glossaries change log: v4.49 (2021-11-01): * glossary-list.sty: - bug fix #187: Compilation fails if hyperref is loaded and the style is listhypergroup - bug fix #188: Glossary style `list' undefined with v4.46 rollback v4.48 (2021-10-19): * glossary-list.sty: - bug fix #186: list style with entrycounter has problematic unexpanded content This bug fix adds the following new commands: \glslistinit \glslistexpandedname * glossaries.sty: - new command \glsunexpandedfieldvalue (provided for use in \glslistexpandedname) - new command \glscapitalisewords (defaults to \capitalisewords) provides a way to switch to \capitalisefmtwords if required v4.47 (2021-09-20): * added new files containing dummy entries for testing: - example-glossaries-longchild.tex - example-glossaries-childmultipar.tex * glossaries.sty: - Rollback to v4.46 is available, if necessary: \usepackage{glossaries}[=v4.46] - bug fix #173 (.glsdefs not updated if entry definition modified) This bug fix has also led to support for the use of the 'see' key within the document environment. ** Delete your .glsdefs files on upgrading ** Note that this update slightly changes the format of the .glsdefs file. If you have a system that parses this file (for example, to pick up labels for autocompletion) it will need to be modified. Old format: \ifglsentryexists{