\documentclass{article} \usepackage{hereapplies} \begin{document} \title{Some title} \author{Some author} \maketitle This is concept one. To find this concept applied, please see \whereapplies{conceptOne}. This is concept two. To find this concept applied, please see \whereapplies{conceptTwo}.\newpage \hereapplies{conceptOne}This is page \thepage. As you can see, ``concept one'' applies here.\newpage \hereapplies{conceptTwo}This is page \thepage. As you can see, ``concept two'' applies here.\newpage \hereapplies{conceptOne,conceptTwo}This is page \thepage. As you can see, both ``concept one'' and ``concept two'' apply here.\newpage \hereapplies{conceptTwo}This is page \thepage. As you can see, ``concept two'' applies here.\newpage \hereapplies[myref]{conceptOne}This is page \thepage. As you can see, ``concept one'' applies here. This point in the document is labeled \texttt{myref}. \end{document}