@manual{hep-paper, title = "The |hep-paper| package", subtitle = "Publications in High Energy Physics", author = "Jan Hajer", year = "2019", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "hep-paper", related = "hep-paper-1", } @manual{hep-paper-1, doi = "10.5281/zenodo.3606436", eprinttype = "github", eprintclass = "janhajer", eprint = "hep-paper", } @manual{cleveref, title = "The |cleveref| package", subtitle = "Intelligent cross-referencing", author = "Toby Cubitt", date = "2006", url = "http://www.dr-qubit.org/cleveref.html", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "cleveref", } @manual{foreign, title = "The |foreign| package for \LaTeX2e", subtitle = "Systematic treatment of \enquote{foreign} words in documents", author = "Philip G. Ratcliffe", date = "2012", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "foreign", } @manual{geometry, title = "The |geometry| package", subtitle = "Flexible and complete interface to document dimensions", author = "David Carlisle and Hideo Umeki", date = "1996", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "geometry", related = "geometry-1", } @manual{geometry-1, eprinttype = "github", eprintclass = "davidcarlisle", eprint = "geometry", } @manual{a4wide, title = "The |a4wide| package", subtitle = "\enquote{Wide} a4 layout", author = "Alexander Holt and Jean-François Lamy", date = "1986", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "a4wide", note = "depreciated and not used", } @manual{microtype, title = "The |microtype| package", subtitle = "Subliminal refinements towards typographical perfection", author = "Robert Schlicht", date = "2004", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "microtype", } @manual{authblk, title = "A \LaTeX\ Package to Prepare Author and Affiliation Blocks", subtitle = "Support for footnote style author/affiliation", author = "Patrick W. Daly", date = "2001", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "authblk", } @manual{bm, title = "The |bm| package", subtitle = "Access bold symbols in maths mode", author = "David Carlisle and Frank Mittelbach", collaboration = "\LaTeX\ Team", date = "1993", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "bm", } @manual{empheq, title = "The |empheq| package", author = "Lars Madsen and Morten Høgholm and Will Robertson and Joseph Wright", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "empheq", } @manual{mathtools, title = "The |mathtools| package", subtitle = "Mathematical tools to use with |amsmath|", author = "Lars Madsen and Morten Høgholm and Will Robertson and Joseph Wright", date = "2004", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "mathtools", } @manual{amsmath, title = "The |amsmath| package", subtitle = "AMS mathematical facilities for \LaTeX", author = "\LaTeX", collaboration = "\LaTeX\ Team", date = "1994", url = "http://www.ams.org/tex/amslatex.html", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "amsmath", } @manual{amsfonts, title = "The |amsfonts| package", subtitle = "\TeX\ fonts from the American Mathematical Society", author = "Michael Downes and David M. Jones and Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Schöpf", collaboration = "American Mathematical Society", date = "1995", url = "http://www.ams.org/tex/amsfonts.html", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "amsfonts", } @manual{amssymb, title = "The |amssymb| package", author = "Michael Downes and David M. Jones and Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Schöpf", collaboration = "American Mathematical Society", date = "1995", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "amsfonts", } @manual{slashed, title = "The |slashed| package", subtitle = "Put a slash through characters", author = "David Carlisle", date = "1987", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "slashed", } @manual{physics, title = "The |physics| package", subtitle = "Macros supporting the Mathematics of Physics", author = "Sergio C. de la Barrera", date = "2012", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "physics", } @manual{units, title = "The |units| and |nicefrac| packages", subtitle = "Typeset units", author = "Axel Reichert", date = "1998", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "units", } @manual{subcaption, title = "The |subcaption| package", subtitle = "Support for sub-captions", author = "Axel Sommerfeldt", date = "2007", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "subcaption", } @manual{caption, title = "The |caption| package", subtitle = "Customising captions in floating environments", author = "Axel Sommerfeldt", date = "1994", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "caption", related = "caption-1", } @manual{caption-1, eprinttype = "gitlab", eprintclass = "axelsommerfeldt", eprint = "caption", } @manual{biblatex, title = "The |biblatex| Package", subtitle = "Sophisticated Bibliographies in \LaTeX", author = "Philipp Lehman and Joseph Wright and Audrey Boruvka and Philip Kime", date = "2006", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "biblatex", related = "biblatex-1", } @manual{biblatex-1, eprinttype = "github", eprintclass = "plk", eprint = "biblatex", } @manual{hyperref, title = "Hypertext marks in \LaTeX: a manual for |hyperref|", subtitle = "Extensive support for hypertext in \LaTeX", author = "Sebastian Rahtz and Heiko Oberdiek", collaboration = "\LaTeX3 Project", date = "1995", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "hyperref", related = "hyperref-1", } @manual{hyperref-1, eprinttype = "github", eprintclass = "latex3", eprint = "hyperref", } @manual{graphicx, title = "Packages in the \enquote{graphics} bundle", subtitle = "Enhanced support for graphics", author = "David Carlisle and Sebastian Rahtz", date = "1994", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "graphicx", } @manual{booktabs, title = "The |booktabs| package", subtitle = "Publication quality tables in \LaTeX", author = "Danie Els and Simon Fear", date = "1995", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "booktabs", } @manual{multirow, title = "The |multirow|, |bigstrut| and |bigdelim| packages", subtitle = "Create tabular cells spanning multiple rows", author = "Piet van Oostrum and Jerry Leichter", date = "1994", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "multirow", } @manual{fixmath, title = "The |fixmath| package for \LaTeX2\epsilon", subtitle = "Make maths comply with ISO 31-0:1992 to ISO 31-13:1992", author = "Walter Schmidt", date = "2000", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "fixmath", } @manual{alphabeta, title = "The |alphabeta| package", subtitle = "LICR macros and encoding definition files for Greek", author = "Günter Milde", date = "2013", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "greek-fontenc", } @manual{arxiv-collector, title = "arxiv-collector", author = "Dougal Sutherland", eprinttype = "github", eprintclass = "dougalsutherland", eprint = "arxiv-collector", } @manual{biber, title = "biber", author = "François Charette and Philip Kime", eprinttype = "github", eprintclass = "plk", eprint = "biber", related = "biber-1", } @manual{biber-1, eprinttype = "sourceforge", eprint = "biblatex-biber", } @manual{lmodern, title = "Latin Modern Family of Fonts", subtitle = "Latin modern fonts in outline formats", date = "2003", author = "B. Jackowski and J.M. Nowacki", url = "http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/latin-modern", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "lm", } @manual{ifluatex, title = "The |ifluatex| package", subtitle = "Provides the |\textbackslash ifluatex| switch", author = "Heiko Oberdiek", collaboration = "\LaTeX\ Team", date = "2007", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "ifluatex", } @manual{ifxetex, title = "The |iftex| package", subtitle = "Am I running under XeTeX?", collaboration = "\LaTeX\ Team", author = "Will Robertson", date = "2006", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "ifxetex", related = "ifxetex-1", } @manual{ifxetex-1, eprinttype = "github", eprintclass = "latex3", eprint = "iftex", } @manual{fontspec, title = "The |fontspec| package", author = "Will Robertson and Khaled Hosny", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "fontspec", } @manual{fontenc, title = "The |fontenc| package", subtitle = "Standard package for selecting font encodings", collaboration = "\LaTeX\ Team", author = "\LaTeX\ Team", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "fontenc", } @manual{inputenc, title = "The |inputenc| package", subtitle = "Accept different input encodings", collaboration = "\LaTeX\ Team", author = "Frank Mittelbach and Alan Jeffrey", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "inputenc", } @manual{textcomp, title = "The |textcomp| package", subtitle = "\LaTeX\ support for the Text Companion fonts", collaboration = "\LaTeX\ Team", author = "Sebastian Rahtz", date = "1995", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "textcomp", } @manual{enumitem, title = "Customizing lists with the |enumitem| package", subtitle = "Control layout of itemize, enumerate, description", author = "Javier Bezos", date = "2003", url = " http://www.texnia.com/enumitem.html", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "enumitem", related = "enumitem-1", } @manual{enumitem-1, eprinttype = "github", eprintclass = "jbezos", eprint = "enumitem", } @manual{atbegshi, title = "The |atbegshi| package", subtitle = "Execute stuff at |shipout| time", author = "Heiko Oberdiek", date = "2007", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "atbegshi", related = "atbegshi-1", } @manual{atbegshi-1, eprinttype = "github", eprintclass = "ho-tex", eprint = "atbegshi", } @manual{picture, title = "The |picture| package", subtitle = "Dimens for picture macros", author = "Heiko Oberdiek", date = "2006", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "picture", related = "picture-1", } @manual{picture-1, eprinttype = "github", eprintclass = "ho-tex", eprint = "picture", } @manual{varwidth, title = "The |varwidth| package", subtitle = "A variable-width minipage", author = "Donald Arseneau", date = "2003", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "varwidth", } @manual{csquotes, title = "The |csquotes| Package", subtitle = "Context sensitive quotation facilities", author = "Philipp Lehman and Joseph Wright", date = "2003", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "csquotes", } @manual{babel, title = "|Babel| Localization and internationalization", subtitle = "Multilingual support for Plain \TeX\ or \LaTeX", author = "Johannes Braams and Javier Bezos and at al.", date = "1989", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "babel", related = "babel-1", } @manual{babel-1, eprinttype = "github", eprintclass = "latex3", eprint = "babel", } @manual{polyglossia, title = "The |polyglossia| package", author = "Arthur Reutenauer and François Charette and Elie Roux and Bastien Roucariès and Jürgen Spitzmüller", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "polyglossia", } @manual{parskip, title = "The |parskip| package", subtitle = "Layout with zero |\textbackslash parindent|, non-zero |\textbackslash parskip|", author = "Robin Fairbairns and Frank Mittelbach and H. Partl", date = "1989", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "parskip", related = "parskip-1", } @manual{parskip-1, eprinttype = "github", eprintclass = "FrankMittelbach", eprint = "fmitex", } @manual{fntguide, title = "\LaTeX2\epsilon\ font selection", subtitle = "Docmentation of \LaTeX\ font commands", collaboration = "\LaTeX\ Team", author = "\LaTeX\ Team", date = "1995", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "fntguide", } @manual{euenc, title = "The Experimental Unicode `EUx’ Encodings", author = "Will Robertson and Elie Roux and Khaled Hosny", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "euenc", } @manual{soul, title = "The |soul| package", subtitle = "Hyphenation for letterspacing, underlining, and more", author = "Melchior Franz", date = "1998", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "soul", } @manual{glossaries, title = "The |glossaries| package", subtitle = "Create glossaries and lists of acronyms", author = "Nicola Talbot", date = "2007", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "glossaries", } @manual{glossaries-extra, title = "The |glossaries-extra| package", subtitle = "An extension to the |glossaries| package", author = "Dickimaw Books, Nicola Talbot", date = "2015", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "glossaries-extra", } @manual{xparse, title = "The |xparse| package", subtitle = "A generic document command parser", author = "Frank Mittelbach and Chris Rowley and David Carlisle", collaboration = "\LaTeX3 Project", date = "1999", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "xparse", } @manual{pdftexcmds, title = "The |pdftexcmds| package", subtitle = "LuaTeX support for pdfTeX utility functions", author = "Heiko Oberdiek", date = "2007", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "pdftexcmds", } @manual{fix-cm, title = "The |fix-cm| package", author = "Frank Mittelbach and David Carlisle and Chris Rowley and Walter Schmidt", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "fix-cm", } @manual{revtex, title = "The |revtex| package", subtitle = "Styles for various Physics Journals", author = "Mark Doyle and Arthur Ogawa", collaboration = "American Physical Society", date = "1999", url = "https://journals.aps.org/revtex", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "revtex", } @manual{encguide, title = "\LaTeX\ font encodings", subtitle = "Documentation of \LaTeX\ font encodings", author = "Frank Mittelbach and Robin Fairbairns and Werner Lemberg", collaboration = "\LaTeX3 Project Team", date = "1995", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "encguide", } @manual{sfmath, title = "The |sfmath| package", subtitle = "Sans-serif mathematics", author = "Olaf Dietrich", date = "2005", url = "http://dtrx.de/od/tex/sfmath.html", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "sfmath", } @manual{relsize, title = "The |relsize| package", subtitle = "Set the font size relative to the current font size", author = "Donald Arseneau and Matt Swift", date = "2011", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "relsize", } @manual{everyhook, title = "The |everyhook| package", subtitle = "Hooks for standard \TeX\ token lists", author = "Stephen Checkoway", date = "2010", eprinttype = "ctan", eprint = "everyhook", }