon}% \gdef\MercurySymbol{\horom@rvMercury}% \gdef\VenusSymbol{\horom@rvVenus}% \gdef\MarsSymbol{\horom@rvMars}% \gdef\JupiterSymbol{\horom@rvJupiter}% \gdef\SaturnSymbol{\horom@rvSaturn}% \gdef\UranusSymbol{\horom@rvUranus}% \gdef\NeptuneSymbol{\horom@rvNeptune}% \gdef\PlutoSymbol{\horom@rvPluto}% } % \end{macrocode} % % Invoke |\horomarvosym| to set it as default: % \begin{macrocode} \horomarvosym \fi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Symbols from \textsf{starfont}} % % \begin{macro}{\horostarfont} % This is the preferred set of astrological symbols. Like the others, all the % definitions are inside a symbol set selection macro; like % \textsf{marvosym}, we use previously saved copies of the package macros % instead of invoking the conflicting names directly. % \begin{macrocode} \ifhoro@starfont\newcommand{\horostarfont}{% % \end{macrocode} % % Signs of the Zodiac: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\AriesSymbol{\horost@rAries}% \gdef\TaurusSymbol{\horost@rTaurus}% \gdef\GeminiSymbol{\horost@rGemini}% \gdef\CancerSymbol{\horost@rCancer}% \gdef\LeoSymbol{\horost@rLeo}% \gdef\VirgoSymbol{\horost@rVirgo}% \gdef\LibraSymbol{\horost@rLibra}% \gdef\ScorpioSymbol{\horost@rScorpio}% \gdef\SagittariusSymbol{\horost@rSagittarius}% \gdef\CapricornSymbol{\horost@rCapricorn}% \gdef\AquariusSymbol{\horost@rAquarius}% \gdef\PiscesSymbol{\horost@rPisces}% % \end{macrocode} % % Traditional planets and luminaries: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\SunSymbol{\horost@rSun}% \gdef\MoonSymbol{\horost@rMoon}% \gdef\MercurySymbol{\horost@rMercury}% \gdef\VenusSymbol{\horost@rVenus}% \gdef\MarsSymbol{\horost@rMars}% \gdef\JupiterSymbol{\horost@rJupiter}% \gdef\SaturnSymbol{\horost@rSaturn}% \gdef\UranusSymbol{\horost@rUranus}% \gdef\NeptuneSymbol{\horost@rNeptune}% \gdef\PlutoSymbol{\horost@rPluto}% % \end{macrocode} % % Asteroids: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\ChironSymbol{\Chiron}% \gdef\CeresSymbol{\Ceres}% \gdef\PallasSymbol{\Pallas}% \gdef\JunoSymbol{\Juno}% \gdef\VestaSymbol{\Vesta}% % \end{macrocode} % % Derived points: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\NorthNodeSymbol{\NorthNode}% \gdef\SouthNodeSymbol{\SouthNode}% \gdef\MeanNodeSymbol{\NorthNode$_M$}% \gdef\TrueNodeSymbol{\NorthNode$_T$}% \gdef\LilithSymbol{\Lilith}% % \end{macrocode} % % Cusps and angles: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\CuspISymbol{\ASC}% \gdef\CuspIVSymbol{\IC}% \gdef\CuspVIISymbol{\DSC}% \gdef\CuspXSymbol{\MC}% \gdef\AscendantSymbol{\ASC}% \gdef\MCSymbol{\MC}% \gdef\VertexSymbol{\Vertex}% % \end{macrocode} % % Direction: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\horoRetrogradeSymbol{\Retrograde}% % \end{macrocode} % % Aspects: % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\horoConjunctionSymbol{\Conjunction}% \gdef\horoOppositionSymbol{\Opposition}% \gdef\horoTrineSymbol{\Trine}% \gdef\horoSquareSymbol{\horost@rSquare}% \gdef\horoQuintileSymbol{$\mathsf{Q}$}% \gdef\horoBiquintileSymbol{$\mathsf{Q}^2$}% \gdef\horoSextileSymbol{\Sextile}% \gdef\horoQuincunxSymbol{\Quincunx}% \gdef\horoSemisextileSymbol{\Semisextile}% \gdef\horoSemisquareSymbol{\Semisquare}% \gdef\horoSesquiquadrateSymbol{\Sesquiquadrate}% } % \end{macrocode} % % Invoke |\horostarfont| to set it as default: % \begin{macrocode} \horostarfont \fi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Utilities} % % \subsubsection{Trimming spaces} % This code is from Michael Downes's series of mailing list postings % available at % \href{http://ctan.math.utah.edu/ctan/tex-archive/info/aro-bend/answer.015}{\nolinkurl{http://ctan.math.utah.edu/ctan/tex-archive/}} % \href{http://ctan.math.utah.edu/ctan/tex-archive/info/aro-bend/answer.015}{\nolinkurl{info/aro-bend/answer.015}}. % The trick of changing the letter Q's catcode to make an exotic % $\mathcal{Q}$ that can't occur in ordinary token lists, is used elsewhere % in the \textsf{horoscop} code so we leave it in force after defining % |\trimspaces|. % \begin{macrocode} %% WATCH OUT! MAKING Q EXOTIC HERE! \catcode`\Q=3 \def\horo@cue{Q} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\trimspaces} % \begin{macrocode} \def\trimspaces#1{% \begingroup \aftergroup\toks\aftergroup0\aftergroup{% \expandafter\@trimb\expandafter\noexpand#1Q Q}% \edef#1{\the\toks0}% } \long\def\@trimb#1 Q{\@trimc#1Q} \long\def\@trimc#1Q#2{\afterassignment\endgroup \vfuzz\the\vfuzz#1} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Redefine after current group} % % Sometimes we want to pass data currently in a |\def|ined macro to the world % outside the current group, but we don't want to pollute the global namespace % with a |\gdef|. This code provides a way to do that. It's a bit nasty and % should only be used with macros whose contents translate to nice % well-behaved strings. In practice, we use it for macros whose contents are % decimal numbers. % % \begin{macro}{\horo@fterdef} % First, |\horo@fterdef| puts three tokens into the |\aftergroup| queue to be % evaluated outside the current group. They are: |\horo@ft@a|, the name of % the macro being passed out, and a newly-constructed token whose name is % |\horo@@| followed by the \emph{contents} of the macro being passed out. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@fterdef#1{% \aftergroup\horo@ft@a \aftergroup#1\expandafter\aftergroup\csname horo@@#1\endcsname } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@eathead} % This will be used in a moment; it simply drops the next seven characters. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@eathead#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@ft@a} % Now, watch carefully. When we left |\horo@fterdef|, there were three % tokens queued to run after the group. Now the group has ended and % it's time to look at those tokens. The first one is |\horo@ft@a|, so this % macro runs and the next two become its arguments. The first of those is % the name of the macro we will redefine, and the second is macro whose name % consists of |\horo@@| and then the contents of the original macro. % % So the |\edef| expands its argument, which starts by deferring expansion % of |\horo@eathead|, and then finding the string value of the % |\horo@@|\ldots\ token. That string value consists of seven characters % spelling out ``|\|-|h|-|o|-|r|-|o|-|@|-|@|'' followed by the data to pass. % When the deferred |\horo@eathead| runs it eats those seven characters. % What's left in the |\edef| body is just the data, which gets assigned to % the macro. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@ft@a#1#2{% \edef#1{\expandafter\horo@eathead\string#2}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Polar to Cartesian} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@polarconvert} % Positioning the items on a wheel chart generally makes more sense in polar % than Cartesian coordinates, so this computes the Cartesian coordinates for % given polar coordinates. Takes four arguments; \#1 and \#2 are numbers % containing the polar coordinates $r$ and $\theta$ (in degrees), and \#3 % and \#4 are dimension registers that will contain the result encoded into % points. The coordinate $\theta$ is zero on the $+X$ axis and increases % counterclockwise under the standard mathematical convention. % % This macro calls |\TG@@sin| from the \textsf{trig} package, which may be % a slightly dangerous thing to do. It trashes |\dimen@|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@polarconvert#1#2#3#4{% \dimen@=\nin@ty\p@\advance\dimen@-#2\p@\TG@@sin #3=#1\dimen@ \dimen@=#2\p@\TG@@sin #4=#1\dimen@ } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{For-each} % These macros allow applying another macro on each item in a % comma-separated list. They use exotic $\mathcal{Q}$ for parsing the list % because it's convenient, but that's probably not necessary. % % \begin{macro}{\horo@fe} % Internal for |\horoforeach|. It checks whether the next comma-separated % item is $\mathcal{Q}$, and if not, it calls |\horo@fe@b| on it and then % invokes itself tail-recursively to do the next one. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@fe#1,{% \def\horo@fe@c{#1}% \ifx\horo@fe@c\horo@cue\relax \else \horo@fe@b{#1}% \expandafter\horo@fe \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoforeach} % No @ in the name because a user could possibly want to use it and it's % reasonably safe. First argument is the list of items, comma-separated. % Second is the action to perform on them, which will be invoked with each % successive items from the list as its first and only argument. The list % of items gets expanded. The logic is simple: it just saves the arguments % and calls |\horo@fe| with a list containing an extra $\mathcal{Q}$ item at % the end to terminate the recursion. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoforeach#1#2{% \edef\horo@fe@a{#1}% \def\horo@fe@b{#2}% \expandafter\horo@fe\horo@fe@a,Q,% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Double for-each} % This is two nested for-eaches in one; that's a common enough operation % that it seems useful to have a special feature for it instead of trying to % nest regular for-eaches. We think of the outer index as $x$ and the inner % index as $y$, so the list of items for the outer loop is the $x$-list and % the list of items for the inner loop is the $y$-list. % % \begin{macro}{\horo@dfe@b} % Inner loop. Logic is very similar to |\horo@fe|: it gets a new item from % the $y$-list, checks whether it is the $\mathcal{Q}$ terminator, and if % not, applies |\horo@dfe@action| to the pair of |\horo@dfe@x| and % |\horo@dfe@y| before tail-recursing. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@dfe@b#1,{% \def\horo@dfe@y{#1}% \ifx\horo@dfe@y\horo@cue\relax \else \horo@dfe@ction{\horo@dfe@x}{\horo@dfe@y}% \expandafter\horo@dfe@b \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@dfe@a} % Outer loop. The same kind of tail-recursive iteration through the % $x$-list, applying |\horo@dfe@b| to each item. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@dfe@a#1,{% \def\horo@dfe@x{#1}% \ifx\horo@dfe@x\horo@cue\relax \else \expandafter\horo@dfe@b\horo@dfe@ylist,Q,\relax \expandafter\horo@dfe@a \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@dblforeach} % Master entry point for double for-each. This does get an @ because it's % sufficiently dangerous. Arguments are the $x$-list, the $y$-list, and the % action. The code just saves those and invokes |\horo@dfe@a| with the % appropriate terminating $\mathcal{Q}$. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@dblforeach#1#2#3{% \edef\horo@dfe@xlist{#1}\edef\horo@dfe@ylist{#2}\def\horo@dfe@ction{#3}% \expandafter\horo@dfe@a\horo@dfe@xlist,Q,\relax } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Basic Astrological Calculation Routines} % % These handle stuff like angle arithmetic. They're included even in the % |nocalc| state because some of them are needed by the chart graphics % routines, or are things you might still want to do even with % manually-entered coordinates. % % The |\ifhorocalculated| flag keeps track of whether we expect there to be % valid data in the object-position variables; that's useful to prevent % wasted calculation when we're using the emphemeris interface but it isn't % working (for instance, because of |\write18| being turned off), because in % such a case the positions are unknown. % % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifhorocalculated\horocalculatedfalse % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Cusp information} % These theoretically might be user-settable, but would seldom be changed in % practice. % % \begin{macro}{\hororightcoord} % The object, or more correctly, the astrological longitude, to put at the % right of the chart corresponding to polar coodinate $\theta=0$. This % normally would be the Descendant, which in turn would normally be the % seventh house cusp. % \begin{macrocode} \def\hororightcoord{\ifhorocalculated\horoCuspVIIPos\else180\fi}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horocusps} % A list of all the house cusps. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horocusps{CuspI,CuspII,CuspIII,CuspIV,CuspV,CuspVI,% CuspVII,CuspVIII,CuspIX,CuspX,CuspXI,CuspXII}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoangularcusps} % A list of which cusps correspond to angles, used for showing the % angles more prominently in some ready-made wheels. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoangularcusps{CuspI,CuspIV,CuspVII,CuspX} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Calculating harmonics} % \begin{macro}{\horocalcharmonic} % Multiplies all the object positions from |\horoobjects| by its parameter. % Straightforward implementation: it just calls |\horo@calch| on each object. % House cusps and objects not mentioned in |\horoobjects| will be unchanged. % Pos is the variable that gets multiplied; DPos gets set to the new value % of Pos. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horocalcharmonic#1{% \horoforeach{\horoobjects}{\horo@calch{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@calch} % Internal for |\horocalcharmonic|. Gets the object's Pos into |\dimen@|, % multiplies it by the harmonic number, takes it modulo 360 degrees, and % saves it back to Pos and DPos. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@calch#1#2{% \dimen@=\csname horo#2Pos\endcsname\p@\relax \multiply\dimen@ by #1\relax \horo@fixdimen@ \expandafter\edef\csname horo#2Pos\endcsname{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% \expandafter\edef\csname horo#2DPos\endcsname{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Shifting positions} % \begin{macro}{\horoshiftobjects} % \changes{v0.91}{2008/07/15}{New macro} % Adds an offset to all the object positions in |\horoobjects|, much like % |\horocalcharmonic| above. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoshiftobjects#1{% \horoforeach{\horoobjects}{\horo@shift{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoshiftcusps} % \changes{v0.91}{2008/07/15}{New macro} % Adds an offset to all the object positions in |\horocusps|, much like % |\horocalcharmonic| above. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoshiftcusps#1{% \horoforeach{\horocusps}{\horo@shift{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@shift} % Internal for |\horoshiftobjects| and -|cusps|. Much like |\horo@calch| % except it adds instead of multiplying. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@shift#1#2{% \dimen@=\csname horo#2Pos\endcsname\p@\relax \advance\dimen@ by #1\p@\relax \horo@fixdimen@ \expandafter\edef\csname horo#2Pos\endcsname{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% \expandafter\edef\csname horo#2DPos\endcsname{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Calculating equal cusps} % % \begin{macro}{\horomakeequalcusps} % \changes{v0.91}{2008/07/15}{New macro} % Creates a set of equal-house cusps starting from CuspI set to the % argument. Implementation simply sets them to hardcoded values and then % shifts. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horomakeequalcusps#1{ \def\horoCuspIPos{0}% \def\horoCuspIIPos{30}% \def\horoCuspIIIPos{60}% \def\horoCuspIVPos{90}% \def\horoCuspVPos{120}% \def\horoCuspVIPos{150}% \def\horoCuspVIIPos{180}% \def\horoCuspVIIIPos{210}% \def\horoCuspIXPos{240}% \def\horoCuspXPos{270}% \def\horoCuspXIPos{300}% \def\horoCuspXIIPos{330}% \horoshiftcusps{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horomakesigncusps} % \changes{v0.91}{2008/07/15}{New macro} % Truncates the argument to the sign boundary and then uses it for % |\horomakeequalcusps|. The magic number 1966080 is 30\horodegrees\ % measured in units of $1\horodegrees/65536$. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horomakesigncusps#1{ \dimen@=#1\p@\relax \edef\horo@savecount@{\the\count0}% \count0=\dimen@\relax \divide\count0 by 1966080\relax \multiply\count0 by 30\relax \expandafter\horomakeequalcusps{\the\count0}% \count0=\horo@savecount@\relax } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Calculating midpoints} % At present this only includes a private macro used to compute the midpoint % of two raw angles. A future feature might actually compute midpoint % charts by the time-space and/or object-position methods. % % \begin{macro}{\horo@midpoint} % Find the midpoint between two angles, going around the circle in the % shorter direction. Input angles are the two arguments, output goes into % |\dimen@|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@midpoint#1#2{% \dimen@#1\p@\relax \advance\dimen@ by-#2\p@\relax \horo@fixdimen@diff \divide\dimen@ by2\relax \advance\dimen@ by#2\p@\relax \horo@fixdimen@ } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Angle adjustments} % These all have to do with fixing the angle currently in |\dimen@|, which % is assumed to be encoded at one point per degree, one way % or another to make it well-behaved. % % \begin{macro}{\horo@chartrotate} % Subtract |\hororightcoord| to account for rotation of the entire chart. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@chartrotate{% \advance\dimen@-\hororightcoord\p@ \horo@fixdimen@ } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@fixdimen@} % Takes |\dimen@| modulo 360\horodegrees\ so it ends up in the range % 0\ldots360\horodegrees. The magic number 23592960 is 65536 times 360. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@fixdimen@{% \edef\horo@savecount@{\the\count0}% \count0=\dimen@\relax \ifnum\count0<0\relax \divide\count0 by 23592960\relax \advance\count0 by -1\relax \else \divide\count0 by 23592960\relax \fi \multiply\count0 by -360\relax \advance\dimen@ by\count0\p@\relax \count0=\horo@savecount@\relax } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@fixdimen@diff} % Very similar to |\horo@fixdimen@| except that the output range is % $-180\ldots180\horodegrees$, which is useful when we want to find the % difference between two locations (tells us whether they are clockwise or % counterclockwise from each other). % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@fixdimen@diff{% \horo@fixdimen@ \ifdim\dimen@>180\p@\advance\dimen@ by -360\p@\fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Chart rotation} % Rotates the chart so that object \#1 appears at angle \#2, which is % expressed as a $\theta$ coordinate so that 0 is to the right, 90 is up, % and so on. This works by changing the value of |\hororightcoord|, % which is checked during the actual plotting. Note it doesn't happen % globally, and you probably don't want it to; the global definition of % |\hororightcoord| is a smart one that picks up the Descendant's value. % \begin{macro}{\hororotatechart} % \begin{macrocode} \def\hororotatechart#1#2{% \begingroup \dimen@=#2\p@\relax \advance\dimen@ by-\csname horo#1DPos\endcsname\p@\relax \multiply\dimen@ by -1\relax \edef\hororightcoord{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% \horo@fterdef\hororightcoord \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Variable copying and saving} % \begin{macro}{\horocopyvar} % Copies one variable to another on some objects, such as setting all DPos to % the value of the corresponding Pos. Arguments are the list of objects, % the from variable, and the to variable. