\documentclass[a4paper]{ltxdoc} \usepackage{hang} \usepackage{polyglossia} \setdefaultlanguage{english} \setotherlanguage{latin} \newenvironment{hangingexample}{\medskip\setlength{\hangingleftmargin}{1em}}{\medskip} \newenvironment{labeledexample}{\medskip\setlength{\labeledleftmargin}{1em}}{\medskip} \newcommand{\lipsum}{\textlatin{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut purus elit, vestibulum ut, placerat ac, adipiscing vitae, felis.}} \setlength{\parindent}{1em} \setlength{\leftmargini}{\parindent} \frenchspacing \sloppy \begin{document} \title{\textsf{hang} -- environments for hanging \\ paragraphs and list items} \author{Andreas Nolda} \date{2017/02/18 (v.\,2.1)} \maketitle \noindent The \textsf{hang} package provides environments for hanging paragraphs and list items. In addition, it defines environments for labeled paragraphs and list items. \section{Hanging paragraphs and list items} A \emph{hanging} paragraph or list item is a text block where all lines but the first one are indented by some \meta{length}: \begin{hangingexample} \begin{hangingpar} \lipsum \end{hangingpar} \end{hangingexample} \DescribeMacro{\hangingindent} In the following environments, the indentation \meta{length} defaults to |1em|. It is controlled by the |\hangingindent| length, which can be changed as follows: \begin{quote} |\setlength{\hangingindent}{|\meta{length}|}| \end{quote} \DescribeMacro{\hangingleftmargin} The left margin of the whole hanging paragraph or list item equals the |\hangingleftmargin| length, which defaults to zero. In the above example, it is set to |1em| with |\setlength|. \subsection{Hanging paragraphs} \DescribeMacro{hangingpar} The |hangingpar| environment sets \emph{single} hanging paragraphs: \begin{quote} |\begin{hangingpar}| \\ \meta{text} \\ |\end{hangingpar}| \end{quote} \subsection{Hanging list items} \DescribeMacro{hanginglist} The |hanginglist| environment sets one or more hanging list items: \begin{quote} |\begin{hanginglist}| \\ |\item |\meta{text} \\ \vdots \\ |\end{hanginglist}| \end{quote} \pagebreak \DescribeMacro{compacthang} The |compacthang| environment sets one or more hanging list items without vertical space: \begin{quote} |\begin{compacthang}| \\ |\item |\meta{text} \\ \vdots \\ |\end{compacthang}| \end{quote} \section{Labeled paragraphs and list items} A \emph{labeled} paragraph or list item consist of a \meta{label} and a text block, which is indented by some \meta{length}: \begin{labeledexample} \begin{labeledpar}{\meta{label}}{\meta{label}} \lipsum \end{labeledpar} \end{labeledexample} The following environments set the indentation \meta{length} to the width of their \meta{widest\textunderscore label} argument. \DescribeMacro{\labeledleftmargin} The left margin of the whole labeled paragraph or list item (including the \meta{label}) equals the |\labeledleftmargin| length, which defaults to zero, too. In the above example, it is again set to |1em|. \subsection{Labeled paragraphs} \DescribeMacro{labeledpar} The |labeledpar| environment sets \emph{single} labeled paragraphs: \begin{quote} |\begin{labeledpar}{|\meta{widest\textunderscore label}|}{|\meta{label}|}| \\ \meta{text} \\ |\end{labeledpar}| \end{quote} \subsection{Labeled list items} \DescribeMacro{labeledlist} The |labeledlist| environment sets one or more labeled list items: \begin{quote} |\begin{labeledlist}{|\meta{widest\textunderscore label}|}| \\ |\item[|\meta{label}|]|\meta{text} \\ \vdots \\ |\end{labeledlist}| \end{quote} \DescribeMacro{compactlabel} The |compactlabel| environment sets one or more labeled list items without vertical space: \begin{quote} |\begin{compactlabel}{|\meta{widest\textunderscore label}|}| \\ |\item[|\meta{label}|]|\meta{text} \\ \vdots \\ |\end{compactlabel}| \end{quote} \end{document}