% This file is public domain % If you are using arara, you need the following directives: % arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on } % arara: makeglossaries % arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on } % %http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/glossaries-user.html#sample-newkeys \documentclass{article} \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} \usepackage[nopostdot,nogroupskip]{glossaries} \glsaddkey*% star version needed as default value needs expanding {ed}% key {\glsentrytext{\glslabel}ed}% default value {\glsentryed}% command analogous to \glsentrytext {\Glsentryed}% command analogous to \Glsentrytext {\glsed}% command analogous to \glstext {\Glsed}% command analogous to \Glstext {\GLSed}% command analogous to \GLStext \glsaddkey* {ing}% key {\glsentrytext{\glslabel}ing}% default value {\glsentrying}% command analogous to \glsentrytext {\Glsentrying}% command analogous to \Glsentrytext {\glsing}% command analogous to \glstext {\Glsing}% command analogous to \Glstext {\GLSing}% command analogous to \GLStext \makeglossaries \newglossaryentry{jump}{name={jump},description={}} \newglossaryentry{run}{name={run},% ed={ran},% ing={running}, description={}} \newglossaryentry{waddle}{name={waddle},% ed={waddled},% ing={waddling},% description={}} \begin{document} This is a sample document illustrating how to add new glossary entry keys. The dog \glsed{jump} over the duck. The duck was \glsing{waddle} round the dog. The dog \glsed{run} away from the duck. First letter uppercase: \Glsed{jump}, \Glsing{jump}, \Glsed{waddle}, \Glsing{waddle}, \Glsed{run}, \Glsing{run}. All uppercase: \GLSed{jump}, \GLSing{jump}, \GLSed{waddle}, \GLSing{waddle}, \GLSed{run}, \GLSing{run}. \printglossaries \end{document}