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horocopyvar#1#2#3{% \horoforeach{#1}{\horo@cv@{#2}{#3}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@cv} % Internal for |\horocopyvar|. Does the actual copying on one object. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@cv@#1#2#3{% \expandafter\edef\csname horo#3#2\endcsname{\csname horo#3#1\endcsname}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horosaveobjects} % Save all the object positions (Pos) and velocities (Vel) % to a macro. When the macro is called it % will set all the Pos and Vel values to the values from when it was created, % and all the DPos values to match Pos. It also saves and restores the value % of |\horoobjects| itself. This works by building up the % appropriate |\def| in the |\aftergroup| queue, and using |\horo@fterdef| % to put the definitions of the individual variables right inside the body % of the |\def|. So it's |\def|s within |\def|s going into the queue. % Several different approaches for this had to be tried before I found one % that didn't cause \TeX\ to complain about memory. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horosaveobjects#1{% \begingroup \aftergroup\def\aftergroup#1\aftergroup{% \horo@fterdef\horoobjects \horoforeach{\horoobjects}{\horo@svo@a}% \aftergroup\horo@svo@b \aftergroup}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@svo@a} % First internal: this adds definitions for Pos and Vel to the |\aftergroup| % queue. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@svo@a#1{% \expandafter\horo@fterdef\csname horo#1Pos\endcsname \expandafter\horo@fterdef\csname horo#1Vel\endcsname } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@svo@b} % Second internal: copies Pos to DPos on all objects. This gets invoked by % the restore-objects command we are creating, after it has restored Pos on % all objects. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@svo@b{% \horocopyvar{\horoobjects}{Pos}{DPos}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horosavecusps} % This is the same general deal as |\horosaveobjects|, but it saves % |\horocusps|, |\hororightcoord|, and the Pos of all cusps in |\horocusps|. % The DPos will be set to Pos on restore. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horosavecusps#1{% \begingroup \aftergroup\def\aftergroup#1\aftergroup{% \edef\hororightcoord{\hororightcoord}% \horo@fterdef\horocusps\horo@fterdef\hororightcoord \horoforeach{\horocusps}{\horo@svc@a}% \aftergroup\horo@svc@b \aftergroup}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@svc@a} % Save Pos of a cusp to the |\aftergroup| queue. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@svc@a#1{% \expandafter\horo@fterdef\csname horo#1Pos\endcsname } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@svc@b} % Copy Pos to DPos; the difference from |\horo@svo@b| is that here we do it % to all cusps instead of all objects. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@svc@b{% \horocopyvar{\horocusps}{Pos}{DPos}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Sexagesimal arithmetic} % These routines handle a number of conversions between DMS (degree, minute, % and second), DDMS (direction, degree, minute, and second), % SDMS (Zodiac sign, degree, minute, second), HMS (hour, % minute, second), and flat decimal (which is usually the number of hours or % degrees). They also handle typesetting things in these kinds of formats. % % We generally store flat decimal numbers in macro definitions. For % arithmetic they get assigned to % dimension registers encoded as 1 degree = 1 point. Then when % they get transformed into count registers they end up encoded as % 1 degree = 65536 counts. That gives 18.2044 counts per second of % arc, coincidentally very close to the original IBM PC's timer tick % rate of 18.2065 ticks per second of time, which was a % convenient fraction of the NTSC colour burst frequency. We have % just enough bits of precision to be reasonably sure of converting % DMS format to this format, doing a little bit of arithmetic, and % converting back while keeping the errors less than a second of arc. If % you want to calculate insane harmonics to subsecond precision (I have read % of people seriously attempting the 105th harmonic) then you're out % of luck, but you shouldn't be doing that anyway because your native % certainly didn't give you an accurate enough birth time for it to % be valid. % % The decimal number under consideration at the moment is often stored in % |\horo@data|, or in the form of a number of points in |\dimen@|, although % some of these macros take arguments instead. Output is returned in % several ways. Generally the calling % convention is determined by what's most convenient in the macros that % will call these ones. % % \begin{macro}{\horo@twodig} % Add a leading zero to a nonnegative integer to make it at least two digits; % useful for the part after the colon in times like ``12:03.'' % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@twodig#1{\ifnum#1<10\relax\edef#1{0#1}\fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@ddms} % Takes a direction (one letter from NSEW), degree, minute, and second and % translates it to decimal. South and West are considered to be negative. % Note the input format: direction is one argument, but degree, minute, and % second are separated by colons, and an exotic $\mathcal{Q}$ terminates. % The output goes to redefine the last argument. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@ddms#1#2:#3:#4Q#5{% \def\horo@data{}% \uppercase{\if#1S\def\horo@data{-}\fi\if#1W\def\horo@data{-}\fi}% \dimen@=#4\p@ \divide\dimen@ by 60\relax \advance\dimen@ by #3\p@ \divide\dimen@ by 60\relax \advance\dimen@ by #2\p@ \edef#5{\horo@data\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% \trimspaces{#5}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Now, some configuration for the smart-rounding macros. This is a bit % complicated because of the diversity of rounding modes the user might % want. The general idea is that we convert decimal to sexagesimal in % several stages corresponding to the mixed-based digits of the result, most % significant down to least significant (i.e.\ sign, degrees, minutes, % seconds). At each stage we are rounding down, taking the floor function. % However, at some stage we may add an offset to make the floor function round % to nearest. For a pure round to nearest, that offset corresponds to half % the size we're rounding to, and we add right at the start. But if we're % trying to respect higher-digit boundaries, we'll add the offset later, % because the higher digits should always have the values they would have % with truncation. In that case, it becomes possible for the rounded-to digit % to have an out-of-range value; so there's a flag for whether to expose % that or round it down. Finally, because configuring all that is such a % mess, we have some convenience macros that preset commonly-used modes, and % a super-convenience mode that attempts to auto-select a reasonable % rounding mode depending on context. % % \begin{macro}{\horo@r@offset} % Amount to add to |\dimen@| when we're ready to add the offset. Default is % for ``transparent truncate'' mode. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@r@offset{1sp}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@r@offdig} % Digit before which to apply the offset. May be Z for Zodiac sign, D for % degrees, M for minutes, S for seconds, anything else will not add the % offset at all. Default is add at the start. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@r@offdig{Z}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ifhororoundclamp} % Boolean flag: should we clamp rounded digits to their expected range? % Default no. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifhororoundclamp\hororoundclampfalse % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Preset rounding modes covering all the reasonable ones. First we offer % basic truncation, both the transparent version (which is default) and the % strict version. % \begin{macrocode} \def\hororoundstricttruncate{\def\horo@r@offdigit{X}} \def\hororoundtruncate{\def\horo@r@offset{1sp}\def\horo@r@offdigit{Z}} % \end{macrocode} % % Now, pure round to nearest whatever. % \begin{macrocode} \def\hororoundtosec{\def\horo@r@offset{9sp}\def\horo@r@offdigit{Z}} \def\hororoundtomin{\def\horo@r@offset{546sp}\def\horo@r@offdigit{Z}} \def\hororoundtodeg{\def\horo@r@offset{0.5pt}\def\horo@r@offdigit{Z}} % \end{macrocode} % % Round to a lower digit but keep the boundaries of a higher digit. This % may result in out-of-range lower digits if |\hororoundclampfalse| is in % force. % \begin{macrocode} \def\hororoundtoseckeepsign{\def\horo@r@offset{9sp}\def\horo@r@offdigit{D}} \def\hororoundtoseckeepdeg{\def\horo@r@offset{546sp}\def\horo@r@offdigit{M}} \def\hororoundtoseckeepmin{\def\horo@r@offset{0.5pt}\def\horo@r@offdigit{S}} \def\hororoundtominkeepsign{\def\horo@r@offset{546sp}\def\horo@r@offdigit{D}} \def\hororoundtominkeepdeg{\def\horo@r@offset{0.5pt}\def\horo@r@offdigit{M}} \def\hororoundtodegkeepsign{\def\horo@r@offset{0.5pt}\def\horo@r@offdigit{D}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\ifhororoundauto} % Boolean flag: should the system automatically choose a reasonable rounding % mode when it's about to do rounding? % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifhororoundauto\hororoundautotrue % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@d@dms@@} % This is an internal macro used in truncation and rounding. The first % argument is a macro name representing the digit to extract; the second is % the greatest value to allow for that digit if |\hororoundclamptrue| is % active. The current value of |\dimen@| gets truncated to an integer % number of points, and clamped if appropriate. That integer gets stored as % the |\horo@fterdef| definition of the macro whose name was passed in, and % then it gets subtracted out of |\dimen@| and the remaining fractional % part is multiplied by 60. The idea here is that we're extracting the % sexagesimal digits of the number, going from decimal degrees (or hours) to % integer degrees and decimal minutes; from decimal minutes to integer % minutes and decimal seconds; or from decimal seconds to integer seconds % and decimal treyf, which will be discarded. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@d@dms@@#1#2{% \count0=\dimen@\relax \divide\count0by65536\relax \ifhororoundclamp\ifnum\count0>#2 \count0=#2\relax\fi\fi \edef#1{\the\count0}% \horo@fterdef#1% \advance\dimen@-\count0\p@ \multiply\dimen@ 60\relax } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@d@dms@} % Do a decimal to sexagesimal conversion using simple truncation. % This is used internally for angles passed to external software. The magic % number 100000 is guaranteed to exceed any digit value, so digits will % never be clamped. The digits go into the |\horo@fterdef| queue, so this % must be called in a group and the results appear after the group. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@d@dms@{% \advance\dimen@1sp\relax \horo@d@dms@@\horo@d@deg{100000}% \horo@d@dms@@\horo@d@min{100000}% \horo@d@dms@@\horo@d@sec{100000}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@d@sdms} % Decimal to SDMS. The number of degrees past 0\horodegrees\AriesSymbol, % stored % at one point per degree in |\dimen@|, is converted to macros of decimal % integers representing Zodiac sign (1=Aries\ldots12=Pisces), degrees, % minutes, and seconds of arc in |\horo@d@sign|, % |\horo@d@deg|, |\horo@d@min|, and |\horo@d@sec| respectively. It obeys % all the complicated rounding instructions set by the above macros. % % First, we open a prophylactic group, and add the offset if we're adding it % before the sign. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@d@sdms{% \begingroup \def\horo@tmp{Z}\ifx\horo@r@offdigit\horo@tmp \advance\dimen@\horo@r@offset\relax \fi % \end{macrocode} % % Find the sign by converting |\dimen@| to a count register, and dividing by % 1966080, which is 30\horodegrees\ measured in counts at 65536 counts per % degree. We add one to the result, in a separate register, because signs % are one-based, and save the result in |\horo@d@sign| with |\horo@fterdef| % to preserve it outside the group. % \begin{macrocode} \count0=\dimen@\relax \divide\count0by1966080\relax \count1=\count0\relax \advance\count1by1\relax \edef\horo@d@sign{\the\count1}% \horo@fterdef\horo@d@sign % \end{macrocode} % % Subtract out the angle corresponding to the start of the sign, to leave % just the degree part in |\dimen@|. % \begin{macrocode} \multiply\count0by30\relax% \advance\dimen@-\count0\p@ % \end{macrocode} % % Degrees digit: add the offset if this is where we're adding it, then % extract the degrees into |\horo@d@deg|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@tmp{D}\ifx\horo@r@offdigit\horo@tmp \advance\dimen@\horo@r@offset\relax \fi \horo@d@dms@@\horo@d@deg{29}% % \end{macrocode} % % Minutes digit: add the offset if this is where we're adding it, then % extract the minutes into |\horo@d@min|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@tmp{M}\ifx\horo@r@offdigit\horo@tmp \advance\dimen@\horo@r@offset\relax \fi \horo@d@dms@@\horo@d@min{59}% % \end{macrocode} % % Seconds digit: add the offset if this is where we're adding it, then % extract the seconds into |\horo@d@sec|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@tmp{S}\ifx\horo@r@offdigit\horo@tmp \advance\dimen@\horo@r@offset\relax \fi \horo@d@dms@@\horo@d@sec{59}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@d@dms} % Decimal to DMS. This is the same idea as |\horo@d@sdms| without the % handling of signs. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@d@dms{% \begingroup \def\horo@tmp{Z}\ifx\horo@r@offdigit\horo@tmp \advance\dimen@ \horo@r@offset\relax \fi \def\horo@tmp{D}\ifx\horo@r@offdigit\horo@tmp \advance\dimen@ \horo@r@offset\relax \fi \horo@d@dms@@\horo@d@deg{100000}% \def\horo@tmp{M}\ifx\horo@r@offdigit\horo@tmp \advance\dimen@ \horo@r@offset\relax \fi \horo@d@dms@@\horo@d@min{59}% \def\horo@tmp{S}\ifx\horo@r@offdigit\horo@tmp \advance\dimen@ \horo@r@offset\relax \fi \horo@d@dms@@\horo@d@sec{59}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horodsmstext} % Typeset DSMS text. This might be invoked by the user to print a text % version of calculated positions. It calls |\horo@d@dms| and then typesets % the results with the defined symbols. When |\hororoundautotrue| is % active, this will automatically choose |\hororoundtoseckeepmin| rounding. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horodsmstext#1{% \begingroup \ifhororoundauto\hororoundtoseckeepmin\fi \dimen@=#1\p@ \horo@d@sdms \horo@d@deg\horodegrees\Zodiac{\horo@d@sign}% \horo@d@min\horominutes\horo@d@sec\horoseconds \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horotimetext} % Typeset DMS text as if it were a time, treating ``degrees'' as hours. % The minutes and seconds are forced to two digits so that times like % 12:03:04 will come out as such instead of as 12:3:4. No provision for % AM/PM; if you want that, you're on your own. When |\hororoundautotrue| is % active, this will automatically choose |\hororoundtruncate| rounding, on % the theory that the time was probably entered by the user earlier with % integer seconds and should be preserved. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horotimetext#1{% \begingroup \ifhororoundauto\hororoundtruncate\fi \dimen@=#1\p@ \horo@d@sdms \horo@twodig\horo@d@min\horo@twodig\horo@d@sec \horo@d@deg:\horo@d@min:\horo@d@sec \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@nsew} % This is an internal function for the next one: it strips the % positive/negative (not Zodiac) sign from |\dimen@|, making it positive, % but uses the sign to select one of the two arguments which will become the % definition of |\horo@calc@b|. The intended use is for typesetting things % like longitude that could be East or West. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@nsew#1#2{% \ifdim\dimen@<\z@\relax \def\horo@calc@b{#2}\multiply\dimen@ by-1\relax \else \def\horo@calc@b{#1}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horolatlontext} % User-callable wrapper for |horo@nsew|. Typesets the first argument as a % number of degrees, minutes, and seconds, with the second and third % arguments added at the end for positive or negative respectively. % Intended for typesetting latitude or longitude. The default rounding is % |\hororoundtruncate|, to preserve user input. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horolatlontext#1#2#3{% \begingroup \ifhororoundauto\hororoundtruncate\fi \dimen@=#1\p@\horo@nsew{#2}{#3}% \horo@d@dms \horo@d@deg\horodegrees% \horo@d@min\horominutes\horo@d@sec\horoseconds~\horo@calc@b \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\hororxtext} % Typeset a ``retrograde'' symbol if the specified object is retrograde, % determined by whether its Vel is negative. % \begin{macrocode} \def\hororxtext#1{% \begingroup \dimen@\csname horo#1Vel\endcsname\p@ \ifdim\dimen@<\z@\relax \horoRetrogradeSymbol \fi \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Setting all data at once} % \begin{macro}{\horocalcparms} % This sets the year, month, day, time of day, latitude, and longitude all % at once for user convenience, making use of the sexagesimal conversions. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horocalcparms#1#2#3#4#5#6{% \edef\horocalcyear{#1}\edef\horocalcmonth{#2}\edef\horocalcday{#3}% \horo@ddms N#4Q\horocalctime \horo@ddms#5Q\horocalclon \horo@ddms#6Q\horocalclat } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Astrolog Calculation Back End} % % These macros handle the interface to Astrolog, if it was selected. We % start by checking whether it \emph{was} selected: % \begin{macrocode} \ifhoro@strolog % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Name translation} % We define a bunch of macros that represent the short % strings used on the Astrolog command line to identify different objects % and cusps. We also define names in the reverse direction for translating % the abbreviations from Astrolog's format back to \textsf{horoscop}'s. % Some of those contain illegal characters for \TeX\ command names, so we % have to use |\expandafter\def\csname|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoSun@strologname{Sun }\def\horo@stSunObj{Sun} \def\horoMoon@strologname{Moo }\def\horo@stMooObj{Moon} \def\horoMercury@strologname{Mer }\def\horo@stMerObj{Mercury} \def\horoVenus@strologname{Ven }\def\horo@stVenObj{Venus} \def\horoMars@strologname{Mar }\def\horo@stMarObj{Mars} \def\horoJupiter@strologname{Jup }\def\horo@stJupObj{Jupiter} \def\horoSaturn@strologname{Sat }\def\horo@stSatObj{Saturn} \def\horoUranus@strologname{Ura }\def\horo@stUraObj{Uranus} \def\horoNeptune@strologname{Nep }\def\horo@stNepObj{Neptune} \def\horoPluto@strologname{Plu }\def\horo@stPluObj{Pluto} \def\horoChiron@strologname{Chi }\def\horo@stChiObj{Chiron} \def\horoCeres@strologname{Cer }\def\horo@stCerObj{Ceres} \def\horoPallas@strologname{Pal }\def\horo@stPalObj{Pallas} \def\horoJuno@strologname{Jun }\def\horo@stJunObj{Juno} \def\horoVesta@strologname{Ves }\def\horo@stVesObj{Vesta} \def\horoNorthNode@strologname{Nod }\def\horo@stNodObj{NorthNode} \def\horoSouthNode@strologname{S.N } \expandafter\def\csname horo@stS.NObj\endcsname{SouthNode} \def\horoLilith@strologname{Lil }\def\horo@stLilObj{Lilith} % \end{macrocode} % % Zodiac signs and cusps only need to go in the reverse direction. % The signs expand to the start of the sign in degrees. