\documentclass{harnon-cv} % personal details \author{My Name} % OR - \yourname{My Name} \yournumber{1800 123 456} \youraddress{1 Smiths Road\\Smithsville OXON \\OX33 0HX} \yourwebsite{http//yourweburl.com} %personal statement \recenthistory{A bit about yourself - a mini 3 sentence summary that an employer can read to `get to know you'. This can be useful so that they can read about you `at a glance'. It is also a chance for you to sell yourself! If you leave out the line defining \emph{recent history}, then this section will not appear.} \begin{document} \maketitle % add your recent experience 'timeline' \addheadertext{Experience} \starttimeline \timelineitem{2009}{ \addsubheader{Office Manager, ACME Inc.} \addtimelinebullet{A very short line} \addtimelinebullet{A very long line to show that wraps. Note that by using the \emph{addtimelinebullet} command, the indentation is also fixed.} } \timelinespacer \timelineitem{2007}{ \addsubheader{CEO, San Antonio Spurs} \addtimelinebullet{You can even use a list inside a \emph{timeline}!} \begin{enumerate} \item List item 1 \item List item 2 \end{enumerate}\par \addtimelinebullet{Just make sure you throw in a \emph{par} when you add an item after a list otherwise following \emph{addtimelinebullets} will be indented strangely} \addtimelinebullet{A little bit of care needs to be taken with the length of your timeline items, as as page breaks will \textbf{not} occur within a \emph{timelineitem}} } \stoptimeline % add a skills section \addheadertext{Skills} \begin{itemize} \item Computers and stuff \item Basically you can build the rest of your document however you would like \item Just use the header styles to maintain \addcallout{formatting} (the word formatting was formatted using the \emph{addcallout} command). \end{itemize} \end{document}