% This file is public domain % If you want to use arara, you need the following directives: % arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on } % arara: makeglossaries % arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on } \documentclass{report} \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} \usepackage[acronym,% create list of acronyms % The package option "nomain" is used here to suppress the % main glossary, since this example doesn't use it. If you % want to use the main glossary, remove the "nomain" option. nomain ]{glossaries} \makeglossaries % This is a sample file to illustrate how to define a custom % acronym style. This example defines the acronyms so that on first use % they display the short form in the text and with the long form % and description in a footnote. In the main body of the % document the short form will be displayed in small caps, but in % the list of acronyms the short form is displayed in normal % capitals. To ensure this, the short form should be written in % lower case when the acronym is defined, and \MakeTextUppercase is % used when it's displayed in the list of acronyms. \newacronymstyle{custom-fn}% new style name {% Check for long form in case of a mixed glossary \ifglshaslong{\glslabel}{\glsgenacfmt}{\glsgenentryfmt}% }% {% Style definitions: % User needs to supply the description: \renewcommand*{\GenericAcronymFields}{}% % Need to ensure hyperlinks are switched off on first use: \glshyperfirstfalse % Redefine the commands used by \glsgenacfmt on first use: \renewcommand*{\genacrfullformat}[2]{% \firstacronymfont{\glsentryshort{##1}}##2% \footnote{\glsentrylong{##1}: \glsentrydesc{##1}}% }% \renewcommand*{\Genacrfullformat}[2]{% \firstacronymfont{\Glsentryshort{##1}}##2% \footnote{\glsentrylong{##1}: \glsentrydesc{##1}}% }% \renewcommand*{\genplacrfullformat}[2]{% \firstacronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##1}}##2% \footnote{\glsentrylongpl{##1}: \glsentrydesc{##1}}% }% \renewcommand*{\Genplacrfullformat}[2]{% \firstacronymfont{\Glsentryshortpl{##1}}##2% \footnote{\glsentrylongpl{##1}: \glsentrydesc{##1}}% }% % Redefine the no-link full forms: \renewcommand*{\glsentryfull}[1]{% \glsentrylong{##1}\space(\acronymfont{\glsentryshort{##1}})% }% \renewcommand*{\Glsentryfull}[1]{% \Glsentrylong{##1}\space(\acronymfont{\glsentryshort{##1}})% }% \renewcommand*{\glsentryfullpl}[1]{% \glsentrylongpl{##1}\space(\acronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##1}})% }% \renewcommand*{\Glsentryfullpl}[1]{% \Glsentrylongpl{##1}\space(\acronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##1}})% }% % Redefine the link full forms: \renewcommand*{\acrfullfmt}[3]{% \glslink[##1]{##2}{% \glsentrylong{##2}##3\space(\acronymfont{\glsentryshort{##2}})% }% }% \renewcommand*{\Acrfullfmt}[3]{% \glslink[##1]{##2}{% \Glsentrylong{##2}##3\space(\acronymfont{\glsentryshort{##2}})% }% }% \renewcommand*{\ACRfullfmt}[3]{% \glslink[##1]{##2}{% \MakeTextUppercase{% \glsentrylong{##2}##3\space (\acronymfont{\glsentryshort{##2}})% }% }% }% \renewcommand*{\acrfullplfmt}[3]{% \glslink[##1]{##2}{% \glsentrylongpl{##2}##3\space (\acronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##2}})% }% }% \renewcommand*{\Acrfullplfmt}[3]{% \glslink[##1]{##2}{% \Glsentrylongpl{##2}##3\space (\acronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##2}})% }% }% \renewcommand*{\ACRfullplfmt}[3]{% \glslink[##1]{##2}{% \MakeTextUppercase{% \glsentrylongpl{##2}##3\space (\acronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##2}})% }% }% }% % Use smallcaps for the acronym in the document text: \renewcommand*{\acronymfont}[1]{\textsc{##1}}% \renewcommand*{\acrpluralsuffix}{\glstextup{\glspluralsuffix}}% % Sort acronyms according to the long form: \renewcommand*{\acronymsort}[2]{##2}% % Set the name in the list of acronyms to the long form followed by % the short form (in upper case) in parentheses: \renewcommand*{\acronymentry}[1]{% \Glsentrylong{##1}\space(\MakeTextUppercase{\glsentryshort{##1}})}% } % Now set the new acronym style (to override the default style) \setacronymstyle{custom-fn} % Set an appropriate glossary style: \setglossarystyle{altlist} % Now define the acronyms (must be done after setting the custom % style) \newacronym[description={set of tags for use in developing hypertext documents}]{html}{html}{hyper text markup language} \newacronym[description={language used to describe the layout of a document written in a markup language}]{css}{css}{cascading style sheet} \begin{document} \gls{css}. \gls{html}. \gls{css}. \gls{html}. No-link full forms: \glsentryfull{css}, \Glsentryfull{css}. Linking full forms: \acrfull{css}, \Acrfull{css}, \ACRfull{css}. Linking with insert: \acrfull{css}['s], \Acrfull{css}['s], \ACRfull{css}['s]. Now test plurals. No-link full forms: \glsentryfullpl{html}, \Glsentryfullpl{html}. Linking full forms: \acrfullpl{html}, \Acrfullpl{html}, \ACRfullpl{html}. Linking with insert: \acrfullpl{html}['s], \Acrfullpl{html}['s], \ACRfullpl{html}['s]. \printglossaries \end{document}