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@stAscObj{CuspI} \expandafter\def\csname horo@st2ndObj\endcsname{CuspII} \expandafter\def\csname horo@st3rdObj\endcsname{CuspIII} \def\horo@stNadObj{CuspIV} \expandafter\def\csname horo@st5thObj\endcsname{CuspV} \expandafter\def\csname horo@st6thObj\endcsname{CuspVI} \def\horo@stDesObj{CuspVII} \expandafter\def\csname horo@st8thObj\endcsname{CuspVIII} \expandafter\def\csname horo@st9thObj\endcsname{CuspIX} \def\horo@stMidObj{CuspX} \expandafter\def\csname horo@st11tObj\endcsname{CuspXI} \expandafter\def\csname horo@st12tObj\endcsname{CuspXII} \def\horo@stAriSign{0} \def\horo@stTauSign{30} \def\horo@stGemSign{60} \def\horo@stCanSign{90} \def\horo@stLeoSign{120} \def\horo@stVirSign{150} \def\horo@stLibSign{180} \def\horo@stScoSign{210} \def\horo@stSagSign{240} \def\horo@stCapSign{270} \def\horo@stAquSign{300} \def\horo@stPisSign{330} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{House systems} % And, similarly, a set of macros the user can use to choose a house system. % These work by redefining |\horo@housenumber| to the integer codes Astrolog % uses. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoPlacidusHouses{\def\horo@housenumber{0}} \def\horoKochHouses{\def\horo@housenumber{1}} \def\horoEqualHouses{\def\horo@housenumber{2}} \def\horoCampanusHouses{\def\horo@housenumber{3}} \def\horoMeridianHouses{\def\horo@housenumber{4}} \def\horoRegiomontanusHouses{\def\horo@housenumber{5}} \def\horoPorphyryHouses{\def\horo@housenumber{6}} \def\horoMorinusHouses{\def\horo@housenumber{7}} \def\horoPolichPageHouses{\def\horo@housenumber{8}} \def\horoAlcabitusHouses{\def\horo@housenumber{9}} \def\horoEqualMCHouses{\def\horo@housenumber{10}} \def\horoNeoPorphyryHouses{\def\horo@housenumber{11}} \def\horoWholeHouses{\def\horo@housenumber{12}} \def\horoVedicHouses{\def\horo@housenumber{13}} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Interface stuff} % Define a read for Astrolog's output, and a name for the temporary file. % \begin{macrocode} \newread\horo@tmpfile \edef\horo@tmpfname{\jobname.hor}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\horoastrologopt} % The |\horoastrologopt| macro is interpolated onto the Astrolog command % line, so the user can set it if they have extra options to pass. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoastrologopt{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoobjects} % Default list of objects to calculate. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoobjects{Sun,Moon,Mercury,Venus,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,% Uranus,Neptune,Pluto,NorthNode,Lilith,% Chiron,Ceres,Pallas,Juno,Vesta} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Placidus houses are the default: % \begin{macrocode} \horoPlacidusHouses % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The actual calculation} % \begin{macro}{\horocalculate} % Okay, here's where the excitement happens. This macro takes the current % chart data from the |\horocalcyear|, |\horocalcmonth|, |\horocalcday|, % |\horocalctime|, |\horocalclat|, and |\horocalclong| macros, along with % various ancillary configuration macros, and runs Astrolog. % % First we open the definition, and a group which will be used to prevent % macro and register pollution. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horocalculate{% \begingroup % \end{macrocode} % % We want to build up a list of all the objects we'll compute, % space separated, expressed in Astrolog's own abbreviations. That list % will go on the % Astrolog command line. Cusps always get computed. We build the list % by the same trick used earlier in % |\horosaveobjects|: building up a |\def| command in the |\aftergroup| % queue while we run a loop inside a group to decide what goes there. The % macro we are defining is |\horo@calc@a|. In the loop we execute % |\horo@calc@c| on each object or cusp. It adds a space and the % appropriate |\horo|\meta{object}|@strologname| macro to the |\aftergroup| % queue. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup \aftergroup\def\aftergroup\horo@calc@a\aftergroup{% \horoforeach{\horoobjects}{\horo@calc@c}% \aftergroup}% \endgroup % \end{macrocode} % So at this point |\horo@calc@a| contains the list of objects. % % Now we get the time of day, which is stored in decimal hours, into hours % and minutes format and put it in |\horo@calc@d|. % \begin{macrocode} \dimen@\horocalctime\p@\horo@d@dms@\horo@twodig\horo@d@min \edef\horo@calc@d{\horo@d@deg:\horo@d@min\space GMT\space}% % \end{macrocode} % % We process |\horocalclon| into degrees:minutes format with E or W for East % or West and put it in |\horo@calc@e|. The macro |\horo@calc@b| is used to % pass out the East/West letter. % \begin{macrocode} \dimen@=\horocalclon\p@\horo@nsew EW% \horo@d@dms@ \horo@twodig\horo@d@min \edef\horo@calc@e{\horo@d@deg:\horo@d@min\horo@calc@b\space}% % \end{macrocode} % % Similarly, |\horocalclat| goes into degrees:minutes format with N or S for % North or South and put it in |\horo@calc@f|. % \begin{macrocode} \dimen@=\horocalclat\p@\horo@nsew NS% \horo@d@dms@ \horo@twodig\horo@d@min \edef\horo@calc@f{\horo@d@deg:\horo@d@min\horo@calc@b\space}% % \end{macrocode} % % Now we run Astrolog with the set of options we've built. % \begin{macrocode} \immediate\write18{% astrolog\space -o0 \horo@tmpfname\space -c \horo@housenumber\space -qa \horocalcmonth\space \horocalcday\space \horocalcyear\space \horo@calc@d\horo@calc@e\horo@calc@f -R0 \horo@calc@a \horoastrologopt }% % \end{macrocode} % % The output will have gone into the file named |\horo@tmpfname|. We open % it up and then call a parsing routine, which puts the results into % |\horo@fterdef|s. The |\ifhorocalculated| flag gets set to false; it will % be upgraded to true if we can successfully read anything out of the output % file. % \begin{macrocode} \openin\horo@tmpfile=\horo@tmpfname\relax \aftergroup\horocalculatedfalse \horo@calc@parse \closein\horo@tmpfile % \end{macrocode} % % Then the group ends, all the |\horo@fterdef|s happen, and that's the end % of |\horocalculate|. % \begin{macrocode} \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@calc@c} % Internal macro for building up the object list. This takes its argument, % wraps it in |\horo| and |@strologname|, and adds the resulting token to % the |\aftergroup| queue. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@calc@c#1{% \expandafter\aftergroup\csname horo#1@strologname\endcsname } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@calc@parse} % Parse the Astrolog output file. It has a few kinds of lines in it; the % ones we are interested in all start with |-YF|;\footnote{|-YF|ing % in designated areas only.} but every line contains at % least one space. So the first stage of parsing is to iterate over all the % lines by tail recursion and call |\horo@calc@parse@b|, which looks for % |-YF| lines. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@calc@parse{% \read\horo@tmpfile to \horo@calc@parse@a \ifeof\horo@tmpfile\else \expandafter\horo@calc@parse@b\horo@calc@parse@a\space x\space Q% \horo@calc@parse \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@YF} % Helper for |\horo@calc@parse@b|: simply expands to |-YF|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@YF{-YF} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@calc@parse@b} % First stage of parsing a line of Astrolog output. Checks whether the % first space-separated word of the line is |-YF|, and if it is, calls % the second-stage parser |\horo@calc@parse@c| on the rest of the line. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@calc@parse@b#1 #2Q{% \def\horo@calc@parse@b@{#1}% \ifx\horo@calc@parse@b@\horo@YF\horo@calc@parse@c#2Q\fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@calc@parse@c} % Second stage of parsing a line of Astrolog output. We use \TeX\ delimited % argument parsing to find the fields on the line. They % are a bit complicated but correspond to object name; longitude in degree, % sign, decimal minutes; the latitude (which we ignore); the longitude speed % in degrees per day; and the distance. There's also some garbage at the % end as a result of the safety stuff added by |\horo@calc@parse|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@calc@parse@c#1: #2 #3 #4, #5 #6, #7 #8Q{% % \end{macrocode} % % First convert from degrees, sign, and decimal minutes, to decimal degrees: % \begin{macrocode} \dimen@=#4\p@ \divide\dimen@ by 60\relax \advance\dimen@ by #2\p@ \advance\dimen@ by \csname horo@st#3Sign\endcsname\p@ % \end{macrocode} % % Save the result in Pos: % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\edef\csname horo\csname horo@st#1Obj\endcsname Pos\endcsname{% \TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% \expandafter\horo@fterdef\csname horo\csname horo@st#1Obj\endcsname Pos\endcsname % \end{macrocode} % % Save it in DPos as well: % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\edef\csname horo\csname horo@st#1Obj\endcsname DPos\endcsname{% \TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% \expandafter\horo@fterdef\csname horo\csname horo@st#1Obj\endcsname DPos\endcsname % \end{macrocode} % % Save the velocity, which is already nicely formatted in \#7, to Vel: % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\def\csname horo\csname horo@st#1Obj\endcsname Vel\endcsname{#7}% \expandafter\horo@fterdef\csname horo\csname horo@st#1Obj\endcsname Vel\endcsname % \end{macrocode} % % Now we have at least a little bit of valid data, so things are probably % cool. % \begin{macrocode} \aftergroup\horocalculatedtrue } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % End of the |\ifhoro@strolog| conditional: % \begin{macrocode} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Swiss Ephemeris Calculation Back End} % % The interface to Swiss Ephemeris goes via the |swetest| % command-line program. Unlike Astrolog, which gets invoked once to do all % objects, we run |swetest| once for each object and once more for % all cusps. % % Although |\ifhoro@ppendtmp| is only used in the case where |swetest| is % enabled, we have to define it outside the conditional because otherwise % \TeX\ will see the |\fi| that closes |\ifhoro@ppendtmp| as closing % something else, with resulting entertaining results. % \begin{macro}{\ifhoro@ppendtmp} % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifhoro@ppendtmp\horo@ppendtmpfalse % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Then the rest of this section is conditional on the |swetest| option being % enabled. % \begin{macrocode} \ifhoro@swetest % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Command-line options} % One of these gets passed to \textsf{horoscop} according to the object % currently being calculated. Users who want to add other objects will need % to create the corresponding |\horo|\meta{object}|SEOpt| macros. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoSunSEOpt{-p0} \def\horoMoonSEOpt{-p1} \def\horoMercurySEOpt{-p2} \def\horoVenusSEOpt{-p3} \def\horoMarsSEOpt{-p4} \def\horoJupiterSEOpt{-p5} \def\horoSaturnSEOpt{-p6} \def\horoUranusSEOpt{-p7} \def\horoNeptuneSEOpt{-p8} \def\horoPlutoSEOpt{-p9} \def\horoChironSEOpt{-pD} \def\horoPholusSEOpt{-pE} \def\horoCeresSEOpt{-pF} \def\horoPallasSEOpt{-pG} \def\horoJunoSEOpt{-pH} \def\horoVestaSEOpt{-pI} \def\horoMeanNodeSEOpt{-pm} \def\horoTrueNodeSEOpt{-pt} \def\horoLilithSEOpt{-pA} % \end{macrocode} % % \changes{v0.91}{2008/07/15}{Fake SEOpt macros for always-calculated angles} % These next few are fake options; the Ascendant, MC, ARMC, and Vertex are % always calculated, and get their values through special handling instead % of the usual calculation mechanism, but if the user includes them in % |\horoobjects| we calculate the position of the Sun (overwritten later) so % as not to have trouble with an unknown object having been listed. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoAscendantSEOpt{-p0} \def\horoMCSEOpt{-p0} \def\horoARMCSEOpt{-p0} \def\horoVertexSEOpt{-p0} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\horosweopt} % Any extra options can be passed here. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horosweopt{}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{House systems} % Gauquelin sectors aren't included here because they break the basic model % of 12 houses; other things would have to change dramatically to use them % properly, and it's not clear whether people who want to typeset wheel % charts actually want to typeset them with 36 houses at all anyway. % Objects called Ascendant, MC, ARMC, and Vertex are always calculated, and % may be of interest (to manually add to |\horoobjects| after the % calculation) if using a house % system where they don't coincide with house cusps. % \changes{v0.91}{2008/07/07}{Added support for Krusinski houses with Swiss Ephemeris} % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoAlcabitusHouses{\def\horo@houseletter{b}} \def\horoAxialHouses{\def\horo@houseletter{x}} \def\horoAzimuthalHouses{\def\horo@houseletter{h}} \def\horoCampanusHouses{\def\horo@houseletter{c}} \def\horoEqualHouses{\def\horo@houseletter{a}} \def\horoKochHouses{\def\horo@houseletter{k}} \def\horoKrusinskiHouses{\def\horo@houseletter{U}} \def\horoMorinusHouses{\def\horo@houseletter{m}} \def\horoPlacidusHouses{\def\horo@houseletter{p}} \def\horoPolichPageHouses{\def\horo@houseletter{t}} \def\horoPorphyryHouses{\def\horo@houseletter{o}} \def\horoRegiomontanusHouses{\def\horo@houseletter{r}} \def\horoVehlowHouses{\def\horo@houseletter{v}} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Interface stuff} % Create a new read for the temporary file and save its name. % \begin{macrocode} \newread\horo@tmpfile \edef\horo@tmpfname{\jobname.hor} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@readdata} % Read a line from the data file; flag a calculation failure if there's % nothing to read. The result goes into |\horo@data|. The line of data is % expected to be a decimal number with possible leading or trailing spaces, % which we trim off before saving it. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@readdata{% \ifeof\horo@tmpfile \def\horo@data{0.0}% \horocalculatedfalse \else \begingroup \let\do\@makeother\dospecials \read\horo@tmpfile to \horo@data \trimspaces\horo@data \horo@fterdef\horo@data \endgroup \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@readpos} % Read a line from the data file and put it into Pos and DPos of the % specified object. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@readpos#1{% \horo@readdata \expandafter\let\csname horo#1Pos\endcsname\horo@data \expandafter\let\csname horo#1DPos\endcsname\horo@data } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@readposvel} % Read (D)Pos as above, and then also read the Vel of the same object. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@readposvel#1{% \horo@readpos{#1}% \horo@readdata \expandafter\let\csname horo#1Vel\endcsname\horo@data } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoobjects} % Default object list for Swiss Ephemeris. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoobjects{Sun,Moon,Mercury,Venus,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,% Uranus,Neptune,Pluto,MeanNode,Lilith,% Chiron,Ceres,Pallas,Juno,Vesta} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Placidus houses are default: % \begin{macrocode} \horoPlacidusHouses % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Calculation routines} % \begin{macro}{\horo@calcobj@} % Calculate the position \emph{or} velocity of an object. The second % argument is either ``s'' for position, or ``l'' for velocity; these are % option letters for |swetest|'s format string. The results will go % into the temporary file to be read later. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@calcobj@#1#2{% % \end{macrocode} % % Start by opening a prophylactic group: % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup % \end{macrocode} % % Convert the time of day to hours, minutes, and seconds: % \begin{macrocode} \dimen@\horocalctime\p@\horo@d@dms@ \horo@twodig\horo@d@min\horo@twodig\horo@d@sec % \end{macrocode} % % Then do a shell escape, filling in all the appropriate options. The % formats being used (passed in through \#2) are such as to create lines of % output containing only decimal numbers, with a few harmless stray spaces % before or after. % % Note the use of |\ifhoro@ppendtmp|. It starts out false, so only one |>| % is used on the command line and the file gets overwritten. % \begin{macrocode} \immediate\write18{% swetest -f#2 -head\space -b\horocalcday.\horocalcmonth.\horocalcyear\space -ut\horo@d@deg:\horo@d@min:\horo@d@sec\space \csname horo#1SEOpt\endcsname\space \horosweopt\space \ifhoro@egrep| egrep '^[ 0-9.-]+'\space\fi >\ifhoro@ppendtmp >\fi\space \horo@tmpfname }% % \end{macrocode} % % But after closing the prophylactic group\ldots % \begin{macrocode} \endgroup % \end{macrocode} % % \ldots we set the flag true so that subsequent calls to |swetest| % will append instead of overwriting. % \begin{macrocode} \horo@ppendtmptrue } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@calcobj} % Simply invokes |\horo@calcobj| twice to get both position and velocity. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@calcobj#1{% \horo@calcobj@{#1}{l}% \horo@calcobj@{#1}{s}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horocalculate} % Main calculation macro. This starts by creating an option for cusp % calculation, as if ``Cusps'' was the name of a legitimate object. It sets % |\horo@ppendtmpfalse| to force the temporary file to be overwritten, and % |\horocalculatedtrue| (to be possibly turned off if there is trouble % reading the results). Then it uses a |\horoforeach| to call % |\horo@calcobj| to get position and speed for all the regular objects. % The internal function |\horo@calcobj@| is called as if it were going to % compute the position of the Cusps object, but that actually writes 16 % numbers to the temporary file. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horocalculate{% \edef\horoCuspsSEOpt{-house\horocalclon,\horocalclat,% \horo@houseletter\space-p}% \horo@ppendtmpfalse \horocalculatedtrue \horoforeach{\horoobjects}{\horo@calcobj}% \horo@calcobj@{Cusps}{l}% % \end{macrocode} % % Now with all the data in the temporary file, we read it in. Open the % file, read position and velocity for all the regular objects, and then % read the cusps (12 of them) and other things added by |swetest| (4 % of those) with another loop. % \begin{macrocode} \openin\horo@tmpfile=\horo@tmpfname\relax \horoforeach{\horoobjects}{\horo@readposvel}% \horoforeach{\horocusps,Ascendant,MC,ARMC,Vertex}{\horo@readpos}% \closein\horo@tmpfile\relax } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % End the |\ifhoro@swetest| conditional: % \begin{macrocode} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Low-Level Chart Graphics} % % These macros are a grab bag of utilities for drawing bits and pieces of % wheel charts, used by the higher-level routines to actually draw complete % charts. % % \subsubsection{Configuration stuff} % \begin{macro}{\ifhorodrawcusps} % Setting for whether cusps should be drawn in ready-made wheel charts. The % reason the user might not want that would be if they're trying to make do % without a birth time. It has to be declared in this unconditional context % for parsing reasons. