% This file is embedded in glossaries-user.pdf % Example 2 Simple document with unsorted glossaries % Label: "ex:simpleunsrt" % arara: pdflatex % arara: pdfcrop \documentclass[12pt]{article} \pagestyle{empty} \usepackage[ sort=none,% no sorting or indexing required abbreviations,% create list of abbreviations symbols,% create list of symbols postdot, % append a full stop after the descriptions stylemods,style=index % set the default glossary style ]{glossaries-extra} \newglossaryentry % glossaries.sty {cafe}% label {% definition: name={café}, description={small restaurant selling refreshments} } \setabbreviationstyle{long-short}% glossaries-extra.sty \newabbreviation % glossaries-extra.sty {html}% label {HTML}% short form {hypertext markup language}% long form % requires glossaries-extra.sty 'symbols' option \glsxtrnewsymbol [description={Archimedes' constant}]% options {pi}% label {\ensuremath{\pi}}% symbol % This is a trivial example. For a real document I recommend you use siunitx for units \newglossaryentry % glossaries.sty {distance}% label {% definition: name={distance}, description={the length between two points}, symbol={m} } \begin{document} First use: \gls{cafe}, \gls{html}, \gls{pi}. Next use: \gls{cafe}, \gls{html}, \gls{pi}. \Gls{distance} is measured in \glssymbol{distance}. \printunsrtglossaries % list all defined entries \end{document}