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifhorodrawcusps\horodrawcuspstrue % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ifhoroboldangles} % Similar setting for whether angular-house cusps should be drawn extra % bold. A user who really doesn't want cusps must turn off all of % |\ifhorodrawcusps|, |\ifhoroboldangles|, and |\ifhoroanglearrows|, % as well as (probably) internal house labels; that is to allow drawing of % angular cusps and not other cusps, should the user want such a thing. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifhoroboldangles\horoboldanglestrue % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ifhoroanglearrows} % Setting for whether to draw angular house cusps as arrows instead of % regular lines. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifhoroanglearrows\horoanglearrowstrue % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Now we can enter a conditional on wheel charts not being disabled by % package option. % \begin{macrocode} \ifhoro@wheels % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\horounitlength} % This determines the size of the |horoscope| environment, which is 100 % unit-lengths square. The default value is a little less than $1/100$ of % |\textwidth| because we're going to want to put things with their centres % on a circle of % diameter 100, and the things may actually spill a little outside the % circle. Exact value determined by trial and error, and depending on the % user's application may need to be changed significantly. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\horounitlength} \setlength{\horounitlength}{0.00952\textwidth} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoanglecuspwidth} % Line width to use in drawing angular cusps when |\horoboldangles| is % turned on. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\horoanglecuspwidth} \setlength{\horoanglecuspwidth}{1.44pt} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Horoscope environment and chart labels} % \begin{environment}{horoscope} % This is the basic environment in which we'll draw charts. It's just a % |picture| of size $100\times100$ units with the origin in the middle. % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{horoscope}{% \setlength{\unitlength}{\horounitlength}% \begin{picture}(100,100)(-50,-50)% }{% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % We also have macros to be used inside a |horoscope| to typeset notes for % the whole chart at the centre or any of the four corners of the chart, in % what might otherwise be wasted space. % % \begin{macro}{\horoCnote} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\horoCnote}[1]{% \put(0,0){\makebox(0,0){\parbox{75\unitlength}{\centering #1}}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoULnote} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\horoULnote}[1]{% \put(-50,50){\makebox(40,0)[t]{\parbox[t]{40\unitlength}{\raggedright #1}}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoURnote} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\horoURnote}[1]{% \put(10,50){\makebox(40,0)[t]{\parbox[t]{40\unitlength}{\raggedleft #1}}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoLLnote} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\horoLLnote}[1]{% \put(-50,-50){\makebox(40,0)[b]{\parbox[t]{40\unitlength}{\raggedright #1}}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoLRnote} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\horoLRnote}[1]{% \put(10,-50){\makebox(40,0)[b]{\parbox[t]{40\unitlength}{\raggedleft #1}}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Scratch dimension registers} % We define our own aliases for eight dimension registers. \LaTeX\ or other % packages probably use these same registers, but we always use them within % a group in such a way as to not conflict. % \begin{macrocode} \dimendef\horo@dim@x=1\relax \dimendef\horo@dim@y=2\relax \dimendef\horo@dim@xa=3\relax \dimendef\horo@dim@ya=4\relax \dimendef\horo@dim@xb=5\relax \dimendef\horo@dim@yb=6\relax \dimendef\horo@dim@xc=7\relax \dimendef\horo@dim@yc=8\relax % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Polar-coordinate puts} % These are the simplest graphics operations in polar coordinates: putting % an arbitrary graphics object at a polar-coordinate location in a |picture| % environment, drawing a radial (constant-$\theta$) line segment, or drawing % a line segment between two arbitrary points. These are designed for % internal use and may expand arguments in a less than friendly way, so % although they work well for our higher-level macros they perhaps should % not be used incautiously. % % \begin{macro}{\horo@putpolar} % Arguments are $r$, $\theta$, and the object to be |\put| at those % coordinates. The centre of the object goes at the specified coordinates. % Implementation is straightforward: we just expand and save % the polar coordinates to temporary macros, run |\horo@polarconvert| to % convert to Cartesian, and then do a |\put|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@putpolar#1#2#3{% \begingroup \edef\p@one{#1}\edef\p@two{#2}% \horo@polarconvert\p@one\p@two\horo@dim@x\horo@dim@y \put(\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@x,\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@y){\makebox(0,0){#3}}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoputradial} % Draw a radial; that is, a line segment at a constant $\theta$ coordinate. % Arguments are the inner radius, the length, and $\theta$. Implementation % is straightforward. One small gotcha is that instead of adding the inner % radius and length to get the outer radius, we treat % $(\mathit{length},\theta)$ as a vector and do the addition on the % Cartesian side, because that saves some shuffling between macro % definitions and dimension registers. % \changes{v0.92}{2013/05/15}{Replace \cs{drawline} with \cs{Line}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoputradial#1#2#3{% \begingroup \edef\p@one{#1}\edef\p@two{#2}\edef\p@three{#3}% \horo@polarconvert\p@one\p@three\horo@dim@xa\horo@dim@ya \horo@polarconvert\p@two\p@three\horo@dim@xb\horo@dim@yb \advance\horo@dim@xb by\horo@dim@xa \advance\horo@dim@yb by\horo@dim@ya \Line(\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@xa,\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@ya)% (\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@xb,\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@yb)% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoputline} % This is the more general line-segment primitive: it takes two $(r,\theta)$ % pairs and draws a line between them. % \changes{v0.92}{2013/05/15}{Replace \cs{drawline} with \cs{Line}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoputline#1#2#3#4{% \begingroup \edef\p@one{#1}\edef\p@two{#2}\edef\p@three{#3}\edef\p@four{#4}% \horo@polarconvert\p@one\p@two\horo@dim@xa\horo@dim@ya \horo@polarconvert\p@three\p@four\horo@dim@xb\horo@dim@yb \Line(\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@xa,\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@ya)% (\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@xb,\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@yb)% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Arrowheads} % Although \LaTeX\ can draw arrows (which it calls ``vectors''), the % implementation has annoying limitations that make it unsuitable for use in % \textsf{horoscop}'s charts. Here we define our own arrowhead-drawing % routine, with a different set of annoying limitations. % % \begin{macro}{\horoputarrowhead} % Draw an arrowhead with its tip at $(r=\#1,\theta=\#2)$, pointing outward % from the origin. % The arrowhead is an appropriately scaled and rotated version of the % nonconvex polygon with Cartesian vertex coordinates $(0,1)$, $(1,0)$, % $(0,-1)$, $(3,0)$. The \#3 argument is equal to the unit length of that % coordinate system, measured in horoscope length units. % % Implementation starts by opening a group and saving the arguments in macros. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoputarrowhead#1#2#3{% \begingroup \edef\horo@pa@r{#1}\edef\horo@pa@th{#2}% \edef\horo@pa@sc@le{#3}% % \end{macrocode} % % Convert tip coordinates to Cartesian. % \begin{macrocode} \horo@polarconvert\horo@pa@r\horo@pa@th\horo@dim@x\horo@dim@y % \end{macrocode} % % Compute a vector in the direction of the tip, used for offsetting its % coordinates to find the coordinates of the other vertices. This vector % corresponds to a unit vector in the $+X$ direction of the coordinate % system mentioned above. % \begin{macrocode} \horo@polarconvert\horo@pa@sc@le\horo@pa@th\horo@dim@xa\horo@dim@ya % \end{macrocode} % % Compute the Cartesian coordinates of the two vertices on either side; each % is 3 units back from the tip in the $-X$ direction and $\pm1$ unit off to % the side. % \begin{macrocode} \horo@dim@xb=\horo@dim@x\relax\horo@dim@yb=\horo@dim@y\relax \advance\horo@dim@xb by-3\horo@dim@xa\relax \advance\horo@dim@yb by-3\horo@dim@ya\relax \advance\horo@dim@xb by-\horo@dim@ya\relax \advance\horo@dim@yb by\horo@dim@xa\relax \horo@dim@xc=\horo@dim@x\relax\horo@dim@yc=\horo@dim@y\relax \advance\horo@dim@xc by-3\horo@dim@xa\relax \advance\horo@dim@yc by-3\horo@dim@ya\relax \advance\horo@dim@xc by\horo@dim@ya\relax \advance\horo@dim@yc by-\horo@dim@xa\relax % \end{macrocode} % % Compute the Cartesian coordinates of the final vertex, at the back of the % arrowhead. The sequencing is careful because of not wanting to use an % extra pair of registers; the |@xa| series used to hold the offset vector % and will now hold the vertex coordinates. % \begin{macrocode} \multiply\horo@dim@xa by-2\relax\multiply\horo@dim@ya by-2\relax \advance\horo@dim@xa by\horo@dim@x\relax \advance\horo@dim@ya by\horo@dim@y\relax % \end{macrocode} % % Plot the arrowhead, using \textsf{pict2e}'s |\polygon*| macro. % \changes{v0.92}{2013/05/15}{Replace \cs{blacken}\cs{path} with \cs{polygon*}} % \begin{macrocode} \polygon*% (\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@x,\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@y)% (\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@xb,\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@yb)% (\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@xa,\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@ya)% (\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@xc,\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@yc)% (\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@x,\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@y)% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsubsection{Polar-coordinate curves} % Some chart types need to draw curves that are neither radial line segments % nor origin-centric circular arcs. For that matter, they need % origin-centric circular arcs, which are non-trivial. The curves defined % here are cubic B\'{e}zier splines with two endpoints specified in polar % coordinates and two control points both set to the value of this vector % formula: % \[ % \mathbf{c} = 2\mathbf{m} - \frac{1}{2}(\mathbf{a}+\mathbf{b}) % \] % where $\mathbf{c}$ is the control point, $\mathbf{a}$ and $\mathbf{b}$ are % the endpoints, and $\mathbf{m}$ is their \emph{polar} midpoint: the point % whose $r$ coordinate is the average of the $r$ coordinates of $\mathbf{a}$ % and $\mathbf{b}$, and whose $\theta$ coordinate is midway between theirs, % going the shorter direction around the circle. % % This formula was derived by educated trial and error. If the endpoints % happen to have the same $r$, it is a reasonable approximation of the % origin-centric arc as long as they're within about 30\horodegrees\ of each % other, and it looks halfway acceptable even at larger distances. % Interesting special effects are obtained if the $r$ values do not match. % % \begin{macro}{\horoputcurve} % Draw a smooth curve connecting $(r=\#1,\theta=\#2)$ to % $(r=\#3,\theta=\#4)$. Implementation starts by opening a group and saving % all the arguments in macros. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoputcurve#1#2#3#4{% \begingroup \edef\horo@pc@r@ne{#1}\edef\horo@pc@th@ne{#2}% \edef\horo@pc@rtw@{#3}\edef\horo@pc@thtw@{#4}% % \end{macrocode} % % Both $\theta$ coordinates are subjected to |\horo@chartrotate|. % \begin{macrocode} \dimen@=\horo@pc@th@ne\p@\relax\horo@chartrotate \edef\horo@pc@th@ne{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% \dimen@=\horo@pc@thtw@\p@\relax\horo@chartrotate \edef\horo@pc@thtw@{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% % \end{macrocode} % % Convert first endpoint to Cartesian. % \begin{macrocode} \horo@polarconvert\horo@pc@r@ne\horo@pc@th@ne\horo@dim@xa\horo@dim@ya % \end{macrocode} % % Convert second endpoint to Cartesian. % \begin{macrocode} \horo@polarconvert\horo@pc@rtw@\horo@pc@thtw@\horo@dim@xb\horo@dim@yb % \end{macrocode} % % Compute the polar-coordinate midpoint. Radius is simple average, but % angle must go through |\horo@midpoint| to handle cases like wrapping % around 360\horodegrees. % \begin{macrocode} \dimen@=\horo@pc@r@ne\p@\relax \advance\dimen@ by\horo@pc@rtw@\p@\relax \divide\dimen@ by2\relax \edef\horo@pc@rmid{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% \horo@midpoint\horo@pc@th@ne\horo@pc@thtw@ \edef\horo@pc@thmid{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% % \end{macrocode} % % Convert midpoint to Cartesian. % \begin{macrocode} \horo@polarconvert\horo@pc@rmid\horo@pc@thmid\horo@dim@x\horo@dim@y % \end{macrocode} % % Compute the control point, which basically means moving the control point % away from the polar midpoint by an amount equal to and opposite from the % difference between it and the Cartesian midpoint. Recall that % \textsf{epic}'s spline curves are based on the Chaikin technique of % cutting corners off a polyline until it looks like a smooth curve. With % the switch to \textsf{pict2e} we are no longer using classic \LaTeX\ % splines, but the underlying concept of a cubic spline should remain % the same. The initial polyline looks like two sides of a triangle, with % the remaining side being the segment directly connecting the two % endpoints. If we place the control point \emph{twice} as far away from % that direct segment as the polar midpoint would be, then after we're % finished cutting corners the middle of the remaining curve should end up % pretty close to half its original (control point) distance from the % Cartesian midpoint, and \emph{the same distance} as the polar midpoint % would be---thus passing through the polar midpoint. We want it to pass % through the polar midpoint at least in the important special case of % drawing an origin-centred arc. That's the education behind the educated % guess of the control point formula. In actual fact it doesn't work % perfectly because the cut ratio isn't right, but the result looks good % anyway. % \begin{macrocode} \multiply\horo@dim@x by -4\relax \advance\horo@dim@x by \horo@dim@xa\relax \advance\horo@dim@x by \horo@dim@xb\relax \divide\horo@dim@x by -2\relax \multiply\horo@dim@y by -4\relax \advance\horo@dim@y by \horo@dim@ya\relax \advance\horo@dim@y by \horo@dim@yb\relax \divide\horo@dim@y by -2\relax % \end{macrocode} % % With all the relevant coordinates computed, plot the actual curve and end. % \changes{v0.92}{2013/05/16}{Replace \cs{spline} with \cs{cbezier}} % \begin{macrocode} \cbezier(\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@xa,\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@ya)% (\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@x,\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@y)% (\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@x,\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@y)% (\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@xb,\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@yb)% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoconncurve} % This is the most common case of using |\horoputcurve|: drawing a little % connector to show the relationship between an object label (plotted at the % object's DPos) and a radial that shows the object's real location (plotted % at Pos). It draws a curve from radius \#1 and the Pos of object \#3, to % radius \#2 and the DPos of object \#3. Object name last to make it easy % to call inside a |\horoforeach|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoconncurve#1#2#3{% \horoputcurve{#1}{\csname horo#3Pos\endcsname}% {#2}{\csname horo#3DPos\endcsname}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Locating objects} % These two simple macros are used to find where a given object should be % plotted, which is a frequent operation in the ready-made wheels. % % \begin{macro}{\horo@getobjdpos} % Gets the object's DPos and rotates it into chart coordinates. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@getobjdpos#1{% \dimen@\csname horo#1DPos\endcsname\p@ \horo@chartrotate } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@getobjsdms} % Gets the object's Pos (not DPos) and converts it into SDMS, which is what % you want if you're going to print a label saying where the object is in % the sky. Then also gets the DPos so you know where to print the label, % which might be different from the actual sky location if the object has % been adjusted. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@getobjsdms#1{% \expandafter\dimen@\csname horo#1Pos\endcsname\p@ \horo@d@sdms \horo@getobjdpos{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Cusps, ticks, and sign keys} % These display some landmark kinds of things that people like to have % in charts. Cusps are just lines radiating % out from the centre at locations determined by the chart data. Ticks are % similar radial lines that occur at regular intervals to create a sort of % angular ruler around the circle, allowing visual measurement of angles. % A sign key shows the locations of the Zodiac signs; it's simply the % twelve sign symbols arranged regularly around a circle. In this % subsection we also describe cusp labels, which show the degree, sign, and % minute of a house cusp (or, concievably, something else) written around % the circle at a constant radius. % % \begin{macro}{\horo@pr} % Helper for |\horoputradials|: draw a radial at the DPos of object \#3. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@pr#1#2#3{% \horo@getobjdpos{#3}% \horoputradial{#1}{#2}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoputradials} % Iterate through a list of objects drawing radials for each. Normally % you'd use this to draw the radial lines separating houses. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoputradials#1#2#3{% \horoforeach{#1}{\horo@pr{#2}{#3}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@pt} % Helper for |\horoputticks|. Puts one tick, advances |\dimen@|, and then % tail-recurses until we've gone around the whole circle. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@pt{% \ifdim\dimen@<360\p@ {\horo@chartrotate \horoputradial{\horo@pta}{\horo@ptb}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}}% \advance\dimen@ by \horo@ptc\p@ \expandafter\horo@pt \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoputticks} % Repeats |\putradial{#1}{#2}| every \#3 degrees around the circle to create % a regular pattern. Implementation saves all the arguments into macros, % sets |\dimen@| to zero, and calls |\horo@pt| to do the actual plotting. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoputticks#1#2#3{% \begingroup \edef\horo@pta{#1}\edef\horo@ptb{#2}\edef\horo@ptc{#3}% \dimen@=\z@ \horo@pt \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@pa} % Helper for |\horoputarrows|: draw an arrow, pointing outward, at the % DPos of object \#3. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@pa#1#2#3{% \horo@getobjdpos{#3}% \horoputarrowhead{#1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}{#2}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoputarrows} % Iterate through a list of objects drawing arrows for each. Normally % you'd use this to draw the arrowheads for angular house cusps. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoputarrows#1#2#3{% \horoforeach{#1}{\horo@pa{#2}{#3}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@psk} % Helper for |\horoputsignkey|. This is another tail-recursive loop with % |\count0| as the loop counter, going from 0 to 11.\footnote{Well, it's % one louder, isn't it?} For each sign we % calculate the $\theta$ coordinate (of the middle of the sign, the % 15\horodegrees\ mark) and print the appropriate Zodiac symbol % at that angle and the chosen radius. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@psk{ \ifnum\count0<12\relax \dimen@=30pt\relax \dimen@\count0\dimen@\relax \advance\dimen@ by 15pt\relax \horo@chartrotate \advance\count0 by 1% \horo@putpolar{\horo@radius}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% {\Zodiac{\the\count0}}% \expandafter\horo@psk \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoputsignkey} % Driver for plotting a sign key. It just saves the argument, sets the loop % counter to zero, and invokes |\horo@psk|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoputsignkey#1{% \begingroup \def\horo@radius{#1}% \count0=0\relax \horo@psk \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoputcusplabel} % Make a label for a house cusp or (astrological) angle. This is a preview % of the techniques used in the object label code later on. The arguments % are the radius, the angular spacing in degrees between the three elements % of the label, and the object to label. % % First we open a % prophylactic group and get the object's location data, both its Pos in % SDMS (which is what the label will \emph{say}) and its DPos (which is % \emph{where} the label will appear). % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoputcusplabel#1#2#3{% \begingroup \horo@getobjsdms{#3}% % \end{macrocode} % % The sign part of the label is straightforwardly set at DPos and the % specified radius. % \begin{macrocode} \horo@putpolar{#1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}{\Zodiac{\horo@d@sign}}% % \end{macrocode} % % Determining reading direction: the label is intended to be read in a % circular direction that points away from the 135\horodegrees\ mark, % which is at the upper left of the chart. That way it will come as close % as possible to reading either left to right or top to bottom. That means % if the label's centre location $\theta$ coordinate is less than % 135\horodegrees\ or more than 315\horodegrees, then the reading direction % will be turnwise and otherwise it will be widdershins. % The |\horo@pcl@s| macro is set to T or W accordingly. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@pcl@s{W}% \ifdim\dimen@<135\p@\def\horo@pcl@s{T}\fi \ifdim\dimen@>315\p@\def\horo@pcl@s{T}\fi % \end{macrocode} % % Typeset the part of the label that goes \#2 degrees turnwise of the % sign symbol. If the reading direction is turnwise, then this will be the % end of the label---the minutes part. Otherwise it will be the degrees % part. This happens inside a group so that |\dimen@| will be restored to % the $\theta$ of the sign symbol afterward. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup \advance\dimen@ by -#2\p@\horo@fixdimen@ \horo@putpolar{#1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}{% \expandafter\if\horo@pcl@s T% \horo@d@min\horominutes% \else \horo@d@deg\horodegrees% \fi }% \endgroup % \end{macrocode} % % Typeset the part of the label that goes \#2 degrees widdershins of the % sign symbol. Essentially the same logic as the other part above, except % that this time we don't need to save |\dimen@| because it won't be used % again. % \begin{macrocode} \advance\dimen@ by #2\p@\horo@fixdimen@ \horo@putpolar{#1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}{% \expandafter\if\horo@pcl@s T% \horo@d@deg\horodegrees% \else \horo@d@min\horominutes% \fi }% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Object labels} % In general, an object label is printed in a radial direction with up to % six chunks (object symbol, sign symbol, degrees, minutes, seconds, % retrograde symbol) at equally spaced radii; the $\theta$ of all of them is % determined by the DPos, and the sequence in which they're printed (which % chunk is closest to the centre and which is furthest) is determined by % $\theta$ to create a consistent reading direction. We offer a few % variations to provide varying levels of control over the details. % % \begin{macro}{\horoputobjsymbol} % Put the symbol for object \#2 at its DPos and radius \#1. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoputobjsymbol#1#2{% \begingroup \horo@getobjdpos{#2}% \horo@putpolar{#1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}{\csname #2Symbol\endcsname}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@pol@i} % Support for the smarter object-labelling macros. Opens a group, sets % |\dimen1| to \#1$+$\#2, and gets the DPos and SDMS of Pos for object \#3. % Based on DPos, the macro |\horo@pol@s| is set to indicate reading % direction: H for hubward or R for rimward to make the reading % direction be as far from the 135\horodegrees\ mark\footnote{Great % A'Tuin's left rear flipper.} as possible. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@pol@i#1#2#3{% \begingroup \dimen1=#1\p@\advance\dimen1by#2\p@ \horo@getobjsdms{#3}% \def\horo@pol@s{H}% \ifdim\dimen@<45\p@\def\horo@pol@s{R}\fi \ifdim\dimen@>225\p@\def\horo@pol@s{R}\fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoputobjdeglabel} % Typeset a label consisting of the object's degree and sign. Invokes % |\horo@pol@i|, and then typesets the sign symbol and degree in an order % determined by reading direction so that degree will read first. Arguments % are radius of the innermost chunk, radius step size between the two % chunks, and object name. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoputobjdeglabel#1#2#3{% \horo@pol@i{#1}{#2}{#3}% \expandafter\if\horo@pol@s H% \horo@putpolar{#1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}{\Zodiac{\horo@d@sign}}% \horo@putpolar{\TG@rem@pt\dimen1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% {\horo@d@deg\horodegrees}% \else \horo@putpolar{#1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}{\horo@d@deg\horodegrees}% \horo@putpolar{\TG@rem@pt\dimen1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% {\Zodiac{\horo@d@sign}}% \fi \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoputobjminlabel} % Much the same as |\horoputobjdegreelabel| but makes a three-chunk label % that reads degrees, sign, minutes. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoputobjminlabel#1#2#3{% \horo@pol@i{#1}{#2}{#3}% \expandafter\if\horo@pol@s H% \horo@putpolar{#1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% {\horo@d@min\horominutes}% \horo@putpolar{\TG@rem@pt\dimen1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% {\Zodiac{\horo@d@sign}}% \advance\dimen1by#2\p@ \horo@putpolar{\TG@rem@pt\dimen1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% {\horo@d@deg\horodegrees}% \else \horo@putpolar{#1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% {\horo@d@deg\horodegrees}% \horo@putpolar{\TG@rem@pt\dimen1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% {\Zodiac{\horo@d@sign}}% \advance\dimen1by#2\p@ \horo@putpolar{\TG@rem@pt\dimen1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% {\horo@d@min\horominutes}% \fi \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoputobjseclabel} % Typesets a four-chunk label reading degrees, sign, minutes, seconds. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoputobjseclabel#1#2#3{% \horo@pol@i{#1}{#2}{#3}% \expandafter\if\horo@pol@s H% \horo@putpolar{#1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% {\horo@d@sec\horoseconds}% \horo@putpolar{\TG@rem@pt\dimen1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% {\horo@d@min\horominutes}% \advance\dimen1by#2\p@ \horo@putpolar{\TG@rem@pt\dimen1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% {\Zodiac{\horo@d@sign}}% \advance\dimen1by#2\p@ \horo@putpolar{\TG@rem@pt\dimen1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% {\horo@d@deg\horodegrees}% \else \horo@putpolar{#1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% {\horo@d@deg\horodegrees}% \horo@putpolar{\TG@rem@pt\dimen1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% {\Zodiac{\horo@d@sign}}% \advance\dimen1by#2\p@ \horo@putpolar{\TG@rem@pt\dimen1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% {\horo@d@min\horominutes}% \advance\dimen1by#2\p@ \horo@putpolar{\TG@rem@pt\dimen1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% {\horo@d@sec\horoseconds}% \fi \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoputrxlabel} % Checks the Vel of object \#2. If it is negative, typesets % |\horoRetrogradeSymbol| at radius \#1 to indicate ``retrograde.'' % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoputrxlabel#1#2{% \begingroup \dimen@\csname horo#2Vel\endcsname\p@ \ifdim\dimen@<\z@\relax \horo@getobjdpos{#2}% \horo@putpolar{#1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}{\horoRetrogradeSymbol}% \fi \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoputsmartlabel} % This is the do-everything label macro. It takes one argument which is the % object name, but it's sensitive to the definitions of several other % macros, most notably |\horo@lblone| and |\horo@lbltwo|. Each of those is a % string consisting of some combination of the letters (d, m, s, z, y, r) % for Degrees, Minutes, Seconds, Zodiac sign symbol, object sYmbol, and % possible Retrograde, respectively. They represent the sequence of chunks % to typeset reading in an \emph{inward} direction, for cases where the % preferred reading direction is inward for |\horo@lblone| or outward for % |\horo@lbltwo|. The reason to do it that way is that one typically wants % the order of some chunks to change with reading direction but not others. % A typical setting would be |\horo@lblone| equal to ``ydzmr'' and % |\horo@lbltwo| equal to ``ymzdr''. Then the degrees, sign, and minute % will always read in that order as closely as possible to top to bottom and % left to right, but the object symbol will always be on % the outside and the optional retrograde symbol always on the inside. % Proper handling and configuration of reading direction is the major % complication in this macro and responsible for much of the complexity of % its support macros. % % The implementation at this high level is fairly simple: it wraps % everything in a group to prevent pollution, gets the DPos and SDMS Pos of % the object, and figures out the reading direction into |\horo@pol@s|. % The |\dimen1| register is set to |\horo@outerrad|, which is the radius at % which we'll place the outermost chunk. Then depending on the reading % direction it calls |\horo@psl| with either |\horo@lblone| or % |\horo@lbltwo| and a $\mathcal{Q}$ (which is still exotic, remember) to % aid in parsing. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoputsmartlabel#1{% \begingroup \horo@getobjsdms{#1}% \def\horo@psl@o{#1}% \def\horo@pol@s{H}% \ifdim\dimen@<45\p@\def\horo@pol@s{R}\fi \ifdim\dimen@>225\p@\def\horo@pol@s{R}\fi \dimen1=\horo@outerrad\p@\relax \expandafter\if\horo@pol@s H% \expandafter\horo@psl\horo@lblone Q% \else \expandafter\horo@psl\horo@lbltwo Q% \fi \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@psl} % Main chunk-putting code for |\horoputsmartlabel|. This is a % tail-recursive loop that iterates through the format string typesetting % one chunk per letter until it hits the terminating $\mathcal{Q}$. For % each chunk it calls |\horo@psl@| to actually typeset the chunk, and % subtracts |\horo@delta| from |\dimen1|, which is where we're storing the % current radius, initially |\horo@outerrad|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@psl#1{% \def\horo@psl@a{#1}% \ifx\horo@psl@a\horo@cue\relax \else \horo@putpolar{\TG@rem@pt\dimen1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% {\horo@psl@#1}% \advance\dimen1by-\horo@delta\p@\relax \expandafter\horo@psl \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@psl@} % Typeset a single chunk. This is simply a bunch of |\if|s that identify % the chunk type and typeset the appropriate data. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@psl@#1{% \if#1d\relax\horo@d@deg\horodegrees\fi \if#1m\relax\horo@d@min\horominutes\fi \if#1s\relax\horo@d@sec\horoseconds\fi \if#1z\relax\Zodiac{\horo@d@sign}\fi \if#1y\relax\csname \horo@psl@o Symbol\endcsname\fi \if#1r\relax \begingroup \dimen@\csname horo\horo@psl@o Vel\endcsname\p@ \ifdim\dimen@<\z@\relax\horoRetrogradeSymbol\fi \endgroup \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoscanlabels} % User interface to set up |\horo@lblone| and |\horo@lbltwo|. The argument % may be a format string in the format described above, or \emph{two} of % them separated by a slash. If one, then both formats are set to it. If % two, then the first goes into |\horo@lblone| and the second into % |\horo@lbltwo|. The implementation works by calling the helper % |\horo@scanlabels@| with two copies of \#1 and some terminating stuff so % that it can read the first two slash-terminated arguments and get either % the user's two strings, or the user's one string repeated twice. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoscanlabels#1{% \horo@scanlabels@ #1/#1/xQ% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@scanlabels@} % Helper for |\horoscanlabels|. Looks for two slash-terminated arguments % and then throws out everything up to the $\mathcal{Q}$. The arguments go % into |\horo@lblone| and |\horo@lbltwo|, but we also take the opportunity % to scan \#1 for length, using the helper macro |\horo@scanlabels@@| which % searches for a $\mathcal{Q}$ bumping the |\count0| register for every % letter it sees. The result of that scan goes into |\horolbllen|, and may % be used to automatically adjust radius step and text size. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@scanlabels@#1/#2/#3Q{% \def\horo@lblone{#1}% \def\horo@lbltwo{#2}% \begingroup \count0=0\relax \horo@scanlabels@@#1Q% \edef\horolbllen{\the\count0}% \horo@fterdef\horolbllen \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@scanlabels@@} % Helper macro for |\horo@scanlabels@|: tail-recursive loop to count letters % in a $\mathcal{Q}$-terminated string. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@scanlabels@@#1{% \def\horo@sls@@a{#1}% \ifx\horo@sls@@a\horo@cue\relax \else \advance\count0by1\relax \expandafter\horo@scanlabels@@ \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horosetsmartradii} % Sets up the radii for |\horoputsmartlabel| in a semi-intelligent way, % sensitive to the label format string length from the previous macro. The % outer radius is set to \#1. The step size (distance between chunks) is % set to $\#2-n\cdot\#3$ where $n$ is the number of chunks specified in the % (inward-reading) label format string. The idea is that with more chunks, % you want them to be closer together. However, simply allocating a fixed % amount of space and dividing by the number of chunks is suboptimal because % with few chunks they end up too far apart; it's better, if the user % selects fewer chunks than the chart was originally designed for, to spread % them out a little but also leave substantial extra space on the inside % side. A more rigorous solution might involve using \TeX's fancy % variable-stretchability glue to create something that could be thought of % as a ``radial list'' comparable to horizontal and vertical lists. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horosetsmartradii#1#2#3{ \def\horo@outerrad{#1}% \begingroup \dimen@=#3\p@\relax \multiply\dimen@ by -\horolbllen\relax \advance\dimen@ by #2\p@\relax \edef\horo@delta{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% \horo@fterdef\horo@delta \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Aspect Web} % % These routines typeset a web of lines that indicate aspects, with symbols % on their midpoints to clarify which aspects are which. The aspects are % automatically recognized, with some limited support for orbs and such, but % it's up to the user to do it manually if they want better control over % exactly which aspects will be shown. % % At this point in the code we no longer need to use exotic $\mathcal{Q}$ % for parsing, and we're going to need regular Q for use in spelling things % like ``Quincunx,'' so we have to make Q mundane again. We drop % temporarily out of the |\ifhoro@wheels| conditional to do it so that % things will not be left in a screwed-up state in the event |nowheels| has % been selected. % \begin{macrocode} \fi %% MAKING Q MUNDANE HERE! \catcode`\Q=11 \ifhoro@wheels % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Configuration settings} % \begin{macro}{\horoaspectobjectsa} % List of objects that can appear on one side of an aspect relation. By % default, all objects. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoaspectobjectsa{\horoobjects} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoaspectobjectsb} % List of objects that can appear on the other side of an aspect relation. % This is separated from |\horoaspectobjectsa| so that you can set one to % all objects and the other to only ``major'' objects, to prevent counting % aspects that involve only ``minor'' objects. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoaspectobjectsb{\horoobjects} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoaspects} % This lists the aspect types that will be recognized. Note conjunctions % are not normally listed because they don't need to be marked in the aspect % web, though if one wanted to add conjunction symbols on top of the ticks % to really flag conjunctions, then that would be possible. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoaspects{Opposition,Trine,Square,Sextile} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ifhoroaspectweb} % Configuration flag for the ready-made wheels: whether they should or % shouldn't put an aspect web in the middle of the wheel. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifhoroaspectweb\horoaspectwebtrue % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Per-aspect-type configuration} % First we state the angular separation that defines each aspect. Only % longitude aspects are supported; parallel/antiparallel aren't shown. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoConjunctionAngle{0} \def\horoOppositionAngle{180} \def\horoTrineAngle{120} \def\horoSquareAngle{90} \def\horoQuintileAngle{72} \def\horoBiquintileAngle{144} \def\horoSextileAngle{60} \def\horoQuincunxAngle{150} \def\horoSemisextileAngle{30} \def\horoSemisquareAngle{45} \def\horoSesquiquadrateAngle{135} % \end{macrocode} % % Then the orb for each aspect. This package supports only a very simple % model for orb, in which it's determined solely by the aspect type. % Advanced users can do clever things with redrawing a couple of aspect webs % for different objects, to get orbs depending on the objects involved or on % other variables. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoConjunctionOrb{6} \def\horoOppositionOrb{6} \def\horoTrineOrb{5} \def\horoSquareOrb{5} \def\horoQuintileOrb{2} \def\horoBiquintileOrb{2} \def\horoSextileOrb{4} \def\horoQuincunxOrb{3} \def\horoSemisextileOrb{3} \def\horoSemisquareOrb{2} \def\horoSesquiquadrateOrb{2} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Drawing the aspect web} % \begin{macro}{\horoputaspect} % Draw a single aspect. The arguments are \#1 radius of the endpoints, \#2 % and \#3 the $\theta$ coordinates of the endpoints, and \#4 the symbol to % display at the midpoint of the aspect. Implementation starts by opening a % group and saving the arguments to macros. % \begin{macrocode} % radius theta1 theta2 symbol \def\horoputaspect#1#2#3#4{% \begingroup \edef\p@one{#1}\edef\p@two{#2}\edef\p@three{#3}% % \end{macrocode} % % Apply chart rotation to both $\theta$ coordinates: % \begin{macrocode} \dimen@=\p@two\p@\relax\horo@chartrotate\edef\p@two{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% \dimen@=\p@three\p@\relax\horo@chartrotate\edef\p@three{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% % \end{macrocode} % % Convert endpoints to polar and draw the line segment representing the % aspect: % \changes{v0.92}{2013/05/15}{Replace \cs{drawline} with \cs{Line}} % \begin{macrocode} \horo@polarconvert\p@one\p@two\horo@dim@xa\horo@dim@ya \horo@polarconvert\p@one\p@three\horo@dim@xb\horo@dim@yb \Line(\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@xa,\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@ya)% (\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@xb,\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@yb)% % \end{macrocode} % % Compute the midpoint by doing an average on the Cartesian coordinates: % \begin{macrocode} \advance\horo@dim@xa by\horo@dim@xb \advance\horo@dim@ya by\horo@dim@yb \divide\horo@dim@xa by2\divide\horo@dim@ya by2% % \end{macrocode} % % Put the symbol at the midpoint and end. % \begin{macrocode} \put(\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@xa,\TG@rem@pt\horo@dim@ya){\makebox(0,0){#4}}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@aa} % \changes{v0.91}{2008/08/30}{Fixed only-checking-one-direction bug} % Helper for more automated aspect drawing: this checks whether there is an % aspect (with angular separation of $\#1\pm\#2$) between objects \#5 and % \#6, and if so, draws an aspect between them with endpoint radius \#3 and % symbol \#4. The two object names come last because this is meant to be % used in a |\horo@dblforeach|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@aa#1#2#3#4#5#6{% \dimen@\csname horo#5Pos\endcsname\p@ \advance\dimen@ by -\csname horo#6Pos\endcsname\p@ \horo@fixdimen@diff \ifdim\dimen@<\z@\relax\multiply\dimen@ by -1\relax\fi \advance\dimen@ by -#1\p@ \horo@fixdimen@diff \ifdim\dimen@<\z@\relax\multiply\dimen@ by -1\relax\fi \ifdim\dimen@<#2\p@\relax \horoputaspect{#3}{\csname horo#5Pos\endcsname}% {\csname horo#6Pos\endcsname}{#4}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoautoaspect} % Wrapper for |\horo@aa|: runs the |\horo@dblforeach| inside a group. This % does all the checking and drawing for one aspect type. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoautoaspect#1#2#3#4#5#6{% \begingroup \horo@dblforeach{#1}{#2}{\horo@aa{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@aas} % Helper for |\horoautoaspects|: calls |\horoautoaspect| to do one aspect % type, using configured settings. Argument \#1 is radius and \#2 is the % aspect type name. Note that this does every pair of one object from % |\horoaspectobjectsa| and one from |\horoaspectobjectsb|, which will quite % possibly hit a given pair twice, once in each direction % (e.g.\ Sun/Moon and Moon/Sun) Normally that will not be a problem; it % only means typesetting an identical aspect twice, one on top of the other. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@aas#1#2{% \horoautoaspect{\horoaspectobjectsa}{\horoaspectobjectsb}% {\csname horo#2Angle\endcsname}{\csname horo#2Orb\endcsname}% {#1}{\csname horo#2Symbol\endcsname}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoautoaspects} % Do the entire aspect web by iterating over all configured aspect type % names. Most configuration settings come in through defined macros; the % sole argument is the radius. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoautoaspects#1{% \horoforeach{\horoaspects}{\horo@aas{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Internal House Labels} % % These support adding labels to the middles of houses. The labels are % treated (for the purposes of the adjustment code) as objects that take up % space in the house, so they make it much more likely for a house to end up % overfilled and having to expand. However, they also make it easier % to identify houses at a glance. % % Much of the support for these is actually incorporated into the % ``adjustment'' code below. At this point we only define configuration % data and the routines to actually print the labels. % % \begin{macro}{\ifhorointhouselabels} % Define an |\if| for controlling whether to use this feature. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifhorointhouselabels\horointhouselabelsfalse % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Allocate a \LaTeX\ counter for which house we're in. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{horohouse} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\horohouselabel} % The default form of a label is the counter value in upper-case Roman, but % this can be redefined if the user wants something else. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\horohouselabel}{% \Roman{horohouse}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@houses} % List of the pseudo-objects used for internal house labels. This is the % only tricky bit in this section of code: the internal house labels are % treated as objects with names like ``CuspIM.'' Then we have macros with % names including strings like ``CuspIMPos,'' and that can be treated as % either the Pos of CuspIM, or the MPos of CuspI. Exploiting that ambiguity % allows for simpler use of the existing variable-copying code to do some % useful things with label positions. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@houses{CuspIM,CuspIIM,CuspIIIM,CuspIVM,CuspVM,CuspVIM,% CuspVIIM,CuspVIIIM,CuspIXM,CuspXM,CuspXIM,CuspXIIM} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@findcuspmid} % Finds the midpoint of a house, given (as arguments) the names of the % house's cusp and of the next house's cusp. Looks at the DPos of those two % cusps, puts the result into the MPos for the house (see above about the % Pos/MPos trick). % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@findcuspmid#1#2{% \horo@midpoint{\csname horoCusp#1DPos\endcsname}% {\csname horoCusp#2DPos\endcsname}% \expandafter\edef\csname horoCusp#1MPos\endcsname{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@findcuspmids} % Repeat |\horo@findcuspmid| for all twelve houses. This is done explicitly % because of the wrap-around between XII and I, which makes it non-trivial % to write a nice looping structure to do it. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@findcuspmids{% \horo@findcuspmid{I}{II}\horo@findcuspmid{II}{III}% \horo@findcuspmid{III}{IV}\horo@findcuspmid{IV}{V}% \horo@findcuspmid{V}{VI}\horo@findcuspmid{VI}{VII}% \horo@findcuspmid{VII}{VIII}\horo@findcuspmid{VIII}{IX}% \horo@findcuspmid{IX}{X}\horo@findcuspmid{X}{XI}% \horo@findcuspmid{XI}{XII}\horo@findcuspmid{XII}{I}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@pihl} % Prints an internal house label given the radius at which to print as \#1 % and the name of the midpoint (like CuspIM) as \#2. Also steps the % |horohouse| counter, which is probably being used to decide how the labels % look. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@pihl#1#2{% \begingroup \horo@getobjdpos{#2}% \horo@putpolar{#1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}{\horohouselabel}% \stepcounter{horohouse}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoputinthouselabels} % Typesets a complete ring of twelve house labels. The sole argument is the % radius at which to put them. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoputinthouselabels#1{% \setcounter{horohouse}{1}% \horoforeach{\horo@houses}{\horo@pihl{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Object and Cusp Adjustment} % % These macros implement a full-featured system for adjusting the location % of objects on the chart to prevent them from interfering with each other. % The basic concept involves two variables on each object and cusp: Pos and % DPos. Pos represents the true position of the object in the sky, normally % its longitude. That is also in some sense the ``preferred'' position for % the object or cusp on the chart. However, if necessary to avoid % interference, the object or cusp can be shifted to a new location. DPos % is the position where it will actually be displayed. % % Adjustment is done by an iterative spring-tensioning algorithm. % Everything starts out with DPos equal to Pos. Then in successive loops, % we examine whether any rules (such as ``no two objects within so many % degrees of each other'') are broken, and if so we shift things in such a % way as to reduce the rule violations. Things that are too close to each % other are mutually repelled away from each other. Things that are not in % their preferred locations are attracted towards their preferred locations. % % There are limits on how much these forces can affect the location of an % object, to prevent the system from running away or oscillating. We hope % (without formal proof, but it seems to be true in practice and in % principle it could probably be proved formally) that in successive % iterations the adjustments will get smaller and smaller until the system % settles down into a reasonably good solution. There are a few tricks % implemented to encourage that. If two successive iterations give results % that are almost the same (to the point that the difference would not be % visible to the viewer) then we figure it has converged and stop the loop. % There is also a limit on the absolute number of iterations that will be % allowed, in case it does run away. % % Ideally we would have a solution that doesn't involve moving any cusps, % because moved cusps end up having unappealing ``jogs'' when rendered. % That may or may not be possible. The system will first attempt a solution % without moving any cusps, but if it converges with no cusp movement and % the result isn't good enough, then it will unlock the cusps and continue % iterating. % % \subsubsection{Configuration settings} % \begin{macro}{\horosignificantadj} % Number of degrees of adjustment that will be considered ``significant'' % and cause another iteration. This should be small enough that it won't be % visible in the output. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horosignificantadj{0.1} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horocuspadjusttrigger} % This represents the percentage of the normal ``minimum'' distance between % objects and objects, or objects and cusps, below which houses will be % considered too cramped. If the converged solution without moving cusps % results in any distances becoming shorter than this percentage, which will % normally imply all the distances in that house are similarly cramped, then % cusp adjustment will be triggered. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horocuspadjusttrigger{65} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoadjcycles} % Maximum number of cycles (total) to permit. If convergence is not % detected after this many, then it'll just go ahead with the result of % the last one. The default of 30 is generous. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoadjcycles{30} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoposattobj} % Strength of attraction between an object and its desired Pos value. This % is given as a divisor, so the default of 20 means that the adjustment to % bring an object towards its Pos will be equal to $1/20$ of the amount by % which it's currently displaced from there. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoposattobj{20} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoposattcusp} % Strength of attraction between a cusp and its desired Pos value. The % default of 7 means cusps are attracted to their Pos locations about three % times as much as objects; but note that that's if we allow cusps to move % at all, which only happens if we're forced into it. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoposattcusp{7} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\hororepulsion} % Basic divisor for repulsion between all pairs of things that are repelled % from each other. % \begin{macrocode} \def\hororepulsion{3} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horomaxrepulsion} % Interference distance (in degrees) at which maximum repulsion is achieved. % If two objects interfere by more than this amount, they will be repelled % only as much as if they interfered this much.\footnote{Don't try this at % home, kids. Sharp cutoffs like this one tend to introduce nonlinearity into % the underlying system of partial differential equations, which in turn % tends to create catastrophic instability. The famous Tacoma Narrows % Bridge disaster is blamed on a similar effect: due to nonlinearity in the % actual behaviour of the system, the linear analysis performed by the % designers of the bridge was woefully inaccurate. The decision to use % sharp cutoffs in the particular case of \textsf{horoscop}'s object % adjustment system is supported by very careful testing, the fact that the % discontinuities are only in the second and higher derivatives, % and the basic harmlessness of the situation: in the worst imaginable % failure mode you'd just get a visually unappealing astrological chart. % It should % not be taken as an endorsement of sharp-cutoff designs in general.} The % case this is intended to cover is the one where an object somehow happens % to be completely on the other side of the chart from where it should be, % and out of order with everything else. If repulsion were unlimited, then % everything would be kicked around to the point of creating many more % constraint violations and the whole thing would take many iterations to % resolve itself. Limiting repulsion per pair of objects gives more chance % to resolve such situations reasonably. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horomaxrepulsion{5.0} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horooomindist} % Object/object minimum distance. If objects are more than this distance % apart (and in the correct sequence with each other) then they will not % repel. When they're closer, including being on the wrong side of each % other, then repulsion increases linearly with the amount of interference % up to the maximum set by the previous macro. Note that this one is for % \emph{object/object} relationships only. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horooomindist{6.0} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horoocmindist} % Object/cusp minimum distance. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoocmindist{4.0} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Internal variables} % These are used to keep track of where we are in the iteration and whether % we want to continue. Note dropping temporarily out of % |\ifhoro@wheels| because doing |\newif| in a conditional context causes % parsing problems. % \begin{macrocode} \fi \newif\ifhoro@djusted\relax \newif\ifhoro@djustcusps\relax \ifhoro@wheels \countdef\horo@i=1\relax % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Support macros for adjustment iterations} % These do low-level tasks needed within a single cycle of adjusting objects or % cusps. % % \begin{macro}{\horo@findpdiff} % Find the distance in Pos between two objects or cusps named by the % arguments. Note we can also get the distance in DPos by tacking a D onto % the end of an object name. Result goes into |\dimen@|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@findpdiff#1#2{% \dimen@=\csname horo#1Pos\endcsname\p@ \multiply\dimen@ by -1\relax \advance\dimen@ by\csname horo#2Pos\endcsname\p@ \horo@fixdimen@diff } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@pplycorrection} % Apply a correction (which should be in |\dimen@|) to the DPos of the % specified object or cusp. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@pplycorrection#1{% \advance\dimen@ by \csname horo#1DPos\endcsname\p@ \horo@fixdimen@ \expandafter\edef\csname horo#1DPos\endcsname{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@djo@} % Adjust an object or cusp against another. Arguments are \#1 the minimum % distance, \#2 the thing to adjust, and \#3 the thing to adjust it against. % Implementation starts by finding, and saving, the distance in Pos between % the two objects or cusps, which gives us a sanity check on whether they % should affect each other at all, and tells us on which side of each other % they should appear. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@djo@#1#2#3{% \horo@findpdiff{#3}{#2}% \horo@dim@x=\dimen@ % \end{macrocode} % % If the distance in Pos is more than 45\horodegrees\ in either direction, % then we skip the rest of this. That prevents some bad nonconverging cases % if objects happen to get into very bad locations on the wrong side of the % chart; they'll only interact with the objects that they want to be near. % \begin{macrocode} \ifdim\horo@dim@x<45\p@\relax \ifdim\horo@dim@x>-45\p@\relax % \end{macrocode} % % Now find the difference in \emph{display} positions as opposed to sky % positions, and flip its sign depending on the saved Pos difference. The % result in |\dimen@| is a number that tells us how far apart the objects % are in the direction they're supposed to be, so it is negative if they are % on the wrong side of each other. % \begin{macrocode} \horo@findpdiff{#3D}{#2D}% \ifdim\horo@dim@x<\z@\multiply\dimen@ by -1\relax\fi % \end{macrocode} % % Subtract out the minimum distance. The result is positive if the objects % are on the correct side and separated by more than the minimum % distance---in which case we set the adjustment to zero. Otherwise it's a % negative number saying how far they are interfering. We hard-limit it by % |\horomaxrepulsion| on the other side, and then divide by % |\hororepulsion| to get the adjustment for the current cycle. % \begin{macrocode} \advance\dimen@ by -#1\p@ \ifdim\dimen@>\z@ \dimen@=\z@ \else \ifdim\dimen@<-\horomaxrepulsion\p@\relax \dimen@=-\horomaxrepulsion\p@% \fi \divide\dimen@ by\hororepulsion\relax \fi % \end{macrocode} % % If we flipped the sign earlier, flip it back. Then |\dimen@| will contain % the actual adjustment to apply to |\horo|\meta{\#2}|\DPos|. % \begin{macrocode} \ifdim\horo@dim@x>\z@\multiply\dimen@ by -1\relax\fi % \end{macrocode} % % Apply the correction and end. % \begin{macrocode} \horo@pplycorrection{#2}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@djoo} % Adjust an object against an object. This is just the small amount of % additional intelligence needed on top of |\horo@djo@| to handle objects % versus objects. We check the arguments to make sure we aren't adjusting % the same object against itself, because that is handled separately later. % Also, the value of |\horooomindist| is picked up and passed into % |\horo@djo@|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@djoo#1#2{% \edef\horo@tmpa{#1}\edef\horo@tmpb{#2}% \ifx\horo@tmpa\horo@tmpb\else \horo@djo@{\horooomindist}{#1}{#2}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@djoo@same} % The special case of object or cusp against itself: we find the difference % between its Pos and DPos, divide that by \#1 (which should be the spring % divisor, different for objects or cusps), and apply the result as a % correction. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@djoo@same#1#2{% \horo@findpdiff{#2D}{#2}% \divide\dimen@ by#1\relax \horo@pplycorrection{#2}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@djcheckmovement} % Check for whether an object or cusp has moved significantly in the current % cycle. That is, if DPos differs from SPos (which was set to DPos before % the current cycle) by more than |\horosignificantadj|, then set % |\horo@djustedtrue|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@djcheckmovement#1{% \horo@findpdiff{#1D}{#1S}% \ifdim\dimen@<0\p@\relax\multiply\dimen@ by -1\relax\fi \ifdim\dimen@>\horosignificantadj\p@\relax\horo@djustedtrue\fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Single adjustment cycles} % These each do one complete cycle of adjusting objects or objects and % cusps. There are two versions because including cusps or not makes a big % enough difference to warrant a separate implementation. % % \begin{macro}{\horo@djobjcycle} % One cycle of adjusting objects against each other and against cusps. % Start by showing the user the current cycle number as a progress % indicator, and setting the |\ifhoro@djusted| flag to false because we % haven't moved anything yet this cycle. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@djobjcycle{% \message{\the\horo@i}% \horo@djustedfalse % \end{macrocode} % % Copy all the current DPos values to a new variable called SPos (``saved % position'') so we'll be able to check whether anything has moved. % \begin{macrocode} \horocopyvar{\horoobjects}{DPos}{SPos}% % \end{macrocode} % % Adjust objects against objects. % \begin{macrocode} \horo@dblforeach{\horoobjects}{\horoobjects}{\horo@djoo}% % \end{macrocode} % % Adjust objects against cusps. This is one-sided: objects move to % accomodate cusps, but cusps do not move to accomodate objects. Since (we % assume) nothing is both an object and a cusp, we can call the low-level % |\horo@djo@| directly instead of needing a wrapper like |\horo@adjoo|. % \begin{macrocode} \horo@dblforeach{\horoobjects}{\horocusps}{\horo@djo@{\horoocmindist}}% % \end{macrocode} % % Adjust each object against itself; that is, handle its attraction to Pos, % its ``correct'' location in the sky. % \begin{macrocode} \horoforeach{\horoobjects}{\horo@djoo@same{\horoposattobj}}% % \end{macrocode} % % Check for movement. This turns on the |\ifhoro@djusted| flag if the net % result of the current cycle has been to move anything a ``significant'' % amount from the position we saved in SPos. % \begin{macrocode} \horoforeach{\horoobjects}{\horo@djcheckmovement}% % \end{macrocode} % % If the flag has remained false, then we have convergence, and can blow out % of the loop by setting the counter to its terminating value. % \begin{macrocode} \ifhoro@djusted\else\horo@i=\horoadjcycles\relax\fi % \end{macrocode} % % Loop test. If we aren't on the last loop (which could have happened % either naturally or because of the exception in the last line), then % advance the loop counter and schedule another tail-recursive iteration. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\horoadjcycles>\horo@i\relax \advance\horo@i by1\relax \expandafter\horo@djobjcycle \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@djcuspcycle} % Adjust all objects and cusps against each other. As in % |\horo@djobjcycle|, we start by displaying the iteration number, setting % the |\ifhoro@djusted| flag false, and saving all DPos values to SPos. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@djcuspcycle{% \message{\the\horo@i}% \horo@djustedfalse \horocopyvar{\horoobjects,\horocusps}{DPos}{SPos}% % \end{macrocode} % % Do the adjustments. We use |\horo@djo@| for adjusting cusps against % objects and objects against cusps because nothing appears on both lists. % For cusps against cusps and objects against objects we use |\horo@djoo| % because it has the added handling for not adjusting anything against % itself. % \begin{macrocode} \horo@dblforeach{\horocusps}{\horoobjects}{\horo@djo@{\horoocmindist}}% \horo@dblforeach{\horocusps}{\horocusps}{\horo@djoo}% \horo@dblforeach{\horoobjects}{\horoobjects}{\horo@djoo}% \horo@dblforeach{\horoobjects}{\horocusps}{\horo@djo@{\horoocmindist}}% % \end{macrocode} % % Adjust objects and cusps towards their desired positions (Pos values). % Note that the logic is the same but the divisor passed in is % |\horoposattobj| or |\horoposattcusp| depending on whether we are % considering objects or cusps. % \begin{macrocode} \horoforeach{\horoobjects}{\horo@djoo@same{\horoposattobj}}% \horoforeach{\horocusps}{\horo@djoo@same{\horoposattcusp}}% % \end{macrocode} % % Check for movement and handle the tail-recursive loop, just like in % |\horo@dj|-|objcycle| except that we examine cusps as well as objects. % \begin{macrocode} \horoforeach{\horoobjects,\horocusps}{\horo@djcheckmovement}% \ifhoro@djusted\else\horo@i=\horoadjcycles\relax\fi \ifnum\horoadjcycles>\horo@i\relax \advance\horo@i by1\relax \expandafter\horo@djcuspcycle \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Support macros for main loop} % \begin{macro}{\horo@djsavedpos} % Use |\horo@fterdef| to pass the DPos of % an object or cusp outside the prophylactic group. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@djsavedpos#1{% \expandafter\horo@fterdef\csname horo#1DPos\endcsname } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@djcheckcusps} % This checks a pair of objects or cusps for excessive stress, to determine, % after we have a converged solution with only objects moving, whether we % need to try moving cusps too. It makes sure not to compare something % against itself, finds the absolute value of the distance in degrees % between the two things, and checks whether that is less than % |\horocuspadjusttrigger| percentage of the minimum distance which was % passed in through \#1. If so, there's too much stress, and the % |\ifhoro@djustcusps| flag gets turned on. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@djcheckcusps#1#2#3{% \edef\horo@tmpa{#2}\edef\horo@tmpb{#3}% \ifx\horo@tmpa\horo@tmpb \else \horo@findpdiff{#2D}{#3D}% \ifdim\dimen@<\z@\multiply\dimen@ by-1\relax\fi \ifdim\dimen@<45\p@\relax \multiply\dimen@ by 100\relax \divide\dimen@ by \horocuspadjusttrigger\relax \ifdim\dimen@<#1\p@\relax\horo@djustcuspstrue\fi \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Main loop} % \begin{macro}{\horoadjust} % This is the user-callable adjustment macro that does the whole task of % adjusting objects and possibly cusps to make them look good. The whole % works is conditional on the |\ifhorocalculated| flag; if there's no good % data in the initial Pos and DPos values, then the adjustment may not % converge and will be wasted effort in any case. An earlier version % actually used multiple passes to do the external program calls (much like % the way \BibTeX\ works), so |\horocalculatedfalse| was guaranteed to occur % on the first pass; now, assuming |\write18| support in the interpreter, % it's less probable, but still needs to be caught because people % \emph{will} attempt to run without the required |\write18| support. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horoadjust{% \ifhorocalculated % \end{macrocode} % % Support for internal house labels: if they're turned on, then find the % house midpoints and add them as objects to |\horoobjects|, saving its old % value to be later restored. % \begin{macrocode} \ifhorointhouselabels \horo@findcuspmids \horocopyvar{\horocusps}{MPos}{MDPos}% \let\horo@savedobjlist\horoobjects \edef\horoobjects{\horoobjects,\horo@houses}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % % Get ready to run the loop. Prints an opening parenthesis as a message to % the user, to give some progress indication, and sets the loop counter to 1. % A session of |\horoadjust| % will give a message something like ``( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C 1 2 3 )'' showing % each cycle through the loop, and the decision to adjust cusps. That way % (since this requires a fair bit of processing) the user won't be left % hanging, wondering what \TeX\ is doing. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup \message{(}% \horo@i=1\relax % \end{macrocode} % % Do the actual adjustment cycles for objects only. % \begin{macrocode} \horo@djobjcycle % \end{macrocode} % % Now to decide whether we need to adjust cusps as well. Start by setting % the flag false. Then check objects against objects, and objects against % cusps, for excessive stress. If we find any, then cusp adjustment will be % triggered. This assumes that cusps against cusps will % never be an issue, but that's probably reasonable: cusps only fall right % on top of each other when the house system is misbehaving (e.g. Placidus % at high latitudes), and even then it will only be a visual problem if % there are objects trapped in the resulting tiny houses, because the cusps % themselves take up negligible angular space. % \begin{macrocode} \horo@djustcuspsfalse \horo@dblforeach{\horoobjects}{\horoobjects}% {\horo@djcheckcusps{\horooomindist}}% \horo@dblforeach{\horoobjects}{\horocusps}% {\horo@djcheckcusps{\horoocmindist}}% % \end{macrocode} % % If we do want to adjust cusps: give the user a ``C'' to let them know, % then set the loop counter back to 1 and do the cusp adjustment cycle. % \begin{macrocode} \ifhoro@djustcusps \message{C}% \horo@i=1\relax \horo@djcuspcycle \fi % \end{macrocode} % % At this point everything is converged, or as close as we were able to get. % Print a terminating parenthesis for the user message and pass all the DPos % values we calculated out of the prophylactic group. % \begin{macrocode} \message{)}% \horoforeach{\horocusps,\horoobjects}{\horo@djsavedpos}% \endgroup % \end{macrocode} % % Finally, restore the |\horoobjects| list if we tampered with it earlier. % \begin{macrocode} \ifhorointhouselabels\let\horoobjects\horo@savedobjlist\fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % At this point we end the |\ifhoro@wheels| conditional. % \begin{macrocode} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Support Macros for Ready-Made Wheels} % % These provide some low-level operations specific to the ready-made % wheel templates. % % At this point we open a conditional so that users can % turn off this support if they won't be using it. % \begin{macrocode} \ifhoro@templates % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Recognizing houses} % Some of the templates treat objects differently depending on in which house, % or which kind of house, the objects are located. These macros are all % designed to be called in the conditional part of an |\if|; they start out % by expanding |TT| (which the |\if| recognizes as unconditional true), then % open a new |\if| that does the actual conditioning. % % \begin{macro}{\horo@isclockwise} % Conditional, true if \#1 is clockwise of \#2. Implementation finds the % difference in Pos, inside a group to prevent pollution, and checks its sign. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@isclockwise#1#2{% TT\fi \begingroup \horo@findpdiff{#1}{#2}% \edef\horo@data{\the\dimen@}% \horo@fterdef\horo@data \endgroup \ifdim\horo@data>\z@\relax } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@anghouse} % Conditional, true if \#1 is in an angular house; that is, I, IV, VII, or % X. Works by comparing the object's position against the two cusps % bounding the house, for each of the four angular houses. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@anghouse#1{% TT\fi \begingroup \def\horo@angh@{F}% \if\horo@isclockwise{CuspI}{#1}\if\horo@isclockwise{#1}{CuspII}% \def\horo@angh@{T}% \fi\fi \if\horo@isclockwise{CuspIV}{#1}\if\horo@isclockwise{#1}{CuspV}% \def\horo@angh@{T}% \fi\fi \if\horo@isclockwise{CuspVII}{#1}\if\horo@isclockwise{#1}{CuspVIII}% \def\horo@angh@{T}% \fi\fi \if\horo@isclockwise{CuspX}{#1}\if\horo@isclockwise{#1}{CuspXI}% \def\horo@angh@{T}% \fi\fi \horo@fterdef\horo@angh@ \endgroup \if\horo@angh@ T\relax } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@succhouse} % Conditional, true if \#1 is in a succedent house; that is, II, V, VIII, or % XI. Implementation basically the same as |\horo@anghouse|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@succhouse#1{% TT\fi \begingroup \def\horo@succh@{F}% \if\horo@isclockwise{CuspII}{#1}\if\horo@isclockwise{#1}{CuspIII}% \def\horo@succh@{T}% \fi\fi \if\horo@isclockwise{CuspV}{#1}\if\horo@isclockwise{#1}{CuspVI}% \def\horo@succh@{T}% \fi\fi \if\horo@isclockwise{CuspVIII}{#1}\if\horo@isclockwise{#1}{CuspIX}% \def\horo@succh@{T}% \fi\fi \if\horo@isclockwise{CuspXI}{#1}\if\horo@isclockwise{#1}{CuspXII}% \def\horo@succh@{T}% \fi\fi \horo@fterdef\horo@succh@ \endgroup \if\horo@succh@ T\relax } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Support for Montreal template} % \begin{macro}{\horo@montrealcurve} % Draw one of the special curves that typify the Montreal chart template. % This goes from the midpoint of a succedent house, based on DPos of the % starting and ending cusps, to the Pos of an angular house's cusp. There % are a total of eight of them to be drawn. The inner and outer radii are % fixed at 15 and 45. The implementation just calls |\horo@midpoint| to % compute the inner end, and then |\horo@putcurve| to draw the curve. This % is not one of the nice special cases for |\horo@putcurve| (constant $r$ or % constant $\theta$) but the result looks good in context anyway. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@montrealcurve#1#2#3{% \horo@midpoint{\csname horoCusp#2DPos\endcsname}% {\csname horoCusp#3DPos\endcsname}% \horoputcurve{45}{\csname horoCusp#1Pos\endcsname}{15}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@putmontrealobj} % Typeset an object label for the Montreal template. Objects in succedent % houses get labels on a larger radius than those in angular or cadent % houses. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@putmontrealobj#1{% \if\horo@succhouse{#1}% \horoputobjsymbol{42}{#1}% \horoputobjdeglabel{34}{4}{#1}% \horoputrxlabel{30}{#1}% \else \horoputobjsymbol{29}{#1}% \horoputobjdeglabel{21}{4}{#1}% \horoputrxlabel{17}{#1}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Support for Quebec City template} % \begin{macro}{\horo@putqcobj} % Typeset an object label for the Quebec City template. Objects in % angular houses get labels on a smaller radius than those % in succedent or cadent houses. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@putqcobj#1{% \if\horo@anghouse{#1}% \horoputobjsymbol{28}{#1}% \horoputobjdeglabel{20}{4}{#1}% \horoputrxlabel{16}{#1}% \else \horoputobjsymbol{42}{#1}% \horoputobjdeglabel{34}{4}{#1}% \horoputrxlabel{30}{#1}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@qcline} % Draw a straight line as part of the Quebec City template. This goes from % radius \#1 and angle \#2 to radius \#3 and angle \#4. The angles are % specified as cusp number concatenated with variable, as in % ``IIMPos,'' because that's the most convenient form for the calling % macro. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@qcline#1#2#3#4{% \begingroup \dimen@=\csname horoCusp#2\endcsname\p@\horo@chartrotate \dimen1=\dimen@\relax \dimen@=\csname horoCusp#4\endcsname\p@\horo@chartrotate \horoputline{#1}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen1}% {#3}{\TG@rem@pt\dimen@}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Support for dial templates} % The dial templates all follow much the same pattern, so most of the parts % that are the same regardless of the number of dials are factored into % these two macros. % % \begin{macro}{\horo@dialstart} % Start drawing a dial template. The first argument is the radius of the % innermost dial, and the second is the harmonic--specially supported % because people who use dial charts seem to also often want harmonics on % them, and the degree scale should expand according to the harmonic. % % Implementation starts by calculating the harmonic positions of the % objects: % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@dialstart#1#2{% \horocalcharmonic{#2} % \end{macrocode} % % To print a nice degree scale we want ticks of differing sizes every one, % five, and ten degrees - but with the spacing adjusted according to the % harmonic. So we open a group and compute \#2 times one, five, and ten, % and save the results in the macros |\horo@dtone|, |\horo@dtfive|, and % |\horo@dtten| respectively. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup \count0=#2\relax \edef\horo@dtone{\the\count0}% \multiply\count0 by 5\relax \edef\horo@dtfive{\the\count0}% \multiply\count0 by 2\relax \edef\horo@dtten{\the\count0}% \horo@fterdef\horo@dtone \horo@fterdef\horo@dtfive \horo@fterdef\horo@dtten \endgroup % \end{macrocode} % % Force the right coordinate to 270\horodegrees, which means that the % 0\horodegrees\ mark will be at the top of the chart; that seems to be what % dial-chart users want. % \begin{macrocode} \def\hororightcoord{270}% % \end{macrocode} % % If there's to be an aspect web (which may not be standard usage for dial % charts, but costs little to support) then typeset it. Otherwise, just % make a little cross in the centre of the dial so that the Cosmobiologists % know where to place their angle-finding instruments. % \changes{v0.92}{2013/05/15}{Replace \cs{drawline} with \cs{Line}} % \begin{macrocode} \ifhoroaspectweb \horoautoaspects{#1}% \else \Line(-1,0)(1,0)% \Line(0,-1)(0,1)% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horo@dialwheel} % Draw one wheel of a potentially multi-wheel dial chart. The argument % \#1 is the |\horooomindist| setting (because the outer wheels may be less % cramped) and \#2 the diameter (not radius) of the basic circle. Then % \#3 through \#6 are the radii of various things: start of object-Pos % ticks, start of connector curves between object Pos and object DPos, end % of connector curves, and object symbols. The last argument, \#7, is the % length of object-Pos ticks. % % Implementation starts by setting object-object minimum distance according % to the argument, and object-cusp minimum distance to -90\horodegrees, % which effectively means that object-cusp interference won't be meaningful % to the adjustment algorithm. Dial charts don't have cusps. Then we draw % a circle for the basic dial, and set the right coordinate to % 270\horodegrees. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horo@dialwheel#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{% \def\horooomindist{#1}\def\horoocmindist{-90.0}% \put(0,0){\circle{#2}}% \def\hororightcoord{270}% % \end{macrocode} % % The rest is only meaningful if there is calculated data. We plot a set of % radials to show objects' Pos values. % \begin{macrocode} \ifhorocalculated \horoputradials{\horoobjects}{#3}{#7}% % \end{macrocode} % % Do |\horoadjust| to come up with reasonable DPos values. % \begin{macrocode} \horoadjust % \end{macrocode} % % Then plot the connecting curves and the object symbols and end (closing % off the conditional). % \begin{macrocode} \horoforeach{\horoobjects}{\horoconncurve{#4}{#5}}% \horoforeach{\horoobjects}{\horoputobjsymbol{#6}}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Choosing text size} % % \begin{macro}{\horotextsize} % Adjustment to automatically-determined label text size in charts like % Vancouver, where the text size depends on the length of the smart-label % format string. Positive numbers make the text bigger, negative make it % smaller. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horotextsize{0} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horochoosetextsize} % This makes some attempt to choose a reasonable text size based on % |\horolbllen|, so that labels with more chunks will be set in smaller % type. We start out by setting |\count@| to the configuration setting % |\horotextsize| (actually its negative) and adding the detected value of % |\horolbllen|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\horochoosetextsize{% \count@=\horotextsize\relax \multiply\count@ by-1\relax \advance\count@ by\horolbllen\relax % \end{macrocode} % % Based on the result, we choose a text size from |\Large| down to |\tiny|. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcase\the\count@\or\Large\or\large\or\normalsize\or\small\or \scriptsize\or\scriptsize\or\tiny\fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \subsection{Ready-Made Wheel Templates} % % These are all designed to be used inside a |horoscope| environment. % % \subsubsection{Basic wheel} % This is a standard wheel of the sort typically produced by a lot of % astrological software; it probably resembles Astrolog's more than anything % else. It has a sign key and angle scale around the outside, and space for % a centre label or aspect web in the middle. Objects have ticks showing % their true locations against the angle scale and aspect web, and curves % connecting those to their displayed locations within the houses. House % cusps can jog out of their true positions in order to accomodate adjusted % labels. % % \begin{macro}{\horowheelVancouver} % The optional argument is the label format string, which will be passed % into the smart labels code. Default value shows degrees and minutes of % object position. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\horowheelVancouver}[1][ydzmr/ymzdr]{% % \end{macrocode} % % The graphic elements that make up the wheel are arranged at the following % radii: % % \begin{tabular}{ll} % r & element \\ \hline % 0--21 & aspect web or centre label \\ % 21 & circle bounding aspect web from houses \\ \hline % 21--22 & radials showing true cusp positions \\ % 22 & arcs connecting cusp radials to displaced cusps \\ % 21--23 & radials showing true object positions \\ % 23--24 & curves connecting object labels to radials \\ % 22--42 & possibly-displaced cusps \\ % 25 & approximate innermost object label chunk \\ % 32 & centres of internal house labels \\ % 38 & centres of outermost label chunks \\ % 40--41 & curves connecting object labels to radials \\ % 41--43 & radials showing true object positions \\ % 42 & arcs connecting cusp radials to displaced cusps \\ % 42--43 & radials showing true cusp positions \\ % 43 & circle on inside of angle scale \\ \hline % 43--44 & 1\horodegrees\ ticks in angle scale \\ % 43--45 & 5\horodegrees\ ticks in angle scale \\ % 45 & circle bounding angle scale from sign key \\ \hline % 45--50 & 30\horodegrees\ ticks between signs \\ % 47.5 & centres of sign symbols in key \\ % 50 & circle around entire chart \\ \hline % \end{tabular} % % The object label chunk radii are set by |\horosetsmartradii| to spacing that % depends on the number of chunks, but the rough guideline is that they occupy % radii 25--38. In fact, scanning the label string and setting the radii are % the first things |\horowheelVancouver| does. % \begin{macrocode} \horoscanlabels{#1}% \horosetsmartradii{38}{4.666}{0.333}% % \end{macrocode} % % Set the default rounding mode, which is round to minutes keep degrees, % if |\hororoundautotrue| is active. % \begin{macrocode} \ifhororoundauto\hororoundtominkeepdeg\fi % \end{macrocode} % % Draw the bounding circles (given by their diameter, which are twice their % radii). % \begin{macrocode} \put(0,0){\circle{100}}% \put(0,0){\circle{90}}% \put(0,0){\circle{86}}% \put(0,0){\circle{42}}% % \end{macrocode} % % Draw the angle scale with its 1\horodegrees\ and 5\horodegrees\ ticks, and % the sign key. % \begin{macrocode} \horoputticks{45}{5}{30}% \horoputticks{43}{1}{1}% \horoputticks{43}{2}{5}% \horoputsignkey{47.5}% % \end{macrocode} % % At this point DPos=Pos. Draw all the radials that go in true positions: % two each for objects and cusps, and two more bold ones for the cusps. % \changes{v0.92}{2013/05/15}{Replace \cs{allinethickness} with \cs{thicklines}\cs{linethickness}} % \begin{macrocode} \ifhorocalculated \horoputradials{\horoobjects}{41}{2}% \horoputradials{\horoobjects}{21}{2}% \ifhorodrawcusps \horoputradials{\horocusps}{21}{1}% \horoputradials{\horocusps}{42}{1}% \fi \ifhoroboldangles \begingroup \thicklines\linethickness{\horoanglecuspwidth}% \horoputradials{\horoangularcusps}{21}{1}% \ifhoroanglearrows \horoputradials{\horoangularcusps}{42}{0.5}% \else \horoputradials{\horoangularcusps}{42}{1}% \fi \endgroup \fi \ifhoroanglearrows \horoputarrows{\horoangularcusps}{43}{0.7}% \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % % Compute the adjusted DPos values. % \begin{macrocode} \horoadjust % \end{macrocode} % % Now draw the linework that goes in, or uses, adjusted positions. That % includes connecting curves for objects and cusps, and the main chunks % of the cusps themselves. % \changes{v0.92}{2013/05/15}{Replace \cs{allinethickness} with \cs{thicklines}\cs{linethickness}} % \begin{macrocode} \ifhorocalculated \horoforeach{\horoobjects}{\horoconncurve{41}{40}}% \horoforeach{\horoobjects}{\horoconncurve{23}{24}}% \ifhorodrawcusps \horoforeach{\horocusps}{\horoconncurve{42}{42}}% \horoforeach{\horocusps}{\horoconncurve{22}{22}}% \horoputradials{\horocusps}{22}{20}% \fi \ifhoroboldangles \thicklines\linethickness{\horoanglecuspwidth}% \horoforeach{\horoangularcusps}{\horoconncurve{42}{42}}% \horoforeach{\horoangularcusps}{\horoconncurve{22}{22}}% \horoputradials{\horoangularcusps}{22}{20}% \thinlines \fi % \end{macrocode} % % Finally, the smart labels for objects, the aspect web, and % the internal house labels. % \begin{macrocode} {\horochoosetextsize \horoforeach{\horoobjects}{\horoputsmartlabel}}% \ifhoroaspectweb\horoautoaspects{21}\fi \ifhorointhouselabels\horoputinthouselabels{32}\fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Harmonic multi-dial charts} % These templates are intended to be similar to some of those used in % Cosmobiology; they're also handy for comparing multiple charts. One, two, % three, or four concentric dials are supported. There's also built-in % support for calculating harmonics to create a 90\horodegrees\ wheel, or a % 45\horodegrees\ wheel, or whatever. The dials have ticks on them % indicating multiples of 1\horodegrees\ and 5\horodegrees (also % 10\horodegrees\ for the single and double dials), and the ticks % expand with the harmonic to make it easy to measure angles visually. % Labels for objects consist of just the object sysbols, to save radial % space (especially in the many-wheels case). % % All these take an optional first argument which is the harmonic number; % use 4 for a 90\horodegrees\ dial. Their implementations are % straightforward, based on the helper macros already defined. % % \begin{macro}{\horowheelIqaluit} % Single dial with the main circle at radius 42. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\horowheelIqaluit}[1][1]{{% \horo@dialstart{42}{#1}% \horoputticks{42}{1}{\horo@dtone}% \horoputticks{42}{2}{\horo@dtfive}% \horoputticks{42}{3}{\horo@dtten}% \horo@dialwheel{5.0}{84}{42}{45}{46}{47.5}{3}% }} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horowheelIgloolik} % Double dial, radii 34 and 42. The optional first argument is the harmonic; second % and third should be two sets of object positions saved with % |\horosaveobjects|, corresponding to the positions to display in the inner % and outer dials respectively. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\horowheelIgloolik}[3][1]{{% \horo@dialstart{34}{#1}% #3\horocalcharmonic{#1}% \horoputticks{42}{1}{\horo@dtone}% \horoputticks{42}{2}{\horo@dtfive}% \horoputticks{42}{3}{\horo@dtten}% \horo@dialwheel{5.0}{84}{42}{45}{46}{47.5}{3}% #2\horocalcharmonic{#1}% \horoputticks{34}{1}{\horo@dtone}% \horoputticks{34}{2}{\horo@dtfive}% \horoputticks{34}{3}{\horo@dtten}% \horo@dialwheel{6.0}{68}{34}{37}{38}{39.5}{3}% }} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horowheelResolute} % Triple dial, radii 29, 36, and 43. Optional first argument is harmonic; % remaining arguments are sets of saved object positions for the dials % ordered from inner to outer. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\horowheelResolute}[4][1]{{% \horo@dialstart{29}{#1}% #4\horocalcharmonic{#1}% \horoputticks{43}{1}{\horo@dtone}% \horoputticks{43}{2}{\horo@dtfive}% \horo@dialwheel{5.0}{86}{43}{45}{46}{47.5}{2}% #3\horocalcharmonic{#1}% \horoputticks{36}{1}{\horo@dtone}% \horoputticks{36}{2}{\horo@dtfive}% \horo@dialwheel{6.0}{72}{36}{38}{39}{40.5}{2}% #2\horocalcharmonic{#1}% \horoputticks{29}{1}{\horo@dtone}% \horoputticks{29}{2}{\horo@dtfive}% \horo@dialwheel{7.0}{58}{29}{31}{32}{33.5}{2}% }} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horowheelRankin} % Quadruple dial, radii 22, 29, 36, and 43. Optional first argument is harmonic; % remaining arguments are sets of saved object positions for the dials % ordered from inner to outer. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\horowheelRankin}[5][1]{{% \horo@dialstart{22}{#1}% #5\horocalcharmonic{#1}% \horoputticks{43}{1}{\horo@dtone}% \horoputticks{43}{2}{\horo@dtfive}% \horo@dialwheel{5.0}{86}{43}{45}{46}{47.5}{2}% #4\horocalcharmonic{#1}% \horoputticks{36}{1}{\horo@dtone}% \horoputticks{36}{2}{\horo@dtfive}% \horo@dialwheel{6.0}{72}{36}{38}{39}{40.5}{2}% #3\horocalcharmonic{#1}% \horoputticks{29}{1}{\horo@dtone}% \horoputticks{29}{2}{\horo@dtfive}% \horo@dialwheel{7.0}{58}{29}{31}{32}{33.5}{2}% #2\horocalcharmonic{#1}% \horoputticks{22}{1}{\horo@dtone}% \horoputticks{22}{2}{\horo@dtfive}% \horo@dialwheel{10.0}{44}{22}{24}{25}{26.5}{2}% }} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Decorative wheel charts} % These were created partly to demonstrate some of the possibilities of % putting the pieces together to create interesting variations on the basic % chart, and partly in an effort to imitate historical chart styles. The % Montreal design was an attempt to create something similar to % old-fashioned square charts with triangular houses that I've seen; but at % the time I wasn't remembering clearly how those charts were laid out, and % I misunderstood which direction the triangles should point. The result is % not much like historical charts at all, but was retained because it's % visually interesting anyway, and demonstrates creative abuse of spline % curves. The Quebec City design is a second attempt % at imitating historical charts; although circular instead of square, it % uses the triangular-house layout, in a design that puts emphasis on the % angles and house cusps. Both are designed to emphasize the houses things % are in and de-emphasize the precise longitude relationships that the % Vancouver chart focuses on. That may or may not accomodate a different % style of interpretation. % % \begin{macro}{\horowheelMontreal} % This chart style puts some labels at small radii, so the minimum distances % for label adjustment have to be relatively large angles to prevent % interference. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\horowheelMontreal}{{% \def\horooomindist{10.0}\def\horoocmindist{6.0}% % \end{macrocode} % % Set the default rounding mode, which is round to degrees keep sign, % if |\hororoundautotrue| is active. % \begin{macrocode} \ifhororoundauto\hororoundtodegkeepsign\fi % \end{macrocode} % % Draw circles at radii 15 and 45. % \begin{macrocode} \put(0,0){\circle{90}}% \put(0,0){\circle{30}}% % \end{macrocode} % % Put circular-reading labels at radius 47.5 for the four angles. % \begin{macrocode} \ifhorocalculated \ifhorodrawcusps \horoforeach{\horoangularcusps}{\horoputcusplabel{47.5}{5}}% \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % % Do adjustment to find non-conflicting locations for everything else. % \begin{macrocode} \horoadjust % \end{macrocode} % % Now draw cusps separating succedent houses from the others. % Note that each call of |\horo@montrealcurve| draws a % curve from the \emph{middle} of one house, on the inner circle, to the % \emph{cusp} of another, on the outer circle. For instance, % |\horo@montrealcurve{I}{II}{III}| connects the first house cusp (that is % the boundary between the twelfth and first houses; the ascendant) on the % outside, to the midpoint of the second and third house cusps, which is the % middle of the second house, on the inside. In general it's midpoints of % succedent houses and cusps of angular houses, for a total of eight % connecting curves around the circle. Also note that we use adjusted % positions (DPos) on the inside and true positions (Pos) on the outside. % \begin{macrocode} \ifhorocalculated \ifhorodrawcusps \horo@montrealcurve{I}{II}{III}% \horo@montrealcurve{IV}{II}{III}% \horo@montrealcurve{IV}{V}{VI}% \horo@montrealcurve{VII}{V}{VI}% \horo@montrealcurve{VII}{VIII}{IX}% \horo@montrealcurve{X}{VIII}{IX}% \horo@montrealcurve{X}{XI}{XII}% \horo@montrealcurve{I}{XI}{XII}% % \end{macrocode} % % Draw cusps separating cadent from angular houses. The end result looks % like a sort of four-petalled flower, with two houses inside each petal and % one more in each of the spaces between. % \begin{macrocode} \horoforeach{\horoangularcusps}{\horoconncurve{45}{15}}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % % Finally, draw object labels. The code inside |\horo@putmontrealobj| % places the labels at different radii depending on the house type. In % general, the cusp adjustments mean that labels should not interfere % with the cusp curves, but it's imaginable in the case of heavily % overfilled houses. % \begin{macrocode} \horoforeach{\horoobjects}{\horo@putmontrealobj}% \fi }} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\horowheelQuebecCity} % As with the Montreal template, this one requires a fair bit of angular % space between object labels. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\horowheelQuebecCity}{{% \def\horooomindist{10.0}\def\horoocmindist{6.0}% % \end{macrocode} % % Set the default rounding mode, which is round to degrees keep sign, % if |\hororoundautotrue| is active. % \begin{macrocode} \ifhororoundauto\hororoundtodegkeepsign\fi % \end{macrocode} % % Draw two circles for the outside; the cusp labels will go between them. % \begin{macrocode} \put(0,0){\circle{100}}% \put(0,0){\circle{90}}% % \end{macrocode} % % Do adjustment to find nice spacing for everything. % \begin{macrocode} \horoadjust % \end{macrocode} % % Find the midpoints of all the houses and rotate the chart so that the % triangle forming the seventh house will point exactly to the right, which % means the triangle forming the first house should be very close to % pointing exactly to the left. % \begin{macrocode} \ifhorocalculated \horo@findcuspmids \let\hororightcoord=\horoCuspVIIMPos % \end{macrocode} % % The layout here is that there's a (approximate) square in the middle, with % triangles pointing out of its four sides. Those form the angular houses. % The spaces between them are each bisected by a radial, to form the % succedent and cadent houses. We draw those radials first; they are % exactly on the cusps, and go from radius 20 (which circumscribes the % near-square) to 45 (the inside of the two rim circles). % \begin{macrocode} \ifhorodrawcusps \horoputradials{CuspIII,CuspVI,CuspIX,CuspXII}{20}{25}% % \end{macrocode} % % Now the eight lines connecting the square corners to the rim to form the % triangles; these go between angular house midpoints on the outside, and % cadent house cusps (which are the square corners) on the inside. % \begin{macrocode} \horo@qcline{45}{IMPos}{20}{IIIDPos}% \horo@qcline{45}{IVMPos}{20}{IIIDPos}% \horo@qcline{45}{IVMPos}{20}{VIDPos}% \horo@qcline{45}{VIIMPos}{20}{VIDPos}% \horo@qcline{45}{VIIMPos}{20}{IXDPos}% \horo@qcline{45}{XMPos}{20}{IXDPos}% \horo@qcline{45}{XMPos}{20}{XIIDPos}% \horo@qcline{45}{IMPos}{20}{XIIDPos}% % \end{macrocode} % % Draw the square itself by connecting cusps of cadent houses. % \begin{macrocode} \horo@qcline{20}{IIIDPos}{20}{VIDPos}% \horo@qcline{20}{VIDPos}{20}{IXDPos}% \horo@qcline{20}{IXDPos}{20}{XIIDPos}% \horo@qcline{20}{XIIDPos}{20}{IIIDPos}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % % Now label the cusps. These labels go at midpoints of the houses, so we % need to copy the MPos of the houses to their DPos. % \begin{macrocode} \horocopyvar{\horocusps}{MPos}{DPos}% \ifhorodrawcusps \horoforeach{\horocusps}{\horoputcusplabel{47.5}{5}}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % % Finally, add the labels for the objects. % \begin{macrocode} \horoforeach{\horoobjects}{\horo@putqcobj}% \fi }} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % To end the file: we close the conditional, and set default values for the % calculation data so users can start typesetting charts immediately and not % worry about whether they are \emph{defining} or \emph{redefining} macros. % The default chart data is the author's. % \begin{macrocode} \fi \horocalcparms{1976}{8}{1}{17:22:19}{W123:20:38}{N48:25:53} % \end{macrocode} % \Finale \